Are_we__sure ago

I know what illicit code looks like and there is code in the emails.

What bullshit. A load of confirmation bias posing as discernment.

Gaslighting​? Hogwash.

Tell me what Podesta is talking about when he mentions pasta with walnut sauce. I'm told this is 100% code.

Altmight ago

That rape vid IS PODESTA. The kid calls him JOHN! When podesta says whats my name. Who ever tries to debunk that vid is a fucking jew shill. Its clearly John Podestas voice, demeanor and attitude when mad/psychotic. And the kid calls him John CASE CLOSED.

Silverlining ago

I am sorry for what has happened to your first submission. People should be ashamed of themselves for the beating they have given you. How are we going to persuade people if when they dip their toe into the water they get drowned?

HelloEverybody ago

I hear where you're coming from, but it does seem as though my post got a lot of people here talking and debating so I think it was at least somewhat of a success. As for finding new info...I said this already but I'll reiterate here. I'm not an investigator and I'll be the first to admit that I personally am not capable of getting ahold of any information that wouldn't otherwise be here first. I'm not a hacker or insider, just somebody trying to keep up and tell people about any new findings. You can say I'm worthless and wasting everybody's time, but I feel as though the only reason I got so much feedback here (helpful or not) was because what I said resonated and was at least somewhat true.

millennial_vulcan ago

Don't flatter yourself, you f*cking shill.

Commoner ago

you need to be an investigator. you most likely have as much talent as anyone here.

silverbug ago

The Miley Cyress Pizza attire IS PIZZA GATE.. what the hell is wrong with you? Thus guy is a FRAUD no doubt,, Anyone who doesnt see that pizza is CODE for Pedophillia then you shouldn't be on this friggen thread. I hope some day we can get back the basics on JAMES A and the Podesta emails..

privatepizza ago

This info is from an anon, telling us that the second part of the Seth Rich OANN special will air tomorrow at 11am eastern time. He says IT'S GONNA BE MESSY. Let's see if your theory's right tomorrow.

HelloEverybody ago

When I criticized anons and whistleblowers I specifically meant the people who seem to bait everybody with conspiracies and provide no new information. Any new info from an anon is useful. Baiting is no better than trolling. I promise I'm not a troll.

privatepizza ago

In your own words -

And let's talk about the elephant in the room...anons and "whistleblowers." We need to be more careful about who we choose to represent our movement. I really don't want to name names here, but I think you all get the picture. Don't allow the "fake news" narrative to become reality.

I didn't say or infer that you said the Seth Rich story was fake. I was referencing your comment above about 'the elephant in the room', 'fake whistleblowers and anons' and your advice that we shouldn't trust them lest we be thrown into the 'fake news' basket.

And.... I was highlighting in my reply that anon's can and do provide us with real news and leads. We appreciate that some may be disinfo, and we investigate in order to decide.

It seems I misunderstood your comments in the OP, and understand your meaning now from your reply above.

HelloEverybody ago

I never said the Seth Rich story was fake. I believe somebody already asked me what I thought were good topics to continue to pursue and one of the first things I said was Seth Rich. Absolutely relevant. Why are you being dishonest?

Edit: Grammar

DerivaUK ago

Some good leads can often be found within the most dubious or innocuous sources. To decipher what is an isn't useful involves dismantling the wheat from the chaff. That's where the work gets done. Don't just observe then think this qualifies you to criticise or try to advise, get stuck in with the rest of us.

privatepizza ago

So let me get this straight; we shouldn't post anything about the Worldcorp video, we shouldn't listen to anon whistleblowers, we should only use MSM sources to links, cut out comments about Jewish people and leave the troll posts up.

Right. Thanks for your concern (( trolling ))

HelloEverybody ago

You're taking me out of context and twisting my words. But I think you already know that.

millennial_vulcan ago

You're a f*cking TWAT. WE ALREADY KNOW THAT.

lawfag123 ago

If I see another source from something like yournewswire

Vindicator ago

@HelloEverybody: You've made a number of excellent points and this post has earned many comments; I don't want to have to remove it per Rule 4. Unfortunately, you've provided links to no examples of the things you discuss -- this is an unsourced discussion post -- and those belong in v/pizzagatewhatever.

