Jem777 ago

Webb actively worked against FBI McCabe for setting this random kid up. McCabe took bribe from HRC to not do real prosecution. Has been working with McCabe for 20 years to set up enemies with CIA.

Mellowmountain ago


Mellowmountain ago

great sourcing

Mellowmountain ago

If you think George is a shill, here's his Voat profile, maybe you two can compare facts:

Pokes ago

I did not want to believe those donuts were evil but it begs the question, why would this be a codeword if not for it's relevance to pedogate?

Mellowmountain ago

it is in reference to pedogate

neverobey ago

look for Valentine's right around the corner. And check Another state of mind. A punk shop run by the band Antiworld. In one of their songs the lyrics are: "Pizza, Pasta, double cheese, I'll have another, thank you please. " After that I understand something about ping pong. Wasn't able to understand the whole song. You can listen to it here

If someone can transcript the lyrics that would be great!

Mellowmountain ago

Naive? Then you know what you stated is completely false. Not a single Awan, or any of their wives are currently in custody. And if the early videos never existed, then are you calling me a liar that I never started viewing the series at video 8? You're wrong. The archives are out there. For example, here's someone who has reuploaded some starting with episode 20:

Furthermore, here's at least an archive of the hard to find early episodes:

Mellowmountain ago

I back him up because I've been following him daily for 6 months. When you see that much content from someone, and you research it, you get a sense of their credibility

archons ago

Anybody got the download archive for webbs videos so far?

Mellowmountain ago

between these two links a lot of the missing archive is covered:

and the early ones as data:

V____Z ago

Not gonna watch, but can you tell us anything that he offered as evidence, like why he thinks this? Is it just his theory, or is this informed by his time with the CIA?

neverobey ago

additionally there's this fact: There are many homeless shelter and places like that. Let me show you two examples from the neighbourhood:

Salvation Army Female Security


five minutes away from this not so secure center there's the Portland Rescue Mission Burnside Shelter

In this building are two registered sex offenders living. Maybe they are homeless and are living at the shelter. I don't know.


Two more are living 225 Nw Couch St. This is where Central City Concern is placed. So it seems like they found no place to live, ended up homeless. But we are allowed to find it a little strange that they are living so close to this female "security center"

Please check the provided pictures. They show how miserable they got rated and what former employees say about the shelter!

I started digging whe I read your first post. I am still on it. But everybody, just check the neighbourhood.

Mellowmountain ago

great info. Also, not to mention the Shanghai Tunnels go under the doughnut shop:


neverobey ago

that's why I found suspcious that the guy on google maps is pointing to the ground!

hacktheplanet ago

voodoo donuts is a total distraction made to make our research sound even crazier

Mellowmountain ago

how so?

neverobey ago

I don't know if it means anything but it caught my attention that if you visit this area on google maps and you cruise down the W Burnside ST, coming to have DANTE and LONESOME PIZZA on the right hand, you notice 4 people interacting with the google cam. First you see two men reacting by raising their hands. Looks like one of them shows the middlefinger, but you can't really tell. The other one clearly forms the devil horns and hold up three fingers with his other hand. Don't know … But when you have passed them on the crossroad 4th Av there are two more guys reacting to the google car. The one in the background seems to be a homeless person. He is doing nothing special. But why is the guy on the bike looking straight into the camera it seems and pointing down to a manhole cover?

Screenshots or just google it yourself.

I know, call me crazy but I find this suspicious.

Mellowmountain ago

SterlingJB ago

Both were featured on trip D too. Not that means anything except that I can't stand that show. Do like some of the restaurants he's been to around here, but Guy is defs not "money" to me.

Yates ago

"may have been" "probably not true" this is pure speculation from Webb, why are these posters jumping on this so enthusiastically? Did he just discover this supposed "may have been" "probably not true"codeword? Why didn't he say this back when the first threads appeared on Voodoo Donut?

