Silverlining ago

I think you might have confused me with another voater. I thought it was an important story and you struck me as interested in it and a solid voater. I'll ask @laskar to amend the date and include the telegraph link. Perhaps he might consider reviewing the OP in light of the comments received. I can see you put a lot of effort into this thread. This thread archived - - was saved May 4 - I don't know how to capture it again - no option on

Silverlining ago

'Promise me you're not ripping me off,' says the Italian.

'Relax, I can assure you this one really dies,' the Russian responds.

'The last time I paid and I didn't get what I wanted.'

'What do you want?'

'To see them die.'

This rang a bell. Around Feb 12 there was a wall of text that included "slayer007" Freedom Host 2 @lascar @KolnSandwich @kevdude @sensitive @Drkadrka

SecureYourSeats ago

Yours is the "shill" nonsense.

MattHelm ago

The way to do this in the USA is to get a person on the inside of a major TV network broadcast control facility so he or she could put in a VHS or DVD of something really horrible that will shock the viewers. This insider has to be willing to lose his or her job and be prosecuted for broadcasting illegal content. The other way is to do it remotely to hack into the TV station's computer network and upload the video this could be done but it requires expert hacking skills or you could hack into the satellite transmitter signal think how great it would be if this could be done during the Super Bowl that would be awesome.

Laskar ago

This is a great idea!

"The other way is to do it remotely to hack into the TV station's computer network and upload the video this could be done but it requires expert hacking skills or you could hack into the satellite transmitter signal think how great it would be if this could be done during the Super Bowl that would be awesome. "

If only there were hackers with such a conscience to do that. That's why I put this story out there.

Also, remember that guy who grabbed the mic at a Superbowl press conference and said "Investigate 9/11..."?

Superbowl MVP interrupted by 9/11 truth:

Why did no one do this in 2017 for pizzagate?

SecureYourSeats ago

Your anti-semitic nonsense is the furthest thing from the truth. And posting on here just to make us look like we're raving lunatics is what needs to "take a hike".

darkknight111 ago

Moving foward with the plan on my end. Found someone with connections to white hats in the intelligence community and asked for aid in this broadcast takeover.

Laskar ago

Notice how this post is now buried, but on the second page of "hot" there are two pathetic posts about that useless idiot, David Seaman. Why are there any posts on him at all?

ProbablyNudeRightNow ago

I read that the price was consistent with a discounted student ticket. Whoever it was, they wouldn't even pay full price.

SecureYourSeats ago

Stop your disgusting Jewish slander. Jews hold no special pedo status, there is pedophilia in every culture. Particularly the one that allowed Mo to marry a 6 year old. Creeps like you figure that if you repeat these lies often enough they will become truth in people's eyes.

TruthTrumps ago

Hey real pizzagate investigators. We seriously need a new home. VOAT is extremely compromised. The mods are NOT on our side. In fact, they are trying to destroy the entire investigation. Looking at the numbers and all the shit posts, it looks like they are succeeding. This place has become an embarrassment. Good posts do not last long. They get buried by shit posts. Also, they get deleted. We must come up with an alternative. I made a post about this earlier but it was deleted in no time. So then, I started to copy/paste my deleted post as replies into other threads…but I got a notice that I could not copy and paste so much. Time to wake up. This place is dead. Would you send a friend here to read all the shit posts as evidence of pizzagate? VOAT makes us look like a bunch of lunatic idiots. It's a freaking embarrassment. C'mon…put on your thinking caps as to where we should move.

Laskar ago

Also, I try to upvote you, but the votes just disappear!

TruthTrumps ago

LOL! That's cuz the VOAT system is rigged. I wasn't able to upvote some post either.

Laskar ago

I see.

Laskar ago

I agree, but I have no idea how to implement your suggestion.

There are so many trolls who are posting garbage or promoting disinfo. Look at all the posts promoting Alex Jones, for example--as if that is research of any kind, yet the mods put up dozens of posts about him at any given time.

Laskar ago

Or a snowflake.

