VieBleu ago

So if we all donate say $25, can we throw twenty bucks of shade? ---------->fundraiser/bitchfest lol

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin If the search bar and PG sticky aren't back by tomorrow, assume /v/pizzagate/ is compromised 3/16/2017 OP Where Have All The Search Bars Gone? 3/16/2017 OP A Couple of Other Important Tools For Pizzagate/Pedogate Investigators on Voat 3/18/2017 OP

VieBleu ago

Can you shed light on how difficult it is to keep a search bar/engine gadget running? To extend your metaphor, I'd say it is more like bitching about traffic lights while going to the construction site. Traffic lights are basic, the tech has been around for decades, and they work pretty much everywhere you go. If one corner has a traffic light that is out every other week, any average driver starts to wonder why there is such a problem at that particular place.

VieBleu ago

I could humor you, but perhaps you'd rather have a bit of information instead. Think early activist, very public, on Obama birth certificate. Not going to dox obviously so you can guess from that. Very loud when righteous, a tad dramatic, as you noticed. not a slacker at research. Started a petition while here before leaving last time, and did and said other things to indicate not a troll or a slider. Wants the forum to work better, as does everyone.

HomerSimpson ago

Not true. Mods can remove the search bar using CSS.

VieBleu ago

thanks for correcting that. Misinfo after misinfo. I am skeptical also of the claim that this place is run by 1 harried and impoverished tech guy out of his garage in between his day job as a McDonald's manager for free from the good of his golden heart and tra la la...

HomerSimpson ago

Used to have two admins. One recently stepped down. Now it is 1 guy. But he has a lot of people helping out occasionally in a little cabal of sorts.

HomerSimpson ago

No. Just they circlejerk one another and talk to one another often.

VieBleu ago

thanks for your insight. I think the funniest thing I've heard was wecanhelp asking me snottily if I noticed that there were so many conspiracy theorists here. I mean, wtf.

HomerSimpson ago

There is a lot of conspiritards on this site. I get called a liberal shill every few days nowadays and I run a fucking hate sub.

VieBleu ago

you big softie. lol

it's just so out of touch though- you open a forum about a conspiracy, yeah, it's going to get populated by conspiracy minded types. What did they expect? Math geniuses and coders? If we had some coders here, we'd already be gone. The irony.

HomerSimpson ago

you big softie. lol

I know right? I am just a pretty little princess and they attack me.

it's just so out of touch though- you open a forum about a conspiracy, yeah, it's going to get populated by conspiracy minded types. What did they expect? Math geniuses and coders? If we had some coders here, we'd already be gone. The irony.

I mean it isn't the admins who are out of touch rather the userbase.

VieBleu ago

Did you see this? one of the reasons this sub is interesting - very weird maze of interlinked sites.

Beats looking at fat people right? Cause that's the irony for you isn't it, even though you hate fatties, you have to look at and display pics of them all the time on your subforum. Life has a way of loling us doesn't it. : )

VieBleu ago

Ahh the disdain. It stings! (not really)

No it is out of touch to open a conspiracy forum, and invite people to come who are conspiracy theorists, all while holding contempt for them. Unless there is a conspiracy behind opening it in the first place... Ha!

VieBleu ago

taste of flame broiled goat, nothing like it. Pretty sure she's gone again. She already made a goodbye quit post about 2 weeks ago.

VieBleu ago

From what I knew of AA she was not a troll. She at least believes she has legitimate questions that have sources and no refutation as of yet, so it raised questions.

goatboy ago

It has been obvious to most older goats for months that the pizzagate mods are controlled opposition. They are the most delete happy group on all of voat. We tried telling you kids this, but you refused to listen. Luckily it's not too late to correct this. Just move over to one of the dozens of other pizzagate subs.

VieBleu ago

I appreciate your comment but I think the voat boat has floated. I'm guessing no one is going to trust another sub on voat.

goatboy ago

That's because most people are stupid about most things, most of the time. But /v/pizzagatewhatever and /v/pizzagatefree will grow without these mods who think themselves the gatekeepers of forbidden knowledge.

VieBleu ago

I only have goat praise for your vision! :D

VieBleu ago

I am just basically here as a witness and historian these days. I don't really expect anything to change for the better. It is a bit amusing when someone newer suddenly flames as they get their own taste of "goat".

VieBleu ago

KevDude, this is not my fight. see @awarenessadventurer

I just suggested that she and another contact VictorSteinerDavion as he may help. The mods here claim they cannot get a response from anyone ever, so it is gratifying you put responding to me as a priority!

Soon after, for reasons not necessarily related, there were ballistics in the air.

I would be interested in your response to the links showing connections between Voat, Thiel and DynCorp.

Two permalinks

VieBleu ago

Just like to throw this out to the community - is this kosher?

Vindicator [M] -1 points (+0|-1) 36 minutes ago

What makes yo.u think she stopped? You don't think mods post their research under their mod names do you? That would be pretty dickish. We have alts for posting research, so that it can be judged on its own merits.

