toobaditworks ago

@toobaditworks is a dick!

toobaditworks ago

fuck you shill!

AOU ago

Not even with a 10ft pole.

AOU ago

I haven't, even though you could easily be.

AOU ago

Read again

AOU ago

I enjoy mocking and shaming beta pig fuckers like you and their useless mayoleeches.

Do you broom and mother in law your waffle stomp factory?

AOU ago

You don't need to share the beastiality stuff you're fapping on.

AOU ago

I didn't see you behind your hambeast.

AOU ago

Did I?

AOU ago

Who said that?

AOU ago

Dear beta pig fucker SBBH troll, mayo dumpsters are not women.

VieBleu ago Nice fight with shill poster right out of the gate.

Fuck You paid SHILL!

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[–] VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 3 minutes ago

whoop whoop

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[–] PhlebotomyConspiracy [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 51 minutes ago

Prove this to be untrue.

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[–] doolord 1 points (+1|-0) 34 minutes ago

What does this have to do with Pizzagate. Your account was made 40 minutes ago and it took you 9 minutes to post this shit.

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[–] Catchthem -1 points (+0|-1) 46 minutes ago

I dont need to.. this will get deleted soon! Your BabylonFalls friends post also..

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[–] eyeVoated 0 points (+0|-0) 35 minutes ago

Your tactics are about as useful as your measly life. Time for a career change, loser.

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[–] Catchthem 0 points (+0|-0) 29 minutes ago

What the fuck are you talking to me Asshole! Defending your Pedo Loving Shill friends? Fuck You too!

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[–] eyeVoated 0 points (+0|-0) 26 minutes ago

Rofl. When you get through your anger and become enlightened, you'll say the most powerful three words to yourself: "I was wrong".

Best of luck, grasshopper.

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[–] Catchthem 0 points (+0|-0) 23 minutes ago

I wasn't wrong at all about those 2 Shill posts from your friends.. They got deleted! So Fuck You Shill Asshole Too!

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[–] VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 3 minutes ago

You are the winner of Shill Fight O' The Day!! Congrats, here's your bleu diamond 💎 and well done. This post is totally dodgy.

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[–] Catchthem 0 points (+0|-0) 1 minute ago

Haha lol Thanks! They only give me more energy to fight even harder..

VieBleu ago

This one started with querying a mod who is inconsistantly applying rules that leave up posts they like for an agenda, and taking down posts they don't like. You can easily point out their inconsistancies. But then the mod got a little fired up and ha, revealed so much.

Putting the text here because this shill mod will prob go back and try to delete their foolishness. And if you are reading here wecanhelp, don't worry this conversation has legs elsewhere I'm just putting this here for fun. You really showed the disdain of the mods for the forum. At least you finally had ONE honest moment.

wecanhelp [M] 0 points (+0|-0) 31 minutes ago

It was removed per rule 4, meta discussion about the subverse. Furthermore, the search bar issue has been discussed a dozen times, a site developer has addressed the issue, they're working on something that is apparently taking more time than expected, and it doesn't exclusively happen on /v/pizzagate but on all subverses. I don't know how many times this needs to be pointed out.

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[–] VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 30 minutes ago

If it had been dealt with properly to begin with, with notification about it being removed, perhaps you wouldn't be so taxed with questions, ever think about it that way?

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[–] wecanhelp [M] 0 points (+0|-0) 20 minutes ago

Ever think about the bunch of conspiracy theorists populating this board? There are decent investigators and minds here, outstanding even, but a growing majority will jump on everything that looks dramatic enough without actually doing their own five-minute research and reflect a bit. And why do you think Voat developers owe you anything, let alone a notification of every little development step that they take, considering how it's already been stated by one of them that this is a temporary change? Try developing a platform like this sometime, you'll soon find out that things don't always go as planned. In any case, this is not /v/pizzagate material. If you want, you can bombard Voat devs with your queries and theories all you like over on /v/voatdev, you'll be surprised that they do actually react eventually.

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[–] VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 11 minutes ago

Ever think about the bunch of conspiracy theorists populating this board?

how transparent. It's the CIA generated phrase used to control people who question and supposedly shame them. YES pizzagate is a conspiracy theory actually, so yes they populate this board. Sorry you don't like the actual pupose of this board which is to investigate a CONSPIRACY.

but a growing majority will jump on everything that looks dramatic enough without actually doing their own five-minute research and reflect a bit.

That's because the moderation here allows any nutball post to stay up for days, I have pointed out several that are misleading, false in their titles, unsupported by evidence. And every mod just like you comes back and says, Oh, I can't do anything about it. What a bunch of pathetic agenda driven losers you all are, and very transparent as well.

And why do you think Voat developers owe you anything, let alone a notification...

Because they INVITED this community here and promised transparency. Maybe you weren't around at the beginning and missed that part.

You guys are unorganized, inconsistent and constantly knocking the balls out of this movement and then try to cover it with fabrications, tissues of lies and cowardly excuses. You really think it is too much trouble to make a freaking announcement about removing the search bar on an INVESTIGATION forum? Just incredible. I can't wait to take this converstation far and wide for further proof of just what your mod culture thinks is reasonable.

Now please hurry back to doing absolutely nothing except fighting the effort here, and have a great time at your next CIA sponsored pizza party.

TheTrigger ago
