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PizzagateBot ago

Everyone should be critical of anyone who both claims to be a victim AND taking donations. We know that pizzagate is full of shills, so it is not unreasonable to be suspect.

Why did she delete her FB account?

It is well known that girls her age like to play games and some will do anything to be center of attention.

She is also apparently sponsoring the guy in this post who wants 50K to do a documentary - - Kenneth Dawson from Federal Way, WA because she has 'vetted him as being a born again christian''.

Haven't found anything about him being an actual photographer or videographer. In Seattle area, its common to find a legitimate photographers name somewhere like a portfolio or linkedin or something.

Whole thing stinks to me.

becki_p20 ago

Okay I can answer all your questions as I'm the one that you think "stinks"

First of all, I did not delete my old facebook account. If I had, why is it that its still up on facebook? If you search my name, there it pops up. I created a new account because I knew Ann and Lee followed that account closely. I wanted a chance to get away from their watchful eyes on facebook. I didn't care about everywhere else. Secondly, there are memories attached to that facebook account through pictures etc - some good some bad. Is it so wrong to want to start a new life? Its not like thousands of people don't start new facebook accounts right?

Onto the tweet I made on my old Twitter account (which I still would be using by the way if I knew the password). All through out my childhood, specifically through adolescence, I felt different from everyone else. I was very isolated and reserved. Plus, until I disclosed in 2014, I was holding onto a pretty big secret... When I did finally disclose, I lost a lot of friends because they didn't understand and was bullied continually. I wanted to fit in. So I followed the crowd, watched what everyone else loves and copied. Just like most people that want to fit in.

But on a side note, do you think its "cool" to be "famous" for being abused? I do not. If I truly wanted to be famous, there are other things I could have done. I started my channel on YouTube to help other survivors, encourage victims to speak out, and inform those that have never been abused what is happening to children around the world.

Finally, yes I do support Kenneth and Felicia with their documentary. I support anyone that is willing to speak out on behalf of the children. That's all I need to say on that.

I hope I answered all of your questions, if not then feel free to ask more. When I first went public, I was aware that there would be people ready to pull apart survivors because I've seen it done before.

The thing is, I know I am telling the truth and that's all that matters. If other people don't believe me then that's their problem not mine

Birdzeyeview ago

no way, your stories do not stack up.

archons ago

You stink.

PizzagateBot ago

Thank you for exposing yourself as a shill. On the list you go.

archons ago

Oh no the shill calling me a shill. I'm the shill shilling the shill who's being shilled by another shill.

V____Z ago

Someone set up the go fund me account for her, this argument is lame and very sad. There is no reason to distrust Becki, and it's just ugly that someone would spend their time trying to debunk her. The whole thing stinks to you? Did you even watch the videos? Is she acting, in your opinion, about the torment she is in?