dem6nic ago

I'm suspicious of this one. Could be used to discredit the investigation in the future when it comes out she's not all there. I see she's racist too.

redditsuckz ago

Here is her facebook;

Her Facebook went silent in April 18 2015(?) and she said she was in jail for 18 months in America? or something?...So from April 2015 to now its been about 20 months which checks out I guess?...but she sure seems like a happy child in all the pictures and lots of "family" photos(?)....something is definitely odd about this...

hanknut42 ago

lol look it here guys we got ourselves our own David Brock

wgvdl ago

Sure, that this is the twitter account of Becki Percy who gave the testimonial? I found three accounts related to some "Becki Percy" but only one that let me identify her without a doubt (bex_p96).

redditsuckz ago

People should be cautious of anyone's testimony right now.

Here is her other twitter account;

DiggingforTruth ago

As in her testimony is made up?