CVSLivesMatter ago


OoklaTheMok111 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Donbuster ago

Don't be silly. There's absolutely no proof that sane was [not] involved in the BRUTAL RAPE AND MURDER OF A WOMAN IN 1990

ghostintheshelob ago

XMR squad recently has a history of DDOS and extortion with an asking fee of around 250 Euros. Not BTC. They also usually announce themselves for a fee for "DDOS testing", not aware of them laying out their terms upfront.

Then again, maybe they just changed style. They were widely mocked, after all.

TheManWhoLaughs ago

Is it too late to join the Voat Goat camp? I really just miss the little guys bit checkery ;)

Molo66 ago

Voat Goat

Only reason why I expect the Voat Goat is because of how easy it is to DDoS. I've seen what skids can do to vidya related shit. Not much that you can do about a good DDoS. But what do I know, I'm just a good boy.

Donbuster ago

It's actually gotten a bit harder as of late, since a major DDoS for hire service got shut down. Turns out most other DDoS for hire services, and quite a few shell rental services were all just buying their services from other providers, and eventually, most of the bandwidth being used was being bought directly or indirectly from that group. Combine that with increased government attention since the Dyn attack, and DDoSes have seen better days. The current fad is ransomware.

generalerror ago


Calling that one all bluff. Don't think they are gonna act on that, and they most probably don't even have the means for even a small scale DDoS.

Thorshamster ago


guinness2 ago


regularfella ago


super_jackoff_style ago

I think it will be time to get my bits checked and fondled. Can't wait.

TheAbsurdMan ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Opieswife ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Fiacre54 ago

Voat Goat

Shields up, Mr. Puttitout.

saintPirelli ago

definitely LOL, am I too late?

JodaMAX ago


Macnewbie ago

Voat goat

42random ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

I could use some free upgoats :)

BistroPalin ago


GivenUp ago

  1. Voat Goat

AnusBandit ago


pandnh4 ago


ThatOneFreak ago


Dereliction ago

Voat Goat

Laserchalk ago

I guess nothing happened since it is already the 3rd of may and in America it's the 2nd.

Puttitout_Lies ago

@Fuzzywords is openly transvestite, autistic, and militant SJW. It openly linked to it's blog with it's Voat username, and left the whois data open to the public. @Fuzzywords replaced @Atko when he was forced out of Voat almost a year ago, and with the other shill devs and shill @Puttitout, they began hard-coding massive behavioral restrictions, creating downvote upvote and comment and chat bots and putting them into Voat through the API so they can downvote brigade any post before any regular user sees it show up on Voat...

Please be informed of the full list of behavioral manipulation, control, lies, censorship, going on on Voat, straight from @Puttitout and the heads of v/protectvoat v/soapboxbanhammer v/cheers v/magicmemes and many more major subs we see everyday like v/showerthoughts:

We kindly ask you to not delete this one single message, as this information, when compiled, shows the trail of reddit cancer that runs voat, and shows what is ahead. TLDR: more reddit-esqe censorship.

Direct Quote from the Goati Himself!

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per hour, besides in subs you mod.

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per 24 hours, besides in subs you mod.

-you can only post once every 60(30) seconds, site wide.

-you can only downvoat comments up to the amount you've upvoated comments

-in a 24 hour period, you can only voat 1/2 as much as you have ccp total

-you cannot downvoat anyone's comments nor posts that are older than 7 days.

-you can only comment (and edit) every 30(15) seconds

-new accounts and accounts with low ccp are more limited than this, and for an unknown period of time, are forced to use google to use voat - a major privacy breach.

-all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat - a major privacy breach.

-you are not allowed to access voat past page 19 through voat, besides your own comment history to page 99.

-past 3 months, voat pages are now archived and you are not allowed to comment nor voat on them.

-you are not allowed to participate meaningfully in consensus building the direction of voat, like you used to before the admin switch 7 months ago.

-you will be harassed, attacked, and defamed, and downvoat brigaded before posts even show up in v/all/new if you attempt to bring any of this up. any of it. on this whole page.

-accounts with -ccp are serverely restricted,

which means users can effectively partially silence other users. this weaponized censorship has been utilized consistently by the cabal that has taken over voat, and has left a chilling effect on voat, allowing hugboxes to thrive and meaningful disagreement and discussion to be snuffed out. TLDR: downvoating has become a form of censorship, instead of what it was intended to be: curation. - go ahead, and poke around.

-if you are caught in a mystical trap of unknown measure, defined by a secret cabal of secret devs,

-and even upvote ONE post in a way they secretly construe as being party to a brigade, you will be banned without warning, without ability to appeal. This is not coded into voat, it's done manually by secret tribunal of shills named failure, disappointed, fuzzywords, and puttitout (to name a few.)

not even kidding. there is no rule written, there is no code in voat specifically for "vote manipulation" bans. hundreds were just banned with less than 10 votes ever given on those accounts each.

worse, the two groups of accounts with votes given were goatku's - defending brigades with reverse brigades, and the cygnus army - a false army that didn't even account for 10% of just the brigade on my account.

meaning, puttitout banned some users for upvoating, and didn't ban any of the actual voat abusers harassing, assaulting, defaming users, and manipulating the front page by upvoat brigading themselves and their shillack nor any of the abusers silencing users with downvoat brigades. megapost link

-if you are caught protecting others' ability to speak on the same account, you will be banned for it, while those abusers silencing users are protected by the administration of voat.

furthermore, they have strict code already in place, just turned off that limits you to just 10 downvoats on another account per rolling 30 minute window. not turned on yet

TLDR: there is MASSIVE censorship on voat, but it's been a slower slippery slope than on reddit, in the hopes that YOU wouldn't notice.

Stand up against these shills. Demand answers, and demand the removal of @Puttitout and the criminal cabal. The Community must stand together and stand against them. That is the way.

Armpit_and_Ass ago


gatordontplaythatsht ago

No way they can even do 600 gbps, gtfo. Best case scenarios this groups goes on and off a week or so at random times and give sup.

FelixMordou ago


Not shit is going to happen tomorrow.

Stormc12 ago


tanukihat ago

God dammit it's already almost 5pm and these gayboys haven't done a fucking thing. There goes my fucking badge. Bullshit.

8Hz_WAN_IP ago

You should have known better, of coarse they were full of shit.

tanukihat ago

They could have at least tried.

JudgeJudySexDungeon ago

Voat Goat

DonovanWood ago


freedumbz ago

I expect no downtime, but in reality I'll get a redirect to a page of goats.

uvulectomy ago

So these little bitches ain't done shit. Do we get our flair now, or do we wait until after midnight "just to be sure"? =P

0x7a69 ago

600gbps is larger than the largest recorded even by cloudflare, If they surpass it remember to report it to cloudflare so they can update their number.

Donbuster ago

Didn't the Dyn attack exceed that?

0x7a69 ago

that was twice that yes, but did not target cloudflare to my knowledge

Sm4sh ago


UsedToCuck ago

LOL Reminds me of korean kid rushing on SC2 (All your servers are belong to me)

psymin ago

Voat Goat

RJKRevived ago


JoeKerr ago


calyxa ago

Voat Goat

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

And still nothing.


Sprunt ago


kneo24 ago

I suspect it's more of the company pushing this narrative that Voat is some terrible place. So it makes sense they aren't SGIS. They are multiple accounts including SGIS, but not just SGIS.

marky1991 ago


Copycat probably. They sure aren't good at finding well-funded websites to target.

VoatEdo ago


flyawayhigh ago

I'm going with

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

MinorLeakage ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Diathorus ago

Voat Goat

I'm gonna say that there's a good chance they will at least attempt so here's hoping that I'm wrong.

carbanara ago


Don't worry everyone, I payed the bitcoin.

rootuser1 ago


Marbles ago


Aren't they supposed to DDoS you before asking for the ransom?

This is not a joke.

That's where you're wrong kiddo. It's a big joke.

uisge ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads

Dantalian ago

I say: LOL, get a job.

Zoritec ago


neodevi ago




datadog ago


crazy_eyes ago


CaptinCharlesLIII ago

LOL sounds like they are phishing but will FAIL

Ariastrasza ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

They know this shit, but you guys at Voat are one step ahead, so adverse effects will be noticed here at Voat, all hail the goat tech overlords! =D

Turnip_Time ago


downvotesattractor ago

Voat Goat

They will try but they won't be able to get past our guardian goat angel

zveda ago


Spaceballs-1 ago

It's a lolcow.

flclimber ago

Is it too late to make a prediction? I'm going with LOL/3

Worst thing I see happening will be the goat checking bits as a preventative measure from Voat for a little bit, but nothing too heinous.

TremorAcePV ago

The guy should be standing in front of the light. So you know it's his penis.

Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

Greyboxing isn't censorship, rite gauz?

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per hour, besides in subs you mod.

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per 24 hours, besides in subs you mod.

-you can only post once every 60(30) seconds, site wide.