Vic138 ago

There is a very good podcast by interviewer Tim Kelly (one of the best out there) and Dr. E. Michael Jones on Pornography as Psy-Op. He describes the history of social warfare on American citizens over the past 100 years and the introduction of pornography (beginning in the early 70s) up to now, and who runs it. It's only an hour long and worth listening to:

A good way to listen is to download to a mp3/mp4 and listen to on your phone. Use to download files of any length. It's a website and just plugin the youtube url and go (2 step process to download to your computer.)

Laskar ago

I appreciate your contributions.

had_enough ago

I made a WANTED poster that I suggested get placed everywhere around DC or wherever the pedo brothers hang out, there's the cost of printing but this could really get the word out in a fast way. This isn't snuff films on family TV, but it will certainly up the ante a bit with a lot less risk. I originally made a pdf but some kindly made it into a png

Laskar ago

Great idea, thanks for mentioning it.

darkknight111 ago

Have an upvoat.

I agree. Something like this and what anon did in terms of taking control of the air waves is ultimately what needs to be done, only this time, display ALL the evidence across every major channel, including the worldcorp videos (with context).

"The needs of of many outweigh the needs of the few". Inconvience millions to save many more people from the horrors of this nightmare. Its time to call upon our brothers at anonymous and /pol and become the heroes humanity deserves (ie a broken flawed world and its downtrodden people deserves those who still believe the world is worth fighting for).

Laskar ago

Thanks for the comment and for the upvote.

Who downvotes this I wonder? And how come so few votes at all for 1289 views at this writing?

Laskar ago

Have an upvote for your plan.

Laskar ago

That's the problem. There is no solid, journalistic proof of any particular date, but it keeps coming up.

The actual facts of the case are stated clearly. Arrests were made after child snuff porn was shown on prime time TV. How did miss that?

Did you find it difficult to read the linked articles with the facts of the case?

Laskar ago


This will give you an idea of the effect his "performance art" has on his movie career; only one ticket sold on the opening day of his new movie (3 minute video):

Laskar ago

I stated clearly that 2005 was when I first learned of it. I posted a link to a 2000 version of the story. And yes, I am aware "it may lead to other lines of inquiry" as you stated, hopefully by people who actually understood what I wrote.

sensitive ago

Found mention of AP press release in a banned forum, so only "broken" link here:

Can someone try to trace those articles back?


Source: The Associated Press, Thursday September 28 9:04 PM ET

Italians in Uproar Over Child Porn

By Candice Hughs

ROME (AP) - Italian television officials resigned Thursday after state TV aired graphic images in a prime-time news report on child pornography. The broadcasts, seen by nearly 11 million people, shocked Italy and ignited a political firestorm.

The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano criticized TV for worshipping a cult'' of sensational images and said the broadcasts hadviolated Italian families'' in the guise of news.

``The images transmitted last night were not just an offense to viewers, but most of all to the children represented - twice victims, twice exploited, twice violated when they should have been protected,'' it said.

An anchorman and two assistant news directors resigned Thursday. Two top news executives offered to follow suit, but RAI-TV rejected the offers late Thursday after lengthy meeting.

The case hit the news a day earlier, when police said they had broken up an online international child pornography ring, arrested eight Italians and three Russians and seized thousands of videos and photographs.

The Russian-run ring (Webmaster's Note: The "Russians" are Jews), which distributed an explicit catalog on the Internet, catered to clients in the United States, Italy and Germany. Its inventory included films of children being tortured and killed.

State television's RAI Tre station showed some of the photos and graphic snippets of video during the 7 p.m. newscast Wednesday.

RAI Uno did the same an hour later, even though complaints had already started pouring in. By the end of the 30-minute broadcast, RAI Uno's news director, Gad Lerner, was on the air apologizing for images ``not only unwatchable but violent.''

Called on the carpet Thursday, Lerner and his RAI Tre counterpart Nino Rizzo Nervo both admitted they didn't know what was going to be on the broadcasts.

The uproar threatened to overshadow the horror over the pedophilia case itself.

