rwb ago

I posted this in another thread that ended up being deleted, apparently just a few minutes after I made the post, not that my posting had anything to do with the deletion. In any event. A VOAT member requested I re-post in this thread:

Coincidently, Podesta's emails were wiped the day of her disappearance as discussed here

There is another aspect that appears to have been overlooked. Not only are the emails prior to her disappearance missing (consistent with deleting to cover itinerary, travel plans, etc.) other than the email the next day from Elizabeth: ELIZABETH TO SANDLER six more weeks elapse until Podesta writes another email and resumes regular daily email flow, unless this six week period was also deleted. WIKILEAKS EMAILS

Long_Knife ago

I can't take anyone that tries to use FBIAnon as a source seriously.

privatepizza ago

If it wasn't for the original FBI anon, half of the Voaters here wouldn't be

Long_Knife ago

That doesn't change the fact he's a larp.

Jem777 ago

Trump is anti-vaccine....bigly. Do not believe that is the right direction. Unclear of Jared knowledge of RFID & relationship to Soros but Soros hates Trump now so maybe someone is a double agent.

20Justice4All17 ago

Interesting...but check out this post I found on 4 chan last night...especially the links to archives from back in 2008...something is up with Kushner...schachalnur, who I respect, is very wary of Kushner.

Jem777 ago

@ArtificialDuality if you can link your work on Pineal Glands used in rituals and among the elite that you connected to N. P. that would help.

VieBleu ago

OP makes good clear points. I'd like to add as far as the "New" section, it can make a big difference as to when you post as well. There is a lot less activity here than there used to be, fewer eyes and fewer voters than in the past. Makes it more important than ever to pick a time when there are the most people online, usually evenings in US time zones roughly before midnight.

Here is an example that illustrates what OP is saying - I put it up when I saw it just to get it on record, it was early morning hours and I expected very little traction. But almost immediately it had three downvotes. Also the couple of people that did comment didn't go ahead and upvote. It is a perfectly reasonabe post, another example of how MSM creates alternate "pizzagate" scandals to misdirect people who are searching for pizzagate on google, perhaps for the first time.

So pick your time well, cruise the new section, and please use your upvote to counteract shills who are very real here, and who apparently paid round the clock. They seem to be the only ones active sometimes when there's only a mod and very few others here.

druhill007 ago

did this post just go from 100+ upvoats to like 15?????! :OOOOOOO could have sworn it was high number before coaching. i'm of course assuming i'm wrong cause that would be haxx. maybe just more downvoats decreasing overall number?

VieBleu ago

@AcrobatAnthromorphic did you notice the post votes swinging wildly? Or was it a repost? check out the parent of this comment please.

DomesticGoddess ago

So maybe the rumors of sex blackmail to keep loyalty among the upper echelons of the intelligence establishment are true. Was Jon-Benet Ramsey part of that?

Maybe the Columbine Massacre was a pre-emptive strike on an emerging SRA scandal involving Lockheed Martin and Jon Benet Ramsey?

Maybe the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was very similar? Maybe the cult knew that trouble was brewing at both Columbine High School and Sandy Hook and long ago decided that they could not afford, at any cost, to allow another Jonestown/McMartin Preschool/Presidio Daycare type satanic ritual abuse media scandal to emerge, and now they just go in and shoot everybody.

** okay?** @viebleu

VieBleu ago

Not really sure what you are getting at - someone thought the points on this submission had changed oddly, but I believe this is a repost. Does what you are saying have to do with that?

EDIT: @DomesticGoddess If you are Roseanne, sending love - always thought you were great. Please call James Woods and do some kind of PG documentary together, like Remini doing the Scientology tv show. It would be great.

equineluvr ago

"It is less well known why the coloboma of Madeleine McCann changes possession depending on the photograph."

So, what is the explanation for the change in position? It is not at the link.

equineluvr ago


"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

equineluvr ago


"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

equineluvr ago

"The Neanderthals are speculated to have had cat eyes."


equineluvr ago


"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

WHERE is the link demonstrating that Neandertal had "cat eyes?"