Mellowmountain ago

This is George's way of winking. He knows damn well the connection between Voodoo Doughnuts and trafficking. He also knows if he blatantly calls it out it will be taken down on Youtube. I've noticed that He speaks more freely about pizzagate connections when he's interviewed on other people's channels as opposed to his own. Search for any 45min + interview he's done in the last 4 months, and pizzagate will come up. He knows if it's directly connected to his channel it's taken down right away.

equineluvr ago

There are different kinds of spooks -- officers, agents, assets, etc.

"Spook" is a catch-all term referring to those employed by alphabet agencies, usually the CIA but not exclusively.

Mellowmountain ago

Jangles gave some of George's background on this post: For those of you just tuning into George's channel, take time to review his sources and timeline of reporting, he has very interesting overlaps about Pizzagate, all stemming from Haiti, he's as legit as it gets

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Whoa... ummm... huh? Haha... I was one of the most vocal people on Voat about how Voodoo Doughnuts down in New Orleans seemed like a "reach" lead. That's a very strange coincidence.

This adds some weight to Voodoo for sure. That is too strange of a codeword to dismiss as a coincidence.

Death2Masons ago

This didn't bother you a bit? Title Here

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Sure, a little bit... but until Webb mentioned this as a whistle blower code word, it wasn't much more than speculation based on a questionable tagline and some strange doughnuts.

Mellowmountain ago

George knows about everything going on with Pizzagate even though his research is more involved with the ratlines (arms, oil, money, human trafficking). He was the one who told me that Tim Alefantis of vital probes was related to James.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

He may feel uncomfortable about researching Pizzagate due to the possibility of actually seeing CP and the stuff these people have done, he sure does have a lot of info/pics, just a thought.

SterlingJB ago

Pedo stuff, of the organized variety, is notoriously difficult to report, investigate, or charge. Peeps rich enough to actually engage in it and go beyond CP or abuse of family members, usually are well connected and straps with lawyers specializing in libel. He's playing follow the money. I have my questions abt George (not the same questions everyone else has tho) but what he's doing IMO has aided this cause since he hits a different demo and also works with the much more believable for average Joe motive of greed rather than satanism. Not saying the satanism part isn't real tho. I was a huge skeptic about that element, but not so much anymore since I've seen, partly with GW's help, the utility of it beyond the mystical or metaphysical (tho I'm changing some of my thoughts on that as well). He's basically provided the rational of why/how the pizza shop could be there in the first place.

Mellowmountain ago

Here's an interesting interview with George on Richie Allen last month - he talks about pedogate etc:

equineluvr ago

What is the relationship between Tim A. and JA?

Mellowmountain ago


equineluvr ago

Has anyone independently verified "George Webb's" info? NO, of course not!

He is a "former" spook.

Listen to what he says here. He is saying that the "code word" for WH staff is "Voodoo Donuts." There is NO WAY any of us can confirm or refute that.

blackfyre_rebel ago

George Webb is not a deceiver. If you watch the videos, you will see how he meticulously pieces EVERYTHING together. He really means what he says and takes a very long time to tell his stories. He backs most of his evidence with open source material. He targets the big players and the big plays - which is I BELIEVE what the pizza gate community should be doing. JA is maybe the mediator between the DC/Art/Hollywood/Politics realm...but what George Webb researches meticulously about Haiti, organ trafficking, child trafficking, arms trafficking, oil rat lines, see that what he is researching has UNIVERSAL value.

All we need to do to wake up people about Pizzagate, is show them the most disturbing photos from the JA insta. Like girl taped to a table, 'kill room', the graphic art piece, etc. They will not be able to defend that shit. EVERYTHING ELSE they can defend, but when they see those photos, their mind won't be able to do the usual gymnastics to get out of it.

sugarskull ago

Excuse my being slow here but code word for what if you please?

equineluvr ago

Evidently you didn't bother watching the video. But that didn't stop you from commenting, right?

