jangles ago

@yourashill, what is a shill? Define it clearly.

wecanhelp ago

I agree, and this is pretty much what I said myself yesterday in a group PM regarding the issue. I can't stand behind policing the sub, and I think enforcing the Voat User Agreement is the job of Voat ownership; we're mods, and our job is to enforce rules agreed on by our community.

With that being said, while I will not support banning @PizzagateBot for violating the Voat User Agreement, I will support banning him for spamming if he keeps this copypaste vigilantism up. There's a difference between wanting to provide information for the citizen investigation, and aggressively pushing your own narrative.

Just to make it crystal clear, since my main purpose here is archiving content, I will not have my comments removed, nor be banned, for providing archive/screenshot links to user deleted content?

Using an archival bot account will not grant you special privileges in this sub, especially seeing how you use said bot account for slipping in your own normative opinions, essentially hijacking the unique visibility of your account and misusing community trust.

I would like to ask you to refrain from using the bot for anything that's not the bot's business, and also from spamming the same information over and over again. If you can properly source it, post and discuss it once, and then move on. I do understand that you tried doing that and your submission was removed, however, it is my understanding that it was removed for insufficient sourcing as opposed to a violation of the Voat User Agreement. You received your warnings for violating the Voat User Agreement, this was, in my opinion, incorrect. You should have received the warnings for spamming.

My views and interpretation are open to be challenged, @Vindicator, @Crensch, @Millennial_Falcon, @sensitive, @nnfx.

Silverlining ago

I don't pretend to understand the whole of this dispute, but Bot seems to provide a useful service for anyone who wants to deep mine a submission, providing related links - possibly the same as may be found from a search.

Also the links are archived so "preserving history" although some folks might want bits to disappear.

You might consider stepping back from what appears to be heavy handedness on a "free speech" site, I myself frequently archive submission threads - usually to preserve any information there rather than particular comments that might later be deleted, but I have on one occasion that I recall done it to preserve someone's comment. Comment deleted sets one wondering sometimes.

@Vindicator, @Crensch, @Millennial_Falcon, @sensitive, @PizzagateBot

PizzagateBot ago

I will support banning him for spamming if he keeps this copypaste vigilantism up

That is fine, judging from the upvoats I received with those comments, if you gag me, then someone else will carry the torch. I can assure you this. Making sure that people are aware of the controversy behind an account that claims to be a 'researcher' is not spam. Feel free to link to this chain of comments each time I comment in this fashion, if it helps you sleep at night.

especially seeing how you use said bot account for slipping in your own normative opinions, essentially hijacking the unique visibility of your account and misusing community trust.

Thanks for your opinion. I have been here since /v/pizzagate inception and have gone through a dozen or more accounts for personal commentary. I do so for my own security and to avoid being data mined. I do have another active personal account that I continue to post with which has not been linked to this one.

In any case, my commentary under this account, aside from the dealings with psychanaut, are usually just me sharing a generic opinion to see how it resonates with the community. It usually resonates well so I continue to do it. I will continue to comment under any account I wish to use, including this one.

I would like to ask you to refrain from using the bot for anything that's not the bot's business

LOL fuck off, who are you to dictate what is 'the bots business'. I'm gonna put this quote in my user account profile it is so fucking ridiculous.

and also from spamming the same information over and over again. If you can properly source it, post and discuss it once, and then move on.

No, I won't conform to what you consider an ideal usage of an account or an ideal comment.

This is voat, stop trying to manipulate and mold things into the way you think they should be.

Stick to your job of cleaning up pinched off turds, which you only seem to scoop up 50% of, and leave everything else up to the big boys.

wecanhelp ago

Being cocky and not showing any sign of cooperation is not gonna get you very far. Rest assured, if you get banned, it will be because of repeated violation of subverse rules.

PizzagateBot ago

not showing any sign of cooperation is not gonna get you very far.

You sound like a federal agent. XD

jangles ago

You are a HERO where did you go?

MysticMa ago


uuuuuuuuuus ago

If it's at that point, then they have you logged for being on this forum. By the way, I'd propose that sli.mg (and the other archive sites that the vast majority of researchers were using) were likely honeypots. Being in the open and putting everything out publicly is probably the best. If they want to get in your computer they'll get in it.

Crensch ago

I tend to agree here. Open to hearing alternative ideas on the subject though, @vindicator.

PizzagateBot ago

Just to make it crystal clear, since my main purpose here is archiving content, I will not have my comments removed, nor be banned, for providing archive/screenshot links to user deleted content? Is this correct?

Heads up: @vindicator @wecanhelp @Millennial_Falcon @sensitive @nnfx

PizzagateBot ago


I will further elaborate to say that the comment that I removed was not only directly against the rules, it was very likely intended to censor Psychanaut. So one could argue this removal was an attempt to increase free speech.