I suppose if we trusted the mods here, it would seem fine. But since we don't trust them because of their many documented shenanigans and worse, it makes you wonder - we are not able to see the history of a mod's submissions. Is that the reason there are so many shill posts on this forum, WorldCorp stuff posted again and again, as one memorable example?

If we object to something posted by a mod in disguise, do they really then go back and perform their mod duties without prejudice?

VieBleu ago

You don't need to distrust me because I suggested you contact the only high up mod I've ever found to be responsive. His name is listed on the right side menu as one of the mods we are supposed to be able to contact. If you'd like to see my history with him, I'd be happy to show you. He did not like that KevDude and Crensch allowed a post to remain that called for harrasssment and doxxing of the real estate agent in the "pizza related map" email. However he met with a devil's argument from KevDude that though doxing isn't supposed to be allowed on the forum, the non-existent "fine print" of it is that means only members of the forum - doxing the public was shadow allowed.

Because of his thoughtful nature, and the mods seemed to care about his opinion, I thought he might be helpful on the search bar question - that's all. You were already pinging KingKong, so why not ping someone who had actually shown up and listened at least once? I was not telling you what to do, I asked you why don't you try VSD, trying to be of help.

When you deal with the history of this place and the history of compromising moments by mods, it becomes its own wormhole. Expectsome of them to have agendas and not always on the side of forward progress here.

VieBleu ago

please understand this mod is the one responsible for the anti-protest sticky meant to knock the legs out of the protest effort which was considered actually quite effective according to protest leaders I spoke to. Her claims could be shown to be incorrect tediously, sentence by sentence, for example the idea that I "ripped" some announcement they claim was made. But who cares anyway, its all just a distraction.

If you don't hear from VSD, it may well be that was one of the avatars of Atko, who was the owner and left in Jan. My interaction was before then. Anyway, good effort.

Notice to anyone interested in these topics how according to this mod, it is the fault of everyone and anyone but those who actually run the place. Classic abuser - "blame the victims" approach.

Vindicator ago

I pointed out that the MODS DO HAVE CONTROL OVER ANNOUCEMENTS and could at minimum as a courtesty let people know what is going on (no response on that point of course). I can permalink if you need to see it, but trust, it was the typical inefficient, arrogant mod stance.

@VieBleu, we provided an announcement and got ripped for it by you.

We posted a sticky ALL WEEKEND LONG as an announcement about the UI change, and the loss of the Search was mentioned in comments. We took it down when people started pinging us they wanted the Executive Summary back up, after the UI change was over. In that thread, I also took the time to explain as well as I could the relationship between v/pizzagate and Voat overall.

Be advised that VieBleu's toxic disregard for the culture and concerns of Voat as a whole is one of the reasons people who could help such as @Crensch @Kevdude and @VictorSteinerDavion turn a deaf ear to the day-to-day problems of this subverse. That's a normal reaction when you're a pain in the ass with no respect for the person you are talking to.

One thing I can guarantee is that users from this sub who post publicly bitching about stuff in v/ProtectVoat or v/VoatDev are likely to trigger the Voat immune system and unleash a horde of macrophage goats who will come in here and shitpost us to death. That's how it is.

VieBleu ago

I really just don't care to argue with you. War is Peace. Right.

awarenessadventurer ago

PUTTITOUT is a Founding owner of VOAT (and a shill). DO ME A FAVOR AND BAN ME FUCKWIT!

stin chastain, (@puttitout) is a liar and an sjw. last proof post; voat is for the shills. (whatever) submitted 1 month ago by SaneGoatiSwear

go read the rest.

Silverlining ago

Just tried searching "james alefantis" - got Whoops! something is wrong... Same for "pegasus" I tried earlier in the day 4.4.17 and got same message - went to Something is not right.

awarenessadventurer ago



"Information about this is getting heavily censored. Voat may not be safe after recent breakthroughs from researchers connecting the dots between Ycombinator, Peter Theil, Dyncorp, Palantir, and Voat. Dyncorp is heavily involved in child trafficking and pedophilia. Peter Theil ( probably a pedo too ) owns part of ycombinator, facebook, palantir (nsa contractor), dyncorp, and voat ( since ycombinator owns part of voat and funds startups ). Voat users think they took users off of reddit since it was too close to the /r/donald and they were scared. Now since all the dots are being connected they have infiltrated the mods and are censoring very heavily.

Dyncorp tried hacking the pizzagate wiki and was caught."

Name Last commit 1661853b 4 weeks ago - Add new file | Lock History Last Update .. "millenium-falcon"-has-deleted-200-#pizzagate-threads-in-the-past-24-hours.--pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