Please take a few moments to select the text of several of your examples, click the link button that looks like a chain in the formatting buttons (it's #3), and insert a url for each example you highlight in the box. That way this post will be sourced, satisfying Rule 2.

You can find dozens of PGStupid posts to link to in Removed Submissions, which is at the bottom of the sidebar on the right (view desktop site on mobile).

There is a link to a thread giving numerous search options at the top of the sidebar, so you can easily find the examples you need.


neverobey ago

@vindicator Actually it violates every single rule and it is dividing us.

HelloEverybody ago

I linked a few examples. I will edit more tomorrow if necessary, but I have to get up early so please forgive me for now.

Vindicator ago


HelloEverybody ago

Thank you. This is my first post on here so I was unclear on how to go about this. I will edit it now. :)

icuntstopswearing ago

Baptism by fire! Apart from the shills there are plenty of big egos battling against each other on here, and you got caught in the cross-fire. I agree with you in that shills' comments should be left up so we can see what they are really pushing back at. Thanks for your comments.

ArmedExorcist ago

We need both, facts and context. No need to frown on pizza-clad Miley Syrius posts. It's relevant to context. This is how we infer the meaning of code-words pedos use. It's a 10K piece puzzle. Key pieces could be sometimes hard to see under a pile of boring/bizarre/mundane crap. Yes, every serious investigation will result in a number of dead-end searches. And the disinfo out three is getting more and more subtle and pernicious. GW will soon be replaced with another "independent investigator" with entries in higher places & in the alphabet agencies and who will be coming with a huge revelation next Frednesday. Don't fall for it. Don't hope for a "savior" and don't expect a "miracle". Be a "savior" yourself in whatever small ways you can. The biggest "miracle" is getting the word out to others in credible & convincing ways.

RweSure ago

First and foremost, I believe PG has evolved. This is obviously no longer just about CPP and Podesta's emails. *In fact, one could even argue that the original conspiracy was so overwhelmingly "debunked" by MSM because it was all a distraction to make us all look like kooky conspiracy theorists who had no credibility. *

What are you claiming here? That the Podesta emails show evidence of a child trafficking ring involving Comet Ping Pong was a deliberate fake? That the mainstream media drove this theory? Because that is not what happened. It sounds like you are admitting there is nothing there, but still trying to keep the original charge alive somehow.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I agree. The snakes did become aggressive when nearly cornered.

Mencomot ago

We need the mediocre and terrible content to measure contrast between that and good content which is how we democratically define our collective focus.

neverobey ago

@HelloEverybody says:

"If I knew where to look myself I would have been making posts on here ages ago. I'm not an investigator and I don't claim to be better than anybody else (…) But I just don't have the tools or experience to investigate any of this myself. I come here to see updates on the investigating. I'm not capable of doing it myself. I just want to make sure accurate information is posted here is all. I hope that cleared up my point."

So why bother us? Why do you listen to that, folks??? It is the personal opinion of ONE stranger who doesn't know anything about investigating but knows which facts are leads and which are not? C'mon!

Votescam ago

Hello --

As I read the website, what I find the most discrediting to our posters and the website are the hate-filled anti-Jewish comments and anti-Jewish rants.

Actually, I'm not sure that simply down-voting them is enough.

But, I would like to add here again that all people everywhere are the same and we all want the same things -- the ability to live in peace, to be left alone, the right to free conscience and free thought. And not to be bystanders when our government is being corrupted and children are being tortured.

Sadly, among every group there are always a few who will resort to violence. And humanity so far has never found a way to deal with that violence of the few.

Again, no group of people are totally evil - not men, not women, no race, no nationality


As for the Miley Cyrus pizza outfit ... haven't seen it. And the "Fatherhood" video I can't possibly make any sense of it ... but someone here just might.

And as for "fake news" that we've all been subjected to by MSM over and over again, I'm more worried about THAT fake news than I am about sources here. If the source doesn't work to support the statements, let's just say that.

Unfortunately, the times are proving that discussions of UFO's, ET's and Chemtrails and even Global Warming now which have been blocked by MSM and treated as taboo subjects on some websites, should likely receive more attention.

And, again, here . . .

And let's talk about the elephant in the room...anons and "whistleblowers." We need to be more careful about who we choose to represent our movement. I really don't want to name names here, but I think you all get the picture. Don't allow the "fake news" narrative to become reality.>

We've all shown clearly here, imo, that we know who the "fake news" people are. But I also like that we aren't so fearful that we can't actually listen to someone who suggests they need to be "anonymous" to relate some information, or someone claiming to be a "whistleblower" with some information. I don't see the harm in giving them a chance.

