Gothamgirl ago

It looks like they did some changes to the site now there is newer info..

Micheal84 ago

Your right, its just weird info.

Found something interesting?

Gothamgirl ago

I haven't been able to dig just yet. I have something interesting on LHOHQ site. I will post when I have time. I did post something here a few days ago.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I commented on one of his post. After you go through the meanings you realize this individual is quite brilliant, I started to decipher another but for some reason I can not get the hyperlinks that I inserted to work on here.

.Kalx SIM card * myspace test field Conspiracy rightism left-wing no help but poison poison satan sacrifice right-wing strength primordial primordial* brainwash Pentagon Visualization satan sacrifice Hiele* MSM Brainwash endurance UFO machine tuned rightism leftism Hiele facebook* which you can find here, I think pedophiles mentality brainwash brainwash technique SR-71 Aeromorph* America technique erection Cellular GCHQ* Mcdonalds DCSPIM* XXXTentacion* being no pedophiles Pentagon test LHOHQ creation machine* it's great leftis Milky way* IBM* being GCHQ GCHQ however found out a new way to DCSPIM was there sticky UFO Big L* but machine however however found out a new way to Joseph* no help but Britney Spears Big L used to Ukraine words Britney Spears it's not the issue today anymore radical I love to kill introverted* women Conspiracy asylum MySpace* tuned creation spoken Pentagon technique but however found out a new way to brainwash strength Hiele GCHQ used to Cellular a sticky MSM Brainwash Britney Spears matches National Socialism* Britney Spears Joseph Dell test however found out a new way to Death Grips MSM Brainwash Milky way right-wing love organ however found out a new way to was there care IBM Skrillex Pentagon format NetFlix Cellular* not machinery Cellular pedophile XXXTentacion being SR-71 Aeromorph XXXTentacion MySpace Hillary Clinton Joseph Pentagon I love to kill introverted women Milky way I love to kill introverted women NetFlix Obamacare machinery SIM card* SR-71 Aeromorph but Dell spoken matches erection was there primordial Ukraine satan sacrifice radio* right-wing I love to kill introverted women format left-wing however found out a new way to it's not the issue today anymore facebook Ukraine techniques Murdoch organ right-wing* SR-71 Aeromorph National Socialism Visualization Pentagon National Socialism radio technique Cellular techniques love tuned cure techniques* myspace are love endurance however found out a new way to pedophiles pedophiles erection Hillary matches test but God Mcdonalds organ leftism Death Grips creation asylum Big L MSM Brainwash hello Skrillex test GCHQ SIM card Pentagon are facebook America words it's great Skrillex DCSPIM IBM XXXTentacion techniques alien Kalx no help spoken cure are MySpace GCHQ asylum are Osamu Sato Conspiracy erection tune sticky Osamu Sato Obamacare test selwyn SIM card* sticky Ridge Racer no help care satan sacrifice technique spoken are Britney Spears asylum it's great Hillary tuned UFO was there primordial machinery leftism Cellular alien XXXTentacion LHOHQ Pentagon format primordial Murdoch Milky way meditation test pedophiles National Socialism god UFO endurance love was there NetFlix Death Grips god Osamu Sato machinery Clinton Foundation god however Kalx are Ridge Racer pedophile technique tune was there matches SIM card poison creation Clinton Foundation hello myspace right-wing Hillary Clinton SIM card poison matches meditation god America MySpace organ pedophile technique god XXXTentacion America field machinery it's not the issue today anymore IBM Visualization America field XXXTentacion Clinton Foundation National Socialism selwyn myspace Ukraine poison sticky Conspiracy being care Obamacare Mcdonalds XXXTentacion however found out a new way to MSM Brainwash DCSPIM Hillary care test machine tune mentality field LHOHQ endurance organ sticky god not words JTRIG mentality Obamacare Hillary left-wing pedophile care god test Ridge Racer Ukraine asylum tune Mcdonalds Visualization asylum field tuned Pentagon poison it's not the issue today anymore radical IBM mentality America spoken Britney Spears care asylum satan sacrifice Britney Spears Death Grips XXXTentacion creation no Conspiracy but SR-71 Aeromorph myspace LHOHQ brainwash care matches selwyn Murdoch meditation left-wing machine matches techniques SIM card leftism was there Joseph are Ukraine Hiele technique organ I love to kill introverted women pedophile techniques erection technique selwyn Conspiracy Death Grips tuned Visualization a but JTRIG Big L JTRIG organ America Kalx sticky technique love Ukraine Hiele it's not the issue today anymore Ukraine Milky way however found out a new way to Obamacare field XXXTentacion primordial facebook Britney Spears IBM SIM card IBM UFO poison test tune a strength was there Osamu Sato Pentagon matches MySpace Britney Spears format Hillary Osamu Sato organ Murdoch are Osamu Sato myspace Murdoch leftism Mcdonalds matches organ technique Death Grips organ Skrillex erection hello format MySpace left-wing JTRIG format field endurance love Dell Ridge Racer Kalx Britney Spears cure right-wing facebook it's great rightism SIM card Pentagon poison rightism alien radical Obamacare right-wing but tune not XXXTentacion Murdoch used to National Socialism poison but alien right-wing Britney Spears Hillary Obamacare spoken radio alien MSM Brainwash.

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as I was doing angular that developed underground javascript key Craigm94 Steve1989 MREinfo Stickyfingaz745 Paul Buikema tech-savvy pedophiles who watch photorealistic cheese pizza that they cannot be arrested for Notorius bandwagon Charles Onyet php c printf("hello, world"); printf hello world fprintf c++ generated code ADT high-level tree structure linked list There are knows. There 's also a link to LHOHQ on the website, which I saw getting mention here once. Podesta 2017 leak panama type era from adminstiration conclsuvie It might be the CIA. MKULTRA is still active under a different name obviously. ï½ˆï½ ï½“ ï½”ï½’ï½ ï½Žï½“ï½ƒï½…ï½Žï½„ï½…ï½„ ï½”ï½ ï½†ï½Œï½ ï½ ï½’: 2. Blank banshee death grips synt synt disposal sanitary hack leak death grips leak BLOG ENTRY

Gothamgirl ago

I haven't notice anywhere but here, & despite how many times it gets knocked down its all connected. I would take the time to explain it as a post. But the thing is it would take time & it will probably get deleted and I am a horrible writter.

Gothamgirl ago

No, I have been trying myself with no luck but I know whats in them. I followed every other clue so I know everything they've done and its absolutely is connected to pizzagate.

samhara ago

I had it archived before it was deleted.

I was using Google to search for jamesacorp, as it is part of JA's email adres [email protected]. It took me to this site: Edit: when you press the picture of the men and boy, you get a nsfw website, really weird fcked up stuff. ! Very weird site full of email adreses, and a disturbing picture, u should realy check it out yourself. When i open this site on my mobile it wanna download something and open it with Gooleplay, havent done that. I changed the url to this: Thats even weirder. Edit: This is the google search result text: How is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpster › justin-bieber ... Auto-Added [email protected] Auto-Added [email protected] Auto- Added [email protected] Auto-Added ... Edit: use this searchterm in google to find more "How is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpster" Edit: Pressing the pink square took me here From there u can press the picture and go further down the rabbithole. Edit: WTF!!! NSFW (naked men with gun picture) Edit: Found some new stuff Goverment funded?? Edit: some more stuff i found, at the bottom of this site is an archive going back to 2006.

educate_yourself ago

thank you for sharing new information!

zeethus4 ago

Seriously, WTF IS THIS?!? -------> Is this supposed to be a mock snuff film?

zeethus4 ago

Sorry for late reply, dont know if you've seen it yet or not. Its basically two men sexually groping a bloodied womans body hanging by her hands, while being narrated by a creepy sounding pervert. Its really nauseating to watch.

DMTco2Melatonin ago

*** (Hard Sinister state and operating in activities that is that which they think so. some indivisible horizontals to a media group for this profile are now kept at Georgetown University)*

DMTco2Melatonin ago

I think equineluvr is a learning machine. I have monitored them over a 48 hour period and it's not really human what they are doing.

Micheal84 ago

People i hope you all read this!! I reposted here

Im really sorry for being this stupid !!!!

GhostOfSwartz ago

Why was this deleted?

Micheal84 ago

Man i did this by accident!! Someone know how to get it back?? Was editing my post when i pressed the wrong buttons, im on my phone.

Micheal84 ago

Holy shit i deleted the post when trying too edit it, someone know how to set it back???

Please help!!!

GhostOfSwartz ago

I hope you can get it back up. I was just getting into it. This is unbelievable man!

Micheal84 ago

I know its the most popular topic here.

Im waiting for the moderators to answer me back.

Realy hope it can be put back.

ansipizza ago

El cruddo, fantastic thread still deleted. Mods, can it be re-rooted or undeleted?

AngB23 ago

UGHHH! Wonder if someone snapped a pic and you can retype it?

NotAnIdiot ago

Search LHOOHQ (I did on Bing). The second link description talks about the CIA and... wait for it... Pegasus Technologies.

AngB23 ago

Thats huge. Where did you get LH DOUBLE O HQ? Is it two or one O?

NotAnIdiot ago

One O. It's the website in the post.

AngB23 ago

FckPizza3 ago

Why would they mention podesta though?

AngB23 ago

Ya I don't know. That is weird. But I think the vid game is Bloodborne or something.

AngB23 ago

OMG! Yes! Same tweet I RT a while ago. What does that mean? Also, I think you said you are like me and haven't ventured into that weird website but if you do just a basic internet search (DuckDuckGo or whatever) of it and look at images, you can see all kinds of stuff. VERY weird stuff.

FckPizza3 ago this Twitter account really bothers me for some reason. It's almost like they set this up to leak George Webb's videos without being noticed or something?? Like I don't understand why??

FckPizza3 ago

Haha nevermind I'm retarded

FckPizza3 ago

That whole twitter is crazy! And thanks for the image search suggestion.. lol I have put it in a duck duck go search but never thought about the images part!

AngB23 ago

Ya, you won't see all the weird strobe, flashing lights stuff which is a GOOD thing I think. But you can see some weird pics for sure. Probably not to the extent of what others see but it's better than us not seeing anything at all.

FckPizza3 ago

This twitter account is really interesting...

FckPizza3 ago

This twitter account is watching all of George Webb's YouTube videos and seems really weird

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

715 comments (the most I ever saw) and this too HOT topic is ONLY to be found on the third page of the NEW section,,,???

Micheal84 ago

Thats because there newer topics, when you select "Hot" you see the most discussed topics, this one is more on top there.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I just did another look through and can't find it appearing on any page TOP NEW or HOT. Guess it's yesterday's news. Yawn?

I hope you make the recovery work, someone else knows how. Best of Luck.

Micheal84 ago

Hope so too.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Me I'm too PTSD'd to look down any rabbit hole with this much heat emanating. I'm a bystander watching it unfold, waiting for second hand info. I lend a hand where I can. .

Micheal84 ago

I reuploaded it here

Please upvote! ;)

Omnicopy ago

If you click on the very first link and then click on the artwork of the woman with her legs cut off with the baby it takes you to a porn website

AngB23 ago


Omnicopy ago

Looks like the lady holding the baby is dead. Her stomach is cut open and her legs are cut off

Psychanaut ago

HI EVERYONE: What this amazing poster has discovered is a vault. It's an information vault encrypting information with visual filters and other encryption I am not aware of. That is why they will always seem similar but contain different information and different imagery. What would be most helpful is to do this scientifically and use wayback to see this address over time and download the screens every month for the past several years. I think this is an "alt-wikileaks".

Micheal84 ago

I hope your right, and somebody smart enough will figure it out.

VieBleu ago

If we could just find the obvious link to...Racine, Wisconsin.

anonOpenPress ago

So you joined Voat to share this comment, here down in a thread commented uite a lot. Should I say "hey, thanks!" Please make it clear you're not a shill and I might remove a downvoat.

FckPizza3 ago

We need to get legit hacker's on this... 4chan helped some but not much... They did say that this was from an anonymous member.... so idk...

AngB23 ago

Kind of surprised bcuz I thought 4chan had a lot of computer gurus. I was really hoping they could help out more

FckPizza3 ago

I know. Some really cared and were asking for others to help out and then other one's were talking shit about us and the legitimacy of pizzagate. It was pretty pathetic. Aren't there other hacker's somewhere though? Like I've heard of 8chan and blue chan but I am clueless on how to find them....

Micheal84 ago

If you go here, on the bottom right theres some links to 4chan.

