sleepingbeautycan ago

The proof that Honeybee has is:

  1. Don, Jane and Brian all worked at WaPo and now John does too.
  2. PJ looks like John
  3. Was there another point?

All I know is that if they are related they are at least 2nd cousin's. Great Grandfathers were brothers (3rd cousins) or their Great Grandfathers were the same guy (2nd cousins). I do not know any of my second cousins that live in the states and I know there are some.

I did find this tweet that makes it look like PJ knew John Podesta: and he calls him a tool.

Hopevoats ago

PJ shouldn't poke any hornet's nests until he gets his girlfriend to clean up her FB photo albums.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I believe he's married to JP's sister....can't remember, but HoneyBee explains it here:

sleepingbeautycan ago

Okay Laura, PJ and Brian are all siblings, see here:

Who did you think married PJ's sister (Laura)?

racoonbite ago

more on WaPo/podesta/CIA/Beezo

sleepingbeautycan ago

Yes I find that very interesting. I wonder why he is so protected and they let John Podesta twist in the wind?

shakethetree ago

They absolutely could be connected.

I am posting this so that no one spends too much time trying to prove they are closely related.

So which is it OP?

sleepingbeautycan ago

I meant first cousins or closer. Sorry for the confusion I will adjust the text above.

Yates ago

Change the OP title, as is it makes it seem like they're not related. People might stop investigating if you do that. Be clear. If you want help or more info then state that.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I can't I am sorry. I can only change the text and I did.

Yates ago

Then delete it and post again. This is a shit OP and you are misleading people.

sleepingbeautycan ago

If you read the whole title it is clear. I am so sorry I didn't find a link I tried. I want others to know that looking into the geneology is a waste of time. There are many podestas.

Yates ago

It's not a waste of time. If you're bored with it then just drop it but don't try to influence what others do. You should delete it.

shakethetree ago

It is not a waste of time and you are not the ultimate authority on whether this is a dead end. The OP title is misleading. I don't know if you are trying to be helpful, or muddy the waters. There are clearly loose threads between the family pic with Clinton, Brian working at NCMEC, his parents working at WaPo, and John now on a column there. They are threads that could still be connected.

Proii_Pariah ago

I was going to mention that there is a huge German population in Chile. Particularly in the Lake District. I've heard it described as a German Safe Zone. may not be the Besta guy. His name is Abdel Hammad. It's whichever one of those business owners had the position in Ant-Child Trafficking. I'm still going through things to try to find the info I'm looking for. It was in some of the earliest investigative material I saw but there has been a mountain of info since then.

reasonedandinformed ago

Whether technically related or not, the absolute censorship of exploring Podesta related to NCMEC, where he works, makes this a major lead. The censorship of people just ASKING questions shows that they do not want this question to be seen broadly. MCMEC is a very important lead in all of this, acting as a filter/gatekeeper to help the pedos. The lack of pictures for a huge percentage of kids from Virginia, which is not the case for any other state, is very telling.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I agree. I believe that NCMEC is a very bad place. I am not making the point that it is not. I did the research in the hopes of finding a link. I did not.

reasonedandinformed ago

Understood. Even if not connected, highly suspicious.

Proii_Pariah ago

Isn't the guy who owns Besta Pizza, or possibly one of the other businesses on that street, employed in some anti-child trafficking capacity...and from Chile? I seem to recall something like that. Not trying to spread bad info. I'm looking into it now and thought I'd enlist this community in helping me recall and/or finding the answer.

Blacksmith21 ago

Andrew Kline. DOJ Attorney for the Southeastern Division / Human Trafficking.

Proii_Pariah ago

Thanks Blacksmith21. Yes...I see that Andrew Kline seems to be the one. And he is Besta Pizza. There are a number of things around citing Abdel Hammad as owner of Besta. Not sure what that is about...maybe a co-owner? But Kline is the one I remember and even recognize his picture as per this link: Dojo Pizza Raided The Besta and Kline stuff starts just a short ways down. This isn't necessarily the most relevant link but I wanted to offer something by way of documentation.

Also, here is his LinkedIn Andrew Kline LinkedIn

Still looking for something documenting the Chile connection if anyone has something, or if someone has information to the contrary, please link. Thanks.

Blacksmith21 ago

How about going and seeing what EMW does in court next Monday. I'd go, but work got to me first.

Proii_Pariah ago

I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. EMW is not ringing any bells.

Blacksmith21 ago

Edgar Maddison Welch

Proii_Pariah ago

Oh! The actor! lol

They're actually going to go through the motions of a trial for him? I stopped paying attention to that whole mess the same day it happened. Would be interesting though to see what type of sentence he receives when you add in all the factors. I don't know what he's being charged with but at most it shouldn't be more than Discharging a Firearm in a Public Place...Reckless Endangerment...maybe a couple other things along those lines. Because of the nature of the, I mean alleged crime, I would think would get him little more than a brief hospital stay and several years of probation.

He's over there in the East though as I recall and I'm stuck over here behind enemy lines in California.

duerheltdum ago


Antonius ago

Once a podesta, always a molesta

Newfind ago


JustObserving ago

Once a clinton, always a kingpin.

Singleservename ago

Podesta is a common Italian surname much like Steward or Chamberlain in English.

I encountered many Podestas during research but could rarely connect them, for this reason.

EndThePizza ago

Too many coincidences though. They have a photo with Bill at the White House and Don worked at WaPo for decades. There might be a lot of Podestas in the world, but these are within the same small circle. Good chance they're related.