Criticalthinker615 ago

My wife and I were listening to coast to coast am in the car the first time we heard this story. She totally did an old school comedy spit take with her drink when george noory read the story "did he just say voodoo donuts?" Sad but priceless ....makes me wonder if noory mentioned the story bc pizzagate

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I noticed that every Voodoo doughnut post I visit on Voat pizzagate, there is always a person defending them and telling people not to look into it, I think Voodoo doughnut should be put on our watch list and we should investigate the backgrounds of the owners of Voodoo Doughnuts, Richard "Tres" Shannon III and Kenneth "Cat Daddy" Pogson.

Here's a quick picture background of Tres Shannon co-owner of Voodoo Doughnuts and ex-owner X-Ray Cafe.

Mentions: @DonKeyhote @Criticalthinker615 @BROCCOLI_HASH_OIL @Omnicopy

DonKeyhote ago

The magic is in the hole?? Is donut holes their specialty or something? That sounds like it reinforces the whole anal sex spinal cord third eye pineal gland sex magick shit, which sucks cuz for redpilling

Lonesome_Pizza ago

That's exactly what I was thinking too, that they're referring to the butthole as where the magick happens, because when a penis is inserted in the butthole it activates the 3rd eye via the base of the spinal cord. I'm sure the semen also has magical effects, especially since it's used in Podesta's spirit cooking recipe. This is really some weird stuff.

DonKeyhote ago

So theyre opening the boys third eye thru their spinal column? To what end? Does the penetrator get sent to other dimensions too? Ridiculous

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I still have to do more research on it, but from what I have read, ritual sodomy on kids has a much stronger effect, because kids aren't fully developed and their pineal gland isn't calcified. Some adults do it for pleasure and some do it for ritual mind control, but one I thing I do know there's is definitely a demonic aspect to it when sexual immorality is practiced. "Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age."

DonKeyhote ago

So this practice applies to kids they're grooming not throwing away?

featheredmasks ago

I don't.... are people not allowed to choke on food anymore? How is this a pedo thing?


If you're talking about the Denver location then yeah Colfax is pretty weird/crappy/ghetto

Omnicopy ago

Very weird! Talks about wearing voodoo underwear, magic is in the hole, penetrating the corners of the world, flames of fire under the doughnuts, nothing like a monster donut to scare a kid!!!! Be sure and eat one of these gut bombs and die!!! Do your body a favor and eat a salad

Z11Mama ago

I don't mean to be a downer because I know pizzagate is fact. But VooDoo Donuts being linked to a club that is said to have child prostitution is almost fake news it is so misleading.

VooDoo Donuts (who I don't doubt for a minute is shady as it gets) is a business. The club that supposedly had child prostitution (one dancer who used false ID to get a job) is a business. Their only connection is they are neighbors. 'Evidence' like this only hurts the true investigation.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Not only that, but the "child sex trafficking" phrase is a major stretch. One underage dancer who looked 18 and provided a fake ID that said she was does not set off my alarm bells. It is possible that something more is going on under the surface, but you could say the same about any strip club.

Criticalthinker615 ago

owner of voodoo just so happens to host once a week in the strip club too

DonKeyhote ago

This is false. I'm aware of a voodoo location right by a cia front company. THAT'S CALLED A BREADCRUMB NIGGAS

SecondAmendment ago

ONE DOWN. . . .

equineluvr ago

One what down --- an innocent patron?