FckPizza3 ago

I'm not clicking that. I don't use tor etc. I'm not tech savvy so I don't directly click on link's but I try to help out by searching elsewhere...

Micheal84 ago

Im not using tor either, just hope its safe to go there.

FckPizza3 ago

Wow! You are much braver than I am that's for sure. My husband won't let me research any of this stuff :/ so I'm just a devoted lurker and try to help out where I can

FckPizza3 ago

It has to be a leak of some sort..... imo

FckPizza3 ago

:( take a break from it if you can

equineluvr ago

Good catch! i think you may be right. :)

anonOpenPress ago

You've been user for 4 months and this is your first and only comment, linking to an ole thread. Could you clear out your intentions, are you here to help our studies (so far zero) or to distract us

equineluvr ago

Octagon: The geometric symbol representing the Knights Templar/Freemasonic HQ in Switzerland. (?)

AngB23 ago

Do not copy and past the .com address from this. I did, at work like an idiot and IT had to sweep my computer. The "real" illuminati. I have no idea what this is about when I saw it a couple of months ago

equineluvr ago

You didn't address the subject: "Pizza parlors were designed from the beginning to separate the moms from their kids."

Spare me, I don't need a lecture on pizza parlors being used as FRONTS for criminal activities.

Just admit it; you posted BS and I called you out on it!!

equineluvr ago

Yes, including TRUMP.

equineluvr ago

Yes. Do you see a connection on this website to the satanic horse or DIA?

equineluvr ago


d.Human patients and volunteers for experimental use will be available under controlled clinical conditions within the full supervision of [deletion] Subproject 35 was originally conceived in October and November of 1954, and the ensuing six months have indicated that increasing emphasis and importance are being placed on the Chemical Division's work in this field. The facilities of the hospital and the ability to conduct controlled experiments under safe clinical conditions using materials with which any Agency connection must be completely deniable

  1. In view of these circumstances the project engineer, with verbal approval from his chief, authorized the contractor to pay the hospitals expenses of certain persons suffering from incurable cancer for the privilege of studying the effects of these chemicals during their terminal illnesses.

As stated in Section V, our contribution, by appearing to be from a private source, would increase the matching Government contribution by a similar amount which would not be the case if it were known that this was in fact a Government contribution also. Secondly, it is the stated policy of the hospital to charge the Government and commercial organizations 80 per cent overhead on research contracts, whereas nonprofit foundations pay only direct costs but no overhead. Because of the ostensible source, our projects will not be charged overhead. This could be construed as morally wrongful to the hospital, as normally we would pay the 80 per cent overhead charge for projects performed directly for us, but I believe this can be offset, at least to the amount of our donation, and perhaps by the further amount by which the other Government contributions are increased by our donation. In any case, if the project is a proper one and must be performed in this manner, security dictates these circumstances and they, therefore, do not present a legal obstacle as such. 6. We raised the question whether funds for the hospital construction could not be obtained from other normal charitable sources. It appeared that there was a strong possibility that the individual concerned could raise adequate funds from private resources, but it was the position of TSS that if this were the case we would not obtain the commitment from the individual and the degree of control which this project is designed to achieve.


July 18, 1958 [deletion] Dear Mr. [deletion] The experiment designed to test the effectiveness of certain medication in causing individuals to release guarded information has been completed in accordance with the original experimental design, with the exception that 25 instead of 30 cases were used. This matter was discussed in more detail in my letter of July 15. Abstracts on all 25 cases, transcriptions of the interviews, Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Tests given at the hospital and previously given at this clinic, post-experimental rankings and evaluation sheets, and a schedule covering the drug administration have all been submitted to you under separate cover. Enclosed is a financial statement which represents the final accounting of the funds allocated by you for use in this project. If, for your purpose, you require a more detailed summary of what specific professional services were performed or more detail with reference to travel expenses or any other item, kindly let me know. You will note, in this connection, that Dr. [deletion] was compensated in an amount exceeding that paid to Dr. [deletion] This was occasioned by the fact that Dr. [deletion] spent much time checking the files and records at the [deletion] and [deletion] Prison selecting cases that might be suitable for our purpose. It was from the cases selected by him that the subjects used in the experiment were finally chosen. I have been instructed to write a check to the Society for the balance in the account as of today. I would like to -145- Mr. [deletion] Page Two July 18, 1958 delay this matter for a few days. Several checks have been written during recent days, and I would like to be sure they cleared the bank in [deletion] before closing out the account. You will receive a check in the amount of $1356.26 early next week. If there is any additional information required, I will be happy to cooperate. [signature deleted] Executive Director [deletion] Enc. [document ends]

-146- [document begins] RESEARCH PLAN LOCATION The research Project will be carried out at the [deletion] located at [deletion] which is located [deletion]. The hospital has one thousand, one hundred and thirty-five (1,135) beds. At the present time there are one hundred forty-two (142) non-psychotics classified as criminal-sexual psychopaths. There are four full-time psychiatrists and varying numbers of medical interns; two psychologists; four social workers; nurses and attendants. The superintendent of the Hospital is [deletion], a witting member of the research team. The institution comes under the direction of the Executive Secretary of the State Department of Mental Health and any research project is normally approved by the Co-ordinator of Research of the State Department of Mental Health. [deletion] will secure this approval. [deletion] will make space available and it is possible for the research team to sleep at the Hospital while carrying out their investigation. SUBJECTS**** The subjects will be selected from the one hundred and forty-two (142) criminal-sexual psychopaths**** on whom there is an adequate previous investigation including police reports, physical, psychiatric and psychologic organizations and social histories. The age range of the -147- subjects varies from twenty to seventy years and there is a wide variation of intelligence levels and social backgrounds. INVESTIGATIONS The following men are suggested for the research team: [one line deleted], a psychologist who has had extensive experience in examining criminals; has written extensively on psychopathic sexual deviations; is an authority on polygraph and interrogation methods. [one line deleted] for some thirty years, a psychiatrist who has spent his life in the treatment of the criminal insane and rethinking the only institution [deletion] for the care and treatment for the criminal-sexual psychopath. [deletion] a psychiatrist who has a large private practice. At the present time he is exclusively devoting his time to psychoanalysis. He has had extensive experience examining criminals. As a Navy psychiatrist he has had extensive experience in [one line deleted] in the field of eastern cultures, Oriental psychiatry, brainwashing, etc. He has also done drug interrogation with criminals and has engaged in narcoanalysis and hypnoanalysis. -2- -148- [deletion] a psychiatrist who is on the staff of [one line deleted] and maintains a private practice in the field of psychiatry. [deletion] has had wide experience in dealing with criminals going back some twenty-five years, including drug interrogation. [deletion] a physician for the past twenty-five years, has been [one line deleted] has had extensive experience dealing with all sorts of criminals and has engaged in drug interrogation. Besides his city position, he also maintains a private practice in the field of general medicine. [deletion] has suggested one of the psychiatrists from his staff who is interested and has used drugs in the treatment of patients and has also used hypnosis with mental patients. The research assistants have not been selected as yet but might well include psychologists or medics now attached to [deletion]. The secretary will be [deletion] present secretary who will do all the necessary stenographic work in addition to her present duties. EXPERIMENTAL BASICS: Three teams of two senior professional men each will be selected. One team working with the selected group of patients will use straight interrogation, hypnosis and hypnosis and LSD and hypnosis and a -3- -149- tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative. Another team working on another group of subjects will use straight interrogation, LSD with interrogation and a tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative and interrogation. Later the third team with another group of subjects will use straight interrogation and a combination of LSD and a tetrahydrocannabinol acetate derivative. A meeting of all the members of the research project will be briefed on the drugs to be used and all of the pharmacological and medical knowledge gained so far in the use of these drugs. In selecting groups of subjects for experimentation, the following objectives will be sought: 1) Subjects will be selected who have denied allegations of various kinds that can be chocked or strongly assumed on the basis of previously established records. 2) As far as possible, the actual research man administering drugs will note aware of the drug he is administering and placebos will be interspersed with drug administration. 3) Precautions will be taken to neutralize age, intelligence, physical condition, social background and any other controllable factor in selecting groups. Administration of drugs will be done both openly and surreptitiously. 4) Sound recordings will be made of the interrogation and written reports will be obtained in other cases. -4- -150- 5) Due care will be exercised in equating methods of interrogation as far as this can be done. The results of interrogation with drugs and other techniques will be checked against existing records and qualitative and quantitative reports will be kept and reports will be submitted on the basis of interim progress and complete projects. -5- [document ends]

equineluvr ago

-151- [document begins] DRAFT/[deletion] 30 January 1961 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject 42 1. Subproject 42 is to be continued for the same purpose as when originally established: to support [deletion] covert and realistic field trials of certain research and development items of interest to TSD, and to maintain the physical facilities required for these trials. 2. In the past year a number of covert and realistic field trials have been successfully carried out. The results of these experiments have provided factual data essential to establishing protocols for a number of contemplated operations. A continuation of covert and realistic field trials are necessitated by the production of new materials in TSD programs, particularly in areas requiring detailed knowledge of the effectiveness and efficiency of delivery systems. Additional trials are also necessitated by the need for better controlled "field-type" experiments. 3. The estimated cost of the project is $5,000,000 for a period of six months. Charges should be made against Allotment 1125-1390-3902. 4. Accounting for funds and equipment under this subproject has been established on a detailed basis with the auditor and will continue as in the past. -152- 5. [deletion] is approved for TOP SECRET by the Agency and operates under cover for purposes of this subproject. [signature deleted]

FckPizza3 ago

Hey!!! Is everyone still alive in here????

Pokes ago

Pokes ago

Yeah, weird. What do you imagine the significance of their hosting that one is? Just a tip of the hat to the other pedos that even the POTUS is one?

Micheal84 ago

I have seriously no idea what all this is.

Pokes ago

LHOHQ was supposedly found as a root of a website that came up in a google search for james alefantis' email address' own root search term. From there someone connected LHOHQ to some likely occult-related symbol discovered in Milwaukee a decade ago. Researchers on conspiracy forums at the time dug, albeit on different websites around a decade ago, and found similar MK Ultra hynotic sexual/pedo imagery. From there we have begun web querying the term lhohq and receiving a veritable treasure trove of what appears to be fucked up CIA meme subculture. It might be used to trigger manchurians, it might just be a testament to what a bunch of sick fucks they are that these are the sorts of memes they create. But amongst them, if you dig hard enough, are doxxed phone numbers n addresses of many powerful private individuals, bizarre sado-sexual imagery juxtaposed over intel documents, and some very coded occult subculture that appears to bear the explicit letterheads of the CIA. This is probably the lead we've been waiting for. Any time i search the term, be it image or otherwise, and admittedly avoid conspiracy forums, I discover this rabbit hole is seemingly endless.

FckPizza3 ago

Maybe we should get all of those conspiracy sites back to focusing on these web pages to unite and break these codes? These webpages seem to hold all the information into every conspiracy theory EVER!

Pokes ago

Maybe we should verify that any of those contact #s or addresses are accurate and not fabricated before we conclude this is more than some creepy meme or visual art project of some sicko/s. That seems paramount before concluding this isn't a red-herring.

FckPizza3 ago

They already have. Someone in this thread called a bunch of these numbers and got George Soros office, spoke to Bill Clinton's secretary etc.

Pokes ago

Google image search is crazy. "stanley kubrick television movie vaccination" caption. Wtf?

Pokes ago "If we extend the pentagon to construct a pentagram, we get this image:" caption.

Pokes ago "... rock concert poster studio six productions" Caption. (CIA interdepartmental heliotropes)

equineluvr ago

Of course not. S/He NEVER provides ANY links.

That doesn't stop him/her from talking outta his/her ass, though. :)

Pokes ago

Holy shit what a veritable trove! Have you guys tried google image searching lhohq yet? You get that it probs stands for live human organs headquarters? Check this piece of proaganda

Pokes ago

Here's another one found through google image search.

Pokes ago "l.h.o.h.q. cia interdepartmental heliotrope vortex"

Pokes ago "satanists in public office" is the caption in the image search.

Pokes ago "Whose mutant are you?" Caption

sunshine702 ago

John Kusack is on the list. Lives in Malibu. Phone not turned off but not accepting calls. Kusack endorsed Hillary at a point this is a Hillary BIG list dox.

gt8h65fg ago

Jun. 2007 someone read "lhohq" story and got domain.

