VieBleu ago

Thanks for this, I have it saved. Please check this out as well and upvoat if you find humorous, usefull or neither or borth. ; )

dogeminho ago

People Search

For campaign finance

Dressage2 ago

This is always so appreciated. Thank you so much for your time and effort.

throwaway89209834 ago

This was posted earlier, it is the motherload of resources -

The_Kuru ago

I use google news "custom range" a lot. Doesn't seem to work from smart phone, just computer. Put in your search terms and then search and then click "tools" and a drop-down button will appear at the far left above the first search result and it will say "any time" with an arrow. Click on that and select custom range. Then fill in the time frame you want and you can narrow your search to old articles that don't otherwise appear when you do a straight google search. That is how you access the archives.

equineluvr ago

Superb compilation!

I would add the search engine to the list. It does not track you.

Thank you!

srayzie ago

You're awesome! Thank you!

FckPizza3 ago

Wow!! Thanks for this!!

anonOpenPress ago

Great list indeed! My personal tips, if helpful to anyone:

  • Never underestimate the other side. Whatever great you think you realized, alway think they have considered that already
  • Silence is gold, use your best information only when it's actually useful and don't reveal it too early. However, do not keep the best parts solely in your hard drive, instead make sure a trustworthy friend have an access to that just in case
  • In this case, be public or get someone to be public every know and then. The other side is waiting for the dust to settle
  • Focus on the evidence
  • Make a note of all the parties involved, they are probably in your group too
  • Morning is wiser. Sleep over night before any bigger decisions/shares/etc
  • **Don't dive too deep - have a rest, have fun, go out, it'll keep you fresh **

AHuman ago

No problem. Feel free to add any other tools or tips.