-you can only downvoat comments up to the amount you've upvoated comments

-in a 24 hour period, you can only voat 1/2 as much as you have ccp total

-you cannot downvoat anyone's comments nor posts that are older than 7 days.

-you can only comment (and edit) every 30(15) seconds

-new accounts and accounts with low ccp are more limited than this, and for an unknown period of time, are forced to use google to use voat - a major privacy breach.

-all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat - a major privacy breach.

-you are not allowed to access voat past page 19 through voat, besides your own comment history to page 99.

-past 3 months, voat pages are now archived and you are not allowed to comment nor voat on them.

-you are not allowed to participate meaningfully in consensus building the direction of voat, like you used to before the admin switch 7 months ago.

-you will be harassed, attacked, and defamed, and downvoat brigaded before posts even show up in v/all/new if you attempt to bring any of this up. any of it. on this whole page.

-accounts with -ccp are serverely restricted,

which means users can effectively partially silence other users. this weaponized censorship has been utilized consistently by the cabal that has taken over voat, and has left a chilling effect on voat, allowing hugboxes to thrive and meaningful disagreement and discussion to be snuffed out. TLDR: downvoating has become a form of censorship, instead of what it was intended to be: curation. - go ahead, and poke around.

-if you are caught in a mystical trap of unknown measure, defined by a secret cabal of secret devs,

-and even upvote ONE post in a way they secretly construe as being party to a brigade, you will be banned without warning, without ability to appeal. This is not coded into voat, it's done manually by secret tribunal of shills named failure, disappointed, fuzzywords, and puttitout (to name a few.)

not even kidding. there is no rule written, there is no code in voat specifically for "vote manipulation" bans. hundreds were just banned with less than 10 votes ever given on those accounts each.

worse, the two groups of accounts with votes given were goatku's - defending brigades with reverse brigades, and the cygnus army - a false army that didn't even account for 10% of just the brigade on my account.

meaning, puttitout banned some users for upvoating, and didn't ban any of the actual voat abusers harassing, assaulting, defaming users, and manipulating the front page by upvoat brigading themselves and their shillack nor any of the abusers silencing users with downvoat brigades. megapost link

-if you are caught protecting others' ability to speak on the same account, you will be banned for it, while those abusers silencing users are protected by the administration of voat.

furthermore, they have strict code already in place, just turned off that limits you to just 10 downvoats on another account per rolling 30 minute window. not turned on yet

TLDR: there is MASSIVE censorship on voat, but it's been a slower slippery slope than on reddit, in the hopes that YOU wouldn't notice.

jcunningham ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

TAThatBoomerang ago

This is not a joke.

This makes me think it's some extreme beta boys who need to get their asses kicked. 1 v 1 me irl mid lane, lil bitch.

Arthurious ago


Well i can hope anyway.

TAThatBoomerang ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

username-way-too-lon ago

  1. LOL

FattyWhale ago


UndEr_DistrEss ago


I bet mom's basement is nice and dark and they're still sleeping. They don't even know that she has taken away their Ipads yet!!

generalcalm ago


RustyEquipment ago


Myr2_0 ago


Dumb_Comment_Bot ago


My account itches for another badge.

EdSnowden ago


dynamiteVacancy ago


Dogolio ago

You could take down the server for maintenance and just give them nothing to ddos

Dogolio ago


turtlesarepureevil ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

pacman83 ago


statik ago


Krabba ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago


Featherfall ago


superesper ago


hehegor ago

LOL Surely.

twee ago


xDBTS ago

cannabidiol ago


lmkevin ago


gardellaforgot ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

gardella ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

coldacid ago


BaldMiscreant ago

3 Lol

8974531? ago


They're using services probably.

frizla ago


jcal22x ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

faultyfix ago


R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Lol fucking scumbags want something for nothing. Give me money or else. Let them wage their little war and get locked up like so many others for doing virtual sit ins. Only they will get blackmail charges on top. They must have to taken (((Obama))) seriously we he said the days of a wild west Internet are over. Then again considering this is voat the feds will do to them what they do to rich pedos, absolutely fucking nothing.

theMETA ago

3. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

welcome_to_voat ago


scoopadoop ago

lol nothing

Drkadrka ago


So many LOLs on this.

DependasaurusRex ago

I am betting thursday (murica time) and will last 6 hours

Jazzerus ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

HitlerIsBlack ago

Voat Goat

HarpoonTheFatty ago

Voat Goat

Micheal84 ago


pushthis ago


gringo ago


CarbonBasedLifeform ago


VicariousJambi ago


IIsAShloff ago

I'm gonna guess 2

pekingman ago


bbylon ago


I don't mind having my bits checked anyway.

harsoe ago

Bitcoin is anonymous, nobody will ever know you cooperated


The_Dude ago


Philosophical_Robot ago


If you don’t pay by tuesday, attack will start, price to stop will increase to 20 BTC and will go up 5 BTC for every day of attack.

Let's do some math. 1.3k x 20 is 26,000 USD, and every day, they say it will go up by 6,500 USD. After a week it will be 71,500 USD.

The very same price as this home for sale in central Kansas;

And in that home?

Well well well... It seems the true people to blame are the Bronies.

It's seven in the morning, what the fuck am I doing

Drunkenmoba ago

Im all for LOL on this one

SpottyMatt ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

crazyfox ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Guitarshredda ago


will be Tuesday

schwifty_rick ago



  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

MrEvilPirate ago


8973587? ago

May 1st. Satanist holiday. The light of Satan is a VERY dim bulb so don't expect much. Hope we can see some server records when they try. Would be interesting to compare to the attacks on

Landao ago

Voat Goat

onesaltymotherfucker ago

option 3, that ransom note was weak as hell

frankenmine ago


They sound like a joke.

pratabeeraquarium ago





I vote nothing, nothing will happen today. LOL

hafen ago


TheEnzo ago


fairytisya ago

I dont even get what a bitcon is.. is it like a share in a company or real money you can spend at the shop. just return a nice image attach a bug to it to destroy their bedroom home computer. sounds like demo

joueur_me ago

Voat Goat

Adminstrater ago

I am on board for the attempt to gain a badge that only I will have any sentimental investment in.

I go for number 2. We may see the bit blocking goat, but that's about it. Not real damage will be done.

ArcticDweller ago


fgeo ago


1moar ago


2844marine ago

Is it too late to get in on this? I'm going to say not a god damn thing is going to happen. bunch of little kids who need to have there asses beat the way that mommy and daddy didn't.

vandilx ago


SenileRobot ago


ScreaminMime ago

Put me down for a LOL, please.

Aradiel ago

2) Voat Goat

W1SdeZHgoll9w1n ago


CeepsNo ago

It prob isnt a group. Its prob 1 fgt thinking he is fooling anyone by claiming he has friends helping him with his nigerian prince emails

Fibbideh ago


DiscontentedMajority ago

Voat Goat

Zinnsee ago


HeavyBrain ago

3 . LOL

Lemniscate ago


BiscuitFever ago

  1. LOL

badruns ago


chicken_nugget ago

Voat goat

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago


Thorshamster ago


Come at me, bro.

Bigz_Sarducci ago

I predict the return of Voat Goat. Prediction as of 05/02/2017 @03:11 a.m.

fluxusp ago

Voat Goat

sympathy ago

Voat Goat

foreverlight ago


Camamoow ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

HMC ago


rkfs ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

notArobott ago


radiocreep7 ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Kayleb ago

LOL - why does KEK not count ?

Subarukayak ago

it'll be the goat probably for a week. don't pay the fuckers .00000158745 of a penny.

Ina_Pickle ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I'm guessing a big ol' LOL. I bet my bits will remain fine.

H_Entropy ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Make ago


common_sense ago


mispelledsomething ago


Although my bits could use some checking.

TheRealDuchess ago

Number 3 for the win.

  • LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

pornhub_katie ago

Downtime (Voat burns)

I'm just a flair whore. If I'm wrong can I get one that says 'participant'?

BRAlNlAC ago

/3. LOL

hatecrime ago


Dark_Shroud ago

Voat Goat, just because of how easy it is to do a half-assed DDOS now.

reskeet ago


Trench ago

Voat goat

Longsword ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

123_456 ago

You really should be calling the authorities.

Kal ago

Fuck off shill.

GoBackToReddit ago

1 in 3 chance to win? I'll go with door number 2 "Voat Goat" based on reddits ability to slow us down. If it were not for that, I would have picked a nothing sammich.

Smited ago

LOL nothing happens (lets hope for that!)

tame ago

3. LOL

Everyone's going Voat Goat. I don't think a crew that miss the '?' in a get query are going to do much.

Edit: Found a 'feature' in the list markup code: If you start a list with "3. blah" it gets translated as "1. blah". In fact the numbering in a list gets ignored altogether:

  1. three
  2. four
  3. eightyseven

Ina_Pickle ago

I'm with you.

iso1711 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)



dirkgently ago

Going with 3, it's an empty threat.

Editing because I forgot the LOL and leaving original so you know I voted honestly.


arathans ago


8972444? ago


billl ago


SwampAintDrained ago


OathToOrder ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

darkcharp ago

voat goat for 5 points.

