privatepizza ago

This.Is.Awesome. Brilliant work OP

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, editing

ArmedExorcist ago

Perhaps this has been discussed already, but is there any evidence that this forum is authentic and the conversation really took place in 2013? How difficult it would be to fabricate, backdate and plant a forum exchange like this one? Could an existing forum be hijacked into a black propaganda "fake news" trap? All honest questions. There is something in the tone of the opening post that sounds scripted and contrived. It seems to squeeze all the right search terms in one paragraph. And there is even an ominous pizza reference at the end.

Seek help now Chuck a good relapse is only a villa pizza away.

Fishy. I smell a decoy. I could be wrong.

pizzagate3456 ago

Who was the editor of the newspaper? The post said he was a big-time pedophile as well

Littleredcorvette ago

I posted some follow up here


helpingabit12 ago

quantokitty ago

The perversity runs in the family ... great find.

pizzagate3456 ago

The guy said in the thread that he was going to make other posts about it. Did you find any of his other posts?

pizzagate3456 ago

We need to contact whoever posted that on topix for more information. We also need to get an interview with the guy that punched his uncle in the face! This is an amazing lead! Finally!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

JP... I think of him as a jackal. He has a theme song too. "Theme for a Jackal" by The Misfits. It has a line "you sit idly by while they rape your children. Like you do now." .

JPs story is really depressing to some people I red pill. This one poor girl started feeling nauseous. Then there are people that flat refuse to believe it.

All the researchers on this should be making fat salaries putting these people away for a living. One love to you all.

Ann_laurie ago

A local radio host here in Decatur IL asked back in July of 2015, if anyone remembered the location of Podestas dentistry. Seems like he was pretty rough on his patients, but they all pretty much were at that time. Podesta had a partner by the name of Hastings until, according to the daughter, Becky Hastings Styninger, a pretty nasty disagreement caused Dr. Hastings to leave the practice in 1980. The daughter seemed pretty upset about someone saying Dr. Podesta touched many lives. Becky came back with a sarcastic " It's nice to know he touched so many lives, but I got the vibe that she didn't mean it in a nice way. His nurse described him by saying he was definitely interesting and wore a pink lab coat and pink suede shoes.

Rurntis ago

U think these people could be tracked down?

Ann_laurie ago

Yes. The daughter, as of 2015 still lives in Mattoon. I'll see if I can find her.

Ann_laurie ago

This is Podestas ex dental partners daughter

Rurntis ago

That was fast.

pizzagate3456 ago

I sent her a facebook message...I wonder if she'll respond. We should all send messages to her and then maybe she can get her mother to give a statement on what happened

avian_buddha ago

Is that a thing that runs in families?

FE_Rebekah ago

Personally I believe that not all victims become abusers, but all abusers were once victims, especially of abuse as a child, so the abuser in the first scenario is likely to be a family member, but doesn't have to be. I definitely think it's a cycle through generations.

People who are abused as children often repeat the pattern, sometimes maliciously and sometimes just because it's so engrained as "normal" behavior.

I don't think it has to do with genetics nearly as much as the environment you grow up in. It's probably both, but traumatic childhoods seem to be a common thread, and that doesn't have to run in the "blood" family.

3141592653 ago

Research shows that most abusers were not abused as children, and most abused children do not go on to become abusers

Votescam ago

Agree with what you're saying and with what I've read of pedophilia --

It can be generational -- and abuse often creates new abusers, but again not all of those who are sexually abused will become abusers.

MALES are our sexual abusers of children according to studies and they are heterosexual males. Heterosexual males are 100X more likely to sexually abuse a child than a homosexual male. Don't think they've ever found a lesbian sexually abusing a child. However, heterosexual females will abuse a child when they come under the influence of heterosexual males. That pretty much explains sexual abuse by Catholic nuns, for one.

From what I've been reading they break sexual abusers of children down into two categories -- 1) pedophiles and 2)"situational" pedophiles, who are heterosexual males who basically prefer sexual relationships with females, but when a female isn't available they will sexually abuse a child.