But neither do I see them being treated here as "people we've chosen to represent our movement."

I do agree that Pizzagate has evolved, but I think somehow that CPP and Podesta emails will remain the heart of the investigation.

HelloEverybody ago

Thanks for the helpful reply. I completely forgot about all the anti-semitism while typing. I may just edit that in my post.

I also don't mind giving any anons claiming to have information a chance. I just think we need to be careful. My worry is that we're all going to get trolled and embarrassed by somebody posing as an ally and this whole thing will lose credibility. That's it really. There were a few people floating around here with posts that were blowing up for a while with information that turned out to be crap, but were still trusted largely by the community. That whole part was mostly targeted to them to let them know that some people like me have caught on.

And yes, Podesta and CPP will always be at the heart of this. And I don't even mind theorizing. False information is just not a good thing, is all. I think we mostly know that here but I felt it was important to reiterate because you do tend to see some wild speculation involving pizza and symbolism which is clearly not very productive.

Pretty sure we mostly agree here and I'm just not great at wording things. Thanks for the comment!

Votescam ago

Hello -- Actually, I don't feel that we are in agreement as I do not feel the fear you have over Pizzagate losing credibility, nor your fear of being "embarrassed" ... Neither do I see a community here "trusting crap posts" or "wild speculation involving pizza and symbolism."

My worry is that we're all going to get trolled and embarrassed by somebody posing as an ally and this whole thing will lose credibility.> There were a few people floating around here with posts that were blowing up for a while with information that turned out to be crap, but were still trusted largely by the community. That whole part was mostly targeted to them to let them know that some people like me have caught on.

but I felt it was important to reiterate because you do tend to see some wild speculation involving pizza and symbolism which is clearly not very productive.

HelloEverybody ago

I stand by what I said. To an outsider, if any of it is BS, it's all BS. The PG community doesn't exactly have the most credible reputation and you'd be pulling shades over your eyes to believe otherwise.

neverobey ago

So someone reading voat for some times joins in, gives advices and we shall be thankful for that? Best possibility is: You are just a little to much loving yourself and are an arrogant person. Worst possibility: Shill, Baby! This submission doesn't care about ANY rule for v/Pizzagate while it criticises other posts here?! And people are listening like they're listening to George Webb. Please people, don't search for shepards, don't be sheep!

Thanks, @HelloEverybody, but please stop pushing your own beliefs. If I believe in God, Aliens or whatever should never be our focus. I read every theory. I don't care if it fits our known narrative and I don't know why a call to closing our mind should be helpful. Please, just delete this arrogant thread. Thanks.

Judgejewdy ago

Yup, once again a shit post gets left up by mods.

SoldierofLight ago

Well said, @neverobey.

millennial_vulcan ago

exactly what I said. He needs to f*ck off, the imbecile.

neverobey ago

It totally fits a shilling technique. Because we're now at a time where we're facing a big lack of new informations. It's exactly the time for trying to devide us. Stop researching, let's argue and start hating each other … even if it really was meant to be constructive it's just not thought through.

Judgejewdy ago

To go back to your statement about no new information...No one liked my post about WL being scrubbed (for some reason people think I'm lying) and a new research technique being compare the current scrubbed version to an accurate archived version I know someone on here must have/have access to), see what was removed, and there are your new leads. They removed them for a reason.

ArthurEdens ago

I still maintain that the only thing that will make an impact are videos of the suspects ritualing and raping kids leaked out to the public. A mountain of evidence won't do shit. Even if it goes to trial. You need those videos, and you need them viral, period.

Judgejewdy ago

N C ME C should have all of it. That's part of why they get $40 million a year of our hard earned (tax-payer) money - to catalog and archive all of it. Interesting, no?

ArthurEdens ago

What is NC ME C? I don't know this story.

Laskar ago

NCMEC = National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

It's a front.

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you sir

Laskar ago

You are most welcome.

