seekingpeace ago

Every now and then his mask slips and he reveals himself for the sexual predator that he is.

AngelTantrum ago

He took us on a needless adventure of emotions..we were dedicated to sharing EB info..then bam, it just stopped with "He got a job at Google"! Which then made us look crazy for 80+ days..How is it...that he finds ratlines but couldn't find EB employment status within 3 days max? How GW alive with all the secrets he is exposing? People have been suicided for LESS!

sunshine702 ago

I gotta admit I'm lukewarm on George Webb lately too. 1- Haiti trip? Then nothing. 2. Ex spook with conections back is delicious his Libya Syria Awan Brothers CF and a SAP explain was excellent but seems not the full level on other stuff 3. No YouTube interference like EVERYBODY else normal. 4. Off Pizzzagate. 5. Let's all just own up and walk away - I heard that LOUD AND CLEAR too 6- has gotten names and wives WRONG like Alex Jones getting key names "wrong". Lukewarm. Grain of salt.

samhara ago

I've heard him mention Valerie Plame and he apparently admires her intelligence, knowledge of her field and spywork.

I know she was fucked - over by W. Bush, and W. never got into an ounce of trouble for it.

I didn't hear the reference you are mentioning.

I do believe and know people in that line of work and in Entertainment have doubles and sometimes are even switched out.

It's possible they even do cloning/ genetic manipulation? / breeding babies, who grow up for specialized work . positions?

But what is more likely is doubles / twins who are raised to be spies.

Maybe that's what he referred to?; how the woman in Hollywood was somehow connected to Plame?

I missed that show.

The Film Industry is very creepy and has become more and more tied up with dark Propaganda and psy-op since 2001

Divorced. He speaks of his ex-wife. An on some profile he self - id'd as single. I believe that. um, Spy types do better with few attachments, since it's dangerous work; and therefor one feels more free, if one is caring, if one has few family members. In his case, one of his offspring just graduated from Columbia U. today.. See. children grown .. No feeling of too much guilt for doing dangerous work.

Everyone makes their own gut judgments. I've made poor ones in my day, for sure. People have made bad calls on me, so I know it can happen - that someone is falsely distrusted.

To each his own .. Hopefully good things will continue to happen; like Comey being fired; And lots of pedo-rings busted.

DeathTooMasons ago

Yup. Notice how they have nothing to say about his 9/11 denial, his telling people not to bother with Alefantis and that he thinks we shouldn't seek preosecution of Hillary and other rediculous implausable attitudes? Notta word. Sounds like his fan club, not red pilled people.

AngelTantrum ago

80+ days of where is Eric Braverman...then all of a sudden "He works at Google"...never to be questioned again! Very strange!

DeathTooMasons ago

We know who did it, or the entity behind it. George puts on a show. I tire of his pointless on the road series where he makes no sense about why he is filming from locations, and why his videos are short and cut off while he is still talking. George is an anoying spook.

jangles ago

Jem777 ago

Thanks needed that. It has become almost hysterical at this point. Citizens Voaters & /pol/ & Reddit solve crime faster than the FBI & all other police dept. together.

As well as intelligence services. They should have a job fair in Washington DC and invite all long time VOATers, Redditers on the Donald, & anons from /pol/ to come work for the country and get her back to shining. There incredibly talented people all over that have drawn to these investigations because they could not turn away from the real possibility that young children were being trafficked. We brought all our unique skills together to help and have never stopped.

samhara ago

So if he has a crush on Valerie Plane. Who cares? She looks pretty hot? He's single.

What do you think? Is it really an issue? Who cares?

V____Z ago

Yes, in fact that is some of the strongest evidence that he is questionable. He seems to have a troll team defending him, and that is highly suspect. He is well funded, clearly. (He might even be here making long winded, loving comments about himself, using a different identity.)

Charleeto247 ago

George Webb is getting a good amount of info uncovering this. Those who say he is a fake or a diversion are wrong. Give me the video link of where he says the people he is investigating should go unpunished. Provide the citation, @V___Z . You guys are only providing posts and not the real deal? Show us. George Webb is not misinfo

DeathTooMasons ago

He even said he was an Obama fan and would get grief from it. You expect people to know where all his red flag comments are in his large long winded info overload videos. Haven't you heard it yourself? Stop being dazzled. Do you think he is just some guy that breaks things down this way?

Charleeto247 ago

Ok, so what?

So far hes been tackling dyncorp, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Awan bros, Huma Abedin, and now seth rich and many more. How is this a negative thing?

V____Z ago

You're wrong, I have provided much evidence as have others. Please go back and read through the top thread. There are many inconsistencies and outright untruths. For some reason, there are always people who refuse to look at them when it comes to George, though I don't see you guys on other pizzagate related threads. You provide no proof that those of us questioning are wrong. Go through the points made by others and refute them. I'm not going to relist them here for you. They are a permanent record, and anyone can see you are spouting nonsense and avoiding valid critique.

One convenient thing about George, who has admitted to taking part in Brownstone ops for the CIA, is that he has deleted much of his video series. To my knowledge, he has never explained why, even though people asked.

Charleeto247 ago

I want you to get the source, then. Go to a video to the minute mark and show me what you say about George Webb. For all you have been doing is saying you have, but those were only posts. Give me the real deal.

You are the one doing the things you are accusing me of.

All I'm asking is show me the nitty gritty proof. With him on videotape. So far you are killing the messenger. Give the link so people can see the video and see for themselves, not redirecting to other posts.

You can still his video series, he did not delete them as you said he did.

What hes working on right now is the Seth Rich case. That is a part of the whole pizzagate problem.

SterlingJB ago

The critics are just playing kill the messenger as well. If there's valid criticism of findings, great. If it's just about George, then wth? Join opblue.