09kabul1651:-us-military-contractor-dyncorp-involved-in-sexual-exploitation-of-afghan-boys-:-leakspin.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

dyncorp-owned-by-cerebus-&-veritas,-all-peter-thiel-holdings---palantir(fb,paypal)-nsa-spook-who-owns-voat-too.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

epstein...-u.s.-state-department-and-dyncorp-all-together-in-underage-female-trafficking.-|-pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

mod-gopluck-was-banned-as-mod-for-telling-people-to-investigate-"y-combinator"-as-a-main-vector-in-pizzagate-pedophila--|-pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

pizzagate-wiki-being-hacked-from-our-dyncorp-page-by-an-ip-in-waltham,-ma,-home-of-raytheon_dyncorp---round-2-|-pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago there-is-nothing-to-protect.-voat-has-been-fucked-from-the-beginning.-|-protectvoat.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

understanding-"why-the-mods-must-shutdown-_v_pizzagate",-because-trump_theil-lost-control-of-the-narrative.-|-pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

voat-was-in-fact-owned-by-y-combinator-[-dyncorp_palantir-]-1533845-|-pizzagate.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

welcome-peter.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

y-combinator-(company)---wikipedia-after-funding.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago

y-combinator-(company)---wikipedia-before-funding.html Add dyncorp, ycombinator, voat connection 2 months ago


Silverlining ago

AA Are you in a position to set up a clean voat-like service? Or know someone who could? @cantsleepawink thread archive

awarenessadventurer ago

Oh look. Peter Thiel is not just the owner of VOAT. He is also connected to DYNACORP. AI. on and on...

Relation to PROMIS, Palantir, Peter Thiel, and illegal mass surveillance In an investigation by the newsletter, From the Wilderness, in 2000, it was discovered that DynCorp was intimately related to mass-surveillance software PROMIS, and its successor Palantir, through artificial intelligence developer, Herbert "Pug" Winokur:[34]

Fitts' chief nemesis at Harvard, Herbert "Pug" Winokur, head of Capricorn Investments, and member of the board of the Harvard Endowment is also a PhD mathematician from Harvard where the mathematical breakthroughs that gave rise to Artificial Intelligence using block-modeling research were discovered. The pioneering research at Harvard that allegedly gave rise to the Artificial Intelligence installed in Promis later moved north. Winokur, through Capricorn Investments, had a decisive role in the 1980s management of the intelligence/government outsourcing mega-firm DynCorp, of Reston, VA. Winokur served as DynCorp CEO from 1989 to 1997. Pug Winokur made DynCorp what it is today and he still sits on the board. I was not surprised when Bill Hamilton confirmed to both Fitts and to me that Winokur's DynCorp had played a role in the evolution of Promis in the 1980s. Palantir, an audited interface to PROMIS, was co-founded by Peter Thiel who is also the current chairman.[35]

This is so fucked. We are puppets in a much larger game. Time to get the fuck out of dodge.

VieBleu ago

Thanks for this - could explain the entire abusive attitude of the mods here, and voat in general to the forum. What really makes this place strange is that they make a continuous string of decisions which hobble the effort, and it is a free speech forum, but somehow, the current mods are super sensitive and howl at justified criticism.

Silverlining ago

That is seriously bad news that Thiel is DynCorp. They are neck deep in pizzagate from what I have seen.

awarenessadventurer ago


So. Peter THIEL owns Voat. (and Reddit, and Paypal, etc) NSA Spook straight outta Stanford? (This alone is LOADED with NSA/Secret program connections). to much to excerpt. just read it.

Reddit is now partially owned by Satan, Peter Thiel. ( submitted 2 years ago by alllie Peter Thiel's political views can be summed up in one sentence: Most importantly, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.

alimar77 1 point 2 years ago The critical question then becomes one of means, of how to escape not via politics but beyond it. Because there are no truly free places left in our world, I suspect that the mode for escape must involve some sort of new and hitherto untried process that leads us to some undiscovered country... Comment interesting "They-the advocates of alternative, non-family-centered lifestyles such as, for instance, individual hedonism, parasitism, nature-environment worship, homosexuality, or communism-will have to be physically removed from society, too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order."

Escape From America: The Strange & Scary Billionaires Behind The Libertarian-Inspired Sea Castles Both Thiel and Milton Friedman’s grandson see democracy as the enemy–last year, Thiel wrote “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible” at about the same time that Milton Friedman’s grandson proclaimed, “Democracy is not the answer.” Both published their anti-democracy proclamations in the same billionaire-Koch-family-funded outlet, Cato Unbound, one of the oldest billionaire-fed libertarian welfare dispensaries. Peter Thiel Gave An Inventor $300,000 To Develop Man-Made Tornados

Peter Thiel Research

Singularity Thiel believes in the importance and desirability of a technological singularity.[57] In February 2006, Thiel provided $100,000 of matching funds to back the Singularity Challenge donation drive of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (then known as the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence). Additionally, he joined the Institute's advisory board and participated in the May 2006 Singularity Summit at Stanford as well as at the 2011 Summit held in New York City. In May 2007, Thiel provided half of the $400,000 matching funds for the annual Singularity Challenge donation drive.

Artificial INtelligence In December 2015 it was announced that Thiel is one of the financial backers of OpenAI, a non-profit company aimed at the safe development of artificial general intelligence.[58]

Life extension When asked ”What is the biggest achievement that you haven’t achieved yet?” by the moderator of a discussion panel at the Venture Alpha West 2014 conference, Thiel replied, “Certainly, the area that I’m very passionate about is trying to do something to really get some progress on the anti-aging and longevity front,” describing it as ”a massively under-studied, under-invested phenomena [sic].”[59] In September 2006, Thiel announced that he would donate $3.5 million to foster anti-aging research through the Methuselah Mouse Prize foundation.[60] He gave the following reasons for his pledge: "Rapid advances in biological science foretell of a treasure trove of discoveries this century, including dramatically improved health and longevity for all. I’m backing Dr. [Aubrey] de Grey, because I believe that his revolutionary approach to aging research will accelerate this process, allowing many people alive today to enjoy radically longer and healthier lives for themselves and their loved ones."