Judgejewdy ago

NCMEC, "the national clearinghouse and resource center for families, victims, private organizations, law enforcement and the public on issues relating to missing and sexually exploited children." (

This same organization:

"has reviewed more than 192 million images and videos" of child sexual exploitation ( - that's access to a heck of a lot of child porn created an international network of 22 countries, INTERPOL, and the UN through its creation of the INTERNATIONAL Center for Missing and Exploited Children ( "encourages the creation of [inter]national operational centers built on a public-private partnership model, and leads global financial and industry coalitions..." ( is funded by Congress (receives $40 million a year) but is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) - making it impossible for citizens to determine how effectively or quickly child victims are being searched for, identified and located took over a critical child pornography database for identifying victims from the FBI has access to secure law enforcement databases, warehouses illegal child pornography images and has federal agents working under its roof Attorney and author Andrew Vachss ( calls the agency “the Blackwater of Child Protection.” ( Interestingly... "Many in the law enforcement world resent the power and funding Congress has given to NCMEC and fear its political influence. “I’d rather piss on a Mafia boss’ shoes than piss off NCMEC,” one former child pornography investigator told PROTECT. That sentiment is whispered among law enforcement nationwide." (

I won't even get into their abysmal statistics. Take a look for yourselves and see if the reported data adds up (especially given, you know, how well funded and well connected they are):

Another source from 2010:

ArthurEdens ago

This is really good. You should copypasta your post into its own thread word for word.

Laskar ago

I already made a post about this. It actually happened in Italy. Arrests were made too. My post got only a few views people just did not get it--too busy posting copycat posts of MSM garbage. Many sources are being scrubbed and information is getting harder to find.

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you for the link. Yes, something like this has to happen or we are all just spinning our wheels.

millennial_vulcan ago

Agree @ArthurEdens Hard to stomach though.

Laskar ago

People pretend they want to do something, or "research" this topic, but what i see is a lot of repetition and no attention to the real issues.

At this point, when I look at VOAT, I am reminded of the saying "to control the opposition we have to be the opposition". It's worked for them in the past and it's certainly working now.

ArthurEdens ago

Nailed it on the head

Laskar ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Great points, guys.

SoldierofLight ago

I missed that post. Thanks for pointing it out. I encourage you to post it again at some point.

Laskar ago

Thanks for the encouragement. At this point, I am at a loss to continue posting when I see what silliness is going on here. I appreciate your words and think you must be correct, perhaps there are different people on VOAT now and they are not aware of this story. There was a lot in the European press about it, but a real blackout here, jsut as the censors here remove stories that are posted about certain (((people))).

SoldierofLight ago

It's terribly frustrating, but if we give up, what happens? Most normies don't even know about the Jacob Schwartz story out of New York thanks to the MSN blockade. How do those people sleep at night?

You give me strength, and I hope I give you some in return. Stay strong. They need us to keep going.

Laskar ago

Thank you, Soldier of Light, of course you are right. And yes, you do give strength; I know you are focusing on what is truly important.

I guess you mean this Jacob Schwartz:

Look at how few votes this got:

Thanks to people like you, I won't give up just yet.

SoldierofLight ago

Just upvoted that post of yours ( and commented, with the hope of getting it more attention. That's a thread with proof, leads, an arrest, known victims, and likely part of a larger network of pedophiles. It's a thread with a lot more substance than many others on this sub.

And yes, the de Blasio staffer is exactly who I was referring to. I posted that article on my Facebook page along with some commentary about how other than the Post, no mainstream media outlets covered it. Only alternative news sources, and so who is really the Fake News? But as for a response to my post, crickets. People need to put aside their politics and pull their heads out of the sand. It's falling to us to carry the weight until they wake up. I know I'm new to this, but in my gut, I believe that 2017 will be the year when people have to decide who and what they stand for. 20,000 plus years of bullshit is about to hit the fan. I was reminded of this a few minutes ago when two fighter jets escorted a troop carrier plane below radar over my house. The level of military activity where I live is noticeably high and getting more evident all the time. Shit's gonna break one way or the other. But I believe in my heart of hearts that the light will soon shine in all the dark places. Let's stay strong together.

Laskar ago

Thank you for that.

Yes, I believe you are correct in what you wrote, particularly about this year (and I believe 2018) as well, though we may have come at it from different beginnings. Truth is Truth and needs no defense--it will triumph to be sure.

It has always been a battle between good and evil both in this world and in each person's heart.