Charleeto247 ago

What is opblue?

SterlingJB ago

The Correct the Record version of pizzagate.

Charleeto247 ago

No way, dang u just outed yourself as a CTR. @deathtoomasons @V___Z @veryhappy @keepingthepeace

SterlingJB ago


samhara ago

I think he's created a new form. If more people would do this. The house of cards lies would be over right away.

He's obviously being fed info by insiders and is on a mission that is a public mission, not a private one. So he's is a public face of a group or clique of research and intentionality. Likened himself today to the woman who wrote the books on the beginnings of Oil business and the Rockefeller, Ida Tarbell. The original "muckracker"

He claims he's free of insider informants, but that is less than plausible.

He's like an "FBI Anon" on the Road, He's hiding who he is, right. "Webb" is certainly an assumed name, he even admitted that in an aside at one point. He is collecting data from his viewers and that is a "Data Sink" and makes me a bit nervous. But what the hell, no one else is even asking or caring.

I feel sure he was chosen for this job for his acting talents - which he does have. He admits he's a Jew. So what? So was Aaron Swartz.

Doesn't bother me. He's very forgiving and lenient and , he calls it, "non - judgmental" toward the criminals but I interpret that like this:

In game theory it is known if you go all out against an opponent you have less chance to win, since they will go all out against you, as well.

So the best chance of some success is to be moderate in your attack - And he's showing his face out there; If he started ranting and railing how he wants to string up the pedos and roll them bloody through the street, he'd last much shorter than he might anyway.

So he limits his targets. With so many people on the Perp's Team, there's no chance we could get them all anyway, judges, lawyers, admins ... so many .. So why scare them off if some would be needed to help with information; or at least keep yourself from being their target. So the forgiving attitude has a purpose.

("We all pray for mercy, And that same prayer does lead us all to render the deeds of mercy." - kit marley) Some people are more likely to come clean if they know there might be some mercy involved.

Also, think of this ; If the whole goverment is involved.. How will you jail or execute everyone anyway?

cf. The Pizza Connection trials prosecuted in the U.S. by later FBI chief Freeh. In Palermo they had to build a Stadium for all the perps,,There were only some 60 - 70 And Sicily is just an island, not an entire Continent. What we have by the tail is International in scope.

Webb brings that up all the time., to global mulitplication of what he studied on a small scale;. each situaton each particular he goes over is multiplied many times, over many places, and they use the same M.O. Modus Operatdi. Once you see the M.O. you can recognize it elsewhere. [Like a self - similar fractal , as was written about in the popular math of the 90's ]

Also, I believe he is military trained and in the mid-set of the "Establishment" - which is his character , like a politician . And hes' also a salesman - sold for Sun Computers. So he's careful to keep everyone friends. Even Wayne Madsen, the other day ,who insulted him?. He complemented Madsen and said he was great and his hero-journalist.. Whatever. It's part political, part Webb's temperament, and likely part training.

Fucking drug dealers don't mess around. I know that from my neighborhood.

I would say this is even more so in the present case since the odds are stacked so high against us, and as many of us have realized these perps have been "in business" for hundreds of years.

It's massive. G. Webb just skirts the surface.

And he's giving a model for how it might be done by others.

This raises an important point: how to survive as a resistance into the future.

The "bad guys" know how to persist, and keep the environment amenable to their life choices and activities. Yet we are literally hanging by the wires of the not too secure Internets, and have trouble just relaying what we know to others [ to be fair: The perps are doing some heavy defense on the Propaganda front and work on the persuasion angle night and day - If that's all you've got for "truth" you've got to work it to the max.]

So Mr. Webb narrows his search, uses propinquity and "what is in front of him" for the next step, and leaves a trail hopefully to be collated at a later time.

He has mentioned he has a University working with him, the students of which have made the collection and analysis of the data he collects, a project.

That is called planning for persistence into the future. Also, by bringing people along with him, he is teaching people, by modeling it, how to think and how to act - so he mentors those who will keep up when we are gone.

Truthfully, I have more faith in him than I do in VOAT. I've definitely had the numbers messed with on here, Have no idea who the owners are. This place could just as easily be a circle jerk with all the Data going down a hole never to be seen . The shillery is strong; especially if you venture out of "Pizzagate." And the place seems very quiet lately? Or is that just me?

I'm inspired by his bravery, weather it is acted or not. I've studied a lot of actors, acting , crisis actors; And I don't believe he's acting the fear. Someone put him on a mission, likely military. That's my working hypothesis.

The discoveries made by the present generation of researcher are "quantum leap" categories in field of history and political history .

Just consolidating what we have so far may be the most we can achieve. And leave to later generations the task of implementation of the knowledge? [applying the knowledge to creating a better world and for the 100% punishing the child sadists / stopping their cult , keeping it from propagation into the future.] Though rumors are that there will be another round of breaking Pedo rings after the new FBI chief is installed.

For me the analogy is similar to the situation around Pasteur and then Lister. Pasteur made the observations - which no one of his generation would accept.. And then it was up to Lister and the up-coming generation of doctors who were trained by Lister to improve the medical protocols for dressing wounds. The generation alive when the discoveries of Pasteur [reality of germs/ microbes] were made, were stupid with the "knowledge" they thought they had. It was up to the next generation of doctors to take advantage of the real knowledge Pasteur had observed and put together.

So we need to preserve our work, propagate it, and make sure it can't be wiped out - as I'm sure the perps desire to put it down via the "1984" - style [no accident] memory hole.

HolyMoly0 ago

@V___Z @veryhappy

If you haven't already, read @samhara's comment. I would love to know what you think.

@V____Z ?

