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Vindicator ago

@Nana66: You have been asking about up/downvoat count wonkiness. This post recently in v/announcements may be the explanation.

Apparently, lagging votes is a way of protecting against DDoS/bot brigaiding.

Please keep monitoring, document with screenshots/video of what is happening, and if it continues, make a post to v/ProtectVoat asking for an explanation. You can post anything you find and link to whatever answers you get in v/pizzagatemods.

Silverlining ago

On Vote Manipulation + Other Updates (announcements) Mar 06(?) by @PuttItOut 662 comments in two months! Hot topic

@Nana66 What is vote brigading?

Nana66 ago

It's when They make posts just to help each other get upvoats to power up.

Silverlining ago

So if I always upvote your comments and you quid pro quo agree to upvote mine, that's brigading?

Nana66 ago

Yes, or if you are a group that's here to correct the record or push an agenda you make posts and have everyone make comments to upvoats each other. Then you can attack your targets together which also is a brigade to gang up and use your voats together.

Silverlining ago

Gang warfare!