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lawfag123 ago


From:[email protected]

To: [email protected]

CC: [email protected]

Date: 2008-09-29 11:28

Subject: Re: Comet Ping Pong and OBAMA...and Podesta?.

Perfect. Debate starts at 9:00.

...sent from handheld...

On Sep 29, 2008, at 6:50 AM, "John Podesta"

I'll come by. When does the debate start? I'll get there before it begins so I can speak briefly.

On 9/28/08, James A (Personal) wrote: John,

Awesome. Let's figure out what you want to do after the politics & prose reading.

So, then I can confirm you at 8:30 this Thursday to say a few words
at Comet?

See you soon, James

...sent from handheld...

On Sep 27, 2008, at 10:22 PM, "John Podesta" wrote:

I can probably get there around 8:30. Love to do somethind after politics and prose. Catch up on that early in the week.

On 9/27/08, James A (Personal) wrote: John,

Hello. Some young lawyer type friends of mine are hosting an Obama Fundraiser at Comet Ping Pong on Thursday Night and then watching
the debate. Should be about 150 people and they are raising between 25 and 35 thousand dollars. Would you be willing to stop by around 8 o'clock or so and make a little speech. They (and I) would be thrilled to have you of course. I understand if you are not available.

Also, I saw that you are reading at Politics & Prose soon. What
can we do afterward? Would you like to have a dinner at my places?!?

Big or small. What do you think?

See you soon.

Yours, James Alefantis