V____Z ago

I got stuck at "he's a Jew, I've no problem with that"

Apparently he's admitted to being a Zionist. I've never heard anyone whose opinion I trust defend that. OP simply left that out.

HolyMoly0 ago

Full name is George Webb Sweigert. He has a LinkedIn. He's posted on VOAT too. @GeorgeWebb.

Interesting that you think he's an actor, and you also trust him. I don't know what to think.

samhara ago

I obviously wasn't clear. They picked him for his Public Relation skill, verbal skills, high intelligence, leadership, everythng.. Yes, he is an actor beside all that - not professionally, but that's part of the skill tool box. He not memorizing lines.. like an "Alex Jones" who is literally an actor ; But Webb seems to be instructed on where to go with certain topics; somewhat political. So he's taking some instruction; as a professional actor does.. He's more along the lines of the ancient Roving actor, who were the best educated of their day and who performed extemporaneously. They improvised along certain sketched outlines. "The Artists" "theatre of the professional" Commedia dell'arte.

Sorry if I was unclear. I meant it in no way as a disparagement. Wheeler was hired by HRC; that's a different class of Actor.

Acting is needed for media propagation.

Tools can be used for good or for bad.

seekingpeace ago

How does your theory fit in with his claims of being targeted in a harassment program? In game theory is this the prisoners dilemma?

samhara ago

My working hypothesis is that he is backed by people in intelligence/ military who know what's going on and are pissed about it. I have a citation to show that insiders want to stop the people who did "9/11" which was a horror show and shame to the military and to the honest Admin elements of the government.

It's widely known that the 19 hijacker story is totally bullshit.

And it's an International embarrassment; since intelligence agencies and people who can research or just see with their eyes the fake videos and poor crisis acting, and script reading by the "news" anchors, know. It's just hideous. And id you let those people / cliques who did it run amuck; truly they won't stop .

So anyway, my hypothesis is that the people in the background have his back, some way or another, and they are coaching him.

The game theory strategy is something I read. I wasn't very clear explaining it.

If you go for 100%, your opponent will go all out 100%, in that case your chance of 100% failure is increased.

I assume he's getting coached by military and political strategists

If you go for 50%, for example, your chance of winning is increased, and your chance of losing 100% is decreased.

There may be only a limited number of big - time perps in certain key positions. And the folks below them are just being blackmailed or kept in the dark

George has eluded to that. In other words, the less people the top perps have on their team, who know the score and the big picture [which they have to know to make decisions] the less chance they will be caught.

Consider this: the information is highly compartmentalized . Some FBI Anon has stated he doesn't know what he knows from inside work as opposed to outside private research / thought. But he knows he doesn't know everything inside, because it's shielded / compartmentalized.

So George is harassed by McCabe; some history to do with a fake terror attack, I surmise? And some "terror" patsies whom George stood up for.

So that could be "personal" But for some reason McCabe is constrained from going full out against George; since one could fairly make the assumption that if McCabe really wanted to get rid of him, he could.

For some reason that's off the table? I would assume some "dead man's switch" Or info that George has given instruction should be released should anything happen to him. In security books I read they say you can send the info sealed to strangers. So no one knows who has it. [ I should re-look at the protocol around this since it's tricky and I might not remember it exactly] You send the info to different people , and they mail it somewhere if you die?

Anyway, I assume there are some security precautions on him ..

seekingpeace ago

Maybe, but people who have had close contact with him believe Epstein is his handler. I don't really care any more and no longer watch him but I will be interested to know if the truth ever comes out.

Not an attack on you, but using game theory when it comes to innocent children being abused for the purpose of blackmail and extortion doesn't sit well with me. I want to see high level prosecutions. For me, going after the Clinton Foundation is the priority as it is a direct link to Hillary - less chance of plausible deniability.

Have a nice weekend! :)

samhara ago

Thank you. You too.

I think trying to break the Blackberry syncs links to the servers, the Seth Rich, Sean , Braverman and I think there are six- cluster of murders around covering their tracks and revenge for the email dunp , will help to bring down HRC. I believe that's where it's at. If you haven't watched it , then you might not realize where he's gone with it?

Also, once these deaths are associated with the Wiki leaks email dump - then the Russia lie will have less credibility ;

I think the twitter tag team is helping. People are co-ordinating efforts and George is inspiring people to reseach and dig. Looks like DNC killed a bunch of people to cover their tracks.

If we push, the hope is, the nest of snakes will be exposed. And when the snake nest is discovered by the public,,,,,,, everything goes, because those who work for the reptiles [metaphorically speaking\ freak out and start to sing and call out for mercy and trade info... with real police. . It may never happen .. But I feel hopeful only in thet it looks as though there is an Institutional support for that exposure; which is why we even have Trump and all the busts so far since his Inauguration - which are significant.

Which is, of course, why the cartel / Octopus is so absolutely desperate to destroy Trump

George just told his audience a few days ago that Epstein and Alephanits were CIA and that's what we are having to deal with. So I doubt he works for Epstein. You should tag whoever told you that?

I think the insiders have been pissed and fuming for years already, unless themselves compromised. And of course everyone's wanted these crooks to be exposed for years already. But something is better than a full loss.

HolyMoly0 ago

No, this makes complete sense. Your first comment was profound. I did not give it a proper reading. Martin Luther had the printing press. George Webb has the internet.

I just want to know who he's working for.

Jem777 ago

Many of you seem to be unaware of who is providing George with all of his leads & sources this far. They are FBI, CIA, NSA, insiders who have leaked info through thumbdrive drop offs, & other covert untraceable means. George just stated yesterday in his videos that Epstein is CIA & Alefantis is CIA and we have to expose all of this to make things like pizzagate/pedogate possible never happen again. He also told everyone AGAIN to go to VOAT.