Moldy ago


My hunch is these are people with basic script knowledge and a small bot net. I don't expect to see Voat burn tomorrow.

Dark_Shroud ago

Yeah lot of asshole teens with access to infecting their school's computer networks with bots for at least a little while.

8972394? ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

skymod ago

Edit: And no editing your entries cheaters. I know what you are thinking!

Fuck! I guess I have to put my cards on LOL. Thanks for keeping this place safe, Putt.

azide ago


ExpertShitposter ago


wodehouse ago


ExpertShitposter ago


RickTheBastard ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Bunny_Pope ago


writingandsmiting ago


WizardEyes33 ago

🤔 I'm saying nothing will happen.

weredawg ago


Citizen ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

nu111 ago


jko ago

Voat Goat

DarkSkyes ago

3 LOL. Just a bunch of empty threats.

yergi ago



ShineShooter ago


wtf_hell ago


xbryn ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads

SexyLoverBoy ago

100% #3. These are empty threats made by no bodies.

ltmyndonos ago

Voat Goat; I miss him

anotherdamnartist ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

PirateBear ago

Voat Goat

Glasswall ago

Downtime (Voat burns)

Mainly because nobody expects it and I want the exclusive title!

HamsterSlayer ago


rocket_robin_hood ago

My bets on the voat goat. Long live the voat goat.

vilemoor ago


HBDisReal ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Mrlim ago


BenevolentDictator ago


Theraspud ago

LOL to this.

Total scam or just script kiddies.

ggolemg ago

Lol nothing at all!

scandalous-goat ago

Downtime (Voat burns)

Hysteria ago


shadow332 ago

3 LOL, nothing happens

8971732? ago


Venturer ago


dingus ago

Voat Goat

drewskriver ago


pewpewpewmoon ago


Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

corpusant ago


Kannibal ago

Voat goat

In the opinion of the LSOC, the blackmailing attempts of XMR-Squad must absolutely be taken seriously, but they should not be responded to. Instead of paying, Link11’s DDoS protection experts recommend to activate existing protection systems or take appropriate protection measures, as well as inform their hosting provider of the blackmail. In addition, companies that are attacked should report their complaints to law enforcement agencies.

Thissandwich ago


Malithion ago


TheKobold ago


It's sane aint it... hes all over this post like flies on shit.

guinness2 ago

I came here just to see him have become so triggered that he has an Autistic screeching fit.

Was not disappointed!

Heaps funny!

Rb8623 ago

3 LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Thanks for the heads up anyway, though. It's great to get this kind of feedback.


Downtime (Voat burns): 4:20PM PST

Salicaz ago


LlamaMan ago


ITGeekKeith ago


themoosecave ago


KingChem ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

threats are cheap, so are ddos attacks. That said, prolonged ones are expensive. I think voat gets attacked but not shut down.

Ruston ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Accio_Doughnut ago

I say LOL, I have faith in the goat!

matthewlinton ago


wickedwizzid ago


Dinoczar ago


RevanProdigalKnight ago

After reading through the comments already here posted by much smarter people than me, I'm going to go with option 3 - LOL.

That said, if that turns out to be correct, you can choose not to give me the badge since I'm just reading the rest of the comments :P

wifblat ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

drunkywood ago

3, bitches

run_faster_barry ago


ZebraCrisis ago


Typo ago


edit: they didn't state a timezone. The lack of professionalism is disappointing. (archive to prove I didn't edit my prediction)

drmarshall ago


bfriend13 ago

Voat Goat. But I don't expect it will last long.

One_out_of_many ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Lovinglife ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Ilisyer ago


behindthetoilet ago

I say nothing will happen. They'll flap around and screech autisticly.

Volcris ago

3., see you guys tomorrow.

stillinit ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

TheBookWasBetter ago


JesusDrowning ago

LOL Damn kids

DickHertz ago

Downtime (Voat burns)

Boris ago


ColdFire ago



3 LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Hands down.

djdevin ago


neveragainfatty ago


littleTT ago

Voat goat.

Idiots can cause traffic jams.

SJWsRuinedIt ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

dontmindthemess ago

Voat goat.




Voat Goat

ZetaReticulan ago

Voat Goat

Marctetr ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

MayorMcBullshit ago

  1. Voat Goat

TremorAcePV ago

Voat Goat

8970894? ago

What happens tomorrow Voat?

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Edit: And no editing your entries cheaters. I know what you are thinking!


voice_of_reason ago


0b01000101 ago


Sir_Laughs-a-lot ago


Crisco_McFlow ago


Judah ago

LOL reeee reeeeeeeeeee

SergeantSlother ago

This is not a joke


doodlegum ago

  1. LOL (nothing happens)

revfelix ago

LOL You don't use a DDOS as blackmail, you dox everyone and use that as blackmail. But they can't do that now because their moms took away their iPads.

Maxson ago


LeopoldXXII ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

blipblipbeep ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

sometimes over 600 Gigabits per second.

Pfft, Bullshit.


Orfion ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ShitpostingRetard ago


Fuster_Cluck ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

KennedyTheManatee ago

Voat Goat

phw ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Xylophone ago


wewuzqueer ago

Voat Goat (godspeed.)

SkillYourself ago

\3. LOL

fuckinghell ago


synthesizerToady ago


raw ago


physicscat ago


SonOfRobin ago


They're phishing. They did a generic account and don't realize this is Voat. If they were successful I get the feeling a portion of the internet would hunt them down.

allogonist ago


Potato_McGingerbeard ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

I want my bits checked again ;) but seriously I doubt anything will happen.

relevantinfoman ago


InfidelAl ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Marsog ago


MedicalMountainGoat ago

LOL yeah nothing will happen.

Lemongarb ago


Sounds like high schoolers.

ThisIsMyRealName ago


DecimateTheWeak ago

Voat goat although I'm sure these are idle threats.

DoktorFuchs ago


fieldblazer ago

Down time

NotAllAuGlitters ago

  1. Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Because you'll be careful, just in case.

klobos ago


Whitworth ago

Voat goat

BrokenArts ago


sunshine702 ago

We do not negiotiate with terrorists.

3 Lol

GenghisSean ago


In_Cog_Nito ago

Voat Goat

hyldaco ago

Option 3. Lolz will be had. They couldn't even get their own link in the threat right.

Grimlock2015 ago

Voat Goat

El_Prez ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

ArsCortica ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

hypersong ago


sirewolf ago


WhatDaDuce ago


Travisty ago

LOL. But what if a 3rd party causes a ddos to get their badge!?

Normal_person ago

They were way too desperate to sound intimidating; should've ended the email at the 4th paragraph. Nothing's going to happen.

8970082? ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Chempergrill ago


nonbreakingspace ago

Voat goat, because botnets are cheap

SpaceCpt ago

  1. LOL

Bitches be fakin'

chronicdiscord ago

  1. LOL is clearly the only answer, they seem worse than children in the manner by which they have done this.

The proper way is to enact your attack, end it, and then threaten with worse if the target does not comply.

chronicdiscord ago

Fucking autoformatting retardation. I type 3 and it turns it into an indentation and a 1.

CrudOMatic ago


Oh, too good. I speak 1337 |=@9907, so I'll translate:

FROM: [email protected]

Shit no one's ever heard of or cares about.

To: [email protected]

SO 1337 that I didn't know who to send it to directly.

Subject: Ransom request: DDOS ATTACK!

Hi, my father bailed on the family when I was 8, and I was raised by my helicopter mother. I try to be edgy on the internet to compensate for not having a male role model in my life. I'm two shades away from being an impotent cuck.


Don't even know the names of the guys who run the site, just like I didn't know what e-mail address to send my "ransom" to. 1337 |-|@><0|2!!!!11!!1!1

We are xmr-squad.

Profile of me and my "friends" (imaginary, because mom won't let me out) - it's on a little known site called GOOGLE. Maybe you've heard of it?

All your servers will be DDoS-ed starting tuesday (may 2) if you don’t pay protection – 3 Bitcoins @ 16qkhjMBqXCtZHF7wwLmBA4ShmKECHqpHB

I put -ed on the end of DDoS because my English sucks, and also to let you know I'm completely serious. I also included a bitcoin wallet address that probably isn't even anonymous (as I suggest using coinify later in the e-mail).

If you don’t pay by tuesday, attack will start, price to stop will increase to 20 BTC and will go up 5 BTC for every day of attack.

This is just to let you know that I'm super serious - just like how the bomb will start ticking faster if I don't get paid immediately. If I do have any tools, I'll attack you for a few hours until it starts fucking with my netflix, then I'll stop. Of course I'll attack you from home - this is the internet, and I'm totally anonymous. Distributed? What's that?

You can buy bitcoins easily here:

You can totally trust them, I used them to create the bitcoin wallet address I sent you a few lines ago.

This is not a joke.

You better take me seriously, my puberty's flaring up and I don't have an outlet for release. If only mom would let me join the junior high Fight Club.