Created 11 Nov, 2007

jamesacorp email is added at Sep. 2016.*/


Created 07 Dec, 2014

doubletake ago

just put the link on the FBI's FB page

janedoemadashell ago

omfg! creepy is an understatement!

tapsnapornap ago

what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. wasnt ready for that.


tapsnapornap ago


awarenessadventurer ago

you got it. A.I.

Gothamgirl ago

Utinery dumpster is were they keep their hacking & dechipering abilities on some message board.

Micheal84 ago

Did not know that, thanks!

reasonedandinformed ago

@SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK I did a WHOIS search on the domains and found this info at ICANN: for these domains - registered 11/11/07 by, Scottsdale Arizona 85260 US 4806242599:

So they were created in late 2007, consistent with the earlier comments about the findings in 2007. Don't know if anyone can dig into ownership or who is really behind these??

sunshine702 ago

I need to, but I always feel like we are right on the cusp.

sunshine702 ago

And for fans of Webb -TYLER DRUMHELER is on the list.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

I believe whoever published this site wanted to scare away MKULTRA puppets and also avoid any bots from reading the cryptic information. Lots of rabbit hole links to follow and try to read.

equineluvr ago

This one's weird but one of the less auditorily and visually assaultive pages.

It contains text on Jeff Gannon/Johnny Gosch, the missing/abducted child who later allegedly was Bush 43's butt buddy while acting as a reporter.

pby1000 ago

Man, it just sucks my eyeballs out. LOL.

pby1000 ago

I dare someone to right click and do "Save as Desktop Background".

Fire_Fly ago

Somebody found this page a while back

Malignment ago

This page: Lists this name: Bentley Ptythylhlyl Googles this LinkedIn:

Which lists LHO as previous employer and some new weird similar group as current employer and lists this website.

Which is also more weirdness:

Sorry. Basically just adding to all the weirdness.

Verite1 ago

What?!?!?! I don't know that! Feinberg is his Econ advisor? Well well well How's that swamp draining?? I cannot Believe these ppl are running (ruining) our country

wgtt911 ago

dangerous weapon to use against the lefties.. seizures and stuff

Jem777 ago

Do not know if this has been found but through a series of successful targeted steps we came to the end of something. This involved wtc, secret societies, Nazi's, and finally a letter from Bulgaria Illuminati to some in the US..Very strange.

islandofdelight ago

Could this be evidence leaked covertly by the FBI, possibly like the WORLDCORPO site? ... I still believe white hats have been leaking info on Podesta since the Madeleine McCann efits/sketches came out. As FBIAnon stated, many of them know all about pedogate but have had their hands tied by the corruption inside the agencies.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

At least, did you order a pizza ? (Thanks for the confirmation, also, there is Lynn Rothschild's phone and many more...)

Mrs_Kravitz ago

I am awe inspired by you guys...I think you found gold! Is there anyway to submit this Wikileaks or someone else who can release it? Shouldn't Sessions have this info? To the layperson like me its hieroglyphics..but even I can decipher this feels like a smoking gun

wgvdl ago

It's Hossni Mubarak, former President of Egypt, & family.

Notice the masonic gesture of the "hidden hand".

AngB23 ago

This is driving me insane. I have seen this pic before somewhere of the husband and wife. Can't think of their names

Madwack ago

Egyptian politician Mubarak

Madwack ago

Holy shit

AngB23 ago

As everyone is digging in, if you find anything that links to this thread, PLEASE let us know. This thread also freaked me out. Lots of stuff coming out at once

Infopractical ago

Hacking notes?

"Sam and Jan Donaldson jsdccr try jan donaldson and female pet names daisy "

privatepizza ago

That's really cool info to know. Thanks for this... it's not like you can really ask someone about the chans, you know? Appreciate it!

jokersmild ago

yeah... get the chans on it...

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Thank you for bring expertise to this wild baffling internet world. Organic used this way is new to me.

AngB23 ago

No f'ing way! It is taking all my energy not to call him and tell him to fuck off. Can't stand that evil asshole

Smyrtz ago

I just finished reading this. I'm going to puke. They describe deals with hospitals to experiment on the terminally ill, the list of objectives for the program.

privatepizza ago

This page mentions John Podesta -

as I was doing angular that developed underground javascript key Craigm94 Steve1989 MREinfo Stickyfingaz745 Paul Buikema tech-savvy pedophiles who watch photorealistic cheese pizza that they cannot be arrested for Notorius bandwagon Charles Onyet php c printf("hello, world"); printf hello world fprintf c++ generated code ADT high-level tree structure linked list There are knows. There 's also a link to LHOHQ on the website, which I saw getting mention here once. Podesta 2017 leak panama type era from adminstiration conclsuvie It might be the CIA. MKULTRA is still active under a different name obviously. has transcended to floor: 2. Blank banshee death grips synt synt disposal sanitary hack leak death grips leak

privatepizza ago

This page has a long and full report from the European Parliament and covers surveillance technology. Echelon is mentioned -

cvmpatientia ago

VieBleu ago

This all reminds me of that "Guide to Hankerchief PIzza" book I found on Amazon at the beg of this forum - dot com/ -------->Guide-Handkerchief-Pizza-John-P-ebook/product-reviews/B01MTRUQI3

I had trouble posting the link because amazon links are not allowed on this totally awesome total free speech forum. So just cut and paste from above then hit "look inside" OR just google Amazon Kindle and "Guide to Hankerchief Pizza" (Kindle Edition).

EDIT: Looks like the interior is taken down. It has weird verbage, codes, half serious sleaze factor, soft pron, looks like it was made by the same nutballz.

Also noting that the search bar somehow doesn't work on this forum - 'cause search bar tech is sooo very tricky you know.

Smyrtz ago

Item 31 says Kim Kardashian.

Micheal84 ago

Interesting thanks, im sure the flashing is on purpose.

Al these sites are flashing, but why??

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you.

fuspezza ago

Can protected individuals publish screenshots as jpeg please. I clicked and got the fuck out! Scary stuff for the faint of tech

Micheal84 ago

Did you notice the hidden text?

You can see it if you select all the text on the site, its hard to see but its hidden in the background.

privatepizza ago


Ok so wtf is this? I go here - and open the pdf named 'Aaron Svendersk - Deciphering' - second file from the top. (PDF WARNING)

It's 76 pages of text like this -

auggnn havxpl pqgunt blsqps nilwxr fdbqre hunwqi roroij sofbun bdsxrn ndzhha uhtbue nfyhks hidynt ptkenx mjcayi fdynkc euoivz yekdmp lnsiur gwkyry qzbnhv jfiajc zgscwf fsipxg lekjgl fssnxx newkwb cqgevj enlnxx vlmyyu skwqsl lktqrh ffjjws aqmghi xxanvp rpaura mrvaif xqhufu ztzyjm qbbgse kkcgwi

...and nothing else in any other language apart from on Page 6 are the words Madeline McCann. They seem to be scanned into the pdf.

Here's a safe image of it ---

And then there's this freaky image underneath it ---

What on earth this is I don't know. Any ideas ?

privatepizza ago

This CIA png is in that file folder too -

Micheal84 ago

Omg what did you find?

Cant make much of it, this needs more diggin!!

privatepizza ago

There are some .mp3 files in there - and I started listening to a couple. IDK they are tooooooo freaky, just synthisized music, but I couldn't listen to more than 10 secs... they made my head freak.

Micheal84 ago

Realy weird shit, and i thought worldcorpo was weird ;)

privatepizza ago

All of the files here are in an unknown code, however all have the same text at the foot --- 'MKULTRA sounding at 8 AM'

Micheal84 ago

I did notice that, im still not sure what we are dealing with here.

privatepizza ago

God I know ?! There's this weird .txt file in there too with email addresses for The Church Of Satan, Great Illuminati Temple 666, Join The Illuminati etc... check it out ?

Micheal84 ago

Did you see that youtube vid?

Go to their youtube page, has some realy weird discription on it.

privatepizza ago

I'm on there now! This is the most f'ed up shit I've ever seen... what the hell ?? Which description do you mean?

Micheal84 ago

Im on mobile, but theres some text description what the youtube page is about.

privatepizza ago

Thanks! Couldn't see it but maybe I'm MK ULTRA'ed by now : P

VieBleu ago

It is 1. breadcrumbs/masking illegal internet content 2. Weird art project 3. Both 4. Method to convey instructions 5. All of the above 6. Comments in this thread OP indicate Duchamp's work and Dadaism may apply

11-11 ago

Thanks VieBleu

This short summary (that you posted) would take 8 people 80 hrs each to research

I search this ONE term

RESEARCH REPORT 00B321-02171-64

search result

Looks like this (info that you posted) is an aggressive summary of incidents leading up to where we are now.... ?

Very good job posting this. Thanks

theHubrisOfMan ago

LHO is a cargo code for Live Human Organs. Related?

FckPizza3 ago

You can follow the 4chan discussion here

FckPizza3 ago this was posted on 4chan

kplusk ago

These names from are definitely from Sept 2016, I exported them off the website back then, before wikileaks release.

They have updated names on this page, but there are still a LOT of pertinent high-profile names.

I've got the names that I exported back in September & will compare to this new list of names. Will run a comparison to determine which names were removed &/or added.

Another thing to note I had archived back in Sept 2016. It was totally accessible until Jan 2017, when someone else archived over it & the gif was replaced w/ this (which obviously wiped out the gif w/ all contact names, #s & emails).

Now this website is back up & running - so that's interesting...

Micheal84 ago

Thanks very intersting indeed, please let us know if you find something.

I think its weird, the fact that all those contacts are there.

kplusk ago

I agree - VERY weird indeed! Some of the contacts have changed their phone numbers (i.e. John Cusack), but MANY others have not (Tapper, Rothschild, etc.).

kplusk ago

All names, contact information including: phone #s, email addresses, addresses, etc. that I exported from in Sept 2016 is IDENTICAL to export from April 4, 2016!

I will upload the spreadsheets as soon as I get my PC back up & running...

kplusk ago

Agreed. And the contact #s (of the higher profile) individuals were in fact correct. I called many (of the bigger names) on the list & got them on the phone...

privatepizza ago

Did you ask Huma for a date ?

kplusk ago

Oh hell no! lol!

privatepizza ago

lol : D

Micheal84 ago

U did, are you serious?

You realy got contact with them?

kplusk ago

Yes, after contacting many of the names I recognized, I got a bit nervous as quite a few were NOT happy!

kplusk ago

I did & many weren't very happy with me...

Gothamgirl ago

They are saying the wrestler Brett Hart raped and killed a woman in Ughanda and also in that same photo is an mk ultra eye, fried.

equineluvr ago

Who is "they?'

privatepizza ago

This page is full of info on aircraft, I think to be used in extraordinary rendition. Includes scanned docs pertaining to the de-licencing / de-registration / changing registrations of US registrered planes. CIA stuff by the looks...

Micheal84 ago

Dont now if you noticed, but the site is full of text, you have to select the words to see them.

The background looks black, but its actually full of text.

First words:



Very interesting.

privatepizza ago

No I didn't get that !!! Thanks !!

Micheal84 ago

Ur welcome, a lot of parts of this site have that, it looks nothing until you select the (hidden) text.

privatepizza ago

Great tip Michael, I'm on it ! See my last post on this thead (just now), about Madeline McCann? I just found that... wtf ???!

Gothamgirl ago

Actually your wrong it is all fact.

srayzie ago

How weird. Once you get past th pictures of penis 👀, this is what it reads. It's hard to read. I had to keep copying and pasting...

TIME: But you [George Sr and George W.] sure shared a lot of the same upbringing: Andover, Yale, even Skull and Bones. Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?

Bush: Without revealing all the great secrets? I got a few of my old club mates who could demystify it right off the bat. My dad didn't tap me. Someone a year ahead of me tapped me. There was an entry celebration. I can't remember whether my dad showed up or not. I don't think so." that never aired, allegedly due to either defamation issues or as claimed by the films supporters, "pressure from unknown members of Congress." Copies of the film have circulated around the Internet. The documentary, produced by Britain's Yorkshire TV, was scheduled to have aired on May 3, 1994 ‹ and appeared in TV Guide as such ‹ but disappeared.