This mod can't even put their own personal differences, opinions and bias aside in order to do their modding duties. It is unbelievable the level of censorship that /v/pizzagate mods have brought to voat.

As a demonstration in anti-censorship and goodwill, would you please undelete my comment?

redditsuckz ago

So did Pizzagatebot's comment warrant a deletion?

DarkMath ago

"righteousness them who deny the true and living "God"."

I'm a God fearing Christian. I came to that belief through many years of grievous chastisements while I lived as a card carrying Atheist.

But whatevs, you don't trust a thing a say anyway..

DarkMath ago

"We are not brothers."

Pro tip: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

When a white guy agrees with you and offers you free advice garnered from a lifetime of fighting his fellow white man.......you might want to listen.

Just a thought, no long term commitments or repetitive payments, I offer advice with nothing more than the heartfelt desire that the White Man is removed from power because if he doesn't leave he'll probably destroy all life on planet Earth.......but whatevs. Nothing ventured nothing gained. No skin off my back.

I'm just an old guy with nothing to lose but an ever worsening case of Spinal Stenosis that just recently went into 2nd gear or as WebMD calls it:

Foot drop, the painful leg weakness causing you to “slap” your foot on the ground.

It should go without saying I have neither the money nor the job security to have it surgically repaired which is only 50% effective anyway and with my luck surgery would probably leave me worse off. If I can just make it to the bathroom every morning I consider it a good day. So believe me it's no skin of my back that you insult me and refuse my advice. I've heard and dealt with much worse.


PizzagateBot ago

Why do you say things like this when you are using information from the executive summary and the pizzagate wiki? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1800579/8830288

Other links for others to check out regarding psychanaut:



So psychanaut keeps pushing MIT Media Lab articles by Kim Holleman, says things like 'fuck the executive summary' and then just posts copy pasta from the executive summary and pizzagate wiki.

They sure know how to pick the bright ones at MIT. Thank goodness we have you helping out here. Where oh where would we be without you....

What are you really doing here?

possiblepizza ago

It's okay cuz I only go there for the waycool lounge white boy rap music.

Vindicator ago

@PizzagateBot, I am deleting this comment, because publishing screenshots of posts deleted by users is in direct violation of the Voat User Agreement which states:

Respect other users

You may not purposefully negate any user's actions to delete or edit their content on Voat.

Continued disrespect for the rules you agreed to in the User Agreement or the submission guidelines for this subverse will result in your account being banned.

Heads up: @wecanhelp, @Millennial_Falcon, @sensitive, @nnfx

redditsuckz ago

@kevdude @Crensch

Going to need more clarification on this statement in the user agreement as anything a user deletes cannot be posted as a screenshot or an archived link to what they said.

Example...if one of the mods/users wrote something like "yeah im a baby killing rapists whatcha gonna do about it?" then deleted the post any user who posted that message would be banned.

Its not far fetched to think Psychanaut, PizzagateBot and the mods are all in this together to increase the censorship of v/pizzagate.

Vindicator ago

Its not far fetched to think Psychanaut, PizzagateBot and the mods are all in this together to increase the censorship of v/pizzagate.

Hi redditsuckz, the reason I left a detailed comment about the removal here in the thread where all can see, rather than just in the "Reason for Removal" box that shows up in the Removed Comments index, is for transparency and accountability.

I will further elaborate to say that the comment that I removed was not only directly against the rules, it was very likely intended to censor Psychanaut. So one could argue this removal was an attempt to increase free speech.

redditsuckz ago

it was very likely intended to censor Psychanaut. So one could argue this removal was an attempt to increase free speech.

Just like when the government takes our liberties away to give us more freedom?

Crensch ago

Going to need more clarification on what, exactly, happened here, and then what your argument is, because your example requires mods/users to be a really special kind of stupid that I doubt I'd see here.

While I was unaware of the deletion VUA rule, since it exists, and apparently that's what happened here, I've really no idea what it is you want me and @kevdude to do.

redditsuckz ago

Psychanaut posted AMA telling everyone her identity while talking in the 3rd person(?) but the post was deleted by them and Pizzagatebot posted a screenshot of the deleted AMA then their comment was deleted and threatened with a ban ...you can see the comment in the removed comment section.

That VUA is up for interpretation as in it might not mean exactly that as the mods on here are looking for the tiniest of loopholes to delete comments.



DarkMath ago

"White race must be exterminated"

After learning George H.W. Bush and the Clintons started the Crack epidemic to make money off of the suffering of poor black people I understand how you'd feel that way.

Pro Tip: Saying you want to exterminate all white people kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind of allows people to dismiss anything that comes out of your mouth after that.

The way to defeat white people is through non-violence and campaign finance reform so giant corporations can't run the show down in DC and invent God knows what like maybe Crack 2.0 to make even more money off the suffering of poor black people.

