rooting4redpillers ago

I wonder how much more we'd have to type, to finally, really get each other. This conversation would have been a lot more fun in person, over a long lunch. I think it's kinda funny, about your Jean-Leon Gerome's Moorish Bath, as I've had Pierre Bonnard's, Nude in the Bath and Small Dog hanging in our bathroom for 20 years. My spouse photoshopped a picture of our dog to match and taped it over the dog in my print, and it was days before I noticed. If you really do leave, then good luck and Godspeed. I've thought to quit several times, but so far, I can't stop coming back.

rooting4redpillers ago

"Challenging what we perceive a beauty," of course. That's the first and easiest defense for offensive-looking art, but way too superficial to be a primary goal for this artist. She's made it clear, these sculptures are ultimately intended to bring attention to, and inspire discussion about, possible outcomes from tampering with human genetics.

This art isn't comparable to aliens in a movie. These poor creatures don't have the luxury of a story. We're entirely on our own, to decide if they're "benevolent" or "menacing." This artist certainly capitalizes on the shock value of naked sexuality - grotesquely wrinkled sagging skin, exposed breasts and genitalia, inexplicable multiple orifices, humanly-impossible contortionist poses - to sell her "ethical" concerns. I can make the stretch to understand that, as grotesque sexuality is way more compelling than say, adding a few extra eyeballs or appendages, or "dark colors," or "menacing expressions."

I don't find anything "innocent" or "open," let alone any humanitarian concern/message, in depicting these sexualized animal/human atrocities - with their weirdly "benevolent" facial expressions - in INTIMATE POSES, pressing their wrinkled, scaled, grotesquely rippling and pale, naked flesh up against seemingly peaceful and UNAWARE human children. That's just sickening, menacing, and completely inappropriate in a public venue.

It's far easier to believe your suggesion - the artist is offering friendly art works of mutated forms as a way of 'conditioning' us to accept mutation as acceptable in society - than to believe this art is created with any lofty intention to benefit humanity.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

When you can pinpoint birthmarks and certain physical, private characteristics? damn well you should be!


Thank you for doing what you do. There are some other hidden gems around here every now and then. I've been spending a lot of time going through back links on posts by Aaron Dover today and man is there some interesting stuff there. Worth digging through.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Same thing happened with Cathy O'brien and her book 'Tranceformation of America'. She named everyone... Bushes, Clinton's (especially them) Cheney, Trudeau Father, Senator Byrd, Michael Aquino etc..etc...and detailed their most disturbed, satanic pedophile acts, murders, desires including Penis sizes, birth marks, places, methods, everything... funny how no one ever even came close to try and sue her for libel.

And the book was published.

Sandy008 ago

This is sick. This is not art; it is the manifestation if a perverted mind. It is the flaunting of pedophilia and beastiality. I am sick to my stomach. The Pedostas and their ilk need to be locked up.

equineluvr ago

Another sculpture by PP

Progenitor and Offspring

ANOTHER HAIRLESS ANIMAL. That one does not appear to be a human hybrid/cross. Are they going to do away with animals' fur?

OK, I think she is dabbling with the subject of the chimeras and other "wonderful creatures" that will populate the "utopian" Brave New World. This DIA mural captures it.

Votescam ago

... because art and music (even Doo Wop) has the ability to soften and reveal emotions, including of males.
Romance doesn't work for the violent and criminal people controlling our nation.

Notice who our music has been made violent in one way or another and how many of our musicians have been disappeared in one way or another.

I think this art tells us about the truth of the experiences of the artist and the Podestas.

dougG ago

I actually think the art is pretty cool. To me its a statement on the fine line we're walking on in respect to cloning and gene manipulation. I wouldn't be surprised if they are using stolen children somewhere to do these genetic tests but I don't think that means the artist condones it but rather it is a form of shock art to get people aware and talking of the very controversial topic. Just a thought don't kill me over it.

rooting4redpillers ago

How many variations do we need to awaken to her concern, and for her to finally realize her core purpose of creating public awareness. This makes me wonder - how many ways can she depict a sickeningly- deformed, animalized, sexualized, mutilated, semi-human being, and continue to draw a crowd? This topic isn't new, she just found a way to make it work for her. And it obviously is, as she's getting plenty of attention, for doing the same thing over and over again. And, somebody MUST be PAYING for it. Creating that art looks time-consuming and expensive. Call me a skeptic, but her art doesn't seem mass-market friendly AT ALL.