The Thiel Foundation supports the research of the SENS Research Foundation, headed by Dr. de Grey, that is working to achieve the reversal of biological aging. The Thiel Foundation also supports the work of anti-aging researcher Cynthia Kenyon. The SENS Research Foundation was invited as a participant in Thiel's Breakthrough Philanthropy conference (November 2010) and the Fast Forward conference (December 2011). Thiel said that he registered to be cryonically preserved, meaning that he would be subject to low-temperature preservation in case of his legal death in hopes that he might be successfully revived by future medical technology.[21] Breakout Labs In October 2011, the Thiel Foundation announced the creation of Breakout Labs, a grant-making program intended to fund early-stage scientific research that may be too radical for traditional scientific funding bodies but also too long-term and speculative for venture investors.[68] In April 2012, Breakout Labs announced its first set of grantees.[69]

In 2011, he wrote an editorial in National Review on the slowdown of technological progress and the state of modern Western civilization: Most of our political leaders are not engineers or scientists and do not listen to engineers or scientists. Today a letter from Einstein would get lost in the White House mail room, and the Manhattan Project would not even get started; it certainly could never be completed in three years. I am not aware of a single political leader in the U.S., either Democrat or Republican, who would cut health-care spending in order to free up money for biotechnology research — or, more generally, who would make serious cuts to the welfare state in order to free up serious money for major engineering projects...

Bilderberg Group Thiel is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, a private, annual gathering of intellectual figures, political leaders and business executives.[82]

Silverlining ago

VieBleu ago

/\/\/\ best short answer.

VieBleu ago

get @awarenessadventurer to ping him as well - needs to be more than one person

redditsuckz ago

I said "admins"...NOT mods...

sensitive ago

Sorry for that!

lactose ago

the mods ARE important but a video that seems to be repressed causes me discomfort. a serious video!!!!!!!!!! 2 D.C. teens were attacked by a sex trafficker and it was posted super late because the mods were going thru it..The Mods gave it a 15+...........they loved it!!!!!!!!!!!! This video is on page 2 of new. Nobody saw the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just the mods........voat saw the video and vetted it and archived it but they alowed it to be hidden away. Everyone will want to see this can see the perp and hear what she says about Virginia and her wealthy clients she has there......its all on twitter these ground level teen attack victims...need help, are we helping children here?.im worried.

Silverlining ago

awarenessadventurer ago

start a post. put it out there again.

VieBleu ago

repost again

VieBleu ago

He is the owner that KingKongIsWrong handed the forum off to. He seems to have a nordic nature and may be one of the originators of Voat as well. He does have a highly refined if slightly artificial intelligence feeling moral sense. He supposedly wants to know if any mods are compromised but mostly he stays out of everything and can hardly ever be seen here. If a few people pinged him about getting the bar righted once and for all, he might respond and actually be able to do something.

I think the way to go about it is embarrassment - seriously what kind of forum can't figure out how to keep a search bar going? Seriously deficient tech OR... someone wants to cripple this forum. One or the other, can't have it both ways.

Watch out though, the mod Vindicator or wecanhelp can't remember wheeled around and blasted me for thinking that the site "owed" us a search bar or anything at all, how arrogant of me, the mods need a vacation, etc... not long ago when I brought it up. I pointed out that the MODS DO HAVE CONTROL OVER ANNOUCEMENTS and could at minimum as a courtesty let people know what is going on (no response on that point of course). I can permalink if you need to see it, but trust, it was the typical inefficient, arrogant mod stance.

VieBleu ago

I've gone around and around with VSD regarding upholding a MINIMUM standard of no doxxing the public on this forum, which he did, after many long exchanges between us he finally actioned in his own subtle way. I have used up my capitol so to speak, or I would. Why don't you?

lactose ago

How come voat didnt put the video link up so everyone can see it???????????????A real sex trafficer recruiting young teens in D.C. and they have it on video tape...Where is it so everyone can easily find it????????? Everyone I'm sure would want to see this trafficing business and the woman who was giving these young girls a sales pitch......the girls even try to get help from dc police, they tell their story.........its important.......go see on and archived it there so they thought it was important. Najma Aala @ fucknoobabyy.....plz help these children, these girls are young teens

awarenessadventurer ago

archive link? i cant find anything.

lactose ago

go to new section and on second or third page you will see D.C. girls get attacked by Lactose.

lactose ago

the video is an a job interview and the girls get scared by what she is saying because they live where the dc girls are missing.they live there, anyway they recorded it and yes it is weird.

lactose ago

you might be right, i posted D.C. girls get attacked by sex trafficing scheme. these young girls are reaching out for help, they have it on vide and voat never put this video in HOT..not once!i think the citizens would like to see it rigjht? well, it buried on page 2 of new pages,,,,D.C. girls suffer sex trafficing attack and they have it on film.....nobody is talking about it.would you lioke to see it?????????????go to Najma Aala @fucknoobabyy on and girls are victims and they are trying to reach out for help.............