There is much to be learned from the 20th century bloodbath of 70 years duration during which there were 80 million martyrs. The ones who survived have quite a story to tell and it is a story that in the beginning starts out the same as what we see before us today with the obliteration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This is one of my favorite Solzhenitsyn quotes---his books are amazing: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” --from The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

SoldierofLight ago

I'm not a Christian (or religious for that matter) but the phrase "Like lambs to the slaughter" comes to mind. Some of my most favorite writers and film makers were the old Russians like Pushkin, Tolstoy, and the director Alexander Room. Best that I don't research their history at this point as I'm finding that all my old heroes were actually members of the Dark Forces.

Laskar ago

Have you read "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"? It was written by an atheist, Estonian guy who spent years int he old KGB archives. It is an amazing read.

He also made an excellent film called "In the Shadow of Hermes"--it has English subs, and I could not recommend it highly enough:

Pushkin was crypto Jew who wrote good poetry, Tolstoy started off great, but went psycho in his later years (poisoned?).

Read Dostoevsky--esp Brothers Karamazov--so great.

SoldierofLight ago

I'll check those out. I like Dostoevsky but love Tolstoy-- but like you, his earlier works. I always wondered about the circumstances of his death and what led up to it-- the truth versus the official narrative.

Laskar ago

I see now that everything I learned in school or is simply public/general knowledge about historical figures and events is completely wrong and written solely for the purpose of disinformation.

SoldierofLight ago

It's astonishing, isn't it? I'm trying to downsize my material possessions and my books have always been sacred to me. But now, there are so many I want nothing to do with because I realize they're filled with lies.

Laskar ago

I'm in the same boat, book wise. I'm so glad I've got a pretty decent library.

HelloEverybody ago

Perhaps anything is true, yeah, sure. I just think the MSM tried to make this whole thing seem completely lacking in credibility with the whole "fake news" thing. Posting factually inaccurate information from actual fake news sites will only prove their side right in the eyes of somebody like me who just happened to stumble upon this community. Feel free to keep in contact and ask questions. I'm more than happy to communicate and prove I'm honest however I can.

RweSure ago

It's lacking in credibility because the entire theory was started by political partisans who made a code that John Podesta was supposedly using. The lack of credibility was baked into the pizza so to speak.

Let me give an example. What does pasta with walnut sauce mean to you?

Lovethelight ago

.....what does dominoes on pasta, dominoes on pizza mean to you?

RweSure ago

Playing dominoes after eating pasta. And the other option was cheese.

He used to give Christmas gifts of pasta and sauce and switched one year to cheese

millennial_vulcan ago

Why do I feel like YOU'RE the "PG Iz Retarded" shill, just trying out a new tact to ensure your laughable posts stay up?

madhatter67 ago

If it took them months to come up with a strategy besides calling us conspiritards!

If that's the best they got they really are in trouble

HelloEverybody ago

Yes. Now I'm trying my 7-D chess tactic of sarcasm. How is it working?

millennial_vulcan ago

Your mom, asshole.

ArthurEdens ago

I get a similar vibe

mooteensy ago

Sure seems like it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Great minds...

Gothamgirl ago

I missed the lizards, bet that was as comical as the flat earthers, anti gunners, & weaponized feminist.

HelloEverybody ago

Look, if anybody can convince me that lizard people are real and the earth is flat, I'm open to it. Just show me the evidence.

millennial_vulcan ago

Look in the mirror for the "lizards are real" part.

jangles ago

The earth can be perceived as flat when the relative reference is not bound by gravity. We typically use gravity in our perspectives so this is very odd yet mathematically realizable. The term lizard people comes from family lines that are just lists of old kings and elitists, many quacks there yet that community has seen people disclose outstanding information if you just realize that they were talking about the Rothchilds (will try to find the exact blog post). That being said ~98.3% is wack and idiotic.

This is my best attempt to convince you - do I get a prize?

neverobey ago

this kind of attitude! "You believe in anything? Well, convince me!" Why should anyone? Believe what you like, do your own researchs and stop distracting the community.

Commoner ago

I can understand what you are saying, but I am more willing to believe those theories than anything CNN or MSNBC or any other MSM, is pushing.

Votescam ago

Terrific summation --- !!!

Wish I had said that -- !!


Commoner ago

What do you think are some of the facts we should focus on? What sources do you think are good and trustworthy?