Jem777 ago

Trying not to complicate things. The Pax6 genectic condition linked to Madeline McCann, Soros & others as expressed as a coloboma has been traced back through DNA studies to a specific area called the khazarian region.

This region is known as the location of the Ashekenazi Jews. This was proven in 2013 through genectic studies which was shocking to many because it settled historical errors that the Ashkenazi were actually not Jewish at all, not from the land of Israel.

The Ashekenazi genectic Line also was the original genetic link to this Pax6 mutation. The Ashekenazi migrated throughout europe & Germany and became the wealthiest families in all the world. They most often interbred to keep their bloodlines pure.

They later would become some of the most famous and powerful in all the world.Curiously the NAZI party rose to power and these Ashekenazi we now know were never really jews at all such as Soros & Rothschilds gladly helped send the Jewish people off to the camps and take their possessions.

At the same time human experiments were being performed behind the scenes such as blood typing, genectic testing, psychological testing, and some horrific experiments on children and camp prisoners. See Dr. Mengele

This later formulated the MK Ultra programming later discovered as a secret part of the CIA.

FBI anon said the answers are through Soros and then Tavistock.

Tavistock Institute is still in operation secretly experimenting. Soros owns it or fund it. That can't be good.

Edit: resources are in the original post just expressed here. Also in @dreidaldance @artificialduality @dressage2

Also from an eye witness testimony from inside of Hitler's or NAZI's inner circle. Story has never been told but names were given. Shocking

Silverlining ago

Wow. I'd heard [sorry no source] the Kazarians had been causing trouble and the Roman Emperor gave them an ultimatum to choose one of the religions of the book. They chose Judaism. Google will explain all if anyone is interested.

Most interesting to hear for first time that their region is linked with the coloboma. Might explain a lot.

equineluvr ago

"This was proven in 2013 through genectic studies which was shocking"

Those DNA findings are in dispute.

"these AshekeNAZI who we now know were never really jews at all"

Wrong! You need to study the 12 Tribes of Israel; the answers lie there.

20Justice4All17 ago

This is an interesting one to me. I've heard about the khazar theory of Jewish ancestory. Wondering if you had links or search terms on why that theory is bunk?

UglyTruth ago

You need to study the 12 Tribes of Israel

Wrong. There's no reason to think that a threat exists. Need implies that there is a threat.

equineluvr ago

Actually coloboma is associated with PAX2.

"Conclusions In our study no pathogenic PAX6 mutation were identified. This suggests involvement of other coloboma genes."

equineluvr ago

Nothing there in the blurb about coloboma. (The link you provided won't open.)

PAX2 has a DIRECT CONNECTION to coloboma.

equineluvr ago

Thanks for showing everyone that you have NO rebuttal.

V____Z ago

You've incorporated a lot of what I was intending to post today too, about Soros. I wasn't going to post about the eye thing, but about Soros funding Jarod K, about Jarod owning the 666 building, and now Trump bombing in Syria after running on "no regime change".

Then look at Soros being known for overthrowing governments around the world. It looks like he's already overthrown ours. He owns both sides. I know that Bill Clinton actually called Trump encouraging him to run, so maybe there are no two sides here, there is only Soros and his puppets, his millions, and his eye thing.

We need to zero in on Soros. More of this type of post, please.

And for those who are into it, you will like this video on the Biblical connections to war in Syria:

druhill007 ago

ty for info VZ!

V____Z ago


druhill007 ago

i dunno. other dude mentioned a list we can look at?

20Justice4All17 ago

Check out this post I found on 4 chan last night. Implicates Kushner...esp. 2008 archives

privatepizza ago

Again, excellent post imo, don't let the shills put you off reading this one :)

druhill007 ago

good job homie. nobody, for better or worse, should put anybody off from having the chance to digest information that other people feel has a genuine connection to the issue. If information offered is genuine than it can be added to the list of potentialities. Once a certain nexus forms enough connections to solidify then we can move onto the next stage of integrating it into the overall theory

equineluvr ago

Before anything should be "integrated into the overall theory," first the DOTS of the info provided need to be vetted.

