LostandFound ago

When these emails were first dragged out on dncleaks we noted that emails number 4 is indicating a pig roast ( outdoor ) in late October in Washington which is pretty dicey and usually pretty cold. We tracked down the house that this was happening and found a realtor listing for it. There is an outside space in the house for a roast but its not large by any stretch. The pig mails never made any sense to us, good cover to use food as code when theres a chef on the email chain.

Truther ago

Thanks for this. I'd like to see more of your research. Do you have more info/sources for the house/listing and you discovered it was connected to the email?

nameof ago

Piccinini artist -- name means really really small. I have tried to show pig stuff in images like Monsanto ads...deleted off voat. pig is a code word and also blue hearts. Clones are the secret probly.

neurofluxation ago

I'll just leave this here.... :/

KnightsofHubris ago

Why did you label this not safe for work?

You need to give it up with pretending they are speaking in code. They are not.

Hoping to make pig roast. "Don't ask me to lift the pig."

Why is surprising someone talks brings up a secondary subject in an email. Don't you do this? Yeah, they had a pig roast and it was just around this time. June 20th 2015. It's the same pig roast you mention in point #4.

Maialino does NOT mean "pig roast" in Italian as Tony Podesta suggests. It means little pig or piglett.

How is this even a contradiction for you ? The type of pig you roast is usually a maialino, a piglett aka a suckling pig.

Maliano al forno is a baked suckling pig Maliano arrosta is a roasted suckling pig

So he shortened it. So what?

Something else off: Maialino's is NOT on 21st and Park Ave., it is on Lexington Ave


Mae Podesta, daughter of John Podesta, forwards a T-shirt design with a pig image on it

Yeah? And it seems clear they are haven't custom tshirts made at customink.com. So?

There's literally zero here. Why is your spidey sense tingling?

Verite1 ago

OK I agree with all of these counterpoints. Furthermore, it's well-documented that John and Tony Podesta are superb cooks and they entertain a lot and roasting pig would be an event type special dinner. And if that were the case it wouldn't be odd for one brother to say to the other I'm not going to lift the pig.

Truther ago

Oh my . . .

KnightsofHubris ago

Also is the restaurant in on the conspiracy? Do you think it's not actual restaurant on Lexington Avenue.

Just noticed our screenname. Oh my.

Truther ago

What's wrong with you? Hey guys, someone else here needs his head examined.

HillBoulder ago

Robert Picktons book might come in handy here

Dir7y ago

Remember the "pig" farm? Wonder if this has anything to do with that.

mooteensy ago

I try to forget :(

ArthurEdens ago

Great find. I also would like to know what 600 and after book club is.

Mannix ago

Maybe "early 600 or after book club" means "early, 6:00 pm, or after book club."

ArthurEdens ago

Probably right thanks man

DerivaUK ago

What exactly is "after book club"?

Mannix ago

It is secret code for "after the book club meeting ends."

srayzie ago

I remember that one of the sick pictures from James Alefantis' Instagram pictures was a close up picture of a dead pigs eye. Maybe it was in the Podesta emails. But I've seen it several times along with all of the other pictures

DerivaUK ago

There also the sex term 'pig roast' which features one male at each 'end' at the same time

Truther ago

interesting. do you have a source for that?

notdivided ago

interesting, do you have a source for that?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

From the UK also "spit roasting" a girl here means many men having sex with one girl.

DerivaUK ago

No. It's a term I've known all of my adult life in the U.K. and it was used in a court case where some premiership footballers were accused of gang rape in the Grosvenor Hotel in London although the term was reduced then to "roasting" in the media but that is probably because the British already know this to mean "pig roast" or "hog roast". Here's an article about it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-202766/Football-stars-named-hotel-rape-case.html

DonKeyhote ago

Ive heard canadianss say spit roast lol

Mannix ago

I think the OP misread e-mail #5 above. Tony was not inviting JA to the pig roast. First, JA sent an e-mail to Tonty Podesta with the subject "Pig" and a photo of a pig. Then Tony forwarded JA's e-mail with pig photo attached to John and Mary Podesta, inviting them to the party Sunday night. e-mail" https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/47006 attached photo of pig: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails//fileid/47006/13020

Truther ago

OK good catch but let's not miss the point. The pig represents something. That Tony forwarded the image of the slaughtered pig to John and Mary Podesta while inviting them to a party obviously means that it has something to do with the activity intended for the party.