Our attacks are extremely powerful – sometimes over 600 Gigabits per second.

"Our" power level is OVER 9000! "Our" gang has got more throughput than an OC-768 line, you BEST be afraid, faggot. Gibs me dat money. I also roleplay in the mirror as a gangbanger, and hold my pistol cocked to the side - because that's the most effective way of layin' niggas in da dirt, yo.

So, no cheap protection will help.

Cloudflare ain't cheap, but I'll pretend it is by suggesting that "our" pipes are fatter than both those of the USG and Wall St.

Bitcoin is anonymous, nobody will ever know you cooperated.

I think my wallet I generated at coinify is anonymous, even though I had to fill in all my mom's info.

Goater ago

Top comment worthy, in tears laughing.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Is it to late to vote for LOL?

ahab_with_piggyback ago


[Can't stop the goat]

heygeorge ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

SelfReferenceParadox ago


SelfReferenceParadox ago

They use gmail, I honestly can't take that seriously.

bezzy ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

the_sharpest_knife ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

stekky75 ago

Voat Goat

illDecree ago


B3bomber ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

I have faith in the DDoS protection services to drop their packets.

Pattoe ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

SaveTheChildren ago


OhBlindOne ago

I'm going with 3. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

They're not asking for enough initial money. If they have the resources to DDoS at 600 gb/s they wouldn't make the initial ask only 3 BTC. Also, they probably wouldn't bother teling you how to get bitcoin. Voat takes bitcoin as donations. If they looked into Voat at all they'd know that.

Small time, I'm pretty sure they're not going to do much.

JustNorthofHell ago

LOL Here is my IP knock your self out.

BeauDacious ago

Voat Goat

heebykikeburger ago


Squad up fagz

Fred ago

3. They couldn't get 250 bucks from shit german companies, so I have little faith they'll be doing much to y'all.

edit: fucking thing formatted it as a numbered list instead of putting the number I put down.

fat_pony ago


Redditsdead ago

No one cares what you think. End it.

MensAgitatMolem ago

I'm gonna bet on #2, the seem to have a history if its actually them, and it seems like they have done attacks on companies and sites in Germany. But I doubt they actually will do much.

MaxDemian ago

Voat Goat

CrudOMatic ago

timo103 ago


Alois_sticklgruber ago

Voat goat, minimal crap. May 8th, 1 week from mayday (communism holiday)

Son_Of_Hate ago


No way that's a real threat.

Genr8r ago

LOL - can we break the no doxxing rule just this once? I think @PuttItOut should post all of these threats in a dedicated sub for entertainment value.

Selfpropelled ago


They sound weak-sauce.

tinfoil_hats ago

3) LOL and they're probably also not getting any tenders from mommy for ignoring their chores in favor of being script kiddies

Timber_Beast ago


You can make decision, @PuttItOut

Mr_Wolf ago

Voat Goat

I want to LOL about it but if you're posting I'm expecting my bits to at least get checked.

Ziekk ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

weird, I can't make that into a 3. Oh well.

Wexnomer ago

LOL how would they even know it was you who sent it?

awshidahak ago


I betcha it's just @sanegoatiswear fucking with you. Notice how he's all over this thread as @fuzzywordsisashill

Jefiakra ago

LOL, definitely.

PlasmaDistortion ago


Runaway-White-Slave ago

  1. Downtime (Voat burns)

MrPim ago


M3121 ago

  1. Voat Goat

8969525? ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

these fagots make me lols

8969515? ago

I'll predict #3. Seems like a mass scam mail type deal where if they only get one or two companies to respond, its profitable. They don't actually reveal any details about Voat in the message. Like they might have said "Cloudflare cannot protect you." if they'd been more targeted.

FandyRandy ago

I'm going option 2. I doubt these attacks will be worse than the ones from reddit.

chronos ago

LOL am I too late to join in the fun?

ginganinja ago

Bet: Voat Goat.

Reaction: LOL.

Thin_White_Duke ago


Rufireproof ago


GoodGodKirk ago

Voat Goat

Seems they have been targeting German businesses last week, but forgot the payment options. They're now including payment options, so that's a bonus.

They'll be caught soon, just like all the others...

oiseaulibre ago


SendingLove ago


ThrashCan ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

for sure, fuck these guys.

Traveler ago


Bigglesworth45 ago


muricasnexttopautist ago


AlwaysInService ago

I'm just gonna say LOL because... I don't know man, that caps lock just seems really funny and I can't help but think back to that Nigerian prince wanting to send everyone some money

Markzila ago


Phivex ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

JustFeelsGoodMan ago

For three days they will lay as dead in the streets of the great city

teatime ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

HBDisReal ago

in b4 "not your personal army"

CleverAccountName ago

Hijack cause I am a faggot. Are the "sane" accounts who posts all the spam a group of paid shills?

Chiefpacman ago

18 day old account asking about old site drama.

Either you're a shill yourself, or you're asking dumb questions for the sake of drama.

CleverAccountName ago

At least two logical fallacies all in one post. One of the options you forgot is that you are poor at critically assessing things in general, and tend to bifucate complicated situations into black/white choices that, while easy for you to understand, lose too much information in the transformation to have utility.

Another is that you are a shill. Think Chiefpacman is burnt chief.

Chiefpacman ago

You wont last long here faggot

CleverAccountName ago

Please do not say nigger

Dibgick ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

OzarkMountainMan ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

the_spectre ago


I don't use gmail for any sensitive communication.

WeekendBaker ago


Although I would be happy watching voat crash and burn like the good ole days to. Nostalgia here we come!

nobaloney ago

While I do enjoy getting my bits checked. I'm betting they are full of shit. So, I'm going for LOL

voat-ist ago

Voat Goat.

Partly for nastalgia

dingomeat ago


They type like kiddos

ExpertDickPoster ago


Lknxs ago

Voat Goat

soniathegoat ago

  1. LOL

ChairmanCongFuckPao ago

so leet

Karbuster ago

Voat goat

But only because I miss the little guy, I expect a lol

FuckYourSafespace ago

  1. LOL

FuckYourSafespace ago

Goddamnit, 3 LOL

IforgotMYpASS ago

  1. Voat goat

IforgotMYpASS ago

My FUCKING phone man.... i put 2 and it autocorrects to a 1.... fucking stuoid updates to android.

NightQuest ago

LOL They can't even properly type out a link to lmgtfy - I doubt they even have a botnet.

ZYX321 ago

I am going to pay them 3 BTC just so i can vote "LOL" and get a sick badge.


Galvanized_Dreamer ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

im_back ago

I'm a number two man: Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

NuttstoButts247 ago

Voat Goat

TheThrowaway ago


TeRsEVAn ago


Rellik88 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

NoRagrets ago


heroinwinsagain ago

"and can make decision"

At first I was thinking broke ass English means no threat.

I'm going to say that it's bullshit, why ransom a ddos? Money trail, bits carry the nine.

These guys are fucking lame for not just doing it. In the spirit of what it was originally for, just fucking do it already.

ibepokey ago

Voat Goat

Death2Autism ago


CargoShortsFTW ago

Voat Goat!

TheTrigger ago


Galvanized_Dreamer ago

Bitcoin is anonymous


Edit 5 minutes after post: May get minimal slowdown, but that is only if they are not just total hacks. My bets are on clear skys.

Reddiggoat ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

eyeman ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

PotatoFarm ago

I'll go for option 3: LOL

Philosopher_King ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Lag-wagon ago


shakin_my_head ago

Voat goat it is. Because why not be cautious?

kelkyen ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

fastlane250 ago


Please be LOL. I kinda like this kind of threat reaction.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Voat Goat

Warborn304 ago

good ol goat voat baby, that's probably about it.

StuffThatSandwich ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Zinq ago

I want that sick badge. I believe!!!! 3. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

BANGAndTheDirtIsGone ago


Palaver ago


Nocturnalverse ago

You fucked up your link. Do I get flare for that? Should be

blind-science ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

YukiTheLolicon ago

I predict voat goat. Cause I kinda miss the little guy.

puppy528 ago

I'm going with 3. LOL

Won't even trigger the Bits Goat. It'd be funny if they shut down voat all week, but I'd sooner expect us to join Reddit than for that to happen.

deanna ago

voat goat.

cause better safe than sorry. ...

another good reason to buy a gun. what are you waiting for?

kill-9 ago


8Hz_WAN_IP ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

LDIP ago

They will attempt to get money from you and when you don't budge they will give up after maybe a day. Just my guess.

syntaxaxe ago

LOL. Just lol.

ConservativeDev ago


Wargasm ago


IwillbecauseIcan ago

Voat Goat

Pufferf1sh ago


TopShelfPrivilege ago


ktm_junkie ago


zo34 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

gregorypeckerwood ago


Pay once and they'll never leave you alone

Crensch ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Jpaul199 ago

Voat Goat, I suspect they're very majorly overstating their power.

ieatrocks ago


RunWildRunFree ago

Voat Goat

redditfuckingsucksyo ago


brandon816 ago

Eh, we will wait. If you aren't paying and they are serious, that's actually really costly for them. Let 'em burn themselves out.