The poster is a SHILL, a reincarnation of "MissingCO2." The dots are NOT valid.

druhill007 ago

Agree with vetted dots although we should assume dots genuine until proven otherwise!! This specific I haven't analyzed heh

There's also natural selection process of disingenuousness dots disappearing once truth creates portrait, although that's not only factor of course

DreidelDance ago

Looks like they are missing. lol

DreidelDance ago

I checked and there is no page by that name "missingCO2"

HollandDrive ago

They were banned.

DreidelDance ago

From this subverse maybe but there would still be a traceable /user/missingco2 page

HollandDrive ago

You're next.

DreidelDance ago

Next to be missing? I doubt it, wouldn't want to piss of the you know who.

privatepizza ago

Yea man! This is where it's at. Fucking blanket borgs !!

druhill007 ago

fahrenheit 451 firemen up in hurr

privatepizza ago


privatepizza ago

I feel this is important information, excellently cited and I don't know why it's being downvoated. See how the shills bury what could be important information and research??????

Silverlining ago

Quite the warrior the last couple of days - triggered? Good on you. Greetings.

privatepizza ago

Yea lol exactly. Need to take a step back ;) thanks Silver, and greetings ; )

equineluvr ago

It's incomplete at best. It would help if the OP would address my questions above.

V____Z ago

I don't think that's why it's being down voted.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

JonBenet was six years old with blond hair and blue eyes. On May 3rd, 2007 Madeleine Beth McCann, a young English girl, was abducted from an holiday apartment at the Ocean Club resort of Praia da Luz in south west Portugal. She was about to turn four on May 12. She was blond, one eye was green and blue, the other green, and her right eye had a marking called a coloboma, which is where the pupil runs into the iris in the form of black radial strip.

There is absolutely no mention or whatsoever about JonBenet's Coloboma.

"according to sources familiar with the matter". In other words, there is no sources.

We already know there is a link connecting the Podesta brothers, Madeleine McCann, Soros, Coloboma (and genetics). As a response, the OP copy/paste the same link which do not contain the information some users are asking for.

I ask every researchers to respect the basics of this investigation : to look by yourself for sources, proofs, quotes, to evaluate the credibility of a submission. Objectively : at best, this is unsourced. At worst, this is partial disinfo.

equineluvr ago

It's being downvoated because it is an obvious SHILL post by a REINCARNATION of "MissingCO2."

"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

privatepizza ago

Maybe the OP doesn't have the facts that you do. If so, why not add to the post, with citations, and help along :)

equineluvr ago

Because I have already debunked the crap posted here by that SHILL ("MissingCO2") in other posts. All they do is TWIST facts to MISREPRESENT them. I am not wasting my time interacting with a SHILL. It's not even LEGITIMATE posting they're submitting here.

privatepizza ago

I haven't seen your 'debunking' and nor has anyone else? Please let us appreciate your wisdom by posting your 'debunk' : )))

privatepizza ago

Give them a chance and maybe they will, otherwise why don't you fill us in?

MyNameIsLuka ago

Hey, so while we are humouring this theory, what do you think about Jon Benet's eyes?

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Send me an example if you are referring to coloboma.

equineluvr ago

"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

Jem777 ago

This should have a 1000 Upvoats. It shakes you to your core. All other subversus who have been studying the Pax6 mutation, stem cell harvesting, organ harvesting, child sex trafficking, etc. can all be summed up here. If you dismiss this you are in fooling yourself.

equineluvr ago

That shill has sucked you in AGAIN!

My God, your IGNORANCE is both astounding and hilarious!! LMAO!

equineluvr ago

"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

privatepizza ago

There, proof of the dis-information you post here daily on your shill-shift.

UglyTruth ago

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF

Wrong. From the PDF:

"Madeleine Beth McCann ... was abducted from an holiday apartment ... and her right eye had a marking called a coloboma... "

privatepizza ago

Agree 100% Jem. People, get in here.

equineluvr ago


"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

DreidelDance ago

You just contradicted yourself.

ItsMeMilo ago

my up vote isn't showing??

V____Z ago

That's been happening to me too

ItsMeMilo ago


HollandDrive ago

YES!! THIS IS IT!!! Good gracious Milo Shill. (Whether there is a Tavistock connection or not, you are a SHILL.)