She been creating pieces that feature these creatures - hundreds of them - for more than ten years of her professional career. Seems like overkill, and not all that evolved. I find it hard to believe, that anyone who takes in her work goes running off, bent on learning truth about biotechnology, gene therapy, or any complex medical issues.

All that - and I didn't even scratch you. :)

dougG ago

People are buying it though, do we blame her for catering to her market. I know that if I was making really good money I would keep producing. Now if it a trend started to pop up that people buying my artwork were caught in nefarious activities, then I might change my style. Every artist yearns to have a niche of their own though

rooting4redpillers ago

I don't blame her, because - 1) I like money, 2) I like to earn money by producing art, and 3) I don't know what what's in her head. I haven't found anything current, regarding her intent with these "human/pig-monster" sculptures. It would be nice to think that she had it in her, to find out if her market is primarily criminal. I would think she'd have heard a little about it by now, but maybe not.

I know, a lot of people like a good freak show, even if I don't. My opinion, it would be awfully depressing to make this my life's work, but that's just me. So that said, I admit, I MOSTLY question her, and the fact that's she's still producing these things - because I wonder who pays for her time and the materials, just so she can keep producing variations on, essentially, the same thing so prolifically. If look hard enough, I can probably find some answers to questions, so maybe I'll do that.

Votescam ago

Thank you -- difficult to look at -- Presume the children in the sculptures are also sculptures. Amazing combination of capturing the angelic look of a child and then combining it with the grotesque.

This is a very beautiful woman who must have been a beautiful child at one time. And she is spending her time producing grotesque pictures. Why? These are imagines which most of us I imagine reject - yet she dwells with them each day. That she has added children who are "sleeping with" and "touching" these grotesque figures suggests to me that these may be based on her memories.

What I think when I see that the Podesta's owned and displayed these kinds of paintings on the walls at home is that they are at home with these grotesque figures and the relationship of children to them.

It also makes me recall the involvement of the CIA in the creation of "Moderen Art" and the fact that many of our museums feature modern art collections.

TrishaUK ago

I remember being SO ANGRY with one of the 'Art Lecturers' at Uni when my daughter did her Art Degree. He told tried to embarrass her in class saying she would 'never make a true artist because her work was to pretty, pretty' all because she would not distort the naturally beautiful portraits/arts she produced. Her stance was 'its my art and my expressions, thats a true artist'. She has a way about her art that makes things, identical to the subject but with a slight beauty about it. When we went to the End of Year Open Display Evening at the uni, I was literally appalled at some of the disgusting crass/pornographic art, and could barely believe that it was even the same subject and classes that she had taken! She came away with a 2-1 (2nd highest in her class) and pleased to say higher than those who had produced the filth the Lecturer wanted them too. Enough said!

Gothamgirl ago

So creepy.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

I does appear, at least to me, that the children are actually dolls. I don't know how she would ever have real children pose with what would be terrifying to a child. In the blog post pics 10-12 notice the hand gesture of the little girl?

Side note: the exaggerated fingernail/hands-feet on the creature were, (at least the hands), used on male models in a fashion show. I've searched but can't remember where I saw the video. At the time, I remember thinking, why would they do that for the models hands?". Maybe this ties it in and maybe not. Nonetheless, very creepy and definite proof that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I don't get the whole "evil" feel from her art. I could actually see it as art to be honest. There's nothing sexual going on with the kids (which makes me doubt she's Podesta's favorite artist). More a sense of innocence and ability to see beauty where others can't. And like it or hate it, all of the experimentation CRISPR easily allows, this is the kinda weird shit that is a likely result. I'd never want any of these in my home, but certainly something I would like to see and find interesting.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

Yes, well I did qualify it with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder

TrishaUK ago

Yes the hand - the '666' or like all these celebs do for the one eye photo.

rooting4redpillers ago

If you haven't seen enough, see Patricia Piccinini's web site.