Silverlining ago

So link to the effing video!!

VieBleu ago


awarenessadventurer ago

Do a trace-route on, it takes you to foster-city, to Palantir ( peter thiel ) HQ ... NSA

The domain is registered in Panama, by a CIA front company. Voat is owned by Peter Thiel, not sure when he bought it from ATKO, most likely ATKO is just an employee of Thiel.

Corporate registration in Delaware, is because all the NEO-CONS get the best package deal for all their CORPS in Delaware, Think BIDEN.

History[edit] Founded in April 2014 as WhoaVerse, the website was initially a hobby project by a BSc student, Atif Colo (known on Voat as @Atko), who was later joined by Justin Chastain (known as @PuttItOut).[14][15] The website has been labelled as an alternative to Reddit with a focus on freedom of expression.[5][12][16] In December 2014, WhoaVerse changed its name to Voat for ease of use.[17]

In February, 2015, following accusations of censorship on Reddit, Voat claimed that they had seen a “large influx” of new users, most of them from Reddit.[18]

In early June, 2015, after Reddit banned five of its subreddits for harassment—the largest of which had around 150,000 subscribers[19][20]—many users of Reddit began to create accounts on Voat.[21] The influx of new participants temporarily overloaded the site, causing downtime.[22][23] During this time, Voat had both its web hosting and PayPal accounts closed without warning.[14][24][25][26] Its German web host cited "politically incorrect" content on the site[25][27][28] and distrust of Voat as the cause;[7][29] Publications noted that Germany has strict rules for hosting services.[7][30] The website continued to accept donations in Bitcoin,[12] and was able to continue functioning, as it had moved to a different hosting provider.[31] The website continued to experience downtime due to an ongoing distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack, rendering the 700,000 unique visitors unable to access the site.[6]

In early July 2015, following the dismissal of a popular administrator on Reddit, another influx of Reddit members registered with Voat,[32] leading to traffic which again caused Voat to experience downtime.[33][34][35] The developers of the website were subsequently approached by venture capitalists interested in investing in the project.[12]

Also in July, Voat, alongside Wikileaks, was subject to a Bitcoin "dust" attack and more DDoS attacks. The Bitcoin attack slowed payment processing to the websites.[36] The DDoS attack, launched July 12, was unsuccessful due to Cloudflare services, although it had the side effect of rendering third-party Voat apps incapable of functioning.[37][38]

In August 2015, Voat became incorporated in the United States. Co-founder Atif Colo explained in a post announcing the incorporation that this was because "U.S. law by far beats every other candidate country we’ve researched."[39][40]

In December 2016, Voat became a refuge for "Pizzagate" discussion after the Pizzagate subreddit was banned from Reddit.[41]

In January 2017, Atif Colo resigned as CEO of Voat.[42]

For more information on Whois status codes, please visit Domain Name: VOAT.CO Registry Domain ID: D63066075-CO Registrar: NAMECHEAP, INC. Registrar IANA ID: 1068 Registrar URL (registration services): Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited Registry Registrant ID: 138C0554776010A7 Registrant Name: WhoisGuard Protected Registrant Organization: WhoisGuard, Inc. Registrant Address1: P.O. Box 0823-03411 Registrant City: Panama Registrant State/Province: Panama Registrant Postal Code: 00000 Registrant Country: Panama Registrant Country Code: PA Registrant Phone Number: +507.8365503 Registrant Facsimile Number: +51.17057182 Registrant Email: [email protected] Administrative Contact ID: 138C0554776010A7 Administrative Contact Name: WhoisGuard Protected Administrative Contact Organization: WhoisGuard, Inc. Administrative Contact Address1: P.O. Box 0823-03411 Administrative Contact City: Panama Administrative Contact State/Province: Panama Administrative Contact Postal Code: 00000 Administrative Contact Country: Panama Administrative Contact Country Code: PA Administrative Contact Phone Number: +507.8365503 Administrative Contact Facsimile Number: +51.17057182 Administrative Contact Email: [email protected] Billing Contact ID: 138C0554776010A7 Billing Contact Name: WhoisGuard Protected Billing Contact Organization: WhoisGuard, Inc. Billing Contact Address1: P.O. Box 0823-03411 Billing Contact City: Panama Billing Contact State/Province: Panama Billing Contact Postal Code: 00000 Billing Contact Country: Panama Billing Contact Country Code: PA Billing Contact Phone Number: +507.8365503 Billing Contact Facsimile Number: +51.17057182 Billing Contact Email: [email protected] Technical Contact ID: 138C0554776010A7 Technical Contact Name: WhoisGuard Protected Technical Contact Phone Number: +507.8365503 echnical Contact Facsimile Number: +51.17057182 echnical Contact Email: [email protected] Name Server: KARA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM Name Server: AIDEN.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COM Created by Registrar: ENOM, INC. Last Updated by Registrar: NAMECHEAP, INC. Last Transferred Date: Wed Aug 26 23:08:40 GMT 2015 Domain Registration Date: Mon Nov 17 17:45:09 GMT 2014 Domain Expiration Date: Thu Nov 16 23:59:59 GMT 2017 Domain Last Updated Date: Fri Apr 22 21:59:38 GMT 2016