HelloEverybody ago

The Clintons, Podesta's other controversy, Seth Rich, Brock, Silsby, Epstein, Weiner, the DNC, Soros...again, I'm not saying the original conspiracy isn't true. I'm simply saying we need to focus on facts. And in terms of sources, again, avoid the space reptile stuff and anons baiting is all. Should I name names? I just didn't want to start beef initially but it seems everybody is at my throat right now so I'm happy to continue talking to prove I have honest intentions.

Commoner ago

please don' think I'm being snarky, but those are not facts. Those are what I would call search words. And that is where I think we all run into problems. Where do we search to get more facts? Searching those names only brings up so much that is already out there. I guess I am looking for suggestions on where to look.

HelloEverybody ago

If I knew where to look myself I would have been making posts on here ages ago. I'm not an investigator and I don't claim to be better than anybody else. I understand where you're coming from. But I just don't have the tools or experience to investigate any of this myself. I come here to see updates on the investigating. I'm not capable of doing it myself. I just want to make sure accurate information is posted here is all. I hope that cleared up my point.

SoldierofLight ago

We're citizen investigators. Nobody taught us how to do this. We're trying to figure it out as we go because we want to stop the violence against the victims. You say you can't investigate. Well, lots of times we find stuff simply by Googling it. Even throwing in a small clue you think you MIGHT have found by doing an Internet search, as @Carmencita said, could be helpful. If you're not comfortable with that, share some of the stuff we find on your Facebook account, Twitter, other social media to raise awareness. Print up flyers with Pizzagate memes and leave them in public places, anonymously. Really, there are so many more productive things you can do than criticize us from afar. We're doing the best we can. Do we make mistakes sometimes? Maybe. But I'll take our record against many of the government officials (including presidents) who we've been paying to represent us our entire lives and who are supposed to represent the people.

carmencita ago

I could not have said it better. Thank you. And thank you for what you are doing. This is not what we had ever thought we would have to do.

Judgejewdy ago

Shittiest shit of the shit I just shit myself. Shit.

Commoner ago

I agree that we should all focus on facts; however, in order to connect those facts and find the smoking gun, we need to look at all the possible theories out there. We need to go down all the rabbit holes to see what is there. Sometimes, it is the most obscure insignificant piece of information that makes all the other pieces fit together.

carmencita ago

Amen. My exact feelings. You and I are not talking about throwing stuff against the wall to see if it sticks . We are talking about real possibilities that might or could be true. Until we hit pay dirt we will just have to keep doing hard research. Yes, it is hard, but that is the only way we will get that Pot of Gold, those that attacked Seth Rich.and the accomplices.

RweSure ago

What if there's no pot of gold?

carmencita ago

That is the difference between you and us. We believe and you don't.

RweSure ago

Yes, I think credulity is a giant problem on this board.

Now obviously I believe some things as well, but I feel our approach to belief is different. I believe things where there is solid support for them and the totality of the evidence is coherent.

HelloEverybody ago

Yes exactly. I'm willing to believe just about anything in this crazy world, just show me the facts.

carmencita ago

I have done tons of research and I know that sometimes going down that dark alley, even though it is scary, you might just hit pay dirt. This is what LE and PIs do, they start at the beginning and go down the list. Sometimes the very clues you think were just too crazy, or someone made you believe were CT or not feasible may be the answer you were looking for.

HelloEverybody ago

I agree. The only problem I see here is when actual fake news articles show up from a weird source with no context, only to lead to a follow up post from another voat user debunking it. All it does it fog up the information. I didn't mean to come off as though we shouldn't explore the rabbit holes. I just advise that we don't post things that would make any outsider think none of the information presented here is credible. I'm trying to reply to everybody here so sorry if that sounded cluttered.

Edit: Spelling correction, my bad

DeathTooMasons ago

"one could even argue that the original conspiracy was so overwhelmingly "debunked" by MSM because it was all a distraction to make us all look like kooky conspiracy theorists who had no credibility."