Here's some small justification offered, for recognizing this as some positive contribution to society, and not the flat-out horror show it is: Biography: Patricia Piccinini [internet archive]

Since completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting at the Victorian College of the Arts in 1991, Patricia Piccinini's practice has flourished and she has become known as one of Australia's leading contemporary artists. In an early interview Piccinini vividly recalled a simultaneous revulsion and fascination at the time of her first foray into pseudo-eugenics when she created a lump-like creature from raw pigskin. While the impetus to experiment with the creation of synthetic life forms remains, since then Piccinini's techniques have evolved and she is now recognised as a forerunner among artists working with contemporary media.

Piccinini has an ambivalent attitude towards technology and she uses her artistic practice as a forum for discussion about how technology impacts upon life. She is keenly interested in how contemporary ideas of nature, the natural and the artificial are changing our society. Specific works have addressed concerns about biotechnology, such as gene therapy and ongoing research to map the human genome. Piccinini often creates acutely aesthetic and appealing works as a means of discussing complex ethical issues; she is also fascinated by the mechanisms of consumer culture.

I'd like to see ANYTHING GOOD for society, that has ever come from this. Either WITHIN her products, or PRODUCED BY her products. Isn't that what art is supposed to do? What are we supposed to have learned?

TrishaUK ago

Most ugly 'art' I've ever seen, she must have some really sick dreams/thoughts to create this absolute debauchery. Most shocking is that she enjoys putting children in with it. My grandsons 1 and 3 would be horrified by any of these monstrosities. Only good point that the 'children' were models as well and not actual living children!


I find it very well made and incredibly interesting. I do have strange dreams but have never even remotely thought of harming or having sex with a child lol. I would think that if your one or three year old grandchild were horrified it would be based on your response to the stimulus.

srayzie ago

Besides, I saw a lot of their sick posts, so it wouldn't surprise me

srayzie ago

Maybe you should stop being the fact police since you don't even know yourself

burnerdrone04 ago

This woman (and her crew) are obviously very talented. These pieces are very weird but I don't think they add anything substantive to the discussion. Other than maybe the idea that children are naturally more "open minded" and "accepting" than adults are. Perhaps children are the only ones who can actually love the monsters. I would not personally have any of these pieces in my house, but I absolutely would go to a show and see them. Check out the "Meet Graham" piece which uses the abnormal physiology to make a memorable point about auto safety.

HollandDrive ago

LOL. Can't we stick w/ pastoral views of nature? (I mean, you know, nature nature?)

LostandFound ago

If you really want to see Tony at his finest, checkout this house party he threw in 2004 with James Alefantis - For artist Anna Gaskell if you would like to see a sample of her works, you could simply purchase her photography of young children in compromising positions here : for the princely sum of 5.5k. A fine example of her 'art' or perhaps you prefer them unconscious . Perhaps they are too old for your taste

MickeyDee ago

The product of a sick mind, purchased by other sick minds.

strix-varia ago

This "artist" is studied by fine art students, along with Marina A. The feminists probably love this shit.

HollandDrive ago

It has been postulated that this particular Podesta "art" has to do with cloning.

Could this be another big reason we are being diverted from pizzagate? And the actors involved?

Cause they're pushing hard that it was ALL A BIG HOAX and THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE HERE.

Azzipdoe ago

I would assume the diversion is more about the human trafficking/organ harvesting part rather then tryin to coverup some random woman's artwork...

WanderingMitten ago

Ya, feel bad that she's being used to cover up the scandal going on, her art is honestly amazing, as grotesque as it looks, her details and attention to making things actually look like they could exist in our world is amazing. I hope she has nothing to do with the pedo scandal and is sadly just a pawn being used by others taking advantage of her art, since hey, it wouldn't be the first time politics takes advantage of someones talents for their own gains, just look at the internet and nuclear power. ...


I 100% agree. And after reading a bit about her I get the feel that she is the real deal (an actual artist, and a bit naive at that). The attention to detail is just absolutely amazing. And there is nothing dark or sexual at all about what I've seen aside from the idea of the creatures themselves which is a result of technology and "science". This should actually be removed from this site as not referencing Pizzagate. Other then the common reaction of disgust and having the word Podesta, I see absolutely NO LINK TO PIZZAGATE.