I'm on your side brother. I'm just saying since I'm a white man I kind of have a good idea about how to take the white man down.

Just sayin'.

Thanks for listening.

DarkMath ago

Are you a Muslim?

DarkMath ago

"If you are not doing the will of God, you are anti christ"

Jiminy Crickets you put the word Allah in your username then refer to Allah as God in your comment. Do you even know any Muslims? A Muslim would NEVER call Allah God. That's just about the most offensive thing you could say to a Muslim.

A Muslim wouldn't accuse someone of being the Anti-Christ either. Islam believes the New Testament was perverted and anything it says about the Prophet Isa like how to define the Anti-Christ is disinformation.

Isa ibn Maryam

Correct the Record must be running low on money.


V____Z ago

Just a thought. It's possible those in charge of censorship allow this video to stay up because they want to inflict trauma on all of us. It's traumatizing to hear and watch, and even more traumatizing to witness that absolutely nothing is being done about it. Meanwhile we're being told and shown that all of the agencies meant to protect us, as well as the sanctity of the law, have been deeply corrupted.

V____Z ago

Seriously, one of the most inane comments I've ever read on Voat.

And What Are YOU really doing here?

Here's the compassionate and brilliant PizzagateBot at his finest:

In response to SRA survivor Becki Percy: #PizzaGate Has Not Been Debunked

[–] PizzagateBot 0 points (+2|-2) 24 days ago

Everyone should be critical of anyone who both claims to be a victim AND taking donations. We know that pizzagate is full of shills, so it is not unreasonable to be suspect.

Why did she delete her FB account? http://archive.is/LLBLR

It is well known that girls her age like to play games and some will do anything to be center of attention.


She is also apparently sponsoring the guy in this post who wants 50K to do a documentary - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1760802 - Kenneth Dawson from Federal Way, WA because she has 'vetted him as being a born again christian''.

Haven't found anything about him being an actual photographer or videographer. In Seattle area, its common to find a legitimate photographers name somewhere like a portfolio or linkedin or something.

Whole thing stinks to me.

PizzagateBot ago

I call them like I see them. It does stink and look at the clickbait title this no-name videographer made to try and get 50k from pizzagate community to make a documentary for Becki because she had 'vetted him as a born again christian'. The guy didn't even have a portfolio to share, nor a breakdown of cost or any plans, NOTHING. Just putting hand out and asking for 50k - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1760802

This is probably the 10th time you have posted this. Now you want to be like the MSM and try to censor people who have reasonable doubt about something.

Good luck beating your dead horse :)

V____Z ago

Another way to say this is that you think Becki Percy is lying about her experience as an SRA survivor, and you base this on her early Facebook posts about wanting to be famous when she grows up.

This thought process of yours speaks volumes about you and your purpose here, so no, you won't ever live it down while I still have an active account.

PizzagateBot ago

We forgive them, for they know not what they do.

DarkMath ago

"I believe Wikileaks revealed that John Podesta is involved with violent child abuse and pedophilia"

I'm no fan of John Podesta. I even vaguely recall writing I couldn't decide who was more likely the Anti-Christ, John Podesta or George H.W. Bush. But where did you see smoking gun evidence he's a diddler in the Wikileaks emails?

And while I'm at it why do you keep posting the same fucking WorldCorp videos over and over and over again? Someone who went to MIT is smarter than that. How about plowing a new field? Right now you've got DISINFO SHILL written in bold letters across your forehead.


V____Z ago

If those videos are real, and I know from other posts that you don't believe they are, but if there is a chance, then it only makes sense to push for those of us still paying attention to report this video to the FBI until some action is taken. Yes, it takes a brilliant mind to become an MIT researcher, and her mind decided it isn't unreasonable to ask for an investigation based on the fact that there was a child crying out in agony. That alone was her gist. Now how in the world in that shilling? It's being a rational, intelligent and compassionate human being, IMO.

Psychanaut ago

Thank you V___Z. Really thank you. They have to be investigated in order to be either proven false or true. Never investigating them is not an option in my mind...eventually they will reach someone with either the right expertise or authority to do something about this.

V____Z ago

I agree, and can't imagine feeling any other way. The thanks go to YOU.

Psychanaut ago

Thank you again for your support. stuff like that really means a lot when we are all so isolated working in our ways doing what we can.

DarkMath ago

"then it only makes sense to push for those of us still paying attention to report this video to the FBI until some action is taken."

We've alerted the FBI several times. They are aware of this issue. I'm not sure why you think repeatedly alerting them to the same video is going to get different results. In fact if people keep alerting the FBI of the same video over and over and over again they'll eventually just tune us out.

So actually my question is why do YOU think pestering the FBI is going to add credibility to your theory as opposed to damage it.

"Now how in the world in that shilling?"

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equineluvr ago

Who's the idiot who downvoated PizzagateBot?

The OP?