V____Z ago

That's wild, since "he claims he is free of insider informants"

samhara ago

That's why I say he's "acting" a role, with a purpose though. I happen to agree with his purpose.

He also implied , not too convincingly, that "9/11" "conspiracy theories" were something we all could forget about. And scoffed at it. I'm still alright with him because I appreciate the work he's doing. It has value, and he's out doing my best expectations.

I hate "Alex Jones" and he's supposedly a "9/11 truther" but he discredits it. And he personally harmed me and my friends.

So I'm free of litmus tests. We've struggled with the 9/11 Truth all this time. It'd be rewarding to have some success with important results after all the hard work and emotional beating, and cultural alienation that one has to deal with when what you work on makes you a pariah.

With who is backing Mr Webb, and his method, it makes some success possible, however limited we might feel it compared to our complete wish lists.

And he gives a model and method that anyone can use on their own projects.

I feel "Alex Jones" is a failure, though he has millions of viewers. I feel George W. is a success even with some handful of thousands.

DeathTooMasons ago

He denounces 9/11 conspiracy so he needs to be denounced himself. That was proven beyond resonable doubt to be done by FIA, Mosssad, Larry Silverstein, Port Authority, Giuliani, Bush administration and the complicit government and media were all in on it. The entire system conspired to pull it off and Trump gives lies about it as well as he is one of them. I despise George Web. Pathetic lying spooks. Spook is another word for liar. It is their essence.

samhara ago

I see your point. I save my hate for Alex Jones and the Queen of England..

Dr. P said "Jones" wasn't a liar because he was being told what to say. I'm assuming Webb knows full well about 9/11, how could he not? But is instructed that is off his limited agenda.

He's narrowed. His agenda , as it is, is very large.

If I hate somebody, it's somebody who's really selling trash. Or who is a Provocateur.

There's very few chances to get anywhere with this research ..

Do you happen to have latched onto anything else you think he's lying about?

Jem777 ago

V___Z. It seems you are very determined to undermine G. Webb. Again as stated before he has the information in video, pictures, written documentation etc. Some of this his own research and much insiders leaking to him to put out the videos. No one is stating he is a hero unto himself there are many including everyone on Voat that is trying to help.

You are on the wrong side of history.

DeathTooMasons ago

Sounds like you have qa comprehension problem and countered none of the points being brought up about George "Hillary and Podesta should be forgiven, 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy" Webb. The fact that you don't have the ability to detect bullshit and still fall for cult of personality shows you are new. Arrest aren't imminent. George said they were and warned the "good FBI agents" to share their info because heads would roll soon. Wake up. He is a worhtless spook.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I see it now! Annoying that you can't easily search for usernames on here... but Google search brought up your older posts.

I just can't see how George Webb is controlled opposition, if he's going to DC to investigate Seth Rich? Unless of course he turns nothing up and continues to spin stories. But, how do explain the information he's presenting on Awan bro's / Dyncorp / laundering / ratlines / etc... that is pretty damning stuff, I can't imagine the powers that be want this circulating.

V____Z ago

The powers that be decide what to release in order to hide more damaging stuff that's coming to light. I think that's called a limited hangout, but I've also heard terms like controlled opposition and gatekeeper with regard to Webb, and those fit too, IMO.

Imagine how Podesta feels about the fact that we're discussing "the Awan brothers and Dyncorp" rather than what we used to discuss: Podesta brothers, Hillary, Soros , the CIA and Alefantis.

That's a limited hangout, right there. And a good one, with lots of drama and smooth talking, shuffling of the feet, and a large online presence to suppress questioning.

HolyMoly0 ago

Thanks for taking the time to write this out. I'd say the payment offer makes me most suspicious.

rwb2 ago

You're even more difficult to vet. What should that tell the casual reader?

V____Z ago

Just noting that RWB2 is a staunch supporter of Alex Jones as well as Webb. This user enjoys the unique position of being the first and only person online, in my 20 years of experience, to insinuate they wanted to meet me in person to 'teach me a lesson'. This was for talking about Alex Jones' ties to the CIA,

seekingpeace ago

That's for publicly stating that. It's good to know who the thugs are. It helps keep other people safer.

V____Z ago

It's this same reason I'm trying to warn people about George too. I think he is dangerous, but I'm getting my ass handed to me for asking questions about him.

jangles ago

He is a hero donating his time for the people of america and the world. You have no stature to make any claim without references and logical progression. George is good at this. @rwb2 provide some notives

FE_Rebekah ago

He said he was a Zionist, and still I listened. Then he changed the title of his videos to "Killing is Good Business," and he seemed to enjoy saying this phrase a little too much, and I had to stop watching.

I believe he is truth mixed with lies. He speaks of known False Flags as if they were real. I think he's a gatekeeper, speaking just enough truth to get you to believe, so that then you believe his lies as well.

Given he speaks some truth, perhaps people should watch, but that would be like watching Alex Jones to hear a dribble of truth, and sacrificing my emotional health isn't worth it. The guy incites anger and hatred, and he bashes on "globalists" all day while having his favorite background of spinning globes behind him. It's duality, and I'm done being tricked.

DeathTooMasons ago

Your ability to use what you have learned about their game and apply it to suspicious truthers is what I wish the rest of the so called red pilled people could do. We think alike on this subject.

V____Z ago

I'm done being tricked.

This is why in another comment, @remedy4reality said, "this entire mother fucking cult is going down"

People have had enough. They pushed it too far, and we are simply too awake and intelligent for them to shut it down. People know we as a species are in great peril, and are being poisoned and lied to, and led around by satanists who've positioned themselves into all positions of power in the western world. We don't care if speaking the truth would literally get us killed, because who knows how long we will be here anyway?

They're fucked if we have no fear. And with nothing to loose, we haven't any. We see things clearly. That's what they didn't count on.