GuannaRue ago

wtAf!? You CANNOT be this naive...

HollandDrive ago

I agree it's more about harvesting and/or abusing children and humans, I'm saying possibly this is one more nefarious activity (cloning and experimentation) that the Podesta's and Clinton Foundation (and on up the chain) might be involved in, or be aware of, the artwork simply being a reflection of this (one more aspect of their "culture"). Just a thought.

Mbailey63 ago

Future Disney characters that will groom our kids using sweet voices and music. Barf!!

MyNameIsLuka ago

The creature standing on the bed with the child looks like Podesta.

Jem777 ago

First time I vowed the Half-pig/ Who-knows what in the hell that it is...I threw up. This is the most disturbing things I have ever seen. To combine them with children is sickening. This is depraved.

burnerdrone04 ago

Perhaps that's the point. Human pig hybrids are a real thing (google "human pig chimera") They look like pigs IRL but here they are artistically displayed in a kind of "genetic realism" and it is upsetting. Perhaps her work is geared toward asking the question "is this something we should be doing?" Because we are doing it. I mean it's not as straight forward as it seems. I'm against it... until I need a heart transplant.

Jem777 ago

Yes I realize that. They are already growing organs in pigs. Modern art is created by CIA most often or operatives and pushed into society. It is what they are already doing and trying to desensitize others to it. Tony Podesta admiring it is like him hanging pictures of ritually abused children & statues of Dahmer's victim in his house. Admiring the perverse and victims. Watching trauma happen and calling it art.

That is what pornography is in some sense. Watching trauma in action from a computer. Tony & elites just sit in an audience and call it art or in private participate?

Votescam ago

It's beyond that -- we are coming to the belief that all humans are hybrids and that our "Garden of Eden" was a lab. You will frequently find references to this where creationists will say that evolutionists see humankind as "swinging from trees," and if I recall correctly the native Americans referred to us as "the pig people."

The ideas of various "races" of humans created in labs is something that eventually has to be considered, especially as rumors of the British Royals as alien reptilians continues to rise -- i.e., this planet controlled by Draco-Reptilians of an aggressive nature while our true alien "cousins" may be Norse.

We might consider this, for one --

Many individuals report encountering angels, UFO’s, elementals and other beings. It has become almost commonplace in our world to accept that these beings exist. All through history there have been myths about light beings, elementals and other conscious beings in nature. The Maoris speak of the children of the Mist and many others of the little people.

Just because not everyone sees them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. There are actually many people who do see them, and they do exist. And if angels, elementals and UFOs, to name a few, are here on this Earth, there might be other beings as well visiting Earth, interacting with humans, breeding with humans and creating hybrids.

The ancient Greeks said that dolphins are the people of the sea. This was 4000 years ago. Now with modern science we know that the brain of a dolphin is more complex than that of humans and that it has more weight per body mass than ours – both we take to be indicators of highly developed intelligence – and that the its flipper contains all the bones that are found in a human hand and arm. They are, indeed, the people of the sea. The dolphin hybrids developed from a physical body that evolved on two paths: on part stayed on land and developed into man as we know him and the other went into the sea and became the dolphins and the whales.>

and on cloning by US government/CIA -- I'd just add here that what a woman from the Bikini Islands said as her people were being removed from the Islands so that the US could test nuclear weapons there .... "Americans are really smart about really stupid things."

If you are "white" compare your skin to a piece of white paper and you will find that we are more "people of color" on the pink side than we are white.

If you happen to see the movie "Cry Freedom" with Denzel Washington playing Steve Biko, you'll find a court scene where the Judge asks him why he and his people are calling themselves "black" when in fact they are more "brown than black" And Biko replies by asking the Judge why his people call themselves "white" when in fact they are more pink than white.

What these pictures raise in the viewer, imo, isn't only disgust it is FEAR.
And that always sounds rather CIA to me.

For anyone not familiar with your comment re CIA and Modern Art ...

Jem777 ago

Yes agree to some. That is a very intense reply. I wish we could debate ideas like this without attacking each other. Some might view this as pushing the boundaries of ethics and we all should. If we have the ability to grow an organ in an animal should we??