DNSSEC: false permalink save source report

Do a trace-route on, it takes you to foster-city, to Palantir ( peter thiel ) HQ ... NSA

The domain is registered in Panama, by a CIA front company. Voat is owned by Peter Thiel, not sure when he bought it from ATKO, most likely ATKO is just an employee of Thiel.

Corporate registration in Delaware, is because all the NEO-CONS get the best package deal for all their CORPS in Delaware, Think BIDEN.

[–] Memorexem 11 points (+11|-0) 3 months ago I'm fairly certain that Atko and Puttitout Incorporated. Not 100%. But they own Voat.

permalink save source report 10 [–] Memorexem 10 points (+10|-0) 3 months ago In case anybody wants the words:

If I missed to mention this, Voat is now a registered Delaware company and me and PuttitOut are the sole owners. Somewhere down the original post.

Silverlining ago

Splendid piece AA What is the name of the CIA front company?

VieBleu ago

Puttitout - was the individual who originally wrote (only after several complaints and a couple of confused and questioning submissions) that the search bar went down (no prior annoucement) and was going to be down for 1 day to check how much load it brought to the site.

lactose ago

i believe you might be right! go look at my submission. its an actuall video that voat has of 2 young girls getting hit on by a sex trafficker and they actuially video taped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go see it. the mods have left a ton of comments in there but they didnt give it any fan fare.....its on video.i think everyone would want to see the video. dont you?

awarenessadventurer ago

i dont want to see it. my heart is broken from seeing kid content. this is why i focus on other rleated areas. copy link and comments into this thread. i want to see comments, not the video. but someone might. i cant handle.

lactose ago

i understand, there is alot of info the mods put in there that is investigative, they did an excellent job, maybe its just me but if i was in here and the video wasnt pointed out so everyone could choose to see it I would feel cheated cuz i sure would want to see it.

awarenessadventurer ago

do you mind if i start another thread in regards to missing DC girls with this stuff... otherwise please do it. This is a good start. Lots of leads here. just drop it and go if you need to. Its your find. Worth a revisit.

Vindicator ago

There was a thread put up last night about this. The reason it was not flaired is because many commentors thought it was likely LARPing for Facebook fame. Neutrality seemed like the best stance until additional evidence/commentary/research came in. We often do it that way.

awarenessadventurer ago

You do it "often" to stop facebook fame? really....

Neutrality? REALLY?

Well it didnt work.

I am NOT saying all mods, or you specifically... but this place is not neutral in light of 'additional evidence/commentary/research and I dont believe a fucking word of it now, after the fact.

Its a living experiment from the beginning with nefarious aims. I am not a lab rat.

Y'all better re-evaluate your individual positions in this as the hammer will fall first on the MODS (or lab assistants?) and the good ones better stand up and be human beings. This is absolutely wrong in light of the possible data capturing dimention/dimensia on all of this. VOAT IS NOT SAFE. PERIOD. NOW ALL MODS ARE SUSPECT and this SITE IS CLEARLY FUCKED.

Vindicator ago

You do it "often" to stop facebook fame? really....

Interesting. Was that a *deliberate *misinterpretation of what I said? I said we often let the voates and comments guide us as to what needs a flair, and what type of flair. Awareness, you are starting to look highly suspect yourself. The "Voat is not safe" meme is exactly what we get here from known Share Blue alts, most of which we are able to remove. This thread itself violates the submission guidelines (Rule 4) which require posts about the moderation of the sub be made in v/pizzagatemods, but we have left it up because we felt the search information was valuable while the Search function is broken.

awarenessadventurer ago

delete it. No problem I dont believe VOAT is safe. I am sorry. I wish I did. If I am in violation DELETE it. DO another post with a new solution to search bar to help others. I really cant say anything else at this point... I am suspect, as is every single person on here.

I am sorry. Do what you need to.

VieBleu ago

ping VictorSteinerDavion

lactose ago

Did you see D.C. girls attacked by sex trafficker and they video tapped it? posted 17 hours ago? The name is @fucknoobabyy on twitter and saw it because it was put out super got +15 by the mods...............the citizens didnt get to see actually have to go to the next page of new to see it........................the citizens were not shown it in NEW as it came in at 11:00 last night.................go see.............Ms. Aala was hit on by a sex trafficker in D.C. and they have it all on and but the mods have not updated for hot.its ground zero for sex trafficking and the young girls recorded it...............Najma Aala@fucknoobabyy

1NationUnderAGroove ago

You've posted this same comment over and over .... How about posting the link if it's so damn important for everyone to see!!!

VieBleu ago

VictorSteinerDavion is the one that needs to be pinged people.