DeathTooMasons ago

Your typing that you have had enough does not jail people. You have not learned that yet? They control the CIA, FBI and justice system as well as media and politicians. When will you learn that your having "had enough" means nothing in the real world? They are and always have been untouchable and they own the system. Wake up or continue to be silly.

seekingpeace ago

His youtube channel is even worse! It's an echo chamber where people who ask questions about his background etc are hounded out. It's like a cult with "followers " writing comments like, George Webb for head of FBI, George Webb for President. It's insane and they can't all be real.

I read the comments for giggles! :-)

sunshine702 ago

I read the material and then let the test of time work it's magic. No harm in reading.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

"action 333" - Can't find it. Tried "333" and "Action333' as well.

Strange. Thoughts? Just curious to see your POV.

HolyMoly0 ago

Have you seen his LinkedIn? Google "George Webb Sweigert LinkedIn"--Voat won't let me link to it.

Here's another good resource on his claims.

He has a clear job history that explains his current financial freedom, he's well connected, and has a recent background of conflict with Andrew McCabe.

On one hand, I see a real person backing up his claims with real stories and evidence, and on the other hand, I see skeptics talking about rumors and questioning his tactics. Not that the questions aren't good to ask; just that there's not much substance in them so far.

V____Z ago

It's really a series of things that border on untruths. There is strange behaviour, like deleting valid questions posted to his Facebook without answering them. The sexting was very much in line with the person he seems to be. Manipulative. He seems to be playing a game, and it isn't about getting to the bottom of pizzagate, or helping us to do so. He seems to be inserting himself in our community and taking the pizzagate investigation into many different directions, all of them far from where we began, far from the evidence and into his weird trip.

i want people to be careful. You can't trust everyone. You certainly can't trust everyone who used to do work for the CIA and who has participated in brownstones. As for the sexting in trade for "secrets", he never denied those screenshots, he knows about them and knows Wendy, they corresponded on Twitter about it.

If he did find information about Seth Rich, how can one be sure he would do the right thing with it, given his opinion that even Podesta and Clinton should go free? He doesn't operate like fellow pizzagate researchers, and I worry that he is indeed still doing jobs for covert agencies. That is why contacting him with info, especially if it would give away your identity, is a very bad idea.

HolyMoly0 ago

Have you seen his posts on Voat? Anything that stands out to you there?

(this might also be a good forum to ask him questions, if he ever comes on here anymore.)

V____Z ago

I would have to look at them again to give you specifics, but I know that his communications here in no way made me trust him. I've never trusted him, and everything continues to substantiate this for me. He wants to work with Craig Sawyer, who is partnered up with Alex Jones. Alex who says the DC ring finger by pizzagate evidence is INNOCENT. Webb says they shouldn't be prosecuted for anything. So does Dr Steve Poscheznic (sp?) - all of them have ties to the CIA, who are the main perps our investigation is outing.

I don't see why we don't practice extreme discernment and discrimination when it comes to anyone connected with any group we are trying to out in this investigation.

I grew up with people who worked for the military. I have been around them much of my life - Webb and Sawyer (and Jones) work for the government. Maybe not officially anymore, if ever, but these are operatives.

Webb wants us to trust him, this bothers me. Real truthers don't care, they just speak the truth and if people follow, fine. But Webb watches and changes his behaviour according to our comments online. That isn't right, that is creepy, this is what military people do. He's admitted to doing ops before. I would submit that we who are not familiar with how these people operate, are too trusting. We are in pain and so thirsty for justice and a real investigation, that we ignore even blatant signs, blinded by our need for some relief.

HolyMoly0 ago

I agree. All of these people have this shiftiness about them that I think turns people off instinctively. Pieczenik openly says this current movement of Intel leaks and the Trump presidency is a coordinated counter-counter-counter-counter coup or whatever from Spooks and former Spooks, working in tandem with Alex Jones and others, to take down the corrupt elements of the Deep State.

They could be operatives, and many of them are, by Pieczenik's own admission. But that doesn't mean they're necessarily misleading us for the gain of someone they're working for.

I've been looking at it like this: if it really is spooks vs spooks, and if spooks know how to get dirt and influence public opinion, then we're only seeing one side do this effectively--the Pieczenik side. Which tells me that there is likely to be much less dirt on the Pieczenik side than on the side Pieczenik is fighting, because we would have probably seen better dirt on Pieczenik, Stone, Jones, Webb, Trump, and the rest of them than we've seen so far. Muh-Russia has been their best, and it's a flimsy piece of shit.

So I keep some amount of trust until I see something really damning, on the scale of Pizzagate or the Awans. But I agree with you: these people seem to be withholding things from us, and it is absolutely bothersome.

And just on your Jones-Alefantis point... they were trying to destroy Jones with the gunman stuff. I'm keeping an open mind about his retraction, because it's highly possible that he was being successfully threatened. I don't think anyone here was convinced by the retraction, and I don't think he expected them to be.

seekingpeace ago

This is a matter for honest LEO to investigate, not for some random creepy dude on the internet. Is there no-one he won't exploit for clicks? Yuck.

HolyMoly0 ago

Impossible if Law Enforcement is compromised. FBI is still holding Rich's laptop, and everyone on PG knows how dishonest the DC police can be.

V____Z ago

With law enforcement compromised what can you expect Webb to be able to do?

seekingpeace ago

If you want some form of justice then LE needs to be involved. Otherwise it's all conspiracy and floats around the internet with nutjobs claiming they've "solved the case."

HolyMoly0 ago

But the public needs to force LE's hand, which they can only do with widespread knowledge, which is where investigative journalism comes in.

seekingpeace ago

Holy, I'm sure you mean well but having a self-admitted "targeted/harassed by the FBI" man investigating doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

A guy with an iphone hanging around asking people questions won't be enough to solve the case.