These are huge questions. This is a great mystery that many have tried to solve the idea of hybrid. There are very rare survival hybrids of anything.

My belief is that the Aliens & boogiemans of the past and of the future might be the biggest Head Fake ever.

Who has been in control of all science, space travel, medical experiments, military force, etc. in modern history since at least the First World War. A small subset of very wealthy elite ruling class who were identified as Nazi's in WW11.....when it was not convenient. But who secretly worked behind the scenes in human experiments and psychological warfare with the Jesuits. This formed the intelligence agencies in 1948. Don't believe it. Explore the relationship between Allen Dulles and Dr. Carl Jung who was an agent of the CIA. Also Jung & Freud.

The same horrific crimes that were done by Dr. Mengele "Angel of Death" to children at their hands went underground.

What if there is more truth out there? More hope? Why did they stop the space shuttle program so abruptly and now we have been in constant wars. What is the truth??!!

If unethical and immoral people control everything for their benefit how is that fair?

Should we not openly discuss the implications as a society of these questions?

One last thing...the scientist who first mapped the human genome stopped when done and wrote a book called Why I believe there is a God.

Edit: will narrow down exact title

That is fascinating

burnerdrone04 ago

Modern art is created by CIA most often

I've seen evidence of pedophilia. I've seen evidence of SRA. I've seen evidence that some artists are depicting pedophilia and selling their crappy art for big money. I haven't seen evidence that an entire art movement was "created" by the CIA. At best they jumped on the bandwagon and saw a means for laundering money.

Jem777 ago

Not all CIA, but yes modern art was created by them in the sense that that the subjects of human experiments and victims began creating images and projections of their experience.

Do you really think a human being not subjected to trauma or some strange events would paint pictures of children being sexually abused? As in Tony Podesta's house? Does someone create these creatures out of nowhere?

This is projection. These are the dark sickening stories of victims. If these were painted, drawn, or sculpted in a therapeutic center psychologists would test for severe trauma, for SRA!

The fact that no one not even leading psychologists, psychiatrists are speaking out loud is shocking. And there are specific reasons for that.

burnerdrone04 ago

I think you are creating in your mind a sub-set of all modern art. In this subset you put the nasty, perverse and twisted artworks of deranged or traumatized or the simple and mindless crap of money laundering art (i.e. "burned toast on a china plate" selling for $45,000). I'll give you a "maybe" on that one. But modern art is more than that and to call one the other is wrong and unsupportable.

Jem777 ago

Okay will give you that. Not all or nothing am not trying to say that at all. Just looking back at historical art or many other art forms there are of course different meanings.

Just pointing out that "perverse, twisted, traumatized" being called "art" by actual perverse and twisted human beings is dangerous. They are placing value on the damage they cause.

For instance in Tony's house he has paintings everywhere from an admitted survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. He does not have them in a collection dedicated to the eradication of eliminating child sexual abuse where he has donated the money to a fund.

He has them displayed. They are a trophy and are in essence a look into what some perverse, twisted predators did to that child.

All these people have charities. Who has one for rescuing child trafficking victims in Washington DC or Va. or can the NCMEC make a public statement.

HollandDrive ago

Ah! Is this also part of the big CIA constructed psy op called pizzagate that Cernovich was diverting us from?

Damn these guys (CIA) are good! This is as amazing as the fabricated wikileaks emails. LOL.

I'm gonna assume the deep state did this artwork too. What do you think Cernovich??

dutch-justice ago

There is many misinterpretations going on here as to what they refer to when they say it is a psyop/disinfo/debunked. I think what Cernovich is referring to is the narrow Pizzagate saga as how it is portrayed in MSM, i.e. 'HRC runnnig a child sex ring from a basement of a pizza parlor at JA/Comet'. That is also what Alex Jones distanced himself from for only legal purposes if you ask me. The bigger strory i am sure they know is not debunked and the fact that the bigger story may not exclude Comet/JA/Podesta/HRC etc. also for them is not off the table. These guys have to stay within the legal realm, that's all. They are on our side.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Totally agree that Pizzagate is not a psyop. It's as real as it gets. Where I have a problem with this is JA's threats to sue for libel. My understanding is, he's the only one doing it. I believe he would get the best lawyers with the help of his 'friends' to ensure victory in this matter and his potential victims know it too.