EDIT 5 hours later: Seems like he's no longer responsive. Maybe the mod list needs to be updated.

anonOpenPress ago

In a situation like this, at least good posts guiding to use other search options should be allowed bypassing some rules temporary. Here's one I tried to post earlier:

I compared the sidebar search with a couple of options. Example links are for the same word search Dyncorp for easy comparison.

Search bar - Simple, the best for the most liked information - Great layout, the best for avoiding double posting

DuckDuckGo (site filtered) - The most complete, the best for digging deeper

  • ORDER: relevance. Option to filter only recent results (day, week, month)
  • INCLUDED: topics, content, comments, part of deleted posts
  • EXCLUDED: the most recent posts might not appear due to irregular visit hours (even days) of duckduckgo robots
  • TIPS: Efficient filter using "-" in front of a word (example: -shill)
  • "MANUAL"
  • SPECIAL: DuckDuckGo redirects to searchvoat (above) with !voat bang (try: !voat dyncorp)

Vindicator ago

The thread I saw on this yesterday I left up for this reason. :-)

anonOpenPress ago

I guess one of these could be made sticky for the time the search bar doesn't work. Would you like me to post that as a discussion for that? With a topic like "While we're having problems with the search, here's some options"

abortionburger ago

How much power do you think we have over Voat? What on earth would lead you to believe that we can edit the site itself?

VieBleu ago

can't you ping VictorSteinerDavion? you have more clout as a mod than we do. Will you try it and get back to us or bring him here?

SecondAmendment ago

For what it's worth, mods, the "search" button on my computer is fine. Never had any problems with it.

abortionburger ago

Really? I can't get any searches to come up.

SecondAmendment ago

WHOA! I stand corrected. I was wrong! I posted that the searches were working because earlier today the search bar was, in fact, working fine. But just now when I tried a few searches I got an error message that said:

"Well this is embarrassing. Something went wrong and let's face it, nobody's happy about it. We'll dispatch our monstersquad to take a look at it right away!"

Sorry, @abortionburger. I should have checked before stating that it worked because, as of a few minutes ago, I could not get a search to work, either. Sorry.

abortionburger ago

It's all good! Good to know it's down for everyone. Mine hasn't worked in days, @vindicator was speculating that maybe it's a browser cache clearing issue.

Vindicator ago

Not that I would actually know, being a tech retard. Was just hypothesizing this would explain the variance between users. Search was up for a while after the posts linked by @awarenessadventurer above, but right around the April Fools UI change, it went byebye again.

Awareness, did you see my comment in the April Fools Day sticky over the weekend? Mods are as in-the-dark about this as users. There is only one Voat admin, @PuttItOut, the owner of Voat, who runs it in his spare time. Busy guy. I've pinged him a few times about the impact on our end, but he has never responded.

awarenessadventurer ago

Puttitout is also a founder/registered owner of this site. (public info, not a dox)

Founded in April 2014 as WhoaVerse, the website was initially a hobby project by a BSc student, Atif Colo (known on Voat as @Atko), who was later joined by Justin Chastain (known as @PuttItOut).[14][15] The website has been labelled as an alternative to Reddit with a focus on freedom of expression.[5][12][16] In December 2014, WhoaVerse changed its name to Voat for ease of use.[17]

Vindicator ago

Yes, I was just looking at his comment history to see what he might be up to -- looks like he has been neck deep in Voat Chat. Incidentally, this is how I find out what is going on around here: Go to v/AskVoat, v/VoatDev, v/announcements, v/ProtectVoat, NEW, and see if anyone has posted on the subject. However, titles of posts are not always indicative of actual content (cause few subs have rules requiring it), so you have to click and drill. :)

awarenessadventurer ago

I think we know all we need to about this forum, about all of it. For me, its obvious. ITS NOT SAFE HERE. WE ARE PART OF A LARGER CONTROL EXPERIMENT, "AI" driven. I am not interested in being a lab rat.

SecondAmendment ago

Yup. I swear. I'll search something right now and post a link to the results. Hang on. . . .

awarenessadventurer ago

I have not ONE SINGLE IDEA. but something is wrong and this site is compromised. Perhaps not you, but someone. If the Mods dont know then WHO DOES? You all must have some ideas, if anyone does. Why nothing on this? The reasons keep changing... someone is behind it. If it is not MODS then we should all be digging deep into who does control VOAT.

enlighten us on the answers to the questions you posted in this message. they may be helpful.

abortionburger ago

All we know is that we keep messaging admins and they won't respond. We're like the black sheep of Voat around here.

VieBleu ago

why do you stay? you were doing a lot of interesting, active work before you got modded here.

Vindicator ago

What makes you think she stopped? You don't think mods post their research under their mod names do you? That would be pretty dickish. We have alts for posting research, so that it can be judged on its own merits.

VieBleu ago

BTFO keep your nose in your own business Nellie. The question has nothing to do with you and was not directed at you.

Vindicator ago

All the "shit-stirring trolls" have something to do with me, VieBleu. I have users pinging me all day about the topic. If you don't want my nose in your business, you are in the wrong place. It's a public forum.