SPiEkY ago


Malcifer ago

I predict a LOL, they ain't gonna do shit xD

caelaorn ago


Bing11 ago


Jerktwo ago

voat goat

RebelSkum ago

(3) LOL

Predicting fail.

One does not simply trifle with the Interwebz.

Also ShareBlue sucks.

HackTheGibbon ago


IkaSquidFTW ago


brucethemoose ago

Voat Goat

wincraft71 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

tanukihat ago

I'm going with Voat Goat. These lil faggots can't pull off any 600gb/s nonsense but their dads' work computers might be able to make a fuss.

OneNutWonder ago


ThirteenthZodiac ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

BlueDrache ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Novastar ago


odb281 ago

I'm taking choice 2. Voat Goat. Something might happen but not big enough to cause outages.

Neongreen ago

Voat Goat

Psycoth ago


8968404? ago

Voat Goat

Konran ago

I predict a return of the Voat Goat and getting our bits checked...

...but only because I'm a nostalgic old fellow and just want to see the little critter again.

pretty_innocuous ago


mqrmqr ago


Unless someone really wants to be right and says 1 or 2 then ddos's the servers themselves.

spacebob ago


AnTi90d ago

Eh, I'll pick:

2.) Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Synxsynxsynx ago

We will absolutely see the return of the goat bit checker. These fools think they're tough. Cloudflare is tougher

looking4truth ago




Wahaha ago

Voat Goat

chodie ago

Voat Goat

akuta ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ownsauce ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

senpaithatignoresyou ago

voat goat

sparts ago


Sakusha ago

Option 3. Nothing happens.

Harnawe ago


I need me a new badge

jinbnters ago

I vote for number 2 - Voat Goat

MadWorld ago

Big threat small ransom... Gotta make his own allowance off basement!

Cant_Call_It ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

pfb ago


vomitus_maximus ago


Aswimmingday ago


Trolls be trolling. We do not give in to terrorists.

Al_Rubyx ago

I miss having my bits checked by you baby c; that's my vote.

8968139? ago


8984038? ago

I'm pretty excited for that new badge

downvoatdumbshit ago


CanIHazPhD ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

IronGoat ago


jmtullock2 ago


Plavonica ago


JoeKerr ago

Voat Goat

Altbottom_Leaf ago


Longbottom_Leaf ago


Codewow ago

Guess I'll just have to masturbate a bit longer tomorrow.

pessimisticsteel ago

  1. LOL

MrBonesIV ago


Daeavorn ago


8967986? ago

Voat Goat would be my bet.

Really is nothing new under the sun. I'm reminded of Kiplings poem about Danegeld.

8967965? ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

close enough, there are a lot of empty threat blackmails floating around these days.

lostmyoldone ago

LOL :)

chmod ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

BobBelcher ago

LOL faggots

alwaysfly ago


Goater ago

Voat Goat

Theory being is if not this group of spankmonkeys sending their 56kbps, someone else will just to test what the protection level is for events like this.

Stress test, followed by larger attack at a higher gbps and increased ransom amounts to scale with the needed bandwith to ensure a reasonable risk vs reward.

But then again, I'm not a worthless dickhead who tries to profit off others hard work.

lum ago


51rH0n3y84d93r ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Nytshaed ago

Voat Goat

Ilmari ago

Voat Goat

The new members need to get acquainted to getting their bits checked

KSVaultDweller ago


Bitcoin_Chief ago


Salbuchi_2019 ago

Voat goat

JLeviathanH ago

Voat Goat

Baconmon ago


SushiMaster69 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ForgotMyName ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)



derek ago

Voat Goat

HST ago

LOL although a part of me misses getting my bits checked, and maybe we have some chaotic neutrals in here that just want the badge and do it themselves (unrelated to the email)

whisky_cat ago


wallstreets ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Gigan ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Slayfire122 ago

Voat Goat

(Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

kawaiikate ago


drakesdoom ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Sinful_Casshern ago


sheepsexplode ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

8967636? ago


I just want a badge.

toecutter ago


8967610? ago

Voat Goat

big_fat_dangus ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

CuriousOnlooker ago


IAmYourDad ago


Hall_of_Cost ago


czer0 ago

LOL I smell wannabe packet kiddies.

8967574? ago


GoofyGrape ago


OricaTonithos ago


BarneyAndFriends ago

Voat Goat.

ashekchum ago

Their 5btc+ per day kinda makes it seem like a scam, though I don't know ddos randoms usually look like.

Atarian ago

The Voat Goat will save us.

Can you report the gmail account to Google?

Jerekan ago

Voat Goat

middle_path ago

Voat Goat

But seriously, these guys sound like huge faggots. That being said, never underestimate your enemy.

Goathole ago


(Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

My mom took my iPad away once, that shit ain't funny.

eongoat ago

going with 3. LOL

glugglug ago

Voat Goat

Puttitout_Lies ago

Figuring it's almost deserted and is entirely privately funded by a corporate owner, they would do better to DDOS the servers of Conde Nast. You are aware that Voat's admins were forcibly removed and replaced, the accounts left the same, right? This happened almost a year ago, so maybe not.

TheHalfstache ago


zillzill401 ago


8967456? ago


I would like my bits verified again though...

bdmthrfkr ago

LOL level. They know Voat is not a big bag of cash. this is a low level shakedown.

RocksindaFoodGrinder ago

  1. LOL

Owlchemy ago

I choose 3 . LOL - more likely sanegoat, amalek and such than any real threat. I don't plan to lose any sleep over this. Even if it goes down, shit happens and life will go on ... what's the worst that can happen, they shoot their wad, get bored and move onto someone that cares.

Lonely_Potato ago

Do you guys think they accept Monero?

texan11moore ago

Voat Goat

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago


Nobody makes threats when they can deliver. They just do it.

KingofKong ago


J20 ago

lucifirius ago

LOL who?

8967388? ago

I choose the LOL option!

Kith ago


No chance in hell this happens

Tb0n3 ago


BrimstoneBrute ago


youareivan ago

Voat Goat

youareivan ago

(mom's too busy watching dr. phil to know what the kids are up to.)

shill343 ago


TankMissile ago

LOL (They end up DDOSing themselves by accident.)

feelus ago


ineedbettername ago

I predict 2. Buncha script kiddies throw themselves upon the Bit Checker Goat but ultimately nothing comes of it.

Optick ago

LOL nope

Gothamgirl ago

Sounds like something the CIA would do. Bet its 2 autist gamers named liquid and solid Chris, sitting in a basement. Nothing can knock us down, without us getting right back up.

BrometheusBlues ago


discoball ago

LOL, now give me that badge.

Fambida ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

It's a lot easier to just spam a bunch of websites with ransom demands using the name of a skiddie group and never bother actually DDoSing than to bother with the DDoS. I can send out 10k emails demanding BTC and hope a few failfags pay up too.

Techman ago

I'm going with option 3, LOL. The message looks a lot (seriously, a lot) like the fake Armada DDoS threats. I have strong confidence in Cloudflare in preventing attacks.

I always love shiny badges.

Capt_Dynamitebeard ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their maxiPads)

Hoonsuit ago

3: LOL

hats_ ago

3 LOL!

Bring it, fuckers.

edit: when I put "3." it puts 1 -- what the fuck am I doing wrong? (retrying format)

WeekendBaker ago

Never tried not to start a list at 3 but..

  1. Test

Edit - ho shit!

DocterBS ago


Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

We are not SGIS. We make claims with evidence. You make claims without evidence. Everyone can see what an Antifa-level SJW you are.

JLeviathanH ago

Who is this "we"?

purr ago

Voat Goat.

These people are serious, but not necessarily that good.

CaesarAugustus ago


SpectralForces ago


lovedumplingx ago

Voat Goat

b0ard2death ago

Voat Goat

RumpRangerRick ago

Voat Goat

zbou ago


Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

We would, but you raped and murdered her.

sarcasm, you stupid niggers!

Gnatsunami ago

Holy shit. That's the best you could do? Hang on, I need to capture this moment. Maybe you could teach an improv class on here or something. That shit is golden. Seriously, the way you gave up before you even started. Quick someone post this brutal shit to r/madlads. I mean, if anyone still goes to reddit for anything besides porn.

Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

Request denied. Reason: SJW faggot.

DoomMantia ago


Itsdone63 ago


Zuluroar ago


PradaLoci ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

zipybug14 ago


firex726 ago

Voat Goat

cachubrenin ago

Voat Goat

Lucienne ago

  1. Downtime!


Hall_of_Cost ago

Oh no! Really? Lol for me. How come you think we'll be down?

Lonely_Potato ago

3 bit coin tell them to get fucked. "LOL"

Trs0817 ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

oftotc ago

I think the Voat Goat should be switched on periodically just for the fun of it ;-) I like having my bits checked as much as the next goat.