Jem777 ago

Yes this is it @9217 pinging you now

equineluvr ago

LMAO!! Hilarious!

MrFarrr ago

Holy crap!!!

MagnificentTheodore ago


HollandDrive ago

Downvote shill post.

MrFarrr ago

Are you even human? You are on every post saying this.

privatepizza ago

I'm upvoating. I've got my eye on you @HollandDrive . Why is this a shill post? Please give reasons?

HollandDrive ago

It's a lot of regurgitated stuff thrown haphazardly together in an attempt to get upvotes.

It's your choice, I think these guys are shills. Pretty obvious.

equineluvr ago

You nailed it, Holland!

That is the same crap that was posted here by the "MISSINGCO2" shill!

privatepizza ago

Hey up to you, but you look pretty suspect downvoating and disparaging a new post here without any counter arguments apart from 'SHILL'. Give us some examples why you think this and I might believe you aren't being paid.

HollandDrive ago

I agree w/ the Keyboard guy, he explains it well. I'm no shill, been around a long time. Have seen you around for months, and like your comments and submissions.

Edit: I just submitted a very serious post, does it look like I'm a shill?

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for this. So why are you disparaging this research? The OP obviously put a lot of work into this post?

HollandDrive ago

Well when he first posted it it was rather disjointed. He re-posted it (apparently due to mods) in a more orderly fashion (so that's good).

The OP has been a member a couple months so that's good too. And the subject has been discussed here before and well-received.

But it's quite a complicated subject (so I was a little suspicious) and it's a bit much for me, and might be off-putting to others. (Apparently though some posters here that are trustworthy seem to be OK with it.) So whatever, I can remove any downvotes I submitted, give me a few minutes.

I do know there are shills (Mr. Farr) making stupid comments ("Wow! Amazing!").

So I don't know, maybe they're just being their typical jackass selves. Smarting off.

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for this explan, it's appreciated. But why, when you don't know the research, are you trying to snuff it out before it reaches people's eyes? I don't understand? I can understand that you've seen it before, and it's disjointed, and it's not in an orderly fashion, and it's a complicated subject for you, but why do you shoot it down before others, who are possibly into this subject heavily, get a chance to see it? If you don't understand it, why shoot it down for others? idk...

HollandDrive ago

Same info has been posted here before by shills trying to get upvotes from those (like yourself) who are into this stuff. Don't know if this particular OP is yanking our/your chain or not, haven't looked at his stats. Maybe others can chime in here besides me.

privatepizza ago

Possibly, this info is reaching the new people here. Why, as you have, say this post is disingenous when you haven't cited why that is apart from it's been posted before? This OP isn't yanking my chain haha, what's annoying is, you, and why I'm pointing out your, IMHO Shill Tactics, is why you're saying nothing to see here when you've admitted that there possibly IS? I'd welcome others opinions, as always! What bothers me is disparaging others research without citations proving otherwise.

HollandDrive ago

"New people" here are only going to be confused by this. Whatever. I'm not a shill.

privatepizza ago

Whatever dude, lets agree to disagree. If you're one of us I highly appreciate you! Maybe sometimes people get caught in the shill crossfire, and if I did with you, I apologise, really.

HollandDrive ago

LOL. This place is nuts sometimes. Yeah I think I'm crossfired to death here!

No need to apologize, I know you're solid here.

privatepizza ago

Cheers, appreciate that, and thanks for sticking up for yourself, that's telling. Lets rock on ;)

Apologize to you too man.

equineluvr ago

It's the same crap that was posted by "MISSINGCO2," a known shill, a while back.

The dots are incomplete at best and flat-out WRONG at worst.

privatepizza ago

Who do you know is a 'known shill' - you've been here just a couple of weeks and everyone's got their eyes on you as being one, you know this. Suggest rather than insulting people and being condecending and negative, why don't you share your knowledge, complete with citations?

equineluvr ago

" you've been here just a couple of weeks"

ONE MONTH = "a couple of weeks" to you?