HolyMoly0 ago

He has more than an iPhone. He seems to have real sources, and to know the involved players intricately. Better than nothing, IMO. And I'm not talking about solving anything. I'm talking about learning.

V____Z ago

What he sells as teaching, is also known as distraction. We used to discuss things like the CIA and Podesta emails, we never finished looking into Pegasus - instead we are now following someone who has ties to the CIA, and allowing him to decide what is important, and it's the Awan brothers?

seekingpeace ago

Make up your own mind. All of his critics on this site are people who were there from the beginning.

There's a difference between truth and facts.

Are_we_sure ago

Try the clam pie. It's really good.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That would be great to see.

GumShoe ago

I'm all for this. I don't see how this could possibly benefit deep-state intel.... attracting and directing attention onto the unsolved murder of Seth Rich. In my gut I feel like this could be the lynchpin that is the catalyst for the great unraveling....

What I don't understand is the parents' reaction, or why they hired some D.C. crises management PR guy...

samhara ago

The PR guy is insider DNC, a handler.

Godwillwin ago

I heard the PR guy was provided to them by D.C. Police. They can't afford someone like Olivia Pope from "Scandal" but we know Hillary and friends can.

V____Z ago

No, he was provided to them by the DNC. He works for the DNC as a crisis manager. The Rich family was literally visited by Hillary right after the murder, during one of her campaign stops. It was right after that, the family started asking people not question things, and called the questioning 'conspiracy theorizing'.

samhara ago

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Like the Mob Boss who comforts the widow of the man he slays..And is the first one to hold her hand.. They get off on that shit... Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

TimesUp ago

I think the PR crisis guy from DNC was foisted upon Seth's family by those who desperately need to control the narrative.

HolyMoly0 ago

The PR guy is a DNC guy. George says the DNC placed him there. Not sure how that would work, but Seth worked for the DNC, so it's not insane.

And the PR would be for political news, where the public interest lies, so it makes sense that the political organization the parents are most connected to would hook them up with someone in that world.

V____Z ago

The Rich family was visited by Hillary when she was in Omaha, just after the murder. Google "Hillary visits family of Seth Rich, Omaha". It was right after that that the family came out and said people should not question his murder.

HolyMoly0 ago

I agree. That's why I'm taking this seriously.

I just haven't found much to go off of in the comments besides questions. George has been corroborated many times. The Awan stuff seems credible to me. (He hasn't been the only one reporting on it.)

sunshine702 ago

Well based on the latest /pol anon - look into older members of SEIU.

Any connections to Clinton's staffers: Robby Mook, Needra Tandren, John Podesta, or Jennifer Palmari? Anyone get a large payment around July 2016? Anyone rocket up the job ladder right then?

Godwillwin ago

Sunshine, do u have a link to the latest 4chan pol anon? Do you know if FBI anon has posted recently or HLI or DHS insider?

SterlingJB ago

Not FBI Anon. This is Victoryofthelight @KibBitzLaw on twitter. Read through the feed. Don't know what to make the acct, but they sure know about some interesting wikileak docs.

samhara ago

Victory of Light is gone. Seemed sketchy. Logo was Arab Occult. When I went back to image search on it. the account was erased.

SterlingJB ago

They're still on twitter. They're a funny follow. They think starwars is about to go down and seem to know all the good alien/stargat leaks.. Could be project blue beam.

samhara ago

Maybe the account is just blocked for me? do you have the twitter direct address. Search will not pull it up for me. Perhaps they are shadow - banned?

SterlingJB ago

Jem777 ago

Bingo SterlingJB

sunshine702 ago

There is a voat thread with a transcript.

This person claims to be a new Anon. "I am not FBI anon but close". VERY VERY DISTUBING "possible" info about JP teeth and the 25 kids his mom adopted.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Those weren't kids she "adopted," they were adults. There's old threads here about it. I'm sure she was caring and looked after them and probably cashed their disability checks or something of that nature. That whole family is a pack of scumbags.

DonKeyhote ago

Laughable honeypot

seekingpeace ago

There are BDSM Mom's out there. Mom's who want to believe they're "doing something to help"

RweSure ago

What's a BDSM Mom?

FE_Rebekah ago

Did you know typing "BDSM" into Google would have taking you less time than writing this question?

RweSure ago

Yeah I know what that is. I have no idea what this means

There are BDSM Mom's out there. Mom's who want to believe they're "doing something to help"

V____Z ago

Well said.


REALLY well said.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Why do you think that?

V____Z ago

I don't see how helping him advances our cause. He believes the perps behind pizzagate should go unpunished. How do you know you can trust him and that he isn't a honeypot? How do you know for sure he isn't doing a limited hangout op for his friends in Intel?

There are many questions and some are here, from fellow Voaters (comments)

DeathTooMasons ago

Exactly. Ex spooks always go with the mantra "Everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail". George thinks this way and is a piece of shit. Spooks don't believe in justice, they believe in manipulation.

samhara ago

Of course he's limited hang out. What else. He said the other day "The FBI is mostly good" I figured it was because the FBI was listening. It's comedy, in some ways.

freeagent37 ago

Totally! Great questions.

rwb2 ago

"He believes the perps behind pizzagate should go unpunished."

Of course you have a citation. Kindly provide it.

seekingpeace ago

You're right it's not 50. I don't have time to trawl through hours of video to satisfy someone who hasn't watched his entire body of work.

But here is another comment from someone else saying the same thing about a month ago

" throwaway345678 1 points (+1|-0) 1 month ago

You're forgetting the possibility that he is actively CIA/FBI and feeding you all disinfo mixed with good info.

