Luxxy ago

He likes cooking, spirit cooking perhaps??

MeatballPizza ago

I posted this a couple weeks back. To do some connecting of dots: Look up the "long pig art" owned by Tony Podesta. People (children) dressed in pig outfits. Then (WARNING GRAPHIC) google "long pig art" and see what pops up on your google images.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Yikes. Thanks for the tip.

MeatballPizza ago

The pig killing by JP was on some rural living farm that's open to the public and the name of the place is online. It's still open.

LacunaPerpetual ago

"Talk of pig roasting and slaughter kept popping up during dinner and was the last tale Podesta told before the guests left. To earn money while attending law school at Georgetown, he spent two years working at Turkey Run Farm in McLean, now called the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, an 18th-century re-creation.

He dressed in britches, a blousy linen shirt, floppy hat and homemade shoes and learned how to butcher and roast a pig.

Standing in the kitchen and acting out his role, Podesta explained: “It’s best to do the butchering at 4 a.m., “because pigs should be slaughtered when it is cool, and it takes a long time to roast them. The pig is hauled on a front-end loader in order to split and gut it. It’s most important to slow the pig down by shooting it between the eyes so you can cut its throat. It makes the pig less ornery and a whole lot more cooperative than if you just stick a knife in its throat.”

In homage to these skills, Podesta used to have a picture of a pig on a spit as his screen saver, but his staffers made him get rid of it, because he said: “They couldn’t stand looking into the pig’s eyes during meetings.”

The powerful John Podesta does not always get his way."

qwerty33 ago

Can you quote it for simplicity ? i can't seem to find it in that 3 page article fast enough.

halfstep ago

"Talk of pig roasting and slaughter kept popping up during dinner and was the last tale Podesta told before the guests left. To earn money while attending law school at Georgetown, he spent two years working at Turkey Run Farm in McLean, now called the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, an 18th-century re-creation.

He dressed in britches, a blousy linen shirt, floppy hat and homemade shoes and learned how to butcher and roast a pig.

Standing in the kitchen and acting out his role, Podesta explained: “It’s best to do the butchering at 4 a.m., “because pigs should be slaughtered when it is cool, and it takes a long time to roast them. The pig is hauled on a front-end loader in order to split and gut it. It’s most important to slow the pig down by shooting it between the eyes so you can cut its throat. It makes the pig less ornery and a whole lot more cooperative than if you just stick a knife in its throat.”

In homage to these skills, Podesta used to have a picture of a pig on a spit as his screen saver, but his staffers made him get rid of it, because he said: “They couldn’t stand looking into the pig’s eyes during meetings.”

The powerful John Podesta does not always get his way."

It didn't seem terribly weird to me until the screensaver thing, but still nothing concrete.

LacunaPerpetual ago

I just submitted it for a character analysis.

SoManyQuestions ago

What a morbid upgrade.

LacunaPerpetual ago

What do you mean?

SoManyQuestions ago

I'm just assuming they are still utilizing his talents.

LacunaPerpetual ago

It is curious though, that we haven't heard a peep from him.

SoManyQuestions ago

I wouldn't be speaking if I was scared too.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Yeah. It's very interesting.