Silverlining ago thread archived May 06 2017

On some slow days, these spats can be more interesting than the core content. I dread to think how much time I have expended on these "process distractions." But it helps illustrate how slippery the internet can be!

Silverlining ago

Comprehensive list of suspicious leaked emails related to Pizzagate (pizzagate) Feb 06(?) 2017 by @rktyp

Archived thread that seemed important - no idea why.

PizzaGate Pedophile Victim's Mom Speaks Out In Exclusive Tell-All David Zublick Channel Feb 13 2017 137k views by May 06! [Napa Valley mother speaks out]

Nana66 ago

And the Mods just act the serious work of finding reasons to delete our posts is so hard they can't be bothered with real problems.

Vindicator ago

@Nana66: You have been asking about up/downvoat count wonkiness. This post recently in v/announcements may be the explanation.

Apparently, lagging votes is a way of protecting against DDoS/bot brigaiding.

Please keep monitoring, document with screenshots/video of what is happening, and if it continues, make a post to v/ProtectVoat asking for an explanation. You can post anything you find and link to whatever answers you get in v/pizzagatemods.

Silverlining ago

On Vote Manipulation + Other Updates (announcements) Mar 06(?) by @PuttItOut 662 comments in two months! Hot topic

@Nana66 What is vote brigading?

Nana66 ago

It's when They make posts just to help each other get upvoats to power up.

Silverlining ago

So if I always upvote your comments and you quid pro quo agree to upvote mine, that's brigading?

Nana66 ago

Yes, or if you are a group that's here to correct the record or push an agenda you make posts and have everyone make comments to upvoats each other. Then you can attack your targets together which also is a brigade to gang up and use your voats together.

Silverlining ago

Gang warfare!

V____Z ago

He warned us that supposedly all posts from someone who researches at MIT must be fraudulent... He also "warned" us that Becki Percy is a fraud, lying about her experience just to get famous and get donations out of us. Pizzagate bot is NOT our friend.


Now tell me, why do you want someone like this around? He has a shill list just like Armyseer, and in this instance he is trying his darnedest to discredit our most precious and valuable witness. He is also on the same team as "birzeyeview".

I think he's gone because he outed himself as a shill.

karenrussell63 ago

a bot should not have opinions

archons ago

Yeah I think he was a shill who was trying to go deep by pretending to help. For whatever reason be started to be more up front about his true intentions. Laziness? Or they are getting worried about investigators getting closer to something?

V____Z ago

Not sure, but when his comment got deleted on the MIT post, i told him as long as i have an account here, i won't let him live down that bullshit he said about Becki. I'm not saying that's why he left, but just adding a detail.

archons ago

I saw his posts. The account might even be a group shared account. Shareblue is deep in voat.

V____Z ago


Vindicator ago

@2impendingdoom, please add the link to the body of your submission so mods don't have to take it down.

@nana66 @jangles @unicornsandsparkles @Criticalthinker615 @Jem777

He has not been banned from this subverse, although I did delete his comment in two threads and give him a warning about repeatedly violating the Voat User Agreement we are all bound by when he attempted to post a screenshot of a submission made -- and then deleted -- by Psychanaut. That submission was in violation of Voat's rules about sharing publicly identifiable personal information on Voat. Both of them put themselves at risk of a sitewide ban because of it.*

PizzagateBot, it should be noted, attempted to use Voat's "comments are sacrosanct" norm as cover for ignoring the sitewide rules. He could have made a post examining and debunking Psychanaut's submissions, or Kim Holleman's Quora articles. Instead, he spammed submissions he didn't like with hostile comments, escalating to this doxing incident which violated the User Agreement. Comments in those two threads make it clear that he and other users were surprised their efforts had failed to censor Psychanaut's free speech.

Whatever your opinion of Psychanaut, the attempts to shut down a user should make you pause. I have received a number of DMs from users who discovered their comment histories were being archived by someone documenting everything they post. Two were doxed and had to shut down their accounts.

Also, since PizzagateBot began auto-archiving posts, users themselves have grown quite lax about archiving. If he deletes his account, all of his comments will be permanently erased.

Other than the doxing comments I removed (which were separate comments from the archiving bot-comments), PizzagateBot has not been censored in any way. He stopped archiving by his own choice, for unknown reasons.

*The User Agreement requires mods to remove content in violation of its terms:

Moderating a subverse is an unofficial, voluntary position. We reserve the right to revoke that position for any user at any time...When you receive notice that there is content that violates this user agreement on subverses you moderate, you agree to remove it.

Perhaps those with a legal background could chime in about what happens to a contract when the party issuing it fails to abide by its terms? I believe that nullifies it -- and possibly removes the indemnification it provides Voat protecting it from harm caused by its users.

