Don-Keyhote ago

Not gonna apologize for the fact that spelling indicates reading habits which indicates intelligence.

equineluvr ago

I stopped reading after the 6th typo.

Don-Keyhote ago

I hope yoire equally critical of supposed 4chan insiders

equineluvr ago

I'm critical of anything that is riddled with typos, no matter who the author is.

Don-Keyhote ago

Good, I took a Fed job test once and there's an entire hour of correcting punctuation grammar etc bcuz half your work will be drafting memos to be quickly read by your coworkers. Thus I am immediately suspicious of someone who hasn't ingrained those habits into their writing.

anonOpenPress ago

sorry about that, will go through.

2impendingdoom ago


  1. Crime DOES pay

  2. Violence is rewarded

  3. Whistleblowing is punished

anonOpenPress ago

  1. & 2. court, when the time comes
  2. Unless found to be necessary to reveal these crimes against humanity... If it's found out that this crime is covered up in such high levels as suggested here, I'm sure no whistleblower is convicted. Heroes of the community worth medals in this case. If one blow to the whistle saves one child's life, its already more than welcome. When the court finds out that a child would have been dead without it, what do you really think?

equineluvr ago

You have a very idealized view of our criminal justice system. Haven't you been reading the posts here?

anonOpenPress ago

I can only hope that any laws preventing such serious crimes to be revealed would be changed. The court is, eventually, what we make of it. There's really no case where a whistle has been seen as necessary earlier?

equineluvr ago

It has nothing to do with the laws on the books and EVERYTHING to do with how those laws are enforced.

2impendingdoom ago

Have you been in court, where the judge has an army of lawyers (even your own) lined up against you to take your personal and business property (or children) even though you are a victim of a physical violence crimes and that person owes you restitution, has threatened your life and is in prison? because this is happens in courts in the united states even though there are all sorts of laws that the judge and those lawyers are breaking. Did you know that a litigant can be locked up indefinitely in some states for contempt of court (which is whatever the judge wants it to be?

anonOpenPress ago

Can anything be done to that? I'm more towards realizing the facts and towards solutions than accepting something like that (so thanks for bringing the issue up, as it's pretty relevant also in the human trafficking cases). If the crimes takes place in war/coflict zones (where children are hijacked), could an international war court be used?

2impendingdoom ago

do you think that victimized children can afford uncorrupted international lawyers when even citizens of the united states can't get justice?

anonOpenPress ago

Problematic, yes. Defence attorney is free, but if uncorrupted... hmm. Well, we're not actually in this stage quite yet with the pizzagate (hopefully soon), so should we focus on actions helping the current stage instead?

2impendingdoom ago

A defense attorney is not free, in whatever universe you are in, only for criminals, not crime VICTIMS.

anonOpenPress ago

Sorry I was confused... Victims would be heard, hopefully, and the prosecutor would be either hired or public. But should we really get out of court? Maybe not constructive at this point, while the first charges are yet to come

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