"Indeed each of you knows well the nature, zeal and intention of sects, whether called Masonic or some other name.... [You] cannot doubt but that the present calamity must be attributed to their deceits and machinations for the most part. For from these the synagogue of satan is formed which draws up its forces, advances its standards, and joins battle against the Church of Christ." - Pope Pius IX, Etsi Multa, November 21, 1873

Wonderful, do we want to encourage our young children to become worshippers of Baal and his penis when they get older? If we "reclaim" our public schools in this manner, are we any better off? And do not think that the Texas Masonic Lodges are past the point of revering the obelisk, as this picture to the left so amply demonstrates. In 1999, the Hubert Lodge Number 67 is dedicating a new obelisk. Notice how proudly these men are standing around Baal's phallus. Is this what we want our children to emulate?

Bush: No qualms at all. I was honored. I was fairly nonchalant. I didn't view it as a great heritage thing. I didn't take it all that seriously.

documentary TIME: Demystify it a bit for those who might think it's a cross between a Masonic Lodge and the Trilateral Commission. Did your father show up for your initiation, like your grandfather showed up for his?

nnfx ago


Gothamgirl ago

Also everyone these named sites use youtube message boards and twitter to leave clues. Solid clues I found so far- the Maine turnpike exit 32 Biddeford Maine & Erelim'el Could be about MK Ultra or Madeleine McCann. Also the deeper you get into the images you can see similarities within the gifs used here and on the fatherhood video website.

Micheal84 ago

Could be something like an other post on Voat, about pedophiles leaving breadcrumbs an so on to hide childporn on regular sites.

Only viewable if you follow all the crumbs, or hints.

Gothamgirl ago

I think they're using an app and museum for their sick cult practices, highlight the background, the answers maybe in these emails. Also if you scroll to the right I think thats Maddy McCanns face. Not the girl on the bed she is Alisson Grey another victim.

Micheal84 ago

Did you see thosr mail adresses??

John Podesta!!

Gothamgirl ago

The whole site is about Hillary & democrats. If you just go to behind the pentagon on the main page is a pic of Hillary & Bill.

Gothamgirl ago

No sir I didn't find that. What I found was references to fleshlight products, a few links to some weird occult videos. I really didn't watch except I did see a scene that reminded me of Tony Podesta's artwork. There is references to the Army filming porn using soldiers in Germany. No child porn that I saw. On there is a reference to Podesta being in Portugal in a 12 year olds bedroom with a soccer players poster hanging on the wall & Porn star killer movies.

srayzie ago

This is weird. Bear with me. I recorded audio for you guys.

I went to LHOHQ site.

I clicked "about" and it took me here

I clicked on "contact" and it took me here

Then, I clicked on 3. Lullabell Petunia

I end up here. There's weird stuff. Like a Winnie the poo coloring book where, if you click on Poo it opens to this

Here comes the weirdest part. I clicked on Transmission

The page looks like this But things are moving and flashing. The little bars on the right get bigger and smaller see?

I'm on an iPad. So I would just poke around and, only every once in a while, the bar on the top right, I could long press on it and I chose "speak". It's a voice in another language or something. At the end, it sounds like it says "close ahead". I audio recorded it from my phone.

I only got the sound twice. But, most of the time I would long press and I could click copy. When I pasted it, they were .gif files.

I'm not tech savvy. This could be nothing. But, as far as I know, .gif files don't have audio. So, anyways, I got the first one to speak. It's hard and you have to do it at certain times or something. I haven't gotten the 2nd .gif link to speak.

Here is the audio recording that I recorded from my phone

Micheal84 ago


That last link, the audio recording is German spoken, Germany Europe.

We need German guys here!!

Nice find have to listen closely to understand it, but trying to do so.

I think it says something like:

"March 1st 2012 2017 2018"

But this is just the first 6 seconds, the rest is not clear for me. But the last part sounds like "close ahead" like you said.

srayzie ago

Good! I was hoping I wasn't being a total idiot. Let me know if you can translate it!

Micheal84 ago

See my previous reply, i translated the first six seconds, im not from Germany so the rest is not realy clear to me.

Still very weird theres sound in a gif.

DerivaUK ago

How the hell did you do this??

Flat_Truth ago

View the source code and the text is easy to read or copy and paste.

DerivaUK ago

I bow to your knowledge, Sir

Flat_Truth ago

And if you're using a computer.....ctrl F and you can search it too,

zeethus4 ago

If you highlight this page, it shows what looks to be the names of locations and coordinates associated with them. Maybe someone can make more sense of this then I can.

nnfx ago


Look at this comment.

You tell me if he's onto something, I can't tell anymore, I think I looked at this flashing shit for too long. :D


VieBleu ago

thanks for doing that. Looks like a sort of masking.

zeethus4 ago

Here's a page with links to some bizzare videos: Not sure what any of these videos are supposed to be, but they are eerie to watch to say the least.

EDIT:( Warning this is disturbing)
Jesus, this is absolutely sick.

Gothamgirl ago

Burch, Dr. Neil/LSD and the Air Force: Smithsonian: Index and Institutional Notifications Subproject 1: MKULTRA: Plants Isolation and Characterization of Rivea Corymbosa Subproject 2: MKULTRA: Drugs Subproject 3: MKULTRA: Testing Subproject 4: MKULTRA: M

privatepizza ago

Sure feels like it bro. Phew

13Buddha ago

Just a thought...God knows how many emails are on this list, but in the Wiki Leaks Global Intelligence Files under the Bilderberg file, I believe, there is discussion about Soros and the final outcome of the globalists plan to dominate the world that will consist of 50,000 selected individuals. Could these emails be an ongoing list of those selected individuals that is updated and revised as needed by the elites?

anonOpenPress ago

I'd say you're reaching way too far on that. This would not be the way that's done.

13Buddha ago

Probably so. Just a thought, however there are plenty of elitist names on that list, if not all of them.

Micheal84 ago

Is this where all the text comes from?

nnfx ago

What strikes me is that it's obviously not a young person/millenial that did that, there are references to "occult" geopolitical/military related material that are usually known/accessed by people past their mid 30's

Yeah, I noticed that too. It also doesn't seem to be the very typical stuff schizophrenic people produce. I have seen a lot websites, letters, drawings and the like from schizo people and even though I see similarities it's not quite the same here.

Such as this :)

I have seen and downloaded this one earlier already. Pretty interesting, right!?

That text is also interesting.

No idea what to make out of all of this, seriously...

There's a lot but it's not crazy engineering work, rather old fashioned css html, a la fuckall

Yeah I meant the sole amount of text, images and "artwork", not the coding work. And all together it's still not likely just a two weeks project. Also the few times I tried reverse image search or search for text parts, I found nothing on google besides results which linked back to those exact sites/ reddit, voat or chan, discussing this site...

So there seems to be a lot unique content and not everything is just copy/ paste from the web...

srayzie ago

I found something weird. Is there a way to upload sound for guys? Like how we have a link for our uploaded images?

juhos ago

Idk if you found it already, but they have also this subdomain:

Note: tweets and other links have typo in them. (http// missing the ":")

awarenessadventurer ago

i HAVE IDENTIFIED SOMETHING HERE. i BELIEVE I KNOW WHAT THIS MADNESS IS ABOUT Ablearism is a religion based on the principle of Not benefiting from operating system not benefiting from qwrty.ogg sed.gif grandprize.mp3 MOTIVATED BY ABLEARISM Motivated by the need for the development of courseware, we now motivate a model for proving that the infamous probabilistic algorithm for the refinement of simulated annealing by Q. Zheng et al. [20] runs in O(n) time. Continuing with this rationale, rather than controlling mobile epistemologies, RorySon chooses to construct Scheme. Similarly, we consider a framework consisting of n active networks. This is a natural property of RorySon. We show a schematic diagramming the relationship between RorySon and ambimorphic epistemologies in Figure 1. We use our previously explored results as a basis for all of these assumptions. We also motivated an algorithm for the unproven unification of von Neumann machines and the World Wide Web. In fact, the main contribution of our work is that we argued that despite the fact that suffix trees and lambda calculus can collude to achieve this mission, virtual machines and voice-over-IP [5] can connect to accomplish this purpose. Further, our algorithm has set a precedent for the visualization of write-back caches, and we expect that end-users will analyze our approach for years to come. We plan to make RorySon available on the Web for public download.

click on above text and it takes you ABELISM on reddit. (WARNING- seems to be some kind of flashing colors. made my head hurt lookingn at it). It refers to ECCOLOC . Hackers? Not sure....


Talks about "omnidirectional reverberation" and "Neural Brainwash" I believe these are programming sites. Do not watch if you are sensitive. REsearch this and you find: The BAS001 Source is designed to generate omnidirectional sound fields for making standard compliant measurements including: reverberation time (ISO 3382, ASTM E2235), building acoustics (insertion loss, acoustic absorption area, etc: ISO 140-4 ISO 140-3, ASTM E336, ASTM E90, DIN 55 210). The BAS001 is typically used to saturate a room with a uniform acoustic field. The available high-efficiency power amplifier has no fan for cooling, allowing measurements in quiet environments, like those in reverberation time applications.

this is used for remote neural monitoring and SONIGRAMS

Measuring sonic presence and the ability to ... - David Griesinger's

QuWave Defender protects you from EMF attacks QuWave Defender™ - Protection for Targeted Individuals

NOW TO OPERAGNIP (mentioned in relation to this site)

It is a reddit page. ANd here I found this quote- The reflection from the windows makes it look like you're seeing through the wall by Xytrius in mildlyinteresting [–]Operagnip -5 points 2 months ago Are you from Atlanta? Here we view things from a different OPENGL viewport, OpenGL has mathematics similar to complex autism with built-in canuckistan. SCREIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NUUUU MUH BABEHS MUH WEDGIES NUUUUUUUU The babies inside the womb are being CRAAAACKED. The left one is smiling because it turned dumb after it got crushed. [THe prodigy - Girls plays at 0:30 start sawtooth edm bass play too] CRAAAAAAAAAACK. And preview the screen. Use like the pussy you are, you can't admit that a desktop client is much more modular and versatile. Use a FIFO client. And I'll modulate my dad's bass to 90hz thank you very much. This reminds me of the time I slashed a woman's throat, and modulated their vocal cords live by pinching, cutting and gripping. She screamed like helium was going out, I only use it as a last measure while I'm playing Death Grips - The Money Store in the background, to show the true ironic edginess semi stool that oozes of out of their small intestines when they're digesting something and it's nowehre to go. My friend told me about the intestine thing though. It's gross.

SO "The babies inside the womb are being CRAAAACKED. The left one is smiling because it turned dumb after it got crushed. [THe prodigy - Girls plays at 0:30 start sawtooth edm bass play too] CRAAAAAAAAAACK. And preview the screen. Use


awarenessadventurer ago



files/ tools/ docs/ research/ members/ channeling/ revival/ automatism/ leadloc/ listopad/ blog/ BTC/donate: 1KwyDfWM12BGytFgeWgTQnnKrokEzXMArG

FOr example if you hit "research" above. You get the following links (WARNING, I BELIEVE THESE ARE DANGEROUS TO WATCH): * Orbit Neon Eye Octagon * TARP GCHQ * Neuron guard * Focus * Love poetry rhymes for kids easy sing fun * Truly hypnotic * Final truth * Augmented $0HZ004HZ IT SAYS CLICK HERE: AGENT ORANGE



13Buddha ago

Programming the fetus via ultrasound sonography? Unless you are followed by a midwife and an ultrasound is warranted for a legitimate reason, what pregnant woman followed by an obstetrician does NOT have an ultrasound during pregnancy regardless? NONE.

awarenessadventurer ago

its not about that. it is about using this technology on certain subjects to affect cell development and brain function. also to program children and other mk'd subjects. omnidirectional reverberation among other visual programming analogues in 'live' subjects.

13Buddha ago

Yes, I agree. Also the references to Otx clearly pertain to genetic engineering. Otx is a gene that has a major impact on brain formation and can easily be manipulated according to numerous scientific studies conducted on mice. God help us if this is now being considered (or already being done) on fetuses and humans, and how? Via vaccinations, medications? God only knows.

awarenessadventurer ago

a variety of ways evn those new fangled sonigrams that show human imaging (studies are showing they are dangerous and bombarding fetus with dna changing resonance). all angles being studied, used and implemented currently. Hard to summarize this stuff for easy digestion. very hard. Its happening though.... this is a bigger key to the "matrix" we are living in.

awarenessadventurer ago

NOW BACK TO THE PAGE OPERAGNIP (REDDIT) If you search OperaGnip you come up with:

Yes, A ping pong ball Opera Gnip Gnopera – Ping Pong Ball Opera 06/18/2015 6:30-7:10 Stillwater Library, 224 - 3rd St. No., Stillwater ( Get Directions )

Opera meets cartoon loonyness in this glow-in-the-dark tale of ordinary ping-pong balls that bounce into the extraordinary world of opera. A blacklight puppetry spectacular with a live viola score. Recommended for ages 4 and up. This event is a collaboration with Stillwater Library, Valley Friendship Club & Zpuppets with Mn States Arts Board Funding made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Mn State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. About Z Puppets Rosenschnoz :Described as "1/2 Monty Python + 1/2 Sesame Street, " they delight children, teens and adults with feats of imagination. Their touring shows and workshops mix hand-crafted puppetry and zany comedy with live music to lead people to the power of playfulness. Earning many awards for their performances and arts education, including support from the Jim Henson Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Puppeteers of America, Educational Theater Association Perpich Center for Arts Education and MN State Arts Board.