Silverlining ago

Thank you for your reply. You must be expending considerable time and effort on this. [And not always appreciated!]

I don't know how many people read the user agreement - it took me months to even notice the "rules" on this sub - and only because one of my submissions was deleted as per rule 4

It seems action must be initiated by a specific notice to a mod alleging a user agreement violation. There is then a question of the validity and reasonableness of the rules [pound of flesh enforceability question]

I presume voat can block a user if voat - the corporation feels violated.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Wowzers, ok. Many thanks for explaining. Apologies for being a little too old to completely understand all of this, someone has kindly explained doxxing to me previously.

Everyone needs to get on here, we are fighting the peados not each other.

Very good point made also about archiving. Things put up on here are being 404ed pretty quick as people aren't archiving - again proving they are watching this site like hawks.

Regardless of what has happened on here, or if you are just having a little cool off for a while, please could you let us know you are safe @PizzagateBot as we are all well aware of the trail of death that follows the Clinton.

Silverlining ago

We've already lost the original submission text - it doesn't seem to have been archived. Where is the Bot when you need him? @PizzagateBot @pizzagatebot @Vindicator @vindicator [just trying to check if usernames are case sensitive - please let me know if you got 2 comment mentions - if you feel so minded. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

Nope, only got one copy.

Silverlining ago

Maybe it recognises "duplicates" within a single comment and only notifies once. See if you get a ping for @vindicator as well as a message reply.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Got both. Nice testing!

Silverlining ago

Aren't you inventive and resourceful? I got your ping - no need for me to be Capitalized ever again!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Hehe glad we figured that out!

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks for the response, I will self delete the post.

Silverlining ago

Then we don't know what kicked off the response, unless someone - like Bot - archived it between posting and deletion and someone can find where it was archived.

jangles ago

This is pro! thanks

YingYangMom ago

He has not been banned from this subverse, although I did delete his comment in two threads and give him a warning about repeatedly violating the Voat User Agreement we are all bound by

Maybe @PizzagateBot just decided to take a break then.

V____Z ago

He stopped archiving because he never gave a crap about our research, he was not here to help.

Silverlining ago

I thought it a brilliant innovation when I first saw it - although I find I always have enough tails to chase without the Bot's links. Eventually everything will be linked to everything else and a Bot will spew out every submission and comment on v/pizzagate!

rooting4redpillers ago

Details appreciated, thanks. PgB has been doing two big things, 1) linking related subs and 2) archiving. Links to related subs were just that, and if his comments disappear, that will suck. But, about this:

Also, since PizzagateBot began auto-archiving posts, users themselves have grown quite lax about archiving. If he deletes his account, all of his comments will be permanently erased.

At risk of sounding stupid, I'll just go ahead and ask, would PgB's WayBack Machine archived items disappear too?

Silverlining ago

I think once it is archived it is there for ever, however, you need a page address to find it. If the "original" page address is deleted, unless you have personally saved it on your own device, it becomes effectively inaccessible. Maybe the search engines crawl the archives, so a few key words might turn it up. Although I don't recall archived pages coming up in search results. TBH archiving is something of a mystery to me. Elsewhere, I noticed the French presidential candidate's leaked emails were allegedly scrubbed from archived records - so who knows!

Vindicator ago

This I do not know. Nor how hard it would be to find the archived articles without the links.

I know that @RebelSkum is working on backing up the most important evidence at into the Steemit blockchain. Not that I understand what that means. LOL

Silverlining ago Bot's last "Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):" post was 6 days ago - so Apr 31/May 01

Seemed to be a rage against Puttitout, Mods, submission removal by Vindicator.

Last comment 5 days ago [May 01]

Comment history here

I have rarely used the information in his links, but think they would be really useful for anyone who wanted to deep dive any particular submission. I hope he comes back soon. He's probably just taking a break or has taken umbrage at deletions, mods, shills or whatever and hopefully it will wear off shortly.

2impendingdoom ago

Having the Bot archive the links was great. In the first few months, Derram used to archive most of the posts but he/she has moved on also. and I agree, Pizzagatebots comments were insightful. If he/she is not going to be here, I hope this voater is out making noise irl.

Silverlining ago

Archive critical - yes!

karenrussell63 ago

might be time for someone to start our own version of vote dedicated to pizzagate

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I hope he hasn't been censored or worst.

One thing I had noticed of late is that all that archiving seemed to allow him to see a bigger picture and started connecting the dots.

Please could you let us know you are ok one way or another @pizzagatebot

jangles ago

Kinda odd his last post was


not showing any sign of cooperation is not gonna get you very far.