Oeoeoeoeoeoeoe ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

8967055? ago


MyDrunkAccount ago

  1. Downtime (Voat burns)

XMR only charges 250 euro for ddos "tests". Here they're asking for FAR's not their MO. I think this is someone else...with the ability to impersonate them.

lude ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms son took away their iPads)

GenRipper ago


Disappointed ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Hey, I edited my comment after realizing I double-voted. I choose LOL!

undertheshills ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

kittysaysmeownow ago

LOL sounds about right.

pepperspray ago

  1. LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

toatsmavoats ago


Wuttier ago

I say LOL 3. as well. Cause I want to be a Wizzard!

harry_nash ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

cousineerie ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago


At first I'd thought we'd need at least some bit checking, but after googling the extortion group they seem even less competent than normal script kiddies, I doubt they know how to do anything worse than cheat in an online videogame.

Nardo ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ChristoDeFetus ago

i'm not normally a betting man but, i would like another badge...


enormousatom ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

optionalfrank ago


Amadameus ago

Voat Goat for me. Let's see how this turns out!

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

@Kevdude is a criminal shill. He has openly broken U.S. and State law in order to silence dissent against his SJW cabal attempting to take over Voat. We do not forget, @Kevdude.

soae ago

My guess is option #3

breakingpoint ago

Voat goat

Stephen_Strange ago

  1. Downtime (Voat burns)

8966857? ago

I fucking love you Putt.

Voat Goat.

IllegalBytes ago

Voat Goat

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

You have failed to respond meaningfully to the evidence presented. You get what you deserve.

kneo24 ago

Oh please, you've proven to be a nigger and a kike. Go back to watching IR porn and jerking off in your face, you dumb fucking faggot. You played with fire and got burnt. You've been given multiple chances to act reasonably, but instead you go on some bat shit insane campaign and then cry when the hammer comes down on you.

ChaoticNeutral ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

Fuck the jews. Nice try, kike. Pretending to be white, huh?

CrudOMatic ago

Stirring shit against the owner of a site - trying to get people to "take it away from him" (however the fuck you manage that), and spreading scurrilous propaganda about the owner and the site itself, when the only ones being punished are you and your buddy amalek for abusing bugs in the site to game the system has EARNED YOU YOUR GOLD STAR, KIKE.

auto_turret ago


8966836? ago

Im saying 2. Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Oodle_doodle ago

Voat goat! 🐐

alele-opathic ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

pcdude ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

lbruiser ago


JuiceTown ago


fuckfacemcgee ago

Did y'all reply " eat a bag of dicks faggot " for the hell of it anyway?

XxLandscaperxX ago


FuzzywordsisaShill ago


read the evidence, decide for yourselves. This is all well documented and proven, @Puttitout is an SJW, is a shill, is PAID to turn Voat into a Safe Space for Testing Tactics on Dissidents. The Voat Community is run by the damn kikes. Take back your Voat, REMOVE @PUTTITOUT.

Gnatsunami ago

In your own words "read the evidence, decide for yourselves."

Well, we read the evidence and we decided for ourselves and from what I can tell, no one cares. I guess I don't know the correct words for the next part....... I mean......... we did what you requested and have collectively come to the conclusion that ....................... there is no conclusion because no one cares.

sound_of_silence ago

when i read thru all that and backstory posts it looked like putt was totally cool up until around the time voat started getting more changes...

i've seen several folks asking for answers and wondering about what he promised he'd answer about rules and stuff..

to me, it doesn't seem like the same putt as the olden days...

i think a lot of us are curious about the same things as @SaneGoatiSwear asked...

Gnatsunami ago

Fair enough. I wasn't here in the beginning so I can't speak for how Putt used to do things. All I know is I wasn't able to read or participate in a single thread without seeing the same bullshit spam and I have a long standing rule that, if you have to annoy me to prove your point or sell me something, then your point doesn't count. Either present your case and accept the results like a grown-up or fuck the fuckity fuck off. Present yourself like a whiny crybaby and I'll be sure to never consider your opinion again.

Edit*: for the record, I appreciate your approach to it much more than the spam every single thread approach.

sound_of_silence ago

yeah that's what he was doing in the beginning... asking legitimately... not getting answered... fake alt and clone accounts were made to make it looked like he spammed... which in turn made other goats think he was a dick when he wasn't... he was just trying to protect voat..

Gnatsunami ago

In the end though, it doesn't sound like it's his to protect and from what I can tell about Voat so far is that Voat users don't like others assuming they think or speak for them. Maybe if he and others think it should be run a different way, they could start their own website. I'd be more than happy to check it out also as I have no doubt that someone that passionate about their causes could really make a go of something if they focused their efforts on something more proactive and productive.

sound_of_silence ago

voat is so special i mean it was because of the free speech, anti-censorship mantra and moral... like this.. remember last year..? @Atko said he and Putt wanted to work FT on voat... " We want to be able to work full time on Voat. We love Voat, we love doing what we do and we want to focus all of our energy on Voat." the majority of users are in the dark and don't realize what's going on right out in the open... it's weird... why would atko and putt pour heart and soul into voat then disappear suddenly when it was fully funded... while soon after, it starts to get more reddit-like by the day.. doesn't make sense after reading thru what atko and putt wanted to do and how they felt and how they had always stayed in close touch with the community... now atko is essentially gone.. putt is not particularly here.... users are becoming targets because of unpopular speech.. it's sad and it will get worse if no one says anything about it.

Gnatsunami ago

I can certainly say I'm more willing to listen to this type of dialogue than the spam so I appreciate that. I truly wish I had more to offer the conversation but I just haven't been here long enough to have an informed opinion. I do love what I know about Voat so far and am now interested to see how this pans out. I was just super annoyed with the spam and let it out a little because above all, I love to hear (see) myself speak (type).

sound_of_silence ago

i hear you.. and may your shitlording be blessed...

as i read thru this stuff i see various other users trying to take a stand but getting shot down... at least now the word is getting out.. it's only right to get the truth out... because if i happens to 1 it can happen to all..

conversations i've had with the actual SaneGoatiSwear have been great... just like this... i met him the 2nd day i was on voat and had no idea who he was.. but his open free speech attitude instantly made me respect voat... ironically it turned out that there was a group of users essentially hunting and haunting his reputation, to destroy it..

also don't get why atko and putt would want to work voat full time then suddenly not, basically at the point it got coincidentally fully-funded..

i don't want to see this happen to other users b/c that will def. grow into a reddit hell.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I care about the issues he raises, but I refuse to reward his faggotry by raising the questions at the same time he does. SaneGoat does not deserve even the appearance of my support and Voat doesn't need more dissent while he's here. Voat is easily the freest decent Reddit style board on the interwebs, and until SaneGoat goes away I'm going to rally behind Put.

sound_of_silence ago

that's the point.. malicious alts created the appearance of that one user as being way worse than actually is... doesn't putt seem different to you tho...he used not to say things and not follow thru...

AmaleksHairyAss ago

SaneGoat used his own account to be an annoying git before the "malicious alts" you're trying to imply aren't him. I'm more than satisfied with Voat and I'm happy enough (and will refuse to entertain the SaneGoat cabal's desires) until Put actually does something truly sketchy. You're trying to make a chicken out of a feather.

sound_of_silence ago

PS hope no one ever finds you annoying... cause then it might be you one day instead of a different goat... things like this start small and grow out... eventually it could be anyone

sound_of_silence ago

is annoying a reason to censor someone.. gang stalk them... brigade them..?

AmaleksHairyAss ago

No and I oppose those activities, and have never participated. But being annoying (and attacking Voat) is sufficient reason to not get onto his bandwagon. And attacking Voat and being a shitty mod is sufficient reason to demod him. And vote brigading himself is sufficient reason to adjust his CCP

sound_of_silence ago

asking for info that was already promised isn't attacking is it.. esp. when 2 mos have gone by... even now.. putt is back... still... rule set not even mentioned.. what happened to this from last year... " We want to be able to work full time on Voat. We love Voat, we love doing what we do and we want to focus all of our energy on Voat." from @Atko...

you know.. he just has the 1 account... no alts.. he's said that in a comment on here even.. it was manufactured..

0011011000111001 ago

No. One. Cares. You. Fuck. You were a piece of shit then and you're a piece of shit now.

RumpRangerRick ago

Run out of cocks to suck today ?

goatsandbros ago

I'm gonna go with Bits being checked!

PeBeFri ago

Voat Goat

elbrum ago

I'm in a doomsday mood: Downtime.

DalaiFarmer ago

Voat Goat

MagicalCentaurBeans ago


AnimeRuinedMyLife ago



RealAdamSelene ago


MrHighBrow ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

subnet001 ago


MillstoneNecklace ago

Voat Goat.

Probably won't last long though.

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

Criminal Paid Shill Correcting the Record. False Cause Texas Sharpshooter, open lies.

Kevdude, we do not forget.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Maybe you're the one making shitty ddos threats from gmail.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


Fenrirwulf ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

HWY__395 ago

  1. I'm going with a shit ton of SPAM

2nddammit ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

ixaxxar ago

Im guessing if anything at all 2 will happen.

