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Vindicator ago

@PizzagateBot, I am deleting this comment, because publishing screenshots of posts deleted by users is in direct violation of the Voat User Agreement which states:

Respect other users

You may not purposefully negate any user's actions to delete or edit their content on Voat.

Continued disrespect for the rules you agreed to in the User Agreement or the submission guidelines for this subverse will result in your account being banned.

Heads up: @wecanhelp, @Millennial_Falcon, @sensitive, @nnfx

redditsuckz ago

@kevdude @Crensch

Going to need more clarification on this statement in the user agreement as anything a user deletes cannot be posted as a screenshot or an archived link to what they said.

Example...if one of the mods/users wrote something like "yeah im a baby killing rapists whatcha gonna do about it?" then deleted the post any user who posted that message would be banned.

Its not far fetched to think Psychanaut, PizzagateBot and the mods are all in this together to increase the censorship of v/pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

Its not far fetched to think Psychanaut, PizzagateBot and the mods are all in this together to increase the censorship of v/pizzagate.

Hi redditsuckz, the reason I left a detailed comment about the removal here in the thread where all can see, rather than just in the "Reason for Removal" box that shows up in the Removed Comments index, is for transparency and accountability.

I will further elaborate to say that the comment that I removed was not only directly against the rules, it was very likely intended to censor Psychanaut. So one could argue this removal was an attempt to increase free speech.

redditsuckz ago

it was very likely intended to censor Psychanaut. So one could argue this removal was an attempt to increase free speech.

Just like when the government takes our liberties away to give us more freedom?

Crensch ago

Going to need more clarification on what, exactly, happened here, and then what your argument is, because your example requires mods/users to be a really special kind of stupid that I doubt I'd see here.

While I was unaware of the deletion VUA rule, since it exists, and apparently that's what happened here, I've really no idea what it is you want me and @kevdude to do.

redditsuckz ago

Psychanaut posted AMA telling everyone her identity while talking in the 3rd person(?) but the post was deleted by them and Pizzagatebot posted a screenshot of the deleted AMA then their comment was deleted and threatened with a ban can see the comment in the removed comment section.

That VUA is up for interpretation as in it might not mean exactly that as the mods on here are looking for the tiniest of loopholes to delete comments.