To complicate things further, evidently torturers (think Inquisition and Witch Hunts by Catholic Church) came to realize that torture and sexual abuse, especially of young people, can create multiple personalities (now called disassociation). Those new personalities can actually be programmed to perform in certain ways ... they can actually create photographic memories, for one, in these personalities. They can teach them to speak other languages. CIA's MKULTRA was a program which carried out this kind of torture and sexual abuse to create new personalities in children and those children were later used as drug runners, as homosexual prostitutes and for espionage/spying and blackmail. Often the host did not know what they were doing as these other personalities.

Survivors tell us that many of the children who ended up being turned over to the CIA for this programming were first sexually abused by their fathers. We also know from the Johnny Gosch kidnapping that his mother, Noreen, years later found out that her husband had been involved in arranging the kidnapping of her son.

Studies also suggest that no matter how many children who became sexual abusers themselves were shown to have been sexually abused, there was always one who would pop up who wasn't sexually abused. However, I would point to the still very common practice in our society to circumcise newborn males. That in itself could qualify as sexual torture of a child. Very much hope that new-Mothers-to-be will begin to rethink this and not automatically take the word of a circumcised husband that it's the way to go. There are no legitimate health reasons for it.

I've posted info on one of the studies previously, but if anyone would like me to repeat the post here, just let me know.

3141592653 ago

I've never heard that hetero men are 100x more likely to be abusers than homosexual men. Seems hard to believe. Any links on that?

Joe10jo ago

@3141592653, I understand it so I'll see if I can explain it to you in the way it makes sense to me. Okay. Think of all the times we hear a report on how a kid was sexually abused by a male. Now think about it... a lot of times the article will state that the abuser has a wife, etc.... but never a partner of the same sex.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the reply. I hear you, but that's not scientific proof by a long-shot

becki_p20 ago

As I keep saying to people, there are more involved in this sickness than we can comprehend. It's disgusting. But I do believe Trump is going to do something. By him firing Comey, it was his was of telling us, "yes I see and yes I'm going to do something about it.

Votescam ago

Please see my reply just above yours, but I just want to add that we have to be prepared -- in view of CIA's MKULTRA and what survivors have told us of that program -- for the possibility that some of these sexual abusers who have risen to high office may have been programmed under MKULTRA/Monarch. In other words they may be victims themselves.

ScottRockview ago

I wonder if anyone has thought to check to see if the knockout/laughing gas Pedo's uncle has access to is always accounted for.

AmiablyGivenSo ago

I don't know if this has already been posted but he's mentioned on

Dr. William Louis Podesta (archive)

He donated land near Pana for the Boy Scouts camp called Podesta' Big Timber and helped established Lake Land College in Mattoon.

This sounds like a midwestern version of Ms. Dolores' story in True Detective.

leaveperiods ago

Again with the sick irony. I hate these gentlemen.

Mammy ago

Podesta's "Big Timber"?!? May as well call it "Big Woody". I'd LOL if it weren't so friggin' creepy. Good find!

pizzagate3456 ago

I can't find any info on the boy scouts camp besides the info in the findagrave website. Only thing I see is ebay posts selling the patch from the camp. We need to find more info about his camp to see if any of the kids were sexually abused

we_kill_creativity ago

SoldierofLight ago

Another good find. Great work!

AmiablyGivenSo ago

Here's more:

Podestá viewed education as a top priority. He was a 12-year member of the Mattoon Community Unit #2 School Board, serving three terms as president. He was one of the original supporters of the junior college concept and he actively promoted the establishment of Lake Land College. The college was developed on land previously owned by the Podestá family.

Podestá established the dental hygiene and dental assisting program at Lake Land College. He was the founder of the annual scholarship awarded students in these programs and the Eastern Illinois Dental Society.