With "logic" like that, no wonder you fell for that BS post!!

keyboard12 ago

This is so obviously disinformation masking as a research post.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Jean Benet Ramsay had coloboma...

keyboard12 ago

That post cites this article:

Nowhere in that article does it say that JBR had coloboma.

keyboard12 ago

Madeleine Beth McCann, a young English girl, was abducted from an holiday apartment at the Ocean Club resort of Praia da Luz in south west Portugal. She was about to turn four on May 12. She was blond, one eye was green and blue, the other green, and her right eye had a marking called a coloboma, which is where the pupil runs into the iris in the form of black radial strip.

Yes, McCann had coloboma. That's what that sentence states.

keyboard12 ago

That does not look like a fish.

DreidelDance ago

What does it look like to you?

keyboard12 ago

A defensive scratch or possibly a knife cut. I'm not seeing fish though.

DreidelDance ago

What did the FBI say it looked like?

HollandDrive ago

You are outing your self with this stupid association. And Podesta was referencing "environmental concerns" there in the photo.

Jem777 ago

Environmental know that is a joke. That is Osiris and is is evil and you know it.

HollandDrive ago

OK, slow down here. I was saying, firstly, that the guy is being stupid equating a wound on Benet's hand with a fish. That's a huge leap. Second, I want to believe, same as you, that it is an occultic shout-out (on Podesta's hand) ... but hasn't it been proven it has to do with the environment and the oceans? (It came from a tweet.) It's possible he's implying a double meaning I'll grant that.

MyNameIsLuka ago

The drawing on JonBenet's hand looks similar to the fish on Podesta's hand imo.

Jem777 ago

Okay but it did not come from a tweet. It has been proven from his own emails that he practices the religion of Thelma thelmaic which was written by Aleister Crowley the SELF identified "666, beast"

The Thelma religion is based on the concepts of Egyptian mythology and Osiris the god of the underworld. It directly uses the #14 as in the number of body parts chopped up in a ritual. Restoration or salvation occurrs through cannabilism of the final part which is the penis. The Osiris story is also about incest in families I won't go into the gory details. It is all occult.

The "spirit cooking" recipe and ritual for cutting the middle finger as shown in Marina Abramovich work is in Aleister Crowley's written works of black majick.

Many emails, pictures, tweets, historical texts, eye witness testimony have been given.

Many emails and messages of HRC & Podesta & DC insiders have documented proof of practicing Thelma or other rituals. That is the occult. The black majick and everyone should wake up to that fact.

HollandDrive ago

It's from a Podesta email.

It's been discussed here on Voat.

Possible there's a double meaning, I don't know. I appreciate the info you shared, I need to do some more research about the subject.

keyboard12 ago

I don't know... I'm not in the FBI. Do you know the answer to that?

privatepizza ago

Can you give examples / sources on why this is a shill post and irrelevant to the investigation? I see you're pretty new here. Welcome.

keyboard12 ago

The McCann lead is pushed frequently by shills and disinformation agents who usually "prove it" with something along the lines of "Podesta confirmed in Portugal at time of disappearance!" Except that was never confirmed. The link there is possible but not concrete.

The coincidence that she and Soros both have coloboma is just the sort of thing shills would latch onto to push the McCann narrative. Gerry McCann tie in is pretty flimsy. You have to be able to see that.

Agreed that Soros funding Kushner is shitty but it doesn't tie in to pizzagate AT ALL.

Classic shill tactic of loosely associating things together to try to connect them in your mind and derail the conversation.

Thanks for the welcome. I lurked for a long time before making an account. so not really that new but appreciate the sentiment.

HollandDrive ago

Thanks for explaining (why these are shills) ... I've no energy to do it. I love this line from their post (not):

tetrahydrocannabinol exposure. Such processes would be invaluable to scientists who wish to live forever, for if you are able to maintain telomere length, you can experience cell division indefinitely.

Jem777 ago

It is so fascinating to watch people claim how smart they are then when big words are used they call someone disinfo. stunning.

The OP should have used crayons

HollandDrive ago

I didn't (nor don't) make any claims like that (being smart), maybe you're thinking of someone else?

V____Z ago

I haven't seen any serious debunking of the McCain connection, it has been discussed here in depth. It only leads to more questions. Can you show me where it has been debunked?