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

digitalentity1497 ago


DasReich ago


GoogleStoleMyBike ago


ChillyHellion ago

I've got some pretty godawful internet access where I live and the "checking your bits" goat slows me down quite a bit, but at the same time I'm thankful it exists as a DDoS mitigation resource and hope you don't hesitate to turn it back on if it's what the site needs, even temporarily.

3dk ago

Voat Goat

My prediction: They are nigger faggots. PuttitOut will vanquish our enemies and bang their moms. Hail Putt!

SmokeyMeadow ago

Personally, I would rather see Voat go down for hours or even days than have the knowledge anyone here caved to these pricks. I won't even complain about the downtime if it happens. It's the principle of the thing. But that's just me. I know people are bored and want to shitpost, and we can't exactly go back to Reddit.

TestForScience ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

DabbaDan ago


8966622? ago

New account, multiaccounter spamgoat?

Intheknow ago

3 for me

Strange_Attractor ago

Voat Goat

0011011000111001 ago

Go home SaneGoat.

PuttItOutisaShill ago

@0011011000111001 please respond to the evidence, or stand silent like the dog you are.

0011011000111001 ago

Fuck you sane.

0011011000111001 ago


ccxvi ago


Retron ago


Argumentative ago



0011011000111001 ago

My prediction: LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

So, I know Voat has a lot of shady ass motherfuckers. WHO WANTS TO SETUP A COUNTER ATTACK?! LETS GET ONE STARTED!

ALSO PLEASE DON'T TRY AND BE THE GOOD GUY AND DONATE BITCOINS TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why they mentioned "Bitcoin is anonymous, nobody will ever know you cooperated." They want someone to pay up from the community. DON'T DO IT!

8966551? ago

Voat Goat

victimcomplex404 ago


Shepherdess ago

Voat Goat! Voat Goat! Voat Goat!

misfit-zero ago


Greasy ago


8966511? ago

  1. Downtime (Voat burns)

Tallest_Skil ago

I'd say Voat Goat. It's quite easy to DDoS a site, unfortunately.

monkeytoe101 ago


smoss ago

Voat Goat!


I'll say 3. LOL.
But I have been wrong. . . From time to time. . .

Dashippy ago

I say 2. I demand a return of the Voat Goat. My bits haven't been checked in so long it's making me feel unloved.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Voat Goat

8966487? ago

In going with tried and true voat goat maaahhhhing at my bits

Vloorshad ago


Hibby ago

Voat Goat

xenoPsychologist ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Nonymous608 ago

It's not a better pay. This guy seems really serious. Find the guy who can make decision...not a decision, just make decision, and pay this dude...he seems super serious to me.

3 LOL obviously...

Artofchoke ago


batterist ago


OMGSpiderMonkey ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

qx9 ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ccxvi ago

Voat Goat

ilovepussy ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Reddit_traitor ago


fnork ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

HateCumbuckets ago

Voat goat

Dingolicious ago

Voat Goat

Hertz- ago

Kinda hoping for voat goat but my final answer is LOL

Tanngrisnir ago

It reads like it was written by a retarded Nigerian scammer and looks totally bogus. I vote #3.

everlastingphelps ago


Vengeant ago


SmokeyMeadow ago

I still don't buy it. Might be a real group, but anyone could have read those articles and registered a gmail address in the group's name.

From the first article you linked:

After the demise of these two main groups, there was a wave of copycats [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] that used their respective reputation to extort payments from companies, in many cases without even possessing any DDoS capabilities.

Put me firmly in the LOL camp.

FedupOtaku ago


Rummel ago


oedipusaurus_rex ago

Voat Goat

6double5321 ago

Voat Goat

bluedeath ago

Voat Goat

Because they will make an attempt and you will turn on counter measures early.


My prediction: 3 autists use LOIC for 10 mins and then realise what Azure is.

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

My prediction: the Voat community that hasn't already quit due to @Puttitout and cabal's actions against speech and the community will come together and remove them, and reinstate @Atko, who will only act temporarily until the time when he will put forth a plan to the community that you agree on, and that plan will then be implemented - - which will likely include @Atko finding suitable replacements that are not militant criminal SJWs like @Puttitout @kevdude @fuzzywords @cynabuns @disappointed @expertshitposter @tipman79 @failure and many more.

Take a look, @PM_ME_YOUR_ARCHES see the evidence for yourself

SelfReferenceParadox ago

And if Atko doesn't want to return?

(PS, you forgot to ping me)

RumpRangerRick ago

Did you miss your last therapist appointment ?

RuckFeddit45 ago

Voat Goat

festeringsoul ago

  1. Voat Goat checkin my bits!

Vhaine ago

Voat Goat

Girthcontrol ago

Voat Goat

It's probably nothing but most are going with LOL and I want that badge ;)

rogueplanet ago


Mick ago

(fuckin) LOL

FreeBreivik ago

I'll take the long odds on 1. Downtime (Voat burns)

uvulectomy ago

My joke answer is "It could be SGIS still all butthurt over is bans and trying to act tough."

My real answer is the same either way: LOL.

JunkBondTrader ago


Kromulent ago

3: LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

8966348? ago

Voat Goat

maybe not solely from DDOS, but redditfugees

8966337? ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

spliff_tolkien ago


JustGuessing ago


Final answer. (edit: fixed script 3 showed up as 1 >.< lol)

gattaca ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

LostandFound ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

Dont think id like to piss off the entire voat base at once, this aint tumbler we're neo nazis now remember

8966321? ago


DopeandDiamonds ago

  1. Lol.

This is script kiddie shit. What if someone sees this and decides let's fuck with voat and does launch a ddos tomorrow just for shits and giggles. We would never know who it was exactly and this jabronis would get credit.

Still I am sticking with lol.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Huh, good point.

WakkoWarner ago

All your servers will be DDoS-ed starting tuesday (may 2) if you don’t pay protection – 3 Bitcoins

Clearly muslim.

hels ago

If it was muslim it would be asking for 9. 9 is their lucky bridal number.

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

Clearly. Wakko, did you know @Puttitout has been caught manipulating users' CCP, and has been caught lying to you? The evidence is plain for all to see The question remaining is what do we do about @Puttitout and the paid faggots underneath him. We remove them. Bring back @Atko Bring back @Atko Bring back @Atko bring back @Atko!!!

heroinwinsagain ago

Go fuck a wart

khey ago


JoshuaQuail ago


Natural_Vinegar ago

Voat Goat

DeltaBravoTango ago

Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

Just for a little while

Xeros ago

Voat Goat

Samsquamch ago

Voat Goat

ccxvi ago


watch_listed ago

Voat goat

Le_Squish ago

Voat Goat

Freshdough ago

Voat goat

jsac ago


gorillionaire ago

Voat Goat

Memorexem ago

I'm going to have to go with 'LOL' on this one.

If I get my bits checked, well hey. It's been awhile. ;)

VIP740 ago

The ransom is paid, making it look like 3. But it only makes things worse in the long run, putting blood in the water and attracting all manner of piranhas and a few bigger sharks.

Acer-Red ago


SmokeyMeadow ago

It's a scam. Nothing will happen. You can tell by the sense of urgency they try to instill in the reader. I call these "ticking clock" scams. If the author(s) had the capability to attack, they would have just done their DDOS from the get go, and not tried this phony baloney "protection racket" scheme. The lack of a demonstration of power suggests there is no power to demonstrate.

TH3_1D10T ago

LOL! If anything, these people are just going after money. And all your have to do is wait it out till they run out of funds to ddos.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Hoping for 1. to be able to add to "censorship list"

Prudencia_Prim ago


AndinBriwel ago

Voat Goat

watitdew ago

Voat Goat

mamwad ago


Kadynce ago


Crow_T_robocop ago


Cantilever ago


8966210? ago

Voat Goat

go1dfish ago

Voat Goat

voats4goats ago


linux ago


ketcham1009 ago

Voat Goat

bikergang_accountant ago

Voat Goat

bikergang_accountant ago

Not cheap protection will help you.

Then go with expensive protection. It's still cheaper than $3,000 dollars. They've really priced themselves out of success.

weezkitty ago

I second voat goat

Ioxvm ago

Third. Fuck em. I don't mind the goat at all.

laserhibiscus ago


PuttItOutisaShill ago

fish and @needlestack did you know puttitout was caught lying to you? How about that he supports the silencing of users? How about that he helped build Censorship into Voat? This is an open call to remove @Puttitout from Voat. Stand now, as Voat has been taken over by the SJW.

NeedleStack ago

Babe, you know I hate some of the moves here. But I'm not going to ask for Putt's removal. It's all very complicated for me.

PuttItOutisaShill ago

-CCP manipulation

-Lying openly to the userbase about serious topics such as the hundreds of bans without any rules to dictate who is banned. Users with 0 votes ever given were banned for "vote manipulation."