And then this is a different obituary that was improperly transcribed by a machine:

Dr. Podesta graduated from Livingston High School. He attended McKendree College and graduated from St. Louis University Dental School in 1934. In 1976, he received a Bachelor of Arts from Eastern Illinois Uni versity. In 1934, Doctor Podesta came to Mattoon to begin the practice of Dentistry and became an active supporter and volunteer in the community as well as -in the field of Dentistry. June 16, 1941, D o c t' o r Podesta entered the V V Dr. W.L. "Bill" Podest, 1942 v Army as a Lieutenant in the Dental Corp. While awaiting orders he was officer in charge of entertainment at the Cow Palace in San Francisco and, for a short time, was President Ronald Reagan's commanding officer. Among thirteen dentists chosen to head Plastic Eye Programs for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, he was Director of the Plastic Eye Program in the Pacific Ocean Theatre. While in the Army, Dr. Podesta was awarded several commendations including the Bronze Star. In February 1946, Dr. Podesta received his discharge from active duty but continued ican Legion Matron of the She was actively for the past 50 Memorials

If someone wants to pay for a subscription and post a screenshot we'll be able to figure out the unintelligible parts.

SoldierofLight ago

That article about JP's uncle is the first time I've seen the acute accent used in their last name. Either it's a consistent mistake in that article or it's intentional. I did some quick checking and was surprised to see that it's not used with that name in Italian and is more common among the Portugese and Spanish Podestas. (Edit: I won't link to other Podesta families who use the acute accent in their name because I have no reason to think they're related and so I don't want to dox them.)

If it wasn't an editorial mistake, why is he the only one in the family who seemed to use it?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Amazing find! Is it definitely his uncle? Would be great to get a hold of the original poster and find out more. Have we any info on Podesta's father? He might be the reason John and Tony are so fucked up.

we_kill_creativity ago

OP here. I'll tell you why I even thought to look for this. I'm from the area. I don't live in that exact town, but my grandparents do and my mom was raised there. I was driving around with my dad when the national news came on and mentioned something about John Podesta. My dad sort of muttered, "He from Mattoon...". I told him I always thought the Podestas were from Chicago, and he said, well maybe it was something where they were born in Mattoon and then their family moved to Chicago, but I do know there was always a Dr. Podesta in Mattoon. So I looked it up and sure enough, the first result on google other than his obituary was a forum discussing pedophilia. So no, I don't have anything that actually proves he's his uncle, but the way my dad was talking, it was just common knowledge.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Thanks for explaining OP!

anonOpenPress ago

The name at least, John D. Podesta, located in Greece. Passed away in 1980 there.

Ann_laurie ago

Dr. Podesta died in Omaha NE in 1998

Mad_As_Hell ago

Omaha again? It really seems to be a pedo hub of some kind

Violetti112 ago

He donated land near Pana for the Boy Scouts camp called Podesta' Big Timber and helped established Lake Land College in Mattoon Dr William Louis Podesta

SoldierofLight ago

Great work there. Didn't see your comment until after I read @AmiablyGivenSo. Good to have confirmation.

Violetti112 ago

Did you see his photo ..he looks like John Podesta.

SoldierofLight ago

You're right. A "healthier" looking version of skeletor Johnny. Wouldn't surprise me if Johnny's mother got pregnant by her brother-in-law and the dentist is Johnny's biological daddy. I'd actually be less surprised if she got pregnant by her own brother, but I digress.

FriesischShipping ago


SoldierofLight ago

You mean normal bloodlines, or those Other bloodlines?

autism_speaks ago

Irony Weiner.. name sounds like Dicks. Guilty. Sending Dick Pics.

Podesta...Name sounds like Pedo Star.

wonder where this is going..

GuannaRue ago

James Alefantis. Pedophile. Name sounds eerily similar to, and/or is an anagram to "I love children" in french. hmm...

Jem777 ago

Believe it is J'maie Enfantis or something like that.

slimanus ago

"j'aime les enfants"

Joe10jo ago

Wow! So it's old news on Voat that I live within 5 miles of where John Podesta worked at what was Barat College. But I'm astounded to hear about Mattoon because I'd pass by it all the time on my way to visit family down South. An acquaintance of mine is from Mattoon but we're in our 40's so I doubt she's old enough to have had him as a dentist or anything. What an amazing find @we_kill_creativity!

we_kill_creativity ago

I don't need to know exactly where you are, but I also live in the area, one county away. Do you mind telling me what county you live in?