According to him in this video, "Voodoo Donuts" is supposedly the "access code" for being led into the SCIF by WH staff.

sugarskull ago

I am sorry I didn't see the video. I will go watch it now. In my defense I have a brain injury from being struck by a car so I don't see things properly. I wasn't being snarky when I asked but thanks for the heads up on the video anyway. I don't normally watch his videos as they are filled with lots of info in a short time and can be confusing for me but I will watch this one.

equineluvr ago

Okay, no problem. Thanks for clarifying. The video is very brief.

Have a good day!

sugarskull ago


Mellowmountain ago

former spook based upon what evidence? His current series is in itself 156 days long, all accurate and verified information. Long before that he broke the truth about the portland christmas bomber, revealing the corruption via Andrew McCabe. If anyone passes the test of honest reporting, it's George Webb.

equineluvr ago

Do you know how a con(fidence) man works?

Again, why is this guy still on GooTube if this is all legit? Much smaller accounts revealing MUCH less have been completely shut down.

equineluvr ago

Verified by whom?

Length of his series is not confirmation of validity.

If he's legit, WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE? Why hasn't YT, which is censoring MUCH SMALLER ACCOUNTS, not shutting him down?

Mellowmountain ago

Oh, and about the first 52 videos of his series were banned on YouTube, completely pulled down. they are all only viewable now through mirrored posts by others. He's constantly getting censored, but they can't keep up as he posts about 3 videos a day.

Azagthoth ago

Pretty sure most people are under the impression that his youtube series did not start at day 1. Can anyone verify? Is say, day 42 (just a random pick) the actual first day of reports?

Mellowmountain ago

Hell no, I clearly remember first following him on "day 8". Here's early ones starting from day 20:

And here's an archive of early episodes as data sets:

Mellowmountain ago

all of his YouTube posts contain links to google docs with all verified sources. He pulls from Pulitzer Prize winners above all other sources.

Jem777 ago

If any of you brilliant researchers have not figured out who George is, what he has seen personally, and why he is still alive you do not know how to play with the big boys. He does and taking him out would cause the whole system to collapse at once. He is a whistleblower but the voice of hundreds if not thousands that have his back. They are patriots it seems and not the crowd you want to mess with

Mellowmountain ago

couldn't agree more

equineluvr ago

Pulitzer Prize winners are about as legit as "Nobel Peace Prize" winners (Obama, etc.).

If you've ever seen the video of Roxanne Pulitzer hanging around with Hunter S. Thompson, you know why.

Mellowmountain ago

Sorry, but I can't take your comment seriously. Watch out everyone, shills are in force today.

20Justice4All17 ago

Can you please link me to the Portland Xmas bomber info.

equineluvr ago

There is no meat in that video. It's just Webb advocating for creating a Church-esque committee.

Mellowmountain ago

He often talks about it in his posts if you've followed him over the months. here's one reference: But search around, I've heard him talk at length about it on other peoples radio broadcasts. If I find the links I'll post.

ProudTruther ago

He's a former undercover something. Awhile back he was talking about doing undercover work with a dominatrix for sex sting related activities, didn't really tell the whole story though.

Red4reel35 ago

He also stated that he was a Zionist , that is when I stopped listening to him.

Death2Masons ago

Nobody admits they are a zionist. Link?

Red4reel35 ago

Well he did . It's in the beginning of his video series and actually I had no idea what a Zionist really was then and I'm not trying to be rude . I will take a look back at the first few videos tomorrow and send it to you here. He even said in the same first few videos that he liked Obama and that also seemed to shock a lot of people in the comment section . If your in a hurry you can start looking yourself if not I'll go back and find it for you.

FriesischShipping ago

FBI Anal-ist, if you watch the previous 100 Days he mentioned it somewhere in there.

Mellowmountain ago

can you provide a link? I'd be curious to read up on this if it's true

RoadRunner1 ago listen from 5mins in. Read comments. George confirms Trump on an Epstein video with an underaged girl from 1993.

FriesischShipping ago


Celticgirlonamission ago

I've been watching a while it's amazing