Thumbs down. It was not debunked. We weren't made to look bad. The evidence was everywhere connectiong to the same topic. Seems you tried to slip that in there but support everything else. Alefantis, Podesta, Clinton,CIA are the center of the traficking and their personal material led us to this conclusion. From Silsby to Majestic Ape shows in the basement with endless pedo obsession, nobody was made to look crazy for exposing these perpetual links. Your have the same disinfo speak as other fake truthers, all of them saying "I'm not saying pedo stuff isn't going on, it's real, but the storyling is BS and a trap to make us look bad". All your polite don't get me wrong preemptive defense won't erase that you are using tired shill tactics. You may not be one, but you type like one. You just had a need to say that and make a thread? Why? Feel better?

The storyline has been accurately depicted, and none of us look crazy for it.

DonKeyhote ago

"You guys are possibly risking your asses and doing important work that i follow daily, though its not important enough for me to so more than observe, i have some advice..."

HelloEverybody ago

If I were capable of helping the cause I would. I made an account to give constructive criticism. To be completely honest, I was sort of scared initially because I didn't want my information getting released. But considering the NSA and CIA probably have all my info anyway I changed my mind. I'm not good at computer hacking is all. I just wanted to help how I could. Sorry if you or others think I'm wasting my time.

neverobey ago

Sorry if you or others think I'm wasting my time.

rather feel sorry for wasting OUR time.

je-sui-pepe ago

It's easy to come here, see the updates, and walk away.. but for those of us who have been here mired in it... we have all watched the videos, heard the testimonies of the abused, listened to the multitudes of other researchers who have been harassed and bullied and possibly even murdered. It has led down many paths and we have all been skeptical of some theories and or other research but for you to even belittle some theories such as other beings, lizard people as you call them, but these are some of the avenues where this research has led... just shows that you are a casual observer and not really watching or reading all of this research nor doing your own. I can just as easily believe in REPTILIANS now as much as anything else because a year ago I would have never believed any of this darkness existed. Do not belittle any theories when you aren't willing to do the footwork. We go where it takes us and I don't care what you believe or don't believe nor do I care for your advice. I only care about the truth and stopping the evil that had been revealed and is still being discovered.

millennial_vulcan ago

Noone asked for your constructive criticism thank you. Keep your nose out.

HelloEverybody ago

I think you got me all wrong. I put "debunked" in quotes because it was part of the MSM narrative opposing it. I'm not saying the base conspiracy is or isn't true, and I'm happy to keep communicating with anybody here to prove I am honest in my intention. Perhaps I worded that weird. All I meant was that the MSM and others were more than happy to "debunk" it. That sort of confidence is the reason I said "one could even argue," that it was a distraction. I can't be certain either way, which was sort of the point of my post in the first place...

DarkMath ago

""Let me know when Podesta and Hillary are arrested for running a satanic child sex ring in the basement of a pizzeria." This is extremely odd."

It's not odd at all. PG Iz Dipshit is as out of touch as almost my entire extended family of Enlightened Progressives who to this day refuse to consider the possibility rich white people from Yale could be so evil.

PG Iz a Dipshit is the mainstream opinion and it will show you just how completely the Deep State lied. Unfortunately for the Deep State when people are lied to that badly for so long a lot of people are going to lose their minds when the truth comes out. They're going to show up in places like the Hamptons or any tony suburb in DC or even DC itself and exact Old Testament revenge. Things could get really dicey in the next 12 months. Raping children, organ harvesting and hooking veterans on opiates will make millions of people see red and look for revenge. I'm glad I'm not a 0.01%.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ranking by Income According to the Global Rich List, a website that brings awareness to worldwide income disparities, an income of $32,400 a year will allow you to make the cut. $32,400 amounts to roughly: 30,250 Euros 2 million Indian rupees, or 223,000 Chinese yuan So if you’re an accountant, a registered nurse or even an elementary school teacher, congratulations. The average wage for any of these careers falls well within the top 1% worldwide. Read more: Are You in the Top One Percent of the World? | Investopedia Follow us: Investopedia on Facebook

Edit: I actually posted this to ask you what you thought about most of the media coverage of the 'evil rich' being the top 1% instead of the top 0.01%, but then I got distracted and didn't get back to it until Judgejewdy pointed it out. Sorry about that.

DarkMath ago

" falls well within the top 1% worldwide"

I'm talking about the U.S. only.

Judgejewdy ago

Guessing that's why Math said .01% not 1%.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I know, he just got me to go look it up. I knew that USA's welfare recipients were in the top 10% in the world, just didn't realize that every single person I know was in the top 1%.

millennial_vulcan ago

See my response, above yours.