VieBleu ago

Your boss is cozy with DynCorp, that "Winokur served as DynCorp CEO from 1989 to 1997. Pug Winokur made DynCorp what it is today and he still sits on the board. I was not surprised when Bill Hamilton confirmed to both Fitts and to me that Winokur's DynCorp had played a role in the evolution of Promis in the 1980s. Palantir, an audited interface to PROMIS, was co-founded by Peter Thiel who is also the current chairman.[35]"

That's all that needs to be said regarding your integrity.

Did you get your bonus for hobbling the protest? Maybe that vacation you desire so much? What a good pet goat you are.

Mencomot ago

Why no (M) tag on this post?

abortionburger ago


awarenessadventurer ago

That is good to know. I think the MODS SHOULD start making a ruckus and asking serious questions on this forum. Why carry the burden? Lets call these fuckers out, whomever they are. I have not a clue.

sensitive ago

We are working on a strategy ...

abortionburger ago

We're working on it. We've got a good search alternative, about to make a post about it, possibly sticky. We are on your side!

awarenessadventurer ago

thank you. keep the communication lines running... it moves the focus from MODS and it gives us all a chance at informed consent on even BEING HERE in this venue. I personally am sketched out. But cant seem to stop...

VieBleu ago

There should not have to be a "strategy" and "workaround" for a flipping search bar.

palmitespo910 ago

It's probably more-so an admin thing. I haven't seen search working in other subs either.

awarenessadventurer ago

it is a PATTERN thing. WIth lots of excuses. Who does control and power VOAT? That is my question... I bet the mods have ideas about this. Questions that need to be asked IMO.

redditsuckz ago

The admins have the time to fool with the coding for an April Fools joke and they dont have time to get the search function working again?...

Yeah...dont think so...

awarenessadventurer ago

the focus shifts from the external, to the internal.


QUEATION: Are there any safety zones left?

VieBleu ago

VictorSteinerDavion - ping or private message this mod, listed on the right side menu. He is de facto "owner" here.

Silverlining ago

VSD is "just" an owner. I believe @kingkongwaswrong originally set it up and added two owners and the mods. They don't control the platform voat.

VieBleu ago

VSD had direct input and some voice over the rewrite KevDude did for the menu at right. At that time he was said to be the owner of this sub and he "came down from the mount" so to speak to discuss concerns I had here about doxxing a real estate agent and calling to harrass her. That was my experience anyway.

Silverlining ago

I only think what I know. @awarenessadventurer seems to have a pretty good handle on the whole voat control thing.

VieBleu ago

ha ha she went pretty wild about it - cause she's not here all the time. The rest of us are beaten down and cynical about it all.we just sort of half object. It was refreshing to see someone else try to slap them into a bit of action. But just as ineffective as usual. Apparently if you read down replies to me, according to Vindicator all of this is somehow my fault. lol unbelievable. But that is how propagandists work.

palmitespo910 ago

I think @sensitive literally just answered some of those questions a little bit. Mod ≠ Admin. I am a mod on an image board as well and, like these mods, I have no control over how the site works. I can suggest, but I cannot control. I just moderate.

sensitive ago

Exactly. Thanks.

awarenessadventurer ago

go ahead. delete this mods. archived.

a million excuses and nothing to say.

sensitive ago

We mods are currently discussing the topic, too. Pretty funny coincidence. And we are NOT happy about that, either, believe me ...

Silverlining ago

Consider embedding on the sticky and/or sidebar.

awarenessadventurer ago

I think it would be good to make sure the rest of us are aware of that. It has been strangely silent. In this way we know something larger is happening and we dont have to distrust the Mods (as they are important function of this site) If y'all think its compromised then we should discuss openly. Are we all in danger of being on some 'list' somewhere? At what point in the investigation did search bars start going away? What else do you know? Lets hit this hard. Lives on the line. Seriously.

Silverlining ago

You're already on a list AA - have no fear!

Mencomot ago

I hope you are using a VPN. Also, thank you for your diligence.

awarenessadventurer ago

I am not. I am an idiot (and dont really know how to do that). I must also have some kind of deathwish and belief in protection from a higher consciousness. apparently massively deluded into thinking I am safe. LOL.

Mencomot ago

I suppose, at this point, if what this content suggests is indeed true, we are all already on a list and thusly it doesn't much matter how we proceed with such information. Share on, dear friend.

VieBleu ago

The search bar first went away "coincidentally" at about the time the anti-protest sticky went up, and it stayed missing during the entire time the protests and their word of mouth and advertising might have been expected to bring in curious newcomers. It was disabled for a great deal longer than the "couple of days" given as an excuse. It was supposedly disabled to "test" the load on the website without it for one day, that turned into 4, a week, longer... There was never a formal annoucement made, maybe finally a comment when people noticed and complained. Never a courtesy notice for days and day after it was supposed to return. It was restored about two days after the second protest, a day or so after the anti-protest sticky was finally removed and morale and numbers were at a low point.

You can yell and make a fuss all you want but you won't get kind consideration for your position, much acknowledgement, and even less action.

sensitive ago

Agree 300 %. As said, we are working on something.