Verite1 ago

Yeah the roasting of a pig and throwing an awesome dinner party!

Mannix ago

Call me crazy, but maybe the pig represents (or actually is) a pig that they are roasting for the party, and the activity entails eating the roasted pig.

Truther ago

Yeah I think you need your head examined.

Betty_Swollocks ago

I think you could find an email saying "we're picking up a 7 yr old boy tonight, gonna rape him, use him for a satanic mass, then finally drink his fear laden blood straight from his arteries"....And still there would be fuck all done!

Is anyone law enforcement anywhere taking even a slight interest in this? Painfully obvious something sinister is happening but not even a question is being asked. Fucking sickening.

FckPizza3 ago

This would also link to that artist posted here yesterday... her sculptures look alot like a weird pig... just a thought.

ForestTygerPeach ago

They have created chimeras, that's why. Monstrosities which they celebrate.

FckPizza3 ago

Ugh... I'm absolutely sick... I can't believe how sick and twisted all of this is. My brain literally can not go to this level of sickness.. My heart won't allow it. I need to take a break from all of this. :( :(

ForestTygerPeach ago

We must appeal to the Gods.

FckPizza3 ago

Ugh... I wonder if when they all die and go to hell if hell will be torture for them or a big fucking party for all of the sick deeds they have done for Satan??

ForestTygerPeach ago

Satan, you mean the tester of man? His kingdom is made in the minds of man, as heaven is.

There isn't a hell as a permanent abode, everyone has the opportunity to transcend hell at all times.

Gothamgirl ago

I read they also refer to Human meat as steaks, which really makes you wonder about the picture for Bucks fishing and camping. https://www.bucksfishingandcamping.com/

ForestTygerPeach ago

911 Classroom Ritual SPELL to molech god of ultimate sacrifice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Ap3xD9GSY


SnoopGoatieGoat ago

This is going to sound like a stretch but just open your mind for a second. Pigs are people. The elite have long since known about gene manipulation. The pig is a creature created ages ago as a cross between boars and humans. It's a sick joke they've been playing on us. Remember the movie Soylent Green? They always hide the truth in their media. This is why Jews and Muslims have rules against eating pork. Why pigs flesh is supposedly so similar to ours. Just look at a pigs face and eyes.

Verite1 ago

Wow I have never heard this.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Well, what you say is true to a degree. Only, we share our genome in part, with a multitude of creatures and life. The point you are alluding to is of a moral consequence, of cognitive dissonance, that is to say that a pig is no different to man in it's capacity to suffer. A pig has the same intelligence as a dog and it is speculated, a three year old child. The joke here is perhaps, that mankind is hypocritical in his actions, which define him in garnering pleasure through suffering because he has been culturally conditioned with the idea, the being is able to suffer less than he.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe James Alefantis knows something we dont...


Someone mentioned in another thread that to change this world we would have to become vegetarians...and they might be right...enough with animal sacrifice and knowing how veal is made we really have to individually become the change we want to see in the world.

We have to move to a higher vibration from that of sacrificing of animals and animal suffering.

ForestTygerPeach ago

The introduction of veganism to mankind will see the beginning of people living into hundreds of years. Mark my words. We must remember, dairy thickens our lymphatic fluid into mucous which causes toxins to stagnate within the body. All disease is by secondary elimination, that is through the secondary organs - rather than liver. An overloaded liver is the start of much disease.

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

How busy can a pizza shop owner be on a Sunday night?

