Aloha808 ago

Is Webb being fed info from the Vault 7 documents?? In his video he mentioned the passcode to Vault 7, the JFK quote about splintering the CIA into a million pieces etc. he also says he has FBI/CIA insiders helping him, he mentions "documents" he has received and he also mentions several times about how the CIA uses "plays" or "winks" on words to name their programs. This is interesting because the previous CIA boss blamed millennial's for the leak and referenced how they named their programs after movies like Taledaga nights and fight clubs and also after whisky.

Aloha808 ago

What is your opinion on George Webb? Some of what he says is so outrageous but at the same time he is pretty convincing. I can't decide. Please respond. Thanks

Aloha808 ago

This is great, it needs to be resubmitted with the new vault 7 revelations. The George Webb series started around the same time Wikileaks got the 900,000 CIA documents.

crystalclearme ago

Wonderful job and still quite intensive! so today #109 George also does a nice summary for catching up and bringing new viewers up to date . Is a must watch

GumShoe ago

This is awesome! Thanks for all the work.

NoBS ago

If the Mod's don't sticky, then you know the shit's real. Are the mod's on Google payroll yet? Or is it still hush hush?

love_and_light33 ago

thanks a bunch for all of this work

lawfag123 ago


derram ago :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 1) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 2) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 3) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 4) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 5) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 6) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 7) : conspiracy :

Part 8 -- Cliff Notes on George Webb's Series, "Braverman Haiti and Me, Who killed Monica Petersen?" : conspiracy :

Part 9 -- Cliff Notes on George Webb's Series, "Braverman Haiti and Me, Who killed Monica Petersen?" : conspiracy :

Part 10 -- Cliff Notes on George Webb's Series, "DynCorp Haiti and Me: Who killed Monica Petersen?" : conspiracy :

The DynCorp Harvest -- Day 100, pt 1 -- (Cliff notes pt 11) : conspiracy :

Cliff Notes on George Webb's Series, "The Dyncorp Harvest", Part 12 : conspiracy

This has been an automated message.

Thrulkggls ago

Mods: Please don't censor too quickly! I am sharing this link with others, and need it to "live" here for a while...

89jgn2 ago

This is a great post so @Millennial_Falcon censor this immediately! You can claim rule 3, OP didn't actually describe the content of each link

NikitaVerite ago

Ok - I can't seem to find any recent news on Braverman - did he show up to teach at Yale on the 27th??? Do we have any actual evidence of him being alive? (and I don't mean tweets from an unverified account, nor "new" articles talking about his new job).

Thrulkggls ago

He has taken a job with Google/Alphabet. Haven't heard whether he showed up for classes, but the new job has been confirmed...while this doesn't prove him to be alive, @anonscan on twitter has made reference to him in his new position (for info see Tracy D YouTube video at