LostandFound ago

Shilling hard today, I think the op and keyboard12 are all participants in some story telling bunch of McCann Colombana stories spring up weak arguments and the shootdowns seem scripted. Dont entertain them with your time, heads up @privatepizza

Edit: re McCann theres definitely a story there just not this story

privatepizza ago

I'm hearin ya, thanks for the heads up ;)

keyboard12 ago

I didn't say it has been and I don't think it will be. I think it's an open lead that will likely not go anywhere and it's being pushed so that people focus on the wrong things.

privatepizza ago

I personally wonder why you're concerned about people focusing on the 'Wrong Things'. I would ask, who are you to decide what people focus on? And why you're so fast to disparage this research when it could be of interest?

I would say that it's not up to you to decide what people research. You say yourself that it's an OPEN LEAD. Why disparage the OP then?

keyboard12 ago

Should I also be limited in pointing out misdirection when I feel I see it?

privatepizza ago

NO ! Not at all, but give citations / counter arguments rather than insults, because doing this makes you look disingenuous at least.

keyboard12 ago

Since it's all speculation, it's kind of hard to cite. I'm also not saying I think the mccann lead is a red herring. I do think that disinformation agents have picked up on it and turned it into a wild goose chase involving eye deformations, cloning, microchipping etc and that the affiliations are loose at best.

privatepizza ago

I appreciate your opinion, said like this, I really do. Personally I'm on the fence about this, but * circumstantial evidence * says we have something to look at. In this case, why shut down others research on it? Really, every little thing (info) helps, and we'll find out in the end what's correct. But to shut down others discussing it, who have obviously put time into posting, isn't maybe the best approach, as it dis-encourages others to look at it.

If we don't care about the subject, no problem! I for one wouldn't downvoat someone who IS caring, and possibly revealing new info.

keyboard12 ago

Fair enough.

privatepizza ago

Cool, appreciate that.

privatepizza ago

To be citing Shill Tactics, you don't half display the appearance of one.

The McCann lead is pushed frequently by shills and disinformation agents who usually "prove it" with something along the lines of "Podesta confirmed in Portugal at time of disappearance!" Except that was never confirmed. The link there is possible but not concrete.

If it hasn't been proven, why disregard it?

The coincidence that she and Soros both have coloboma is just the sort of thing shills would latch onto to push the McCann narrative. Gerry McCann tie in is pretty flimsy. You have to be able to see that.

The amount of shilling on this subject may tell us, don't you think, what's really going on with this case? IF unproven, why are you so vehement in dis-crying it?

Agreed that Soros funding Kushner is shitty but it doesn't tie in to pizzagate AT ALL.

If you don't have concrete reasons why it doesn't tie in, why be shilling it?

Classic shill tactic of loosely associating things together to try to connect them in your mind and derail the conversation.

Far from 'loosely accociating things to try to connect them in our minds, we are joining the dots, if there are indeed any. Why put people off them when you have no concrete evidence to the contrary, other than disparaging genuine citizen investigators?

Thanks for the welcome. I lurked for a long time before making an account. so not really that new but appreciate the sentiment.

Yes well, I believe you but thousands wouldn't. With this shit you look like a paid shill-head. GTFO unless you've anything positive to say.

YingYangMom ago

Well said.

LostandFound ago

Haha nice! I didnt see your last response before pinging you. Best BTFO post I have seen in a while, see this burn /\ @V____Z

V____Z ago

One of those upvotes is mine ;)

privatepizza ago

; ) Cheers friend

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Which part?

keyboard12 ago

All of it! It's leading users away from legitimate leads to focus on ridiculousness.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Do you seriously believe that?

keyboard12 ago

Yeah and I'm pretty sure anyone with a brain can see these connections don't have anything to do with the bottom line of pizzagate.

privatepizza ago


keyboard12 ago

I take the time to write up why I think this is deliberate disinformation and this is the reply I get? I didn't talk to you like that. Now I think you're probably perpetuating this disinformation on purpose too.

privatepizza ago

It's not disinformation. If it is, prove with citations rather than insults to the people here, rather than disparaging comments.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

If the child trafficking forms the blackmail basis, it means there is an upper agenda upon which the blackmailing relies and here you have it.