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V____Z ago

I don't see how helping him advances our cause. He believes the perps behind pizzagate should go unpunished. How do you know you can trust him and that he isn't a honeypot? How do you know for sure he isn't doing a limited hangout op for his friends in Intel?

There are many questions and some are here, from fellow Voaters (comments)

rwb2 ago

"He believes the perps behind pizzagate should go unpunished."

Of course you have a citation. Kindly provide it.

remedy4reality ago

he's on the record repeatedly saying that

If you're going to be an apologist for him, you should be fully aware of his comments.

rwb2 ago

On the record means exactly that. But the record can in certain cases constitute tens, hundreds, or even thousands of hours of audio, video, or text to be read, and to expect someone to begin scouring "the record" to corroborate a very serious claim is an outrage. I have news. I am going to take @seekingpeace and @V____Z to task in the very near future for the sins of omission, but perhaps they can head off the onslaught by citing with precision where Webb says any such thing like Clinton and Podesta should go unpunished, because I've just finished watching day 49, 50, and 51, and I didn't see one thing that even hinted at such an idea. I am not remotely an apologist, and I have no allegiance to one George Webb. I am however completely committed to the truth, whatever that may be, and the truth is, anyone with an anonymous username can say anything on the web and expect it to be believed, and this is called delusion.

remedy4reality ago

To demand that every statement be linked so you have proof is an equal outrage. You are like: 'fuck that, I'm not looking it up' in one breath, and then expect VZ to offhandedly have a link ready and available, or go 'scouring' Webb minutia for proof? The very same thing you refuse to do? Personally, Webb LOST ME when he inferred that, and I remember it well. The nail in Webb's credibility coffin came when he turned towards that Awan Bros. and dropped the CF and Hillary exactly when the investigation was heating up.

jangles ago

The awan bros are key to lots of this. @remedy4reality - @seekingpeace and @V____Z your motives are in question here. None of you have backed up you comments. Come with some clear points with references that make sense. YOU SOUND LIKE CNN.

remedy4reality ago

Sorry, Webb fanboy... Awan Bros. are small fish.

This entire mother fucking cult is going down.

jangles ago

No fanboy here. I just have seen him perform better than most journalists.

remedy4reality ago

Don't ping me to impugn my motives. That pisses me off.

jangles ago

Cheers to the entire fucking cult going down