I believe it's only him because if John or Tony Podesta, (and you know damn well that they are FULLY aware of everything being written about them) decided to sue anyone for libel? it would throw a massive spotlight on pizzagate, and they certainly cannot afford to have that happen. So they are using JA for the same purposes, simply to crush people's investigations of the foundation of this demonic house.

Votescam ago

Agree -- and I think it would be extremely dangerous for Hillary or Podesta's to even acknowledge Pizzagate.


Well Hillary did allude to Pizzagate in her tweet mentioning Flynn...

Votescam ago

I don't think I was aware of that ...????

The_Roman_Numeral ago

and many people caught on...she inadvertently red-pilled a few more...

fartyshorts ago

Yeah, so clever to post pedo pics on instagram 272 weeks ago just to make a false flag against some random pizza shop.

equineluvr ago

How totally freaking bizarre those people are.

While some of that I just flat-out have no clue about, the hirsutism as well as the craniofacial morphology of some of the children are clues. Fundamentally, you are looking at a particular group -- the "superior" group, of course -- keeping another group as "pets." The "pets" have been genetically modified. Some of their own (the "superior" group's) DNA is involved as well.

The creature with the "trilobite" spine is particularly bemusing.

equineluvr ago


For the past two years, Western Illinois University Assistant Professor of Geology Thomas Hegna has been part of a three-member team conducting research on what are believed to be the first-ever discovered trilobite eggs paired with a fossil of the segmented creature.

The ancient eggs, believed to be about 450 million years old, were found in New York by Markus Martin, an amateur paleontologist and friend to Hegna. The team also includes Assistant Professor Simon Darroch of Vanderbilt University.

Hegna said trilobites most closely resemble modern "rolly-polly" bugs. The trilobites are fossilized inside black shale, which Hegna said likely happened as a result of them being forced out of their habitat by an event such as an undersea mudslide.

"They would have had to be buried quickly to have been preserved," Hegna said.

Martin collected the rocks in New York and then cracked them in an effort to examine what was inside. The trilobites from this locality are replaced with the mineral pyrite. Hegna said if Martin saw pyrite, also known as fools gold, in the crack, he then used an air abrasion system to go through the layers to get down to the trilobite.

"After Markus showed me the pictures of what he found we had a 'eureka' moment," said Hegna. "My first thought was 'What else could they be?' People have found trilobites before, but never found the actual animal and eggs together."

As fossil invertebrates, trilobites lived exclusively in the ocean during the Paleozoic Era.

After conducting visual research on the unearthed trilobites, Hegna said the team used a micro CT scanner at Vanderbilt University to get a "flipbook of slices" through the preserved trilobites and eggs.

"We digitally dissected the fossils," said Hegna. "The CT scans help us see if the eggs were attached to the body without disturbing the fossil. It helped verify the egg's replacement relative to the trilobite."

The three-member team collaborated to write up the results of their research into a paper that was recently published in the academic journal Geology.

The team also presented its findings at the Central Regional and National meetings of the Geologic Society of America. Hegna said the attention the presentations received helped confirm the findings the team had made through its research.

Prior to the team's discovery, nothing was known about this early phase of the development of trilobites.

"By knowing more about their reproductive biology, we expand our knowledge about trilobite autecology and can begin to address long-standing research questions about trilobite mating behavior and reproductive strategies," said the team's paper. "Pyritized in situ trilobite eggs from the Ordovician of New York (Lorraine Group): Implications for trilobite reproductive biology."

Many of the specimens that were part of the team's research were donated to the Peabody Museum at Yale University, where Hegna completed his doctoral research. The museum also received the three-dimensional digital model of the specimens the team produced using the CT scan data.

equineluvr ago

Or, maybe the trilobite representation isn't to be taken literally and is merely a nod to the fact that they have very ancient DNA that they will be using. God, this is so fucked up.

We KNOW that they are messing with our DNA via GMO foods. (This in addition to the already-posted human-pigtail hybrid information.)

How GMO Foods Alter Human DNA

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Well... there's a first time for everything... I almost just threw up all over myself.

HollandDrive ago

Been there, done that, got sick.