YingYangMom ago

If you are a shill, you are going to react negatively to this post, so give yourself a break, go pour yourself a cup of piss or whatever it is you drink on breaks, and smoke a nice toxin stick to smooth your shattered shill nerves - in other words you'll want to skip this post.

Hahaha. Great intro. Love it!

I too want the search bar back and I think it's a shame that the '100 submission points buffering before downvoating' rule has been cancelled without notice.

I almost feel like a little girl begging her heartless stepmother for her bike back or something. That little girl knows it's totally up to her 'handler' and deep down inside knows it's a waste of time, but she still begs for it back because she can't bring herself to stay silent and continues to harbour some small secret hope that she'll be able to bring about some sense of compassion out of her stepmother. There's another word for it too: pathetic LOL

Gotta be able to laugh at yourself sometimes to keep your sanity intact.

Silverlining ago

Is it possible the search was disabled because it was using too much bandwidth? I searched reddit and every other search came back saying the system was overloaded. @VieBleu

And on the shills business, if someone is prepared to pay to disrupt our enterprise, it must mean it matters to said someone. Shills are validating [and irritating!]

VieBleu ago

this place is operating at about half of what it was a month ago, but suddently, when pedogate interest has a chance to spike again, the anti-protest sticky appears, and the search is disabled. At the very best, it is the absolutely worst management any site could possibly execute. If they tried to work against the interests of pedogate, they would do exactly those moves.

Incompetence or pretence - Does it really matter?

Silverlining ago

But the search has come off all subverses - I think. It could be related to the dumping of v/pizzagate from the Google searches. Peter Thiel does own voat after all! But to take it off just to spike v/pizzagate seems a bit extreme. Can you just ask them why they did it? And ask for them to put it back.

VieBleu ago

YingYangMom asked, several voaters asked. It was supposed to be put back up 2 days ago now after "testing" how much 'load" it caused the site.

The whole thing is BS. It was not taken off all subverses, most subverses didn't have it. But this place always had it from the beginning and even when it had a lot of traffic, whcih it doesn't have now. They probably want to install code to be able to track who searches what or cripple the searches in some way or some other nefarious bs. It will be interesting to see if it appears again after the prostest they hope to crush on the 25th.

Silverlining ago

How do you know the traffic on v/pizzagate is dropping? Bad news if it is.

VieBleu ago

just monitor the stats on the right side of the page. We used to have 3000 plus here regularly now it is good to get over 1500 and that is not that often, uusally less than 1000 of course it varies, but it is easy to see and also you can see the static front page, stuff doesn't move for hours and days. Used to move a lot faster.

Silverlining ago


VieBleu ago

it's not that it is not possible, it is just not reasonable.

VieBleu ago

thanks for that. Watch your great sense of humor YYM, if the mods find out that it is helping you out, they'll try to take that away too!

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for the warning! Haha.

DonKeyhote ago

Head shills are sensitive and millenialf


VieBleu ago

yes, another coincidence! : ) I'm glad to hear some feedback do you have some links on the guy that created it? I'd really like to take a look. btw i really liked this post of yours - opened my eyes a bit more about shills. Worthwhile to cross post here, this is a possible Craigslist Ad For Shills


throwaway89209834 ago

I can't wait to hear their positive feedback on this helpful post with their great suggestions! Can you?

Did you really have to make your own post for this, instead of continuing the existing post here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1727768 ?? May be coincidence but less than 24 hours we have this sequence of posts


May be coincidence, and imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I'm starting to wonder how many of you are posting more for the limelight than to actually help.

VieBleu ago

I saw your comment here also just before you commented https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1727858/8454341 nice work, interesting about the use of torrent for websites.

VieBleu ago

I had been working on that post for a few hours, started it and then had to go and come back. It actually is a coincidence. I hardly see it as something that will earn any kind of limelight status. Must be something to do with how people feel disenfranchised by losing the search bar without warning which was promised to return yesterday, so we all feel the need to help our fellow investigators out.

Also without the search bar, we obviously can't quickly look and find out if others are posting similarly, but honestly it did not occur to me to check because this submission was a bit unusual for me.

Do you have any information about the search bar status?

kazza64 ago

whats the difference between a shill and a troll

VieBleu ago

Shills are paid, and ironically care less than trolls who do their dirty business for the love of it.

DonKeyhote ago

What if you got banned and the next day a suspicious character shows up to a local bar and looks you in the eyes and calls you a Rothschild and tells you to change your lifr, shill troll or paid actor

VieBleu ago