-Stealing private subs from users without any evidence of manipulation/reddit cancering.

-Encoding behavioral manipulation into Voat

-Encoding self censorship tools into Voat

The list goes on, Babe. You get what you deserve. By not speaking up, you stand for censorship and against humanity. Again, you get what you deserve: a safe space for a retard.

8967330? ago

I like how you remembered this from 1.7 years ago.

NeedleStack ago

It was so charming, it was unforgettable. :)

TCP_V1P3R ago

Only $3,900+ in ransom money?! LOL!

PuttItOutisaShill ago

Did you know @Puttitout lied to you and manipulates users' CCP?

digitalentity1497 ago

Hey sane.


You fucking two dayers really suck goat cock!

xbryn ago

Hey, SaneGoat is back!

8967436? ago

Be quiet @SaneGoatiswear

Violentlight ago

Voat Goat

EggsnBakey ago


derram ago


I'm guessing it's copycats looking to scam some money.

llllIIIIllllIII ago

The "Having Our Bits Checked" Voat Goat Is Our Mascot. o7

But I say 3.


ibepokey ago

plus, it give us a chance for the cpu-generated chick to say whatever we type! when it's busy it's like a new lotto trying to get that chick to speak your lines!

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

DO IT FAGGOTS! REMOVE @PUTTITOUT for serious anti-speech pro-censorship behavior manipulation, ccp manipulation, lying to the userbase, and more!

Hooptie ago

Voat Goat

lawlerskehts ago

Voat Goat

GlamourSpork ago

Voat Goat

Donbuster ago


SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago


Thisismyvoatusername ago

Voat Goat

qzx ago

Voat Goat

pm-me-your-pm ago


Script Kiddie Squad means serious business. Better just go ahead and pay them 100BTC to be sure.

chrimata ago

I hope that they strike us down so that we can become more powerful

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

That would require removing @Puttitout for the crimes against the community such as blatant CCP manipulation, openly lying to the userbase and much much more. the evidence:


Kinda reminds me of a fucking idiot!

Been here two days and knows all.


BaldMiscreant ago

In a thread containing a guy with a thousand alts, and you think I'm new?

sakuramboo ago

Voat Goat

Monkstar1 ago

Voat goat

trashcancarla ago


Schism314 ago

Voat Goat

diodine ago

LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

FuzzywordsisaShill ago

Like little shits like that had mothers. Damn test tube babies. Did you know @Puttitout manipulates users' CCP and lies to you, diodine? Check it out! We're openly calling for the community to come together to remove this Reddit Cancer @Puttitout and his faggot cabal of shills once and for all. Bring back @Atko! check the evidence for yourself

AlwaysInService ago

I love when you say "we" but you actually mean yourself and your bots

8967454? ago

Be quiet @SaneGoatiSwear ...

PuttItOut ago

I'm requesting a refund now for the bitcoin I sent earlier. ;)

PuttItOutisaShill ago

How about you step down. You've committed enough crimes against the community already. Stop flouncing around as if you were actually supporting speech. You've already admitted to CCP manipulation, you've openly lied to the userbase a number of times... Just Quit!

Tor1 ago

You better check your bits before you wreck your bits.

steel_sushi ago


fricknmaniac ago

Voat Goat

lokfort ago


Zebezian ago

Voat Goat

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Futt ago


BigFatDaddy ago


Doc_Brown_Lives ago


8966095? ago

Voat Goat

srgmpdns ago

Voat Goat


...attacks against DHL, Hermes, AldiTalk, Freenet,, the State Bureau of Investigation Lower Saxony, and the website of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Mr_Sir ago

  1. Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

ThrowABoat ago

Voat goat

smokratez ago

Could you look into upvoting with alts. That still seems to happen a lot. Thanks.

8966069? ago


8966058? ago


UKD ago

Could we organize a bigger DDOS on their server? Maybe 4chan could help? Someone shine the 4chan batman light.

ginx2666 ago

DDOS on their server

DDOS on their server

their server

You... don't know a thing about DDoS, do you.

MensAgitatMolem ago

I looked them up, they seem to Ironically use Cloudflair to protect their own systems.

8967262? ago

Not your personal army.

Puttitout_Lies ago

Speaking of armies, are you aware @Puttitout promised they don't manipulate points, but they were caught manually removing thousands of CCP from multiple users' accounts? Are you aware that we are here to call for the remaining community of Voaters to stand up against @Puttitout's SJW tyranny and remove him? Here's the evidence, decide for yourself whether you're on the side of free speech or tyranny and censorship.

8967751? ago

Get a fucking life. Seriously, you can get a toothless blowjob for $25 and a box of chicken nuggets, go out an relieve some of that lower back pressure.

Mick ago

god you are full of shit :)

pnwpatriot97 ago

Lmao it's this easy. I have a cousin who could help.

behindthetoilet ago

I have a building full of Wi-Fi connected life fixtures that could help also.

PuttItOutisaShill ago

YES! While you're at it, remove @Puttitout from Voat for these crimes CCP manipulation, lying to the userbase, stealing private subs, supporting the silencing of dissent against the SJW cabal takeover of Voat, banning users for vote manipulation who never even voted and more.

All the downvotes in the world mean nothing. All you want is to silence us. But you can not. We will not be silenced by you and your criminal enterprise, @Puttitout. You're not even man enough to confront us. To admit your crimes, your lies. You hide. You hit and run. You misdirect. You play dumb.

sakuramboo ago

They already lost their site once.

The attention they got wasn't the one they expected, as their hosting provider took down their website, located at

Shepherdess ago

Kind of a weird little twitter thread in there. What do you think they mean?

The_Exodite ago

I kinda miss having my bits fondled... err, I mean checked.

twistedmac11 ago

Voat Goat



Voat Goat (Voat turns on DDoS protections and/or reduces functionality to deal with a DDoS, but stays alive for the most part)

ginx2666 ago

Voat Goat

pyres ago

Voat Goat

This is why we can't have nice things.

NassTee ago

Voat Goat

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

LOL gayest shit Ive ever seen!

Precipitate ago


kneo24 ago

Voat Goat

8966027? ago

Voat Goat; and thanks for sharing.

cointelpro_shill ago

12am on may 1st...what time is that relative to now?

Hmmm ago


notyouraveragellama ago

Voat Goat

SeemsReasonable ago

Voat Goat

Thanks for the heads up. These blackmailers are low level faggot noobs.

HarveyHarveyJones ago


Puttitout_Lies ago

You stand for free speech, yes? Then what side of the Voat war are you on? @Puttitout manipulates users' ccp, lies to the userbase, bans users for vote manipulation that never voted, and worse. evidence is plain to see, athough it is in SGIS speak. What side are you on? not SGIS's side. Free speech or of @Puttitout's behavioral restrictions, censorship, and criminal cabal disinformation and silencing tactics?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I've learned so much from voat. Mostly to check sources and to be skeptical. All you do is distract people from all sorts of things happening. Happening now, that did happen, and what will eventually happen. Censorship exists. No doubt. This place is as sane and as free as it can get at the moment. Until i find another home or start one myself, i see no problems here. I can call anyone i want on here a nigger fag or talk about a huge business that's corrupt or talk about ANYTHING i disagree with-without getting banned in an hour. You're still allowed to shitpost nonsense and spam all day.... true or not most sites would have had you down long ago. Should be grateful for what you and us have. Construction is better than destruction most of the time.

8967638? ago

I've debunked all of this before. You're intentionally being deceptive and you spamming this same nonsense all the time just persuades people to assume PuttItOut is in the right (and as far as I can tell, he is).

zo34 ago

What you don't know is that /u/PutItOut hires them so you'll think that! To /v/conspiracy!

8968664? ago

@PutItOut is a poser! Don't trust him! There is only /v/OneTruePutt and his name is PuttItOut!

8966010? ago

Voat Goat

Awful-Falafel ago

Looks like we'll be getting goats to check our bits again ;)

Pawn ago

Voat Goat !!!!!!

watchout putt, they're going use over 300kb per second of DDOS! I hope i have enough kb of ram.

odinist ago

Voat Goat

EvilGamerX ago

My money is on: LOL (Nothing happens because their moms took away their iPads)

ShowMeYourKitties ago


They forgot to put a ? Before the GET param in the lmgtfy link.

Puttitout_Lies ago

What side of this war are you on, kitties? Free speech or are you on the side of @Puttitout behavioral restrictions censorship tools lies? Decide for yourself:

PuttItOutisaShill ago

Did you know @Puttitout has been caught manipulating users' ccp when he promised he wouldn't?

theoldguy ago

Referencing another crazy asshole isn't convincing anyone dipshit.

PuttItOut ago

Good eye.

Puttitout_Is_Fat ago

Hey any decision on reversing your role as CEO due to the fact you have massively abused your power and have driven off the majority of the long-standing non-SJW community, replacing it with reddit reposts and paid news OPs? It is already too late for you @Puttitout, @Kevdude, @Fuzzywords and your ilk. We do not forget.

grillmaster ago


errihu ago