Investigators say the pornography ring produces and distributes images showing children as young as 2 years old being sexually abused. Some of the victims were reportedly stolen from orphanages; others from families.

Its catalog offers films of killings for about $20,000 and images of people having sex with children for half that. Images of children being kidnapped are relatively cheap at less than $200.

RAI Uno's broadcast showed pages from the catalog and a video of a man apparently having sex with a little girl.

The attacks on RAI came from both the left and the right.

The communist newspaper Liberazione ran indignant letters from viewers on the front page. In parliament, the center-right opposition scolded RAI and demanded Lerner and Rizzo Nervo's resignations be accepted.

Never prudish, Italian TV has grown increasingly daring about sex and violence. The Italian version of ``Big Brother,'' for example, routinely shows nudity and sex.

Aldo Grasso, one of Italy's most respected television critics, said the RAI broadcasts were ``symptomatic of what has been happening in Italian TV, both state and private, over the last couple of years.''

Editors are driven not by quality or responsibility toward viewers but only the ratings,'' he told The Associated Press.Disturbing and violent images intrude in all kinds of programs, throughout the day.''

The UNICEF head in Italy, Giovanni Micali, also complained bitterly about rising violence. ``It was an extreme case, but not the first and not the only one,'' he said of the RAI newscasts.

Top government officials promised action.

The justice minister said he was looking into how RAI got the material and the telecommunications minister said prosecutors were checking to see if RAI's broadcast had violated the law.

unkyshaun ago

Thanks for posting. The Vatican is a big part of the cabal as most should know. The pedo Jesuit pope recently called for reduced penalties foe pedos. So true to form above. Those attacking the messenger are showing their hand as pedo protectors and enablers. We need sonething make rhe sheeple sick in the guts, like we have been. Burn it into their brains to wake the zombies from their cognitive dissonance. Current methods aren't working.To paraphrase Einstein :" only an idiot does the same thing over and over expecting a different result"...time to play dirty.

Laskar ago

Thank you for posting this.

Laskar ago

Thanks. I did edit the post and included a reputable source which has the year 2000 date. It's not the date that is so important except to tell you how much they are messing witht his story. I learned of it 2005. there have a few glimpses of it since.

The screening of the CP snuff on TV is the story, not the date of it. It was that act which led to the arrests, but the story was buried and now who know what actually happened to the perps if anything at all, beyond being arrested. There is a big cover up.

sensitive ago

But I found this. Someone can try to trace those articles back?


sensitive ago

Very shady. At least I found one Italian article from "La Repubblica".

Laskar ago

Agreed. They go to great lengths to protect the pedos.

Laskar ago

Thanks so much, I will put it in the post. have an up vote. This is what we need.

Laskar ago

equineluvr ago

You have done a superb job on this, Laskar.

Am I dreaming? Stumbled onto the wrong sub? Never seen so much discussion of the "verboten topic" here.

Laskar ago

I replied to your comment twice and it was deleted (why?).

Also, you can see the disparity between views so far (1743) and upvotes (54), yet posts with much lower views are deemed "hot".

And who would downvote this, and why?

You probably know the answer.

unkyshaun ago

Bravo Laskar. I would give you 100 upvoats if i could. I have more downvoats than up.....i even have a much needed break from here and find more DV on return. I have a strong theory Maddie McCann and Jon Benet Ramsey were victims of pay-per-view snuff films. As soon as i even mentioned this on Voat....downvoat central....thank the shills....they are telling us we are on track, like your views Vs Upvoats discrepancy. I have toyed with the same idea....a tech head who could hack a live outside broadcast (sports game for example), and get 20 seconds of "fatherhood " by John Molesta, crucial sections; it would be a huge blow for our cause. Get it out there and let the weak prick and pedo friendly media address and defend it...shock factor is needed.....When i first started years ago down this rabbit hole, i was sad and shocked. Now I'm just f*cking angry ! I visited a hacked link on Voat and saw 3 snuff films in 3 attempts. The images were of adults but they haven't left me yet. The sheeple need to be shocked out of their cognitive dissonance. Good investigators are murdered in vain,children and adults alike still suffer horrific abuse and death, enough is emough. I have a violent plan mapped out that would be effective. It would take a small army prepared to die like i would and trust, guts and loyalty.. My enlightened friemds would say go the mass awakening of consciousness route. That would work too but how many will suffer in the interim?? And the awakening won't happen without something FULL ON!! Anyway...rant over, thanks to all soldiers of truth, i stand with you all. It's a tough gig and tests all of us at times, but we have come way too far to fail.