What is Friendship Club? A place for autistic, disable youth. Lots of pizza references.

GNIPOPERA YOUTUBE HAS SOME WEIRD SHIT. The Z Puppets Rosenschnoz Story It began with a ping pong ball. In 1998, in the wilds of Minneapolis, street performer Chris Griffith and playwright Shari Aronson met, turned on a blacklight and suddenly discovered a great marvel of science: ping pong balls glow in the dark. Armed only with fluorescent paint and playful inspiration, the duo quickly transformed a $3 pack of balls into a performance troupe. Foom! On went a tiny top hat, tutu, leotards and red nose and clown shoes. Woop! Up went a circus-tent puppet booth. Ba-ding! In came the organically-grown sound effects, quirky acapella score and ukelele opening number. A couple of drumrolls, one ta-da and voila… the debut of the world’s first glow-in-the-dark ping pong ball spectacular, The Amazing Gnip Gnop Circus… and Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. “I was astounded by the life, vitality and communication they were able to give to simple ping pong balls,” says master puppeteer, Paul Vincent Davis of Boston’s Puppet Showplace Theater. Parents report that for years after seeing the Gnip Gnop Circus, they speak in “pingpong ball language” and share jokes from the show with their children. Venues book the Gnip Gnops year after year, commenting that it is the most creative show they have ever booked. The Jim Henson Foundation and the Puppeteers of America have commended Z Puppets for their mix of innocence with ingenuity.“They make everyone feel like little kids again— even the kids,” says Paul Zaloom, star of children’s television hit Beakman’s World. On their mission to delight children and adults with feats of imagination, Z Puppets has now brought fifteen original productions and hundreds of workshops to thousands of audience members across the country, including performing arts centers, outdoors festivals, museums, schools, and libraries. From their yoga puppet rock opera starring monkey pirates, to a platypus piano musical, and a French accordion lobster farce, Z Puppets’ unique blend of live music, zealous humor and hand-crafted puppetry makes for an extraordinary experience for families In the Heart of the Beast Jan 27 – Feb 5, 2017 Presented by Z Puppets Rosenschnoz & In the Heart of the Beast Mask and Puppet Theatre A premiere production from Minneapolis performers Z Puppets Rosenschnoz, Cellula is like a bedtime story as told by biologists. Cellula illuminates the true marvels of cell science inside us all with dazzling glow in the dark puppetry and live accapella music. This glowing magnification of mitosis features highly acclaimed improvisational vocalists

And check this video from Rosenschnoz which appears to be featuring children:


CELLULA Published on Jun 22, 2015 Blacklight puppet show of mitosis by Shari Aronson, of Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. Created as part of the PuppetLab New Works series at In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre, with funding from the Jerome Foundation. Copyright 2015.




equineluvr ago


Where do you get that from? Got a link? .

privatepizza ago

What in the actual fuck

VieBleu ago

I hit a few links and stopped. Strobe effects and lurid colors and imagery are enough of a warning for me - maybe it is a breadcrumb trail as described here -

Normally used by cyber-criminals, the tricks are used to hide illegal material in plain sight.

“If you access the site directly, you just get legitimate content,” Sarah Smith, a technical researcher at the IWF, told The Independent. “If you follow the pathway through links from other sites, then it unlocks the child sexual abuse imagery.

“It’s stored in the browser, and it drops a cookie into the browser so it can see the trail that you’ve come along to actually access the site. Once you’ve followed that pathway through, you can see the child sexual abuse imagery.”

BAD ADVICE BY Jem777 \/\/\/\/\/\/ Don't follow this trail unless you are prepared to find the worst and possibly have it or traces of it on your system.

equineluvr ago

That figures. Jem777 is a moron.

srayzie ago

This is so weird. What does this mean? There are a lot of these. Example:

Burger King "As the base for training contra soldiers mainly because it's" - Stopped there

Jenus Heist "There is something awry in your digital remains. Poke thru with a stick and come out with a diamond Cheese"

m4j1k4m2b4bv5 ago

for some reason, this webpage is repeating itself on my computer

nnfx ago

Just voat stuff. Don't worry, happens sometimes.

Jem777 ago

There are numerous avenues to go down press on the pictures.,Goldmine. Research. Archive

carmencita ago

What the heck is this? I am wondering if this is the stuff from Wiener's laptop or from that stolen laptop. Also, some of the porn could be stuff they have that they can blackmail the elites with. There is so much of their info on here as well. There are too many Ultra secrets and info for this to be fake. Still scary at the same time. I arrived on a bad page & left in 3 secs.

rodeo13 ago

Found this archived thread about LHOHQ on 4plebs from dec. 2016.

It has a flow chart diagram, which I archived here:

Guys, this diagram basically shows every tactic developed by the gov't for Psy-war/bio-war use. If it's real, I think it's huge.

equineluvr ago


Thank you!

Micheal84 ago

If its real, then this is realy HUGE!! Thanks man!

anonOpenPress ago

Did you grab the emails from all the three pages or just one? And which one?

Jem777 ago

Goldmine.,Research this.Archive

Micheal84 ago

Im not realy sure what you mean, but if you think im some sort of shill or whatever, i can asure you that im really not.

This all came up after a simple google search.

tbanidg ago

Hey man this looks like an orgy of evidence planted by a major troll.

Micheal84 ago

Could be, put alot of afford in it, and must be a little weird if he can come up with this shit!.

tbanidg ago

I'd bail. Shiny object but not archived from before 2016.

13Buddha ago

I have a sickening and scary feeing this will prove to be the opening of a true "Pandora's Box." I attempted and immediately exited shortly thereafter due to its overall darkness and creepiness. I am afraid that whatever horrific new info is obtained, coupled with all thus far revealed, is going to justify that what we are facing is incomprehensible and unexplainable evil in its worst sense.

srayzie ago

This is crazy. Every weird link takes you to new pictures, that if you press on, takes you to another and another. I've never seen anything like this!

VieBleu ago

Be careful - you may be being led with breadcrumbs to illegal content, botnets, could be anything but it's probably not friendly to you. (see my recent comment and link)

srayzie ago

I posted it. I recorded it from my cell phone. See what you think

Micheal84 ago

I know the rabbithole is deep, very deep.

Dorfaladin ago


The screen, any screen, your iphone, the television, your computer, is the black monolith, the black mirror, the pool of Narcissus, an emblem of Saturn from before the time of Alexander. Remember Saturn is Chronus who is time. The monolith is literally the Stone of the Philosophers that Rhea feed to Saturn so that Zeus might incarnate. To sublimate the Stone and complete the Opus one must too be devoured by Saturn, who is Satan, lead, time. This experience is the same as raising the life force to the pineal gland, the awakening of the Kundalini, the opening of the third eye. It is the same as the experience of death. "Plutarch says that to die is to be initiated into the greater Mysteries; and the Greek word τ&#949 ;λ&#94 9;υ&#9 64;ᾷ& #957;, which signifies to die, means also to be initiated." It is the experience of non-linear time. The stone is the tesseract, the cube projected into the fourth dimension. This is the story of the Tibetan book of the dead, of the initiatic orders, and even modern myths like the Lego Movie, Waking Life, The Space Odyssey or Enter the Void. You can literally break time out of its linear order my friend, it has long been a goal of silly mystics the world over. Let him with the ears to hear listen and tremble. Many who know will disagree, but I think this is an experience which no man should wish upon themselves. Anathema Maranatha.

I found out the shit is html character code and translated teleutan which translates roughly "sick unto death"

Awakening the kundalini is sex magic. Some clandestine groups do use children in this shit. This shit was probably apart of what was used in MKultra programming. Some occultists say that they have replaced blood ritual with sex magic. This is not true. There are secret groups that DO practice animal and human sacrifice. Notice the Brotherhood of Saturn imagery in this creepy diatribe. This is luciferian devil worship. They probably would probably say this is all in good humor and couch it in jokes like a good discordian. Fuck that shit. It is real.

awarenessadventurer ago


rodeo13 ago

Also, there's a youtube channel, L.H.O.H.Q. Haven't watched the videos but the commenters seem to think its a hoax/disinfo.

nnfx ago

There was also one site with a huuge collection of geo locations from all over the world. I saw it last time when this was posted and also few minutes ago, but I can't find it again now. Some people were trying to figure out what those locations could be about last time. No luck though. Often the locations were in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in citys. No pattern...

I really can't say if there is anything to all of this, but it seems like a freakin lot of work to do all this for no good reason!?

1NationUnderAGroove ago

There is another site the same/very similar - http//

Here's some research I did through Web Searches, haven't followed through with the potential leads, hopefully it helps!

Came across this stuff following some leads from a post about a weird 'MKULTRA' encrypted website

(deleted VOAT OP -

So along the searching was led to this

George Soros has bought shares in Syntel Inc (SYNT) on 30/06/2016 and 30/09/2016

screenshot -

Link here -

A company ran by Indian born billionaire Agrawal Anil

(details of his wealth/pulling power in India/Pakistan/Dubai etc here)

Then was lead to this

And was also led to this Washington, DC business - POSSIBLE TRAFFICKERS OF CHILDREN AND ORGANS ETC...

Browser searched - "what is"

Came across this Washington, DC business

Synthus Inc

Innovation Consulting

About Us

Synthus, Inc., is a Woman- and Military Combat Theater Veteran-Owned Small Business geographically based in the Washington DC area. We have more than 50 years combined experience in national security, cyber strategy, defense, and industry (IT), supporting large and small geographically distributed organizations with global operations and customers in highly volatile environments.

Our focus is on finding creative operational and technology solutions to complex problem sets. We combine a security mindset with passion, creativity, and a Big Picture, integrative approach to help our clients re-frame their business to anticipate and embrace change, and to incorporate innovations made possible by emerging technologies, from mobile computing and the Internet of Everything to synthetic biology and new manufacturing technologies.

The Synthus, Inc., team comprises persuasive advocates who excel at defining a vision and leading stakeholders--internal and external-- to visualize, understand, and embrace it.

Contact Us For more information about our team or services, please reach us at:

[email protected]

I haven't had time to look any further into these leads

awarenessadventurer ago

SYTHUS=A.I. We are the lab rats they are using to teach the machine to "THINK". This is A.I all the way... which includes ALL aspects of the modern version of MK Ultra. It has surpassed 'known' technologies to the point of an integrated frequency control system. starting in the womb and beyond.... expose THIS to a normie and see how well it goes over. Pizzagate is pre-school compared to this shit.

Micheal84 ago

Interesting thanks!!

44NJ9 ago

I would assume there are images showing up too fast for our eyes to recognize but subliminally we are being affected.

Gothamgirl ago

Give it 2 days you will figure the meanings. There is no logic to what I am saying, thats just how it works lol.

DerivaUK ago

Been at it for hours. I need air and a drink

paulf ago

I was on that site in the early days of PG but didn't find anything I could follow. There is a mention of a Dr Octagon in some weird sound files on Soundcloud read by (I think) Amanda Kleinman of Heavy Breathing. There's some weird stuff in that channel that mentions tunnels under D.C among other things.

equineluvr ago

Damn, that is creepy as fuck. I would say that that IS Amanda Kleinman reading.

Is that a reference to Buck's Fishing and Camping in the second one (Bounty)?

I think that deserves its own thread, especially the tunnel stuff.

paulf ago

Definitely a Buck's reference in Bounty. I agree this needs more analysis, I just haven't had time to get to it. It's quite possibly a series of coded messages.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Not sure if related but Dr. Octagon is a persona developed by the rapper Kool Keith, he's an extraterrestrial time-travelling gynaecologist from Jupiter (!)

paulf ago

Thank you - suggestive.

Micheal84 ago

Thank you for the help, looks very useful.