Joe10jo ago


we_kill_creativity ago

Oh wow...all the way up there.

Joe10jo ago

Yeah and like I said within minutes of Barat. In the same town, I keep mentioning the rash of suicides that took place a few years ago where all these teenagers jumped in front of the Metra. Makes ya wonder. Old money + a town Podesta had connections to....

HighLevelInsider ago

Royal Order of Jesters in Springfield is something to look into. Lots of "crazy parties" to catch the state legislators there.

anonOpenPress ago

Unreal... Now we have a collection of claims on the family (some of them confirmed, cc @privatepizza how about yours):

  • JP himself runs CAP (control on liberal research), finances and contributes to WaPo (control on media), knows Wyss & other billionaires (strong connection to finance)
  • JP's mother Mary adopted 25 children whos whereabouts are a question mark. ("book group" mentioned)
  • JP's daughter May is a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member
  • JP's brother Tony invests on pedophile art business (money laundering suspected too)
  • TP's ex-wife Heather sits in a Police foundation (with some other interesting names on the board)
  • JP's current wife Mary met a Catholic archbishop in Rome in 2015.
  • JP's nephew Brian works for MCMEC
  • DonP (Brian's father) and his wife Jane Sims Podesta work for the WaPO
  • JP's uncle DrPodesta worked as dentist, suspected on pedophilia in a local forum
  • JP's "bestie" James Alefantis, of course, the famous GQ top49 pizza dude

Known relatives in logistics anyone? How about in the border control? The pieces of Domino are gathering up little by little here. Now which is the first piece falling...

sorry for not sourcing this time, please visit to find all those relevant submissions. Or should I collect them all into a new submission in one day?

LostandFound ago

Dont forget JP helped setup Media Matters, founded by David Brock, and made the resources of CAP available to David Brock.

Side note - HRC was an early adviser to MM and Soros was a large sponsor.

Speculative side note - TP knew JA 2004 and JP knew DB in 2004, I would bet thats how they got together through the Podestas. &

AlefantisIsAFuckboi ago

I'd add Dennis Hastert to that list. Former House Speaker, currently serving a sweetheart sentence for illegally structuring payments to one of his victims from his days as a high school wrestling coach. Podesta names him in the email leaks, and claims they are still close and they also maintain contact.

privatepizza ago

I think you've all covered his connections here as far as we know @anonopenpress .

I'd mention that Brian Podesta is alleged to have Top Secret Clearance through the NCMEC as discovered by @_HoneyBee . His parents are said to be long time WaPo editors.

I'm not sure if it's been proven they are related.

Here are the Voat threads I found on it below - not in any particular order.

There was a tremendous amount of pushback* on this subject and many tens of people were banned from twitter for mentioning it. Imo it needs serious excavation.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! bookmarking this comment for later, let's investigate

YingYangMom ago

Actually Brian Podesta works for the NCMEC. His Father Don Podesta referred to John as "Cousin" on a photo of John's. Don Podesta (Brian's father) and his wife Jane Sims Podesta work for the WaPO, which is where John just announced he will start working.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, adding this too

votesarestolen ago

John Podesta's daughter Mae is a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member. Wikileaks emails (1, 2) show that he helped her get the position.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, adding

Votescam ago


Rurntis ago

It wasn't Forbes too 50 it was GQ, which is definitely a much more shabby source. But it is important to get it right so others can't correct you.

leaveperiods ago

Lol to "correct the record". Oh the sick irony of this entire investigation.

anonOpenPress ago

You're right, editing

SoldierofLight ago

And let's not forget Mama Podesta and her "adopted" 25 children who nobody seems to know anything about in terms of where they are now...

redditsuckz ago

25 adoptions or leader of 25 of a satanic coven?...