KnightsofHubris ago

is it unusual for someone who owns a restaurant that is open at night to be busy at night?

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Or unusual to take trips to England and have the pizza shop still be open.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Does anyone have the picture of a slaughtered pig on a table that was in the orignal leaked emails? Cant find my copy

ForestTygerPeach ago

911 Classroom Ritual SPELL to molech god of ultimate sacrifice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Ap3xD9GSY


redditsuckz ago

James Alefantis Sends Tony Podesta a slaughtered Pig picture...


John Podesta describes slaughtering pigs back in his college days


Criticalthinker615 ago

Yes thats it. Thanks. I knew when i saw the pic and who it was from that it was an inside joke.

srayzie ago

That is just morbid! Who would email someone pictures like that??!

KnightsofHubris ago

Do you eat pork or beef or chicken or fish?

Truther ago

Would you send your friends an attachment of a butchered pig as part of a party invite?

KnightsofHubris ago

One friend wrote a cookbook with a pig on the cover. So yeah, probably. Unless my vegan friends were invited.

I'm pretty sure it wa a best seller. Just checked. Not a best seller, but well reviewed.

I eat meat. I don't kid myself where meat comes from. Had some brisket earlier today. Also known to have pork or beef ribs from time to time. If you want to invite me to La Grande Boucherie des Cajuns in western Louisiana, I would go in a heartbeat.

Truther ago

What's the name of your friend and her cookbook? Was the pig on the cover a slaughtered one?

KnightsofHubris ago


samhara ago

Going on pronoun errors.?. Busted!

KnightsofHubris ago

Busted how?

I wonder why they thought my friend was female, wondering if they had a specific cookbook in mind.

samhara ago

Somebody was correcting you on a trivial "error" They must've deleted their comment after they saw mine?

I think you are on to something with the Pig references. I got voted down for it months ago.. I found a mural in Detroit which looks like the baby - pigs are being roasted and cooked in a cauldron. With little hats, like is shown in some Podesta "Art"

These graffitti murals show up in Industrial areas and there is often truth in them; if you can read it.

Detroit has been tagged as a place on the "Rat Lines" for organ harvesting by George Webb - since my post.

KnightsofHubris ago

I think you meant to reply to someone else. I see nothing wrong at all with these pig references.

samhara ago

The person who commented deleted their post.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Our favorite local neighborhood family friendly pizza shop owner would smh.... this is from the initial leaks that had everyone looking at JA like "wtf this guy is the Dexter of pedophiles"

fartyshorts ago

It's an invite to a party, too.

Silverlining ago

Book Club is looking suspicious, too

EQJ ago

It has always been suspicious to me. It's been going on 7 plus years and a weird group of people when you look up the emails listed under that weird one about Mary getting hit by a car. I think evil Luzzatto is in the club too.

privatepizza ago

Indeed, which 'book club' meets on a Saturday night?

Mannix ago

It was actually a Sunday night.

privatepizza ago

Ahh forgive me, thanks for correcting.

equineluvr ago

Oprah's? Or a different one?

equineluvr ago

Good job, OP.

  • Human meat has been called "long pig" for centuries because it supposedly looks, smells, tastes, and has a texture similar to pork.

  • Then there are the human-pig hybrid creatures featured in Patricia Piccini's "art" (owned by Pedosta).



  • Jeff Koons did a sculpture of a pig flanked by angels

  • Jews have called the "goyim" pigs for eons

keyboard12 ago

I hadn't made the "long pig" connection, but in retrospect I did know that was a term for cooked human flesh. Gross....


You put pigs on a spit.

Double teaming someone can also be called a spit roast. Unless that is just some Aussie slang that is not used anywhere else!

Blacksmith21 ago

Funny...I've never heard any Jew call a "goy" a "pig". Downvoat for polluting the narrative.

samhara ago

Some will call you an "animal" - I have found.

notdivided ago

really? Maybe you don't know any jews? Goy means animal, or more specifically any non-jewish. More than once it has been explained to me "goy are the beasts, cow, pigs, non-jews etc"

DonKeyhote ago

The quran calls jews pigs, wouldn't be crazy for their cousins to use the same epithet traditionally

ForestTygerPeach ago

Cloven, that is the connection.