This thing keeps getting weirder.

rodeo13 ago

They've been talking about it over on Reddit in r/conspiracy. Search LHOHQ - going through the posts now.

FckPizza3 ago

I just went over there and found this weird Tumblr site.... sick stuff!!

equineluvr ago

That's actually a pretty good PG primer. Although they do state that some links are NSFW.

FckPizza3 ago

My archive of this page didn't work. There's conversations in there from someone named Jimmy comet. Not sure if it's really him or not... some crazy stuff!!!!!!!

rodeo13 ago

I'm afraid to look. Is anyone archiving this stuff?

FckPizza3 ago

I don't even know how to archive things... that Tumblr has so many linked video's and pictures of people involved that I've never seen before.... someone definitely did alot of investigating....

rodeo13 ago

I use the Wayback machine:

I'll see if I can archive that tumblr post.

Micheal84 ago

Its easy to archive, go to enter the url you want to archive, then that site is archived. Easy peasy!!

FckPizza3 ago

Oh! Well that's easy enough :) I'm archiving that Tumblr page now!

nnfx ago

This maze pops up quite often.

Here in case you didn't see this comment:

Heres a Full List of all the archived pages taken over the last few months. 152 entries! Some crazy stuff out there.

MONOLITHicide ago

found this chugging through this mess

which then i looked to this from a company mentioned

equineluvr ago

WOW, the Koch brothers. They are billionaires, HUGE donors to the GOP.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks, i realy dont know what to think of it.

awarenessadventurer ago

Searchable list of email addresses from this site. In a google doc. Not sure who created but it was NOv 2016. This is a banned link so I broke it at google. https://docs. google. com/document/d/1vk5ru1s8U1k_kJwswh0lWVqIf9KxLalrRbrlA1LcdpU/edit

If you read through you can see they are grouped into categories towards the end. With a header (name) on each group. Handlers? Lead in a cell? I believe these are 'cells' of operatives under a lead handler.

this email list may be useful for research. Everyone Pizza related is in it.

equineluvr ago

Al Gore, Gary Trudeau, Abbe Lowell, Ann Pincus.... etc. etc. etc. etc.

sunshine702 ago

I called Al Gore. Got his office :)

equineluvr ago

Wow! Did you leave a message? You should have left one about "global warming," He is full of hot air. ;)

privatepizza ago

Awesome !

Micheal84 ago

Interesting find, could it be before Pizzagate, if so its even more interesting.

sunshine702 ago

And TAMARRA LAZZATTO of Evie's crib is On the list!


This was on 7 months ago. It was a huge dox of the clinton foundation

privatepizza ago

Do you think there's new material on it now?



nnfx ago

Seems so. Look at this comment.

WastedF ago

This TopSecretForum is early stuff that everyone is waking up to now. A lot of mentions of Madeleine McCann and other girls going missing/news reactions at the time

May connect some more dots or backinfo and very common disinfo squabbles

Micheal84 ago

Wow thank you for that, keep diggin!!

nnfx ago

Same results for me.

johnpedostalol ago

All of you are going to jail for looking at this shit... or worse

druhill007 ago

Lol no. Any govt officials come at me with shit like that better believe I'm demanding to see their hard drives hahaha

johnpedostalol ago

xD just messing with u men

druhill007 ago


FckPizza3 ago

I also stumbled across this site that is talking about this website. I'm not sure what this site is. Maybe it's like voat or Reddit?

StopPizza2k17 ago

Pretty good site for free speech discussion of these types of things. Has its fair share of occult conversations. Less traffic, but little censorship.

awarenessadventurer ago

MK ULtra triggers/programming tools? Are these sites for handlers programming slaves? Is this a "Neural Experiment"? "you've been warned, the CIA is coming mk ultra neural experiment topic now"

Mbailey63 ago

Dude this is about disclosure of aliens/UFO's. Unless Pedofiles are also aliens and visa versa.

awarenessadventurer ago

Try A.I. we are the lab rats teaching the mainframe how to 'think'. This stuff is deeper than you know... this is the fucking matrix

Mbailey63 ago


zlomsocz ago

I'd like to point out this screams disinfo, it's densely worded nonsense sounds like Alfred lambremont webre at exopolitics blog, a cia Ford foundation Rockefeller foundations funded nonsense, also see Laura Eisenhower website, same malarchy, project Camelot, same deal. I call the tactic Intel edging as they write around topics that matter and throw the reader aloof with phrases like artificial intelligence entrainment, etc

awarenessadventurer ago

I know Alfred Lambremont Webre personally. He is as mind controlled as they come. He doesnt even know it. I hired him to speak at a truth conference. He is a tool (and a nutjob), not a knowing participant. His background tells much, meeting him and spending time with him tells more. I was with him at other conferences over a number of years. He tends to slip into trance states when things dont align with his programming. True story.

zlomsocz ago

I've been writing about this guy, and that's the most enlightening comment I've seen about him thx

druhill007 ago

As social experiment I'm gonna avoid looking at site and see if u guys get affected Lollll

Micheal84 ago

I think im infected allready. Lol :D

Drnoway ago

It started as something sounding a lot like cia operation info for a agent. Then turned into gibberish. After reading that i am sure that this is a diversion/honeypot.

nnfx ago

So we need someone with an french IP/ proxy to cross check, huh?

awarenessadventurer ago

Von Braun....reference to "The Last Card" Carol Rosin? They have been trying to find the right time to push this new boogie man....another agenda yet to be fully played out. I met Carol Rosin... she is living in Oregon in a trailer and is afraid for her life... STILL.

Micheal84 ago


AngB23 ago

This is killing me. At work at can't look up any of this stuff. Can anyone at least take any screen shots? And WTG OP! Sounds like a gold mine here.

privatepizza ago

It's pages and pages and pages of psychedelic flashing colours with collages of photos and gifs. With text underneath all that. Hidden links in the images / gifs, some are text links. It's crazeee, and who knows what it is, it'll take a long time to work through it all. Seems like 3 or 4 sites connected together.

nnfx ago

lol That was the last thing I read before coming back here. So... whats up with this shit? Written by AI?

remedy4reality ago

This is positively terrifying...

I think you have found the Holy Grail to PG.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm pretty sure its a hoax, there is a pattern of that with this group of posters.

kestrel9 ago

I'm not clicking it..because...what you, 2impendingdoom, said upvoat btw (don't know the posters, there's just a stink).

Maybe it's an AI Encylipedophila Britannica designed to try and make a Horse's Orifice out of people and then laugh. Posters should try sharing screenshots before telling everyone to click suspicious wormholes, whether real or hoax. If it's a hoax that is malicious in any way, can the moderators do anything to keep PizzaBot from spreading it? "

Micheal84 ago

It could be a hoax, but why all the afford?

remedy4reality ago

Yeah... I think not.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

What is this? Do you know?

LostandFound ago

Hello OP we have been down this rabbit hole before the best we could work this out it was an old lulsec joke of sorts. We dragged out all the code so we knew we were not missing any links the site just goes around in circles. Fresh eyes are always good but it did appear to be nothing more than a web of links in an elaborate prank of sorts. Not saying that its not something just we trashed the shit outa that site and could not find more info.

Please note that the domain was registered in 07 but the subdomain octagon theres no registered date for that as subdomains dont make the same records.

You can probably find more info on this if you search /r/dcleaks - this was one of the ways PG actually started as thats where the podesta emails were broken down.

Stormer-chan ago

This site reminded me of the GNAA to be honest, the dox list showed up on 8chan quite awhile ago first IIRC, before being added to their site.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I found its connected to these sites as well. GNAA Gay Niggers Association of America.

equineluvr ago

What's the GNAA?

Micheal84 ago

Wow, did not know that, thanks for the reply!.

When i found it, i didnt think it was this big.

AngB23 ago

I thought maybe when i read lists of names, numbers and so forth, this was a leak of Montgomery's The Hammer but it sounds like a lot more sinister stuff.

Micheal84 ago

I really have no idea what this website is about, thank god there are a lot of people here who are better in this.

LostandFound ago

Fresh eyes are always good, and your logic on getting there was the same as the fine autists that got there the first time around. Keep looking, hell there could be anything there we missed there could even still be podesta emails overlooked or not understood. I am actually delighted you found it, that site is not nothing, but im also not sure that it is something.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for calling me an autist :P but your right i really dont know if its something or not.

I didnt know it was found before, and by the looks of it many others knew either

Its good if people focus on this find, and if your sceptic or whatever, just keep diggin elsewhere.

There are lots of other things still undiscovered i think.

BlackManta ago

Mind status: blown. The rabbit hole is never ending.

DietCokehead1 ago

Check this out: Look at this:

BlackManta ago

Whoa. You know what is weird, I have had run ins with black helicopters. For real. So odd.

Micheal84 ago

Its deep, very deep.

BlackManta ago

Man it is. I cracked three molars last fall researching this evil shit from clenching my teeth. Not to mention the insomnia and nightmares.

azamber ago

No words for this video. Very freaky. NSFW I can't watch any more of these. I feel like my brain is being scrambled or something. lol

azamber ago

Clicking around a bit, I got to this weird movie. wth does it mean? lol

Micheal84 ago

I have no idea, some say the site is fake but why make it so complicated then?

Infopractical ago

The data dump here (the phone numbers, emails, addresses) seem to date to 2008 or earlier. For instance, I followed the [email protected] email and found Farhad Manjoo working for, but he seems to have stopped writing at Salon in 2008. But here he's...talking about internet porn and orgies:

He later jumped to Slate, but has since climbed the ranks to the WSJ and NYT. Here he is on twitter pissing on #pizzagate:

And here he is (one of the twitter quotes) piling on Milo:

FckPizza3 ago

I don't feel comfortable searching the direct site, but I put into a duck duck go search and I saw this page

Micheal84 ago

Intetesting, thanks!

azamber ago

This page has a ton of links. Not sure which rabbit hole on the 2nd to last page you linked I clicked to get here.

privatepizza ago

This one has a pic of what looks like a dead Saddam Hussein. Wtf

Micheal84 ago

It is WTF!

privatepizza ago


jangles ago

Television about on about another Television for IBM and Dell are sticky boners on on about and Microsoft about on Caused the Financial Crisis Television Rupert Murdoch with Digital for NFL and and Erections on on for and about for for Wall Street Journal and on Rupert Murdoch on about and because and Television and Consumers refuse to buy to because and for on General Electric about Digital about Caused the Financial Crisis on Rupert Murdoch Devil Worshipping Pedophiles Digital Newspapers Stupid to and General Electric CNN Digital on because with Wall Street Journal about another about Erections another Erections because with Washington DC Microsoft because and about on McDonalds Fast Food and about for on on about Stop buying these products and for and because and because and Works for the CIA Television and about and about Devil Worshipping Pedophiles about and about and and and Caused the Financial Crisis for General Electric andbecause and on and General Electric for for on and about Rupert Murdoch and for another for for Devil Worshipping Pedophiles Pornographic and for ISWG another and Newspapers for Television and about for and Wall Street Journal on and because Devil Worshipping Pedophiles because NFL about and for urahmon snullen Pseudonyms MITM NARF Gray Data VLSI mega Leitrim Yakima NSES Sugar Grove WAS Cowboy Gist The Media Stop buying these products Gatt Platform and to Monsters Geraldton UKUSA veggie XM Parvus NAVSVS for another on another Morwenstow Consul Oratory Pine Gap Menwith Mantis DSD BVD and to another on blow out BUDS WQC Flintlock PABX Electron Chicago Crust eto about DDR&E for M KEDO iButton Rand erco Toffler FAS RHL Kfor Visa/BCC SNT Ceridian STE condor CipherTAC-with and and and Etacs Shipiro ssor piz fritz KY for with Edens Kids NFL Microsoft Washington DC on and for another about Donald Trump Sex Tapeabout and for with about another because Devil Worshipping Pedophiles for Homosexual and Sucks for for Rupert Murdoch because with another Pornographic and and because and and Consumers refuse to buy for for another Microsoft Caused the Financial Crisis about another about with with and and and Works for the CIA General Electric and Rupert Murdoch because and for with because and Stupid and and Anal Sex Pornographic and and and General Electric and for FedEx because with and for Pornographic and and about with and and about another Rupert Murdoch with W Caused the Financial Crisis and Rupert Murdoch Television and Wall Street Journal on Devil Worshipping Pedophiles on on Wall Street Journal because for Wall Street Journal and about for for another Wall Street Journal FedEx with about with another Television

20Justice4All17 ago

Agreed...Would be nice to get some kind of explanation

jangles ago

Micheal84 ago

Wow nice find!!

ibepokey ago

here's the text from the

jennifer aniston friends order. princess diana and the ministry of justice, mi6 and mi6 french secret agent reports. liking the mercury halibut. deformed children. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison. On December 4, 2005, Reuters reported that according to John Pace, human rights chief for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), those held in Abu Ghraib prison were among an estimated 14,000 people imprisoned in violation of UN Resolution 1546. According to Pace, All [prisoners in Iraq] except those held by the Ministry of Justice are, technically speaking, held against the law because the Ministry of Justice is the only authority that is empowered by law to detain, to hold anybody in prison.