Connections- Mother Podesta's "25 adopted children", Crowley/Gardnarian Satanism and DC Lobbyist Luzzato's Cryptic Podesta Email String

The Buried Podesta Wikileak Email That Proves It's All About The Occult: The Thelema Favor

SoldierofLight ago

Yeah, the weird Thelema Favor email that's almost certainly in code. Almost forgot about that.

If those 25 adopted children were available for raping and pillaging by the Podesta boys, then I think you're on to something. Otherwise, I'm inclined to believe they were imported from somewhere for anything but a loving home at Mama's.

anonOpenPress ago

Here she was, and the name of JP's aunt as well, Evelyn Carres

anonOpenPress ago

Let's not, now where was that mentioned... (and now heading to myself)

SoldierofLight ago

Great find! I encourage you to archive that page if you haven't already.

the ghost wisperor Effingham, IL

1 Aug 13, 2013

Anyone remember the little perverted Dentist from Mattoon named Bill Podesta? Even though he wasn't a medical doctor, as a dentist he still was allowed by laws to write prescriptions and a big percentage of those prescriptions were for young women for diet pills (actually amphetamines). When Podesta died the local editor of the Mattoon paper wrote a glowing essay about how great Podesta was and what all he did for the community. Of course he never mention Podesta's sex parties where young women were provided for the towns elite. I've heard this editor was a regular at these parties and enjoyed frolicking with young men as well as women. Even the local police turned the other way when it came to Podesta's illegal actions. One foster father threatened to beat this pervert to a pulp after he caught Podesta running his hand up a little foster care girls skirt. I worked in a pharmacy as a college student and Podesta used to come in several times a week and buy several dozen condoms. We marked the calendar on his purchases and determined he would have to have sex at least 20 times a day to use all those condoms. And keep in mind the old fart was about 60 at the time. Those that think prostitution died out in Mattoon in the 1940's are sadly mistaken. It was kept alive for years by the efforts of one of Mattoon's leading citizens aided and abetted by the local elites as well as the editor of the local newspaper.

Does anyone else on here remember that pervert?

I'm very curious about whether or not Dr. Podesta had surgical facilities at his practice even though he wasn't a licensed dental surgeon.

pby1000 ago

How it all operates is the same as elsewhere.

we_kill_creativity ago

I don't know about that. This is the best I have found so far in the vein of some history on the guy:

SoldierofLight ago

I wonder if the database doesn't include deceased members, but no matter what parameters I used nothing came up:

If he was performing surgeries, let's say of organ removal as an example, then there might be indicators of some sort. Witnesses who could provide information about equipment that was on premises, surgical equipment or supplies that were routinely delivered to that location, cleaning crew who noticed odd things like many empty bleach bottles several times a week, etc.

Another line of investigation might include the numbers of missing children/adults in that region during the time period he had his dental practice.

Notgood2 ago

Could somebody with seniority here please downvote this on my behalf? I dony have enough points to do that.

Silverlining ago

The suspicion is that these things run in families, whether by nature or nurture. And however a kindly old man he may have looked, he attracted unsavoury gossip. Could be part of the reason his nephew may have turned into "Skippy."

And perhaps Skippy learned his tradecraft of compromising power and the politicians who wield it and this got him into running the country as White House Chief of Staff. Maybe...

SoldierofLight ago

I just downvoted you. Is that what you meant?

Notgood2 ago

No! The main posting you dummy!

SoldierofLight ago

Oh gosh, I'm sorry.

DabbaDan ago


Notgood2 ago

Why do people here want to attack John podesta while he is a genuinely nice guy. Look at the photos of him, he has a very kind smile. Yet, they wish to ignore Skippy because they think he is maybe some cool hip hop star because of his trendy name. Skippy is the real thing when it comes to child abuse, yet I do not see a single posting of anyone here wishing to investigate him. In fact, whenever there is a new video of Skippy, it gets voted up many times!

Dressage2 ago

You think you're hot shit, dontcha?