Julie12 ago

goyim is not a word for pig.Goyim means Non Jew.

StonedImmaculate ago

They are also combining pig and human DNA Human-pig embryos created by scientists in breakthrough for organ transplants http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/01/26/human-pig-hybrids-created-scientists-breakthrough-organ-transplants/

VIrginiaPerson ago

It's good to remember that although WE, regular people, have only just started to hear about certain technologies, other people in the in-crowds have had access to them for years. For all we know, elites are walking around with 20 year old pig hearts they bought through back channels.

Truther ago

So possibly, "pig" on the emails refers to human corpses or body parts?

User890020 ago

Just look for spez on the guest list to confirm

ForestTygerPeach ago

911 Classroom Ritual SPELL to molech god of ultimate sacrifice


NotOneGETpost ago

At the beginning of the video, who is the guy on the far left with the huge grin? He shows up a couple of times when the camera pans around with a HUGE fucking grin.

I've never watched this video with the perspective of moloch worshipers and all the revelations of p/g etc, I should probably go and revisit some things :\

ForestTygerPeach ago

They worship technology, the scientists are the top of the pyramid.

NotOneGETpost ago

u wot?

ForestTygerPeach ago

9/11 was technological worship.

NotOneGETpost ago

Could you elaborate please? I'm intrigued now.

ForestTygerPeach ago

9/11 was the first time HAARP was used successfully in conjunction with a new form of weaponry. This same technology, is the free energy which Podesta speaks about in his emails, however they used it for evil.

NotOneGETpost ago

What is the effect of the weapon? And how is HAARP used in conjunction with said weapon?

ForestTygerPeach ago

HAARP was used to alter the frequency of the ionosphere, which in turn changed the electromagnetic field of the environment, which accounts for the path of hurricane erin. In this changed electromagnetic environment, radio frequencies which matched the frequency of the building (caused polarisation of subatomic particles, resulting in demolecularisation of steel). This could be termed a nuclear weapon, as it is not thermal. http://rense.com/general95/image002%20152.jpg

NotOneGETpost ago

Could you provide some sauce other than what you already have?

NotOneGETpost ago

I tried so hard to believe you weren't a hologram. I think HAARP exists to feed YOU, not the planes. /s

I can tell you for a fact, the two planes that flew into the WTC buildings; were physical objects.

equineluvr ago

Quite possibly.

:PIgs have come up over and over in PG -

  • While John Pedosta was a student at Georgetown Law, he worked at a pig farm over the summers. His job was to slaughter the pigs.

  • There is also a farm just outside DC that is owned by a gay couple friend(s) of JA. -=- it has pigs

  • Historically, pigs have been known to "get rid of the evidence" except for teeth and jaw. :(

And, there is the art as noted above.

Some retard here doesn't like truth so downvoated it.

nomorepepperoni ago

I have considered the possibility that they're disposing of the bodies by feeding them to pigs, then slaughtering said pigs and consuming them. Basically, indirect cannibalism.

equineluvr ago

Yes, that has been widely discussed here. I agree it is certainly plausible, perhaps even probable.

nomorepepperoni ago

If you're onto something, I will caution you. This is very likely going to be similar to use of "pizza" and other foods in emails. In other words, a few instances may refer to something other than normal food, hidden amongst actual food discussion.

equineluvr ago

Yes, I think #2 and #3 sound particularly suspicious and #1, #4, and #5 could be innocent. But that's just going by the limited info available so is neither here nor there.

The problem is that there is no way to get Independent confirmation of these. So round and round we go with the speculation.

Truther ago

That's fair. That's why it's called circumstantial evidence because there is no way to prove it. Not yet anyway. Why is it taking so long to investigate the biggest political scandal in the history of the U.S.?

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