For example: he said Hillary / .gov pedophiles should not be prosecuted. Another example: He said MKULTRA/ SRA is a psyop. It is not a psyop, and the entire reason for his series (may) be to cover that fact.

I am not saying he has never given good information. But much of that was plagiarized from other researchers, then tweeked with false statements. It's what makes him very potentially harmful - he sounds very good superficially, and he develops trust with his audience, to then convince people SRA/MKULTRA isn't real, and that we should all just forgive Hillary and Podesta.

Webb also supported Obama and dislikes Trump - make of that what you will."

Charleeto247 ago

Give us the source not some random throwaway. You guys are terrible at this. We know your agends and deathtoomasons you're trying to copy @deathtomasons .

DeathTooMasons ago

Exactly right, and it is obvious what he is doing.

remedy4reality ago

he's on the record repeatedly saying that

If you're going to be an apologist for him, you should be fully aware of his comments.

rwb2 ago

On the record means exactly that. But the record can in certain cases constitute tens, hundreds, or even thousands of hours of audio, video, or text to be read, and to expect someone to begin scouring "the record" to corroborate a very serious claim is an outrage. I have news. I am going to take @seekingpeace and @V____Z to task in the very near future for the sins of omission, but perhaps they can head off the onslaught by citing with precision where Webb says any such thing like Clinton and Podesta should go unpunished, because I've just finished watching day 49, 50, and 51, and I didn't see one thing that even hinted at such an idea. I am not remotely an apologist, and I have no allegiance to one George Webb. I am however completely committed to the truth, whatever that may be, and the truth is, anyone with an anonymous username can say anything on the web and expect it to be believed, and this is called delusion.

remedy4reality ago

To demand that every statement be linked so you have proof is an equal outrage. You are like: 'fuck that, I'm not looking it up' in one breath, and then expect VZ to offhandedly have a link ready and available, or go 'scouring' Webb minutia for proof? The very same thing you refuse to do? Personally, Webb LOST ME when he inferred that, and I remember it well. The nail in Webb's credibility coffin came when he turned towards that Awan Bros. and dropped the CF and Hillary exactly when the investigation was heating up.

rwb2 ago

To demand that every statement be linked so you have proof is an equal outrage

Hmmm... this escaped my attention the first time around, but it's so interesting I had to address it. I'm not remotely asking that every statement be linked. In fact, I'm asking for just one, but even that's too much to expect from you and your cohorts. Why cumulatively, you and your cohorts have spent probably the better part of 4 hours trying to prove your points through mere persuasion instead of producing something more tangible. Why if I were in your shoes, I'd spend 4 hours scouring Webb videos to prove the reality of my claim.

remedy4reality ago

lol comical

rwb2 ago

At least we agree on something.

jangles ago

The awan bros are key to lots of this. @remedy4reality - @seekingpeace and @V____Z your motives are in question here. None of you have backed up you comments. Come with some clear points with references that make sense. YOU SOUND LIKE CNN.

remedy4reality ago

Sorry, Webb fanboy... Awan Bros. are small fish.

This entire mother fucking cult is going down.

jangles ago

No fanboy here. I just have seen him perform better than most journalists.

remedy4reality ago

Don't ping me to impugn my motives. That pisses me off.

jangles ago

Cheers to the entire fucking cult going down

rwb2 ago

One definition of delusion is the act of obvious contradiction. In your case, it's actually Twilite Zone level. I said I spent 45 minutes watching Webb day 49, 50, and 51 under the pretense that the call for exoneration was where said statement would be found according to seekingpeace:

Not just pizzagate perps. In his early videos (around about Day 50), around the same time he made the absurd claim about how much money all of the researchers would get, he said if they [all the perps - Dyncorp, Petraeus, Hillary et al] admitted their crimes they should walk. He made this claim on numerous videos.

and you want fantasize that I refused to do something. You have zero credibility with statements like that, and don't think the casual reader is not going to see the disconnect between your statement and my very reasonable attempt to corroborate the claims. In fact, every such post made by you or your fellows without even one precise citation only strengthens my belief that you are the ones manipulating the truth about George Webb for some unknown purpose.

Charleeto247 ago

@rwb2 Amen brother for sticking to the truth. I say I am also for truth and so far George Webb has been on the hunt for truth. If he has not, then i would stop. @seekingpeace and others cant even bother to show us evidence, only crying out that George is fake and name calling against people who arent persuaded by their sad attempts to cause a diversion.

remedy4reality ago

lol fuck you ten point turd

you dicks are going down in flames

rwb2 ago

Ah yes, going down in flames for expecting semi-competent reporting by way of a citation of serious claims. The reality is there's no remedy 4 your malady.

seekingpeace ago

Now you're just being a dick. If you'd followed his series from early on you'd clearly know what people are stating here. Of course I can't remember exactly which video - he's got 100s of 2min-3min of him knocking on a door, or cut off mid sentence.

If you're really interested you would spend the time watching his early stuff instead of getting righteous and claiming ordinary people are manipulating the truth. You clearly don't watch his series.

Now bugger off and stop harassing posters who have a different opinion than you.

rwb2 ago

I read a post of yours where you said Israeli Diplomat Zev Barkan was a good guy being unfairly judged.

rwb2 ago

This may come as a surprise, but the world is remarkably complex. In the next nanosecond, the world will produce more information than can be digested by any one human in ten lifetimes. Therefore, we must be selective about what information to ingest, lest we become overloaded. And even the information we choose to take in almost always comes through else's lens first. Case in point, one George Webb. Now I've watched perhaps twelve episodes in total, and what I have seen is nothing short of remarkable, worthy of much consideration, but I can only allot so much brain time to his particular angle or worldview, and thus I depend on others to analyze, distill, and utilize what he's saying. In other words, I don't need to watch all his videos in order to challenge you or anyone else making claims about him. If you had made a note of which videos had the offending statements by Webb, you wouldn't need to remember which one of the hundreds, and again, we've already discovered that seekingpeace is completely unreliable after saying it was around the day 50 mark.