Laskar ago

Really, thanks so much for this.

It sickening how fast this post of mine has been buried, even though it gives a hint of how these people could be brought down easily.

It is buried, but we have to see old, worthless, posts about that idiot David Seaman from over a week ago. Insane.

It reveals who the mods really are, I think.

I had over 4,300 view when they buried it.

Two downvotes. Ask yourself. Who downvotes that?

Like you, I am beyond disgusted, and do not even send people to this site anymore.

Thanks again for your comment.

unkyshaun ago

No problem. Thank you for your effort. Another site compromised only backs up my motto of we have to find new platforms and new methods

Laskar ago

You are welcome. Have an upvote. I agree with you.

Laskar ago

Thanks a lot.

NO are not on the wrong sub. This is about an international child snuff porn ring being brought down, at least temporarily by ordinary people who paid dearly for it.

Anyone can read the articles for themselves and do their own research further.

By the huge disparity of views (1425 at the moment) vs number of upvotes (42) and comments (59) anyone with an IQ above room temperature can what is going on here.

And who downvotes this?

Markb63 ago

Great article. Loosing my will to live on this evil rock.

unkyshaun ago

Hey Mark...Hang in there. I reckon we've all been at that point. Have a break, spoil yourself, come back refreshed. Works for me. The fact you're here means we need you to be here because it takes guts to go down the rabbithole.

Laskar ago


I know what you mean.

When a post has 1009 views three hours after a submission is posted, but only 31 upvotes and 44 comments at that same time, then you can see that even here on VOAT, people get lost in detail, and fail to see the big picture.

Laskar ago

Thanks for the additional links.

Laskar ago

I've seen those before. I am going to edit the post to add an even better source.

Laskar ago

Yes, I will add another reference I already had from a reputable Jewish source that uses the year 2000 date. When I originally learned about it, it was 2005.

I wanted to emphasize that 1) people can make a difference by publicizing these things and 2) that when arrests are made and the perps revealed, the story is scrubbed and we never learn what happened after the arrests.

Laskar ago


Laskar ago

Yes, I found that one also.

zlomsocz ago

We need to elevate our investigation to artistic methods of sensationalism and shock artistry, I totally agree we need vigilantees

Laskar ago

They were scrubbed for the reasons mentioned above. That was one of the points of this post.

This is exactly why we have to continue to publicize pizzagate enough so they cannot possibly do what they did with this story.

Laskar ago

I gave you an up vote.

islandofdelight ago

At some point these measures are justified to get people's attention... Frustrated investigator's most likely released the efits of the Podestas in connection the the McCann kidnapping... just as they likely did with the WorldCorp videos.

Laskar ago

Yes, you are correct.

Also, the fact that this news story is being scrubbed makes it all the more important to keep reinforcing and spreading the pizzagate related evidence far and wide.

Laskar ago

Thanks for the great comment and for the link.

Laskar ago

I'd love to. I am continuing to look; so far it seems they've been scrubbed as far as I can tell. Check out the references in the VT article.

I did read it from AP at the time and remember people in the US not believing me when I told them about it. I had it all archived on my old computer that has since "died".

Madwack ago

great search engine

Laskar ago

Thanks for the reminder; I do use it.

ArthurEdens ago

Great research op

Laskar ago

Thanks. I was shocked when I read this on AP back in 2005.

equineluvr ago

"The reason given for it not being publicized in the US news media was that those who own American media were worried that it might incite "prejudice."

Yes, political correctness must rule in the U.S. at any and all costs. Can't have the "goyim" finding out the truth, now can we?

Laskar ago