Drnoway ago

This is weird, but my money is on it being a diversion.

Micheal84 ago

It could be.

Drnoway ago

There is no real info besides those contact infos. Somebody call trump and tell him to start draining the swamp soon!

equineluvr ago

Trump is IN the swamp.

Drnoway ago

Probably. Would be nice to know if those numbers still work..

20Justice4All17 ago

People are saying this has been previously discovered...potential psyop nothing burger

palmitespo910 ago

This website is a rabbit hole in itself. I'm going to keep following links. May post later. Brb.

Micheal84 ago

Good luck!

20Justice4All17 ago

Doesn't it seem weird you could get to this from a google search? Seems too easy...but hey, idk anything about how this stuff works

Micheal84 ago

Just google jamesacorp, this site will show up in the results.

I still dont know exactly what i found, but people are realy diggin into this now.

paulieweb ago

I used Screaming Frog SEO Spider to download the crawlable links from: - - -

I am now using HTTrack Website Copier to download the entirety of based on the link structure present (including pages, images, videos, zip files).

theHubrisOfMan ago

Good luck, I was clicking around links for a minute and had no idea what I was looking at but holy shit that rabbit hole is deep. Afraid to find whats at the end.

had_enough ago

thanks for archiving this, it could be a trap or it could be the motherload, time will tell all I think

Micheal84 ago

Wow tnx for your work and keep digging!!

freeagent37 ago

You truly stumbled upon some coded information here for sure. Looks like some formulas for sexual programming of sorts? Wow! Can anyone decode this stuff?

Micheal84 ago

I know its very interesting, but realy weird. I didnt realize it was this big, untill suddenly it blew up like this.

sunshine702 ago

We will remember who brought us this ENTIRE rabbit hole! Thanks Micheal84

equineluvr ago

Yea, thank you Micheal84 and also GothamGirl for all your hard work. :)

freeagent37 ago

Its HUGE!!!! Bigger than anyone truly can comprehend at this time.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been digging into for some time, you have no idea..

freeagent37 ago

Keep up the great work!

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you.

Stormer-chan ago

Awhile ago on 8chan there was a dox list like this including these individuals.

Micheal84 ago

Interesting, thanks!

Stormer-chan ago

Some old posts on Reddit here: [ ]

Micheal84 ago

Thank you for replying this.

User88 ago

Please somebody use some video screen cap program while browsing and upload the video somewhere! Periscope or YouTube/Vimeo whatever. Not all of us are as brave browsers as some of y'all. And maybe don't upload it right now, but wait until we have found more info so no-one can F with the site once shit hits the fan and goes viral or something.

NotHereForPizza ago

The last time this was posted, people mentioned that it was a honeypot. I'm not sure if it's true or not.

I'm surprised none of you have seen this before.

privatepizza ago

Yea, gotta link for that?

NotHereForPizza ago

I was hoping someone else could find it. I believe what I'm talking about was in r/pizzagate. Maybe someone could look through the archives.

I don't have time to devote to that right now.

I'll give you a quick rundown:

Laughing Horse Orrifice(s) Inc.

At one point there's a link to a login page. Someone eventually cracked said login page, and where there were previously comments that went back to like 2008, there were new posts on the page, some mentioning 4chin, some mentioning pizzagate I think I remember one of them saying something about hiliary and trump as it was right before the election.

Another link you'll find deep in the maze has the tree of life and each of the thirteen circle things has a link attached to it, one i believe leads to the above mentioned.

After a while, I believe someone came in and mentioned something about this being the old work of an autist where he simply dumped a lot of data.

Look, I'm not saying don't look there. I don't want this to not be investigated, in fact - if my opinion matters. But, I will say this, the UI is going to be loaded with unappealing things on purpose. This is a tactic used to distract from any data underlying said material.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for the reply, any links would be interesting.

privatepizza ago

Really appreciate your thoughts on this, and your time, thank you. Appreciate your perspective. And yep okay.... gotcha...

20Justice4All17 ago

Ahh, please provide link

Micheal84 ago

Didnt see this before, but then again sometimes its good to repost something in case people missed it. ;)

Micheal84 ago

I know!

Im at work now so dont have time, just found it during lunch.

privatepizza ago

Haha, crazy day for you Michael ! You're a hero ; ). saving the world in your lunch time : D

Micheal84 ago

Not a hero, just a Voater who is part of the team! ;)

privatepizza ago

; )

Silverlining ago

Where is the family picture - in which link, pls?

artfullyours ago

The very first page. I thought the same thing...mafia

Intheknow ago


truthseekertx ago

Heres a Full List of all the archived pages taken over the last few months. 152 entries! Some crazy stuff out there.

44NJ9 ago

this reminds me of those books that use to be popular in the 90s where if you stared at it long enough you would see hidden pics or the pic would become something else.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks! ,crazy stuff indeed.

acme2011 ago

This is completely crazy! Here is some text I picked up from the archive posted by truthseekertx.

"POLITICAL INTRODUCTION In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent-weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia. The issue of primary concern, that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the energy sciences. ENERGY Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary? In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent. Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few. In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name "silent weapons." In conclusion, the objective of economic research, as conducted by the magnates of capital (banking) and the industries of commodities (goods) and services, is the establishment of an economy which is totally predictable and manipulatable. In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of the society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties"

Verite1 ago


awarenessadventurer ago

you got it. seperating the wheat from the chaff. Those that are 'special' or 'worthy few' present the essence of the divine mind as a collective. A.I. benefits. These fuckers love 'testing'

Step #1. Create a Maze with lots of stinky cheese Step #2 Find the smartest rats who find the cheese, study how they operate, search and find. Turn it into an algorithm. Step #3 Create a more complicated maze with lots more stinky cheese. Use the Algorithm and frequency technology of the A.I. to affect programming/dna (perhaps create new rats with the tech with advanced dna and abilities to assist and compete for better results) Step #4 let the smartest rats 'teach' your AI technology how to think and dominate better than the smartest rat. Implement. Step #5: Assume world domination, always one step ahead of ALL of the mind controlled rats.(of all levels of ability) Even the best rats wont figure this maze out. Or will they?

We are are all part of the algorithm. Welcome to the world of being a lab rat. THIS SHIT IS HUGE CHEESE.

keeper1 ago

I thought this looked familiar. It's from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Here's one link to a pdf version:

Here's the descriptor of the document at the top of it:

"This document is the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954. The following document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale."

acme2011 ago

My god! Great find!

privatepizza ago

That's crazZE

Mad_As_Hell ago

Thanks for posting, this lhohq stuff reminds me of reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace - total mind fuck. Does anyone remember the PowerPoint slideshow that was found about yielding energy from people? It was some collaboration between Abramovic (as in Marina) Institute and Tesla Institute. Can't remember if it predated Voat or not.

Astrodreamer ago

LHOHQ -- this is probably reference or (mis)remembrance of early conceptual artist Marcel Duchamps' art-piece and slogan, LHOOQ The letters read in French (H is pronounce ahsh) are a pun for the phrase 'Elle a chaud au cue' (She has a hot c*nt.) The art work is a reproduction of the Mona Lisa with a mustache and goatee prominently captioned "L. H. O. O. Q." I don't know why the second O has changed into another H, but given JA's arty world the reference to Duchamps is a certainly. -- --

VieBleu ago

the message of the DaDa movement would then also take on some meaning for the enterprise.... Nonesense and chaos being a medium of expression.

StopPizza2k17 ago

Someone needs to make an EWO thread on 4/pol with these links.

Micheal84 ago

Feel free to do so, im not on there.

StopPizza2k17 ago

Afraid to link to the voat for fear of inviting shills here. Which links should be posted?

20Justice4All17 ago

Please don't link VOAT to 4 chan. We need some sanctity in here

Micheal84 ago

I realy dont now, never thought this discovery was this big.

StopPizza2k17 ago

Probably isn't, but I believe in the power of crowdsourcing.

privatepizza ago

It's already posted on /pol by someone below

truthseekertx ago

Looks like LHOHQ produces videos as well.

They seem to be satanic ritual type sexual stuff. Very creepy. The one I watched was called The First Time Space Girl on the farm.

VieBleu ago

since you watched it, could you do a short synopsis of the "plot"?

Micheal84 ago

Man im not even gonna watch that now. ( at work)

truthseekertx ago

Yes...steer clear from this site if your at work.

Micheal84 ago

I know ;)

Micheal84 ago

I edited, i just googled the term "jamesacorp" Different things come up, and this site was one of them, because [email protected] exsist on this site.

micha_ ago

You are asking too important questions... The whole discussion here feels fishy to me... Every bet, he will ignore your most important question.

Micheal84 ago

U can think what you want, but if you google as i did u will also find it. All i can say is im not fishing here.

micha_ ago

Only afterwards I demanded that info, you explained how you have found the page to @Googs.

nnfx ago

Can confirm. I was suspicious, but it really came up on the 2nd site of results for "jamesacorp"

Micheal84 ago

Its true, i can imagine people being suspicious, i would be either.

When googeling i never thought i would find this!

azamber ago

Clicking through that takes you to a link titled How to steal an election

privatepizza ago


druhill007 ago

Just looked at a link. There's deffo symbological fuckery going on. Would highly recommend pacing yourselves folks!!

privatepizza ago

Hell yea, looking at this is like dropping 10 tabs of LSD at once. My eyes prolly have cancer now.

Psychanaut ago


LargePepperoni ago

It looks like it may be fake. Wayback machine didn't archive it till november of 2016.

Gothamgirl ago

The 3 sites are, Lhohq & the one you posted. They go into deep detail on everything, Wtc, Iraq, MK ultra, Mk ultra logs (Anthony Weiner was subject #90 at Mit), frequencies weaponized, vaccines, Pizzagate, Democratic emails, illuminati emails & websites, This isn't something you read and will be able to grasp the first time. It will take you days to put the pieces together. The info is the real deal. There is even a video of a guy being mk ultra'd and then he kills his wife later. I am looking into the Madeline McCain part of it. So far I think she was mk ultra'd at some point. There is a reference to a Podesta email that proves he was in Portugal. Working on a possible 4th site now. To see if I find more. Word of warning lots of colorful blinking.

equineluvr ago

This is a video entitled "Labyrinth Labor Work Register" from the site. It involves an underground sewer/tunnel. I stopped watching a few minutes in after seeing some freak pull some fur off of a cat. (I canNOT handle animal abuse of ANY kind.)

thisHoCwilltumble ago

ive talked to synt on discord. his buddies, whom post farrrrr too many drawings of sexualized b-22's (which i think might be a code, but only bc of episode 2 of The Mick) claim he's schizophrenic. when i've talked to him it does appear that might be the case, but there is no way to say for sure. his buddies also claim theyre around 14 yo.

Laskar ago

The Podestas were in Portugal when Madeline M. "disappeared". They not only show up in police e-sketches (as does Wiener), but they were renting the villa of the well known, now dead, pedo--Clement Freud. Yes, related to the shrink, Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "infantile sexuality". Dr. Freud was laughed out of Europe because doctors there did not subscribe to his notion that infants and children crave sex, when the reality was he was dealing with abuse victims. In America, though, the whole twentieth century fell for that crap.

Jem777 ago

He was not laughed out of Europe. That is a grave historical lie. He is memoralized and experimented on children. There is a statue of him there now.

Laskar ago

There were lots of statues of Lenin and Stalin too, having a statue does not indicate in any way what people really thought of someone at the time.

Freud's first and only visit to America, was attended by Emma Goldman of all people, not exactly a healthcare professional.

On the way over, Freud said, "We are bringing them the plague", not science or medicine, the plague. His own words. You can easily look it up. Here is one article among hundreds:

His nephew, Edward Bernays is the founder of modern propaganda and mind control. He wrote a book called Propaganda in 1928--an interesting read to say the least. Sigmund Freud's grandson, Clement Freud, a known (now deceased) child molester was a popular radio personality during his life in the UK. Clement also rented his Portuguese villa to the Podesta brothers around the time of Madeline McCann's disappearance.