There are two competing viewpoints here. One side argues he is reporting on important matters that no one else is, which is my impression in watching some of his videos, and the other claims he's a fraud, disinformation, controlled opposition, etc. But the question remains, if George Webb has said outrageous things like you and others claim, why can't anyone cite even one example? And why can't people realize that citations are the bedrock of all good research? Making claims without citations is the very definition of manipulating the truth.

In so far as your assertion that I am harassing posters, I think you have forgotten where you are. It's called Voat, and there is no censorship here, which means your request has about as much weight as the aether in which you are immersed.

seekingpeace ago

Not just pizzagate perps. In his early videos (around about Day 50), around the same time he made the absurd claim about how much money all of the researchers would get, he said if they [all the perps - Dyncorp, Petraeus, Hillary et al] admitted their crimes they should walk. He made this claim on numerous videos.

Add that to the Gwen events, the 180 degree turn blaming Dubai....

I think George also blamed Muslims for Seth's Death.

Check for yourself. It's all there.

memegod420 ago

Check for yourself. It's all there.

I'm going to go ahead and assume that means you can't back up anything you're saying. He has over 200 videos.

seekingpeace ago

Exactly, too many videos. It's an inefficient documentation system if one can't easily find and reference statements made by Webb. My suggestion is that you email or ask him directly. If he informs you that my memory is wrong, I will happily drop it.

I'm that confident!

HolyMoly0 ago

He's not just picking random Muslims to blame because they're Muslim. The Awan brothers are real, and involved in some very shady business. They also happen to be Pakistani Muslims. (ISI, if Webb is right). This criticism doesn't seem very well thought through to me.

The money offer, though, is definitely something to think about.

jangles ago

YOU SOUND LIKE CNN or those at Rolling Stone. Check what? YOU HAVE NO Stature to your comments. Build an argument not provide opinions.

seekingpeace ago

No, not CNN but I do have a Masters in Media. Rolling Stone never did a hit piece. It was all in his head, I guess. Wayne Madsen called him a hack which I think is a bit rough considering he's "an accidental journalist".

I'm glad he's your truth teller but please don't get angry and defensive when other people don't agree or believe him. It's important to practice discernment.

Many people (on here and his you tube channel) have listed their concerns and even asked George but instead of addressing people's legitimate questions, he ignores them or deletes their comments. That might be suitable behaviour to you but it's not for me.

Thank you for taking the time address my comment. Your feedback has been noted.

SterlingJB ago

How were they to do a hit piece? The staffers and their access is real. I get the concern over motivations and background, but at the same time the guy has provided verifiable evidence. You can verify the Awan story yourself if you'd like. So, yeah background and motivation is murky, but either use his findings or don't. I mean, most of the criticism is about him as a person, credibility based. This is the same appeal oprussia uses to dismiss the glaring plotholes of their own narrative.

V____Z ago

Limited hangouts have to give fodder for the hangout part. But doesn't it seem we are being led around to places far from pizzagate? What if this is on purpose? Is it not at all possible the deep state would send someone in to pull an operation like this, to invade the pizzagate researcher community?

SterlingJB ago

It's already invaded. Point is, though I've questioned his show quite a bit, right now his work, from my POV, is aiding community rather than diminishing it. But who knows. In the end, it's up to the individual to decide where to direct attention. Right now, totally get why so many are directing there's to GW. But if you believe he's limited hangout, best thing to do would be to ignore him.

V____Z ago

I'm ignoring the whole topic from here on out.

jangles ago

Just to make this clear, it is your opinion that he blames Muslims for anything. And you are insitung anger

seekingpeace ago

It's not just me - ask Wayne Madsen - LOL!

jangles ago

Webb did a good job responding to Wayne, what specifically did you not understand with his response?

TimesUp ago

Re: Muslim shooters -- not difficult to imagine, since the Muslim Awan Bros (hackers paid huge sums of money by DNC) were also known to carry out hits. George advanced this theory about a month ago -- not sure which episode. In this scenario, 2 hit men (Awans?) were contracted by DNC/Clinton/Abedin/Podesta. Then after the hit, shooters hid out in one of their many safe houses in DC and may have fled to Pakistan before anyone knew what hit them.

samhara ago

He doesn't go into the fake war on terror, at all. Though he must know about it. There's a lot of things he doesn't reference. So far, it doesn't bother me.

seekingpeace ago

It doesn't matter who did the hit. What matters is who ordered it. Here we go again, more Muslim patsies.

TimesUp ago

I agree it doesn't matter which shooters were paid to do the hit -- I was responding to your comment that "George also blamed Muslims for Seth's death." The Awan brothers are Muslims. They may or may not have been the hit men (as George suggested) but we sure as hell know who hired the hit. And one of those in the "committee" (according to FBI anon guy on this week) IS a Muslim. Huma Abedin.

seekingpeace ago

Huma Abedin is a British Agent. The Saudi's aren't really Muslims.

V____Z ago

Thank you.

HolyMoly0 ago

Hm... I was aware of this a little when it came out, but I couldn't tell if the woman was a hit job (timed with the Rolling Stone piece). So is it just this woman, and question of the SS numbers? Or is there anything that gives him away to you more concretely?

HolyMoly0 ago

Member for 5 days, could you say why you think this instead of just saying you think it?

DeathTooMasons ago

Scroll up.

HolyMoly0 ago

This was the first comment posted, ya doofus.

SoSpricyHotDog ago
