blablah ago

also look at this:

they support a foundation for low-income and at-risk children. ...and playgrounds too.

and then just look at this guy's offensive "I am a pedo" style of clothing.

HillBoulder ago

The gay bar donut wtf

anonOpenPress ago

I has a similar experience a while back. Focusing helps. Welcome along, this one /v/pizzagate/1778590 might be useful to get a superquick overview on what's going on right.

DonKeyhote ago

Not all their locations are listed online.

Theres one at universal studios minutes away from the defunct (?) pedo Mecca of Oakwood apartment complex investigated before on reddit. Also Austin, TX, near the governor's mansion iirc. One was near a CIA front company, I think the one in Denver...

SuggarRay ago

Just a short notice to the "Diablo Rex" ad. Diablo means devil and rex is the meaning for king. So that is clearly a satanic statement. Not unsual in the US where masonic leaders try to influence society at every point

href ago

There's also a local pizza parlor that sells a "Baphomet" pie. But again, unless someone's reporting missing children there, so what?

href ago

It's named after Diabolos Rex Church, a local artist personality and priest in the Church of Satan and Temple of Set. He has horns implanted into his head surgically. I know him personally. He's an asshole. He makes his girlfriends fuck dogs. That's all I know for sure. Nonetheless, I would only think the connection to Voodoo Doughnut as evidence in child trafficking if there was other evidence of child trafficking. People love Voodoo here. People line up for an hour outside everyday. They have a store at the airport.

DarkMaths ago

@neverobey @jangles @zo34 @zoestar PIZZAGATE AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST

Spiritual_War ago

Stop spamming this post please

DarkMaths ago

Lonesome_Pizza ago

Submit your own post, dont spam this please.

Criticalthinker615 ago

yes, i dont appreciate being tagged

Lonesome_Pizza ago

@DarkMaths, you're doing this post a disservice by spamming. @Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator

Gothamgirl ago

Double speak & garbage shill..

twistedmac11 ago

This is great, thank you @Lonesome_Pizza

Lonesome_Pizza ago

You're welcome, I'm glad to help

anonOpenPress ago

Could you add a brief on each, and maybe explain what you found out from them putting them together. A list of all the names mentioned might also be useful.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I put the information out here for people to research. I'm just dropping knowledge nuggets for those interested to dig into it. Simple Voodoo Doughnut database since Voat search isn't working, One Stop Shop for Voodoo Doughnuts, dig in if you're hungry. Peace, time for me to sleep.

anonOpenPress ago

Search is really down all too often. In case it doesn't come back online

Takeitslow ago

Good ideas. So much good research gets slid on this forum, we need weekly or monthly compilation posts.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

@Takeitslow, I agree with you that it would be a great idea to have regular compiled posts on a scheduled basis like a newsletter, because we will literally have to be on voat 24/7 to not miss out on valuable information.

Takeitslow ago

Especially earlier posts when we moved over from Spez-it

DarkMaths ago


Takeitslow ago

Yea I've noticed Elon Musk pushing this implantable BS. We are going from holdables, wearables to implantabes.