sensitive ago

@HugoWeaving, have to remove your post per rule 1. Heard that Voat is currently looking at how much cpu search uses so we are getting a benchmark with the site running without it. Should be back on tomorrow. Apologies.

abortionburger ago

Yeah, we (mods) were wondering the same thing last night.

Martenzo ago

Or it's because the search bar is garbage in general and doesn't return results more recent than 3 months?

druhill007 ago

I like it :)

cantsleepawink ago

There's a ! Lol, I never knew.

srayzie ago

Where is the top sticky with all of the rules and updates in it?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I haven't been able to search for arcticles on Voat for days. Everything comes back with no results :(

VieBleu ago

Anybody ever think about doing an annoucement? Jeez.

Vindicator ago

Nice effort at a research post @HugoWeaving. Appreciated. Might want to throw in a link to one of the stories about Google dropping us from their search index as a form of censorship, just to make sure you've got a plausible pizzagate related link. ;-)

kestrel9 ago

I just posted that it was missing, in the help/askvoat subverse.

Mellowmountain ago

i was wondering the same thing

kestrel9 ago

Maybe when they dropped the Ad for the PG March the search bar went away by mistake.

Vindicator ago

No. It was gone before that. It was Puttitout.

gurneyx ago

LOL you followed the rules this might stay up i was wondering the same thing!