Bernierockson ago

I went looking for Mary Podesta's original obituary on line so I could post the link and it is no where to be found. I typed exact wording found in that article it is no longer available on line. I looked it at a couple of times it was available on the first google page that came up but not anymore...weird.

VieBleu ago

Are you saying her obit is gone, or the article with the Podesta comment about "adopted 25 children"? There is only one copy of that now it seems, whereas it had been picked up and was in several papers before...It is archived here - Maybe the International Herald can't be scrubbed?

Godwillwin ago

The poster in the picture says "Benton's Stage Line Virginia and Truckee Railroad Train"

So He's referencing a railroad from Virginia to truckee??

Godwillwin ago

Wow. A whole nother angle to investigate. The tentacles just keep on growing. I'm so furious that the media is silencing all of this

VieBleu ago

Hi - i somehow never saw this. I will say that someone looked it up from voat and could find no record of any adoptions. Also Mama Podesta would have been getting on in years a bit by the time she came to DC - 60s or so? Doesn't mean she couldn't adopt, but unlikely to adopt 25 lol. I think fostering was looked at too, can't remember on that one but certainly nothing of signifigance.

VieBleu ago

I have a hunch the string of "25 or so" emails shown in Luzatto's group email would yield the leads.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago This may be nothing but I just stumbled on this email and when I googled Lucy Uriel it brought up the Lucifer television series. Could there be more to this or could it be spam. Looks like it was a linked in account...

Iyd10 ago

Tbh I never thought much about the pool email until reading this. "Classy" people tend to speak retarded in general. Good job.

One thing to note though is not all Crowley followers are Satanists or Luciferians. Given the spirit cooking and everything else we know it is my opinion that they fall into the Theistic Luciferian category. I don't think they are Satanists

Somewhat off topic I went to Barnes & Noble while Christmas shopping, and first thing I see on this big round table display center isle is a book by Marina Abramović. I couldn't help but think it was only put there because of pizzagate. Maybe just a coincidence.

VieBleu ago

I think it is important to separate schools of occult- there are a lot of white witches in the world too. It is all about intention. Thx.

Iyd10 ago

Agree. Also, people tend to dismiss these claims when everything is considered "satanism." The belief systems between Satanists and Luciferians are fundamentally different.

Hopevoats ago

There is a string of emails planning their family vacation. They go to Truckee and pose in front of a hair salon with an Illuminati pyramid logo. A few interesting photos attached, lots of hand symbols.

billcaseyABC ago

Let's also not forget: Tamera Luzzatto was Hillary Clinton's CHIEF OF STAFF when she was a Senator in New York. Before that, Tam worked for JAY ROCKEFELLER. She and her husband, David Leiter, refer to themselves jokingly in one email as "Frank and Claire U(nderwood" from House of Cards...She's high up on the food chain.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Truckee is the town John Podesta has his vacation home based on what I have researched. It looks like it is in the same area where the Donner party was found.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Yup, Truckee Lake is where several of the families were camped that had to cannibalize each other to survive. Interesting that Podesta owned a home in Truckee also.

Godwillwin ago

What is this wiki email with truckee in it? A navy vessel?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

He may still own it.

pizzahthrowaway ago

I have been to Truckee, it is indeed very near at the DONNER PARTY/PASS it is also near North Lake Tahoe and the Cali-Nevada border. The North Tahoe area was a big time haunt for Sinatra and I think a whole ton of other celebrities too, possibly old school CIA involved ones.

billcaseyABC ago

Godfather, Part II was shot up at Lake Tahoe - Michael Corleone had his house on the water. I can separately confirm that it's very spooky (ABC) country up there

JudaismForGentiles ago

The book comments certainly make sense in context of occult

beepinboopin ago

Wow... very interesting and put-together post! The connections you made (and you made them well!) are downright creepy.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Luzzatto is a clumsy accomplice. Like she continues to ask them if she is speaking their code correctly. This isn your usual book club or bible study group....

flyingcuttlefish ago

Very good read. Yes, the e-mail makes no sense without knowing any of these strange ideas and practices.

VieBleu ago

glad you liked it, get ready to jump this place is toast.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

get ready to jump this place is toast.

What do you mean? Why do you say this?

SpikyAube ago

Why toast?