You sound like a federal agent. XD "

YingYangMom ago

It's @PizzagateBot I believe.

rooting4redpillers ago

Thank you for that correction! We need @PizzagateBot, and should at least get his(her?) handle right - me included. I fixed my own comment.

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)

Nana66 ago

There was something that pissed off the Mods and he probably got banned.

Jem777 ago

Hi nana just to let you know got your message so far my Upvoat on post remaining. Just upvoated you to check so far so good

jangles ago

I agree with Jem. The only issue is WHERE IS @pizzagatebot

Nana66 ago

So far my Voat is sticking on your comment so that's weird but I checked and it is disappearing still on other posts.

Criticalthinker615 ago

More like exposed something > banned

Nana66 ago

I might be banned soon too....they are manipulating Voats.....try up or down voating my post and then refresh to see if icon shows you voated but your voat is gone. It's happening to others I've talked to that post a lot.

DerivaUK ago

I upvoated you which went from 16 to 17. Back to 16 after the refresh although upvoat mark remained. Very strange.

Nana66 ago


AngB23 ago

Just noticed on the Zionist thread (go look) that those saying things against the thread had like 32+ upvoats in their comments. I was like WTF? Something shady IS going on here. Didn't really pay attention until that thread....huge red flag.

And thanks for the link to Pizzabots comments....maybe stepping out of here for awhile since it appears to be overrun by Shareblue shills. Too bad they don't see they are being USED as Globalists slaves. Too bad they can't think for themselves. Fuckin paid puppet trolls

Nana66 ago

I had this post about Reddit taking over Voat deleted again....

sound_of_silence ago

I keep upvoating your comments, and they don't survive or add up upon refresh

same here... never seen that happen before lately...

FYI if you speak out about voat manipulation, ownership of voat, pg mods or the like you may be targeted and actually "brigaded"....

as soon as i started looking into that stuff, i lost 200 CCP in one day... i've also seen my CCP drop 20 pts in Literally 2 seconds (that is not a manual downvoat... that is a downvoat bot).

voat and the pg sub are compromised and we, the actual users still here who care to preserve it, need to band together and do something about it, otherwise, this entire sub will turn into "pedogate" and the "pizzagate" aspects (hillary, podesta, et al) will be buried (i'm pretty sure that's the plan....).

nameof ago

Can't open it

Nana66 ago

I fixed it, there needed to be a space between the dots and link.

2impendingdoom ago

I keep upvoating your comments, and they don't survive or add up upon refresh

Nana66 ago

Yup. it's obviously not all of us or there would be no voats on posts. I wear my virtual voats as a badge of honor because it means I must be a threat....but it's pretty scary to know for sure that we are being censored now.

2impendingdoom ago

Scary but also powerful. They have no idea what we are saying irl, and that has got to worry them. I'm a nobody and youre a Nana, so why should we be a problem? But its clear that they are falling apart, Comey can't open his mouth without tripping over obstruction of evidence to the point where he has become an international clown

Nana66 ago

I Have felt like giving up here but that is exactly what their goal has been since day one.

Criticalthinker615 ago

take a break but, never give up

2impendingdoom ago

I know, and you have probably saved the lives of children that you don't even know. I am seriously impressed by your persistence and it keeps me from losing faith.

Nana66 ago


YingYangMom ago

I think this was the reason. They were trying to warn against Psychanaut. pizzagate_cruzader had doxxed her or something like that and PGB came to their defense and started spamming derogatory comments on her every post. It just got out of hand.

Dressage2 ago

They were all right in regard to that whole cluster of Laughing Horse shit storm and that is all I am going to say about that.

YingYangMom ago

And I personally agree. I don't like it either, but I don't know much about graphics and stuff, so I could be wrong.

Smyrtz ago

My upvote to this comment disappeared when I refreshed.

YingYangMom ago

I see one upvoat. Was the count at 0? Maybe it takes time before the upvoat starts working? But it does seem to glitch at times, idk what's going on...

Smyrtz ago

I hit the upvoat arrow, it turned blue and your post showed one upvoat. I hit refresh and the upvoat counter went back to 0 but the arrow stayed blue.

YingYangMom ago

Oh wow. Thanks for telling me. This is suspicious...

Silverlining ago

My voat for our comment just now, appeared to work just fine. Your comment first appeared with 0-0 voats, I clicked up and got 6-0 immediately, on refresh went to 7-0 It would be handy to see who had up and down voated.

Micheal84 ago

Its @Pizzagatebot ,but yeah its weird now its just gone.

rooting4redpillers ago

I noticed too. Where's @PizzagateBot?