sensitive ago

@AcrobatAnthromorphic deleting per rule 1. Please read and adhere to submission guidelines. Warning.

rwb ago


Coincidently, Podesta's emails were wiped the day of her disappearance as discussed here

There is another aspect that appears to have been overlooked. Not only are the emails prior to her disappearance missing (consistent with deleting to cover itinerary, travel plans, etc.) other than the email the next day from Elizabeth: ELIZABETH TO SANDLER six more weeks elapse until Podesta writes another email and resumes regular daily email flow, unless this six week period was also deleted. WIKILEAKS EMAILS

SonicHedgehog ago

Post deleted 3 minutes after you said that... please share here

rwb ago

Done as per your request.

Jem777 ago

This is exactly right. The fish on Jon Benet's hand was intentional and matches John Podesta. It is the occult and she was tortured. Her father also worker for the government.

I hope people can really take this in and know the evil we are facing.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Her father worked for a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin.

horse-with-a-name ago

If or when the search bar is back functioning, people will probably not be able find this one post of yours. Her name is JonBenet Ramsey - not Jean Benet Ramsay.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

f-a m- i - ly X-m-a-s- p--ed--o p=a=r-t\y at - t=h- e - ho-s(e

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

This is it... this is the whole ball game.. please pin...

Wikileaks revelations exposing members of the World Shadow Government and their evil activities against children have begun to make sense of the odd facts and circumstances surrounding the unsolved murder of the Colorado six year old in 1996.

The most seasoned law enforcement detectives including Lou Smitt have stated there is no way the heinous abuse inflicted upon JonBenet could have been done by her parents.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

It's Prince William's wife.

equineluvr ago

The OP is another REINCARNATION of the KNOWN SHILL "MissingCO2."

DreidelDance ago

There isn't a user by that name.

equineluvr ago


"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same with regard to Jon Benet Ramsey does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

keyboard12 ago

Nowhere in this "citation" does it state that. Here's the only mention of coloboma. "Madeleine Beth McCann, a young English girl, was abducted from an holiday apartment at the Ocean Club resort of Praia da Luz in south west Portugal. She was about to turn four on May 12. She was blond, one eye was green and blue, the other green, and her right eye had a marking called a coloboma, which is where the pupil runs into the iris in the form of black radial strip."

@privatepizza this is the kind of thing i was having a hard time citing. It's being pushed as though it's fact.

equineluvr ago

"Jon Benet Ramsay also has coloboma... As well as Madeleine McCann..."

The word "coloboma" or reference to same does NOT appear anywhere in that 9-page PDF, which compares and contrasts the two investigations.

equineluvr ago

Not in reference to Jon Benet Ramsey, which is what the OP stated.

We already KNOW that MM had a coloboma. :)

keyboard12 ago

" Madeleine Beth McCann, a young English girl, was abducted from an holiday apartment at the Ocean Club resort of Praia da Luz in south west Portugal. She was about to turn four on May 12. She was blond, one eye was green and blue, the other green, and her right eye had a marking called a coloboma, which is where the pupil runs into the iris in the form of black radial strip."

Not Ramsay.