Freud's letters and works speak for themselves, if not for their victims.

equineluvr ago

You are spot on.

Don't waste your time arguing with that clueless idiot. S/He has zero arguing/debating skiill and zero class so will never concede a point, either.

christa ago

I don't doubt you, but can you source the villa claim? I have only seen it surface here and there, though only speculatively, without any sort of 'evidence', so to speak. It would nice to have something to reference.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes i know very well, I have made it my goal to try to solve it.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Gothamgirl did you find this info in the LHOHQ sites OP posted or the LHOHQ sites I found dating back from at least 2007? Could you provide a link to what you are talking about? This seems huge! See my edits for more clarification on what I found.

Gothamgirl ago

This the log not sure if you can read it. I saved it somewhere else it exceeds the text limit. Pretty sure it was that site or I will look before the end of the day. There is so much to go through.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been saying this along time i know it all I am just really bad at putting it into words.

There is a few things on Madeline McCain so if anyone knows how to break coded language let me know.

Jem777 ago

If you make it through the sequencing it will also lead you to G.W.B. & wtc info. Also Nazi connections between them all & MK Ultra.

Gothamgirl ago

They say wtc7 was taken down with atomic explosives, and the true reason so many were diagnosed with cancer.

Jem777 ago

The pictures that were shown were of GWB using occult symbology. S&B initiation of unknown subjects (horrific=sodomy) picture of the top highjacker from Able Danger program. Also info on 200 "read in" on that day. Very disturbing.

Gothamgirl ago

Sure is.

Gothamgirl ago


Joe10jo ago

We all have our sub-interests, I suppose, and mine happens to be MKUltra.... so when you say that it lists Anthony Weiner as "subject 90" in relation to an MKUltra project is that in fact what it's truly indicating!???? If so, WOW!!!!

we_kill_creativity ago

Look out for info on jonbenet ramsey too. They found a cloth there that showed signs of having been used to wipe her genital area...also known, I think, as a "pizza related map".

20Justice4All17 ago

There is a snuff video in this?

Gothamgirl ago

No however there is a reference to -"Porn star killer" which I believe makes snuff in Portugal.

privatepizza ago


remus_schmitt ago

If you go to this page you see Laughing Horse's Orfice.

Google Laughing Horses Orfice and you find this

I clicked on Multi-Dimensional Fourth-Dimensional Dynamic Strategic Customer Services and got this

We're not in Kansas anymore. Don't really want to keep clicking, who knows what there is through all that...

remus_schmitt ago

OP - perfectly suited title.

rooting4redpillers ago

In case it matters, someone on that 4chan thread got the op's original search term wrong. Says jamescorp and jamescorp@gmail - left out the a between james and corp - and that gets completely different results.

doolord ago

Post to full chan.

palmitespo910 ago

How about you post to full chan. Idek what full chan is.

Ocelot ago

Fullchan is 8chan. 8ch .net

They refer to 4chan as halfchan.

privatepizza ago

Nice one, we need 4Chan here

druhill007 ago


privatepizza ago

Never needed em more bro. Check out @Gothamgirl 'S comments on this thread

druhill007 ago

Wtf they archived it on 4chan. Is that normal??

privatepizza ago

Ummm... no I don't think so, not until there's a certain amount of comments, but idk?

If so someone needs to post it again. We need weaponized autism on this.

palmitespo910 ago

I think when a thread dies it gets archived.

privatepizza ago

You mean when there aren't enough posting on it to keep it alive?

palmitespo910 ago

Bingo. That's my understanding, at least. Because I've followed links to threads before that weren't full and also were archived. That's the only answer that comes to mind for me.

privatepizza ago

Hey cool, thanks for the info

palmitespo910 ago

You're welcome. Feel free to check 4chan's faq or asking someone who isn't me. Like I said, it's the only answer that comes to mind. I don't know for sure.

abcdefg222 ago

I can't look at this stuff but thank you all. Upvoat!! This seems important.

Micheal84 ago

I know its realy realy weird!

privatepizza ago

Priebus has an address in Racine (Winsconsin ; )

Silverlining ago

Somebody has been most insistent that the solution to pizzagate is to be found in Racine but if he knows what it is, I don't understand why he is always so elliptic about it - just saying dig dig dig.

equineluvr ago

Yes, and s/he was largely debunked for never providing anything to back up the claims. Frankly, the claims sounded hyperbolic.

AngB23 ago

Just about to say that. Some guy on YT was it? He was ADMIT Racine was the center of it all, but I didn't understand him

DerivaUK ago

It was in Voat - he posts constantly about Racine being the key to unlock PG but doesn't support with links to follow - his username is something like Wisconsin_is_corrupt

AngB23 ago

Oh, ok. I couldn't remember where I read that stuff. Searching stuff for Racine in Wiki. Only came up with Johnson Foundation. It's been around for 50+ years. Lots of stuff about water, clean water and stuff like that.

palmitespo910 ago

I'll make a thread and see what we can find out.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Could you please pass along my findings in regard to this thread? Check out the top comment, I found 2 more LHOHQ sites dating back to at least 2007 that are equally occult and fucked up and I want to see if these sites also have weird source code or embedded data too.

palmitespo910 ago

The thread is linked in the thread multiple times at this point.

iamlegion ago


https:/ /cryptome. wikileaks .org/

https:/ / com/ document/d/1vk5ru1s8U1k_kJwswh0lWVqIf9KxLalrRbrlA1LcdpU/edit

nomorepepperoni ago

The hell is Cryptome and why do they have their own page full of documents on Wikileaks? We should probably look through those.

Gothamgirl ago

There is 3 sites that all tie in together, with lots of info. Even on Pizzagate. This is the 3rd site I just found it to & it has some very personal info on President Trump.

privatepizza ago

Pizzagate??? Where Girl?

Gothamgirl ago

This one all the way at the bottom right. It says something about Podesta's emails and being in Portugal.

privatepizza ago

Seeing that... ty! It's bizarre... no links from it...

Gothamgirl ago

There is 3 sites that connect And the 2 he posted. has pizzagate info.

privatepizza ago

YOU GO GG!! @michael84 , please can you add GG's info here to your main post as an edit ? We'll get more eyes on it that way. Cheers ; ))

educate_yourself ago

dunno whereu heard that but id say false. 2 main factions of a singular cult or 2 main factions of cults? either way its wrong the owl is just one of many idols or symbols they use and there is no spider faction of an elite cult, as it were..... theres nothing excessively spidery with the elites except maybe their beady little eyes and some likely have big ass fangs they hide but no spider cult or w.e

BlackManta ago

Bohemian grove has a stone carving saying something like 'no spiders can weave webs here'.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Yes! As I read the above comment I was thinking this and then saw your comment. Let's not forget about the owl and spiderweb on the $ bill too...they're synonymous with each other.

44NJ9 ago

There is some mystical beliefs that we are all connected with energy strings. I believe some natives considered spidered to be time creators or something. I don't have time to dig about it right now. I will edit later if i find it. To me is seems they don't a record of what takes place there according to those legends.

Verite1 ago

I think they're in a key. Looking back at that Abromovich artist comment about collaboration between her and Tesla for the energy art piece, it's not just mystical. They have proven it in physics through String theory. Everything is connected it totally full in the face of particle physics and was the only thing to reconcile general relativity to quantum physics. That's why when They discovered the Higgs Boson everybody was relieved because all the calculations stayed in place. As far as it being a key, I think it's because at least in part, the powers that be do not want natural health and the recognition of connected mess, and inside out bottom of thinking, because if people figure it out it's part of the solution and it will help to unravel the house of cards. Think about it, it brings in the question of big Pharma and how to get out from under the social engineering part where people are completely dumbed down through the vaccines unnecessary medications everybody's eating the processed food with the chemicals and the gmos etc. TPTB want us in that state (I'm not)!!!

Pokes ago

Anybody want John Podesta's home phone number? Wow, I really hope someone makes use of that.

privatepizza ago

HAHA..... one of Donald Trumps email addys is apparently [email protected] !!!!

GO TD !!!

Micheal84 ago

I dont know, but the picture has this link:

New operating system???

SayWhatNOWAY ago

That old guy looks like:

Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak is a former Egyptian military and political leader who served as the fourth President of Egypt from 1981 to 2011

Silverlining ago

Search images for Hosni Mubarrack and that picture comes up - about three screens down for me

privatepizza ago

Yep, that is indeed Mubarak. I think with his wife Susan and idk the others...

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Maybe the OP should send this stuff to Sessions?

Micheal84 ago

Maybe im stupid, but whats Sessions?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sorry, USA Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Micheal84 ago

Okay thanks.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Is there any way to find out when each profile was setup?

privatepizza ago

There are no datebstamps, it's flat images. You could save the image and check the properties for a creation date.

Otherwise, the ages of the people are in the profiles, along with the year they were born, so you could work when the profiles were created from that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Hmmm, do you think some of these names was recently added?

privatepizza ago

Idk... see my comment above and that could help work it out

Pokes ago

Unfortunately Sessions is in there with everyone else. He has a profile on that page too!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Maybe should put above a WARNING for those prone to seizures! Jesus WTF is with the flashing shit! Subliminal messages?? Anyone checkout those email addresses?

Flat_Truth ago

if you view source code of the pages, then its all just printed out in the HTML

carmencita ago

If you are on that crazy page with a page of flashing red jibberish be warned. I clicked on one of those names that flashed up and it was Bill Richardson. Up comes a bunch of what looked like it could be porn. It was only up for 3 sec. since it scared the hell out of me. Be very careful.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


chiefcrazyhorse ago

I found a weird link!

I've done some digging into this and apparently on the Above Top Secret forums in 2007 an anon found a piece of paper with a weird symbol and letters on it while walking in downtown Milwaukee.

Another anon linked the symbol and letters on that paper to the Laughing Horse Orifice Headquarters or LHOHQ a weird organization that they seem to brush off as a weird internet blog that they discovered through googling. This LHOHQ matches the LHOHQ and aesthtic of the site you discovered. What the fuck is going on? If this is the same LHOHQ, did they have the names and email address of huma abedein, jake tapper etc. in 2007 too?

EDIT: Apparently the LHOHQ site was coincidentally discovered as a possible lead in past pizzagate investigations from november, however there was no mention or discovery of the emails and phone numbers you have found:

The voaters from November thought it to be a possible disinformation campaign to disrupt pizzagate research. However that still doesn't explain why this site was active in 2007 and equally as weird. If somebody could find out if the LHOHQ site from 2007 that is linked in the above top secret forums post i linked, has the HRC contact information in them, then we could be on to something. I know i'm rambling, but I hope I make sense lol

EDIT #2: So the same anon who posted a question on the ATS forums about finding the symbol also asked the same question on a blizzard hacking forum around the same time:

And HOLY SHIT apparently the original discovery of the LHOHQ acronym was hidden in a cypher of letters that was on the anon's piece of paper that he references in the AWS and BlizzHackers posts. The BlizzHackers guys go deep into this site and the occult references. REMEMBER these posts from BlizzHackers and AWS are from 2007! That's what makes this LHOHQ lead that much more significant to this investigation- if LHOHQ is a pizzagate disinformation op then why the hell did it exist in 2007 and for what purpose? Would it be possible to get in touch with the original OP who posted on the ATS and BlizzHackers site about finding this symbol and the LHOHQ cypher?

EDIT #3:The LHOHQ sites discovered by anons in 2007 are ENTIRELY DIFFERENT websites than the one voat has discovered in 2017, but they are just as fucked up and occult! This opens up a whole new can of worms into this LHOHQ lead, especially since we discovered the one OP posted here has the names and emails of high profile elites implicated in the Podesta emails.

Here is the links to the LHOHQ sites discovered in 2007 in regards to the anon finding a cypher of the acronym LHOHQ on a piece of paper in Milwaukee. These sites are entirely DIFFERENT than the one OP in this thread posted in 2017. I think we should dig into these sites as well for more clues:

The second site says its down because of a billing issue:

What the fuck is LHOHQ and this trail of occult and pseudo-pornographic websites that evidently dates back to at least 2007? Search these LHOHQ sites from 2007, there might be more answers to who the hell is operating these sites.

pontagon ago

yeh this was all covered in the original threads, there was atleast 10 separate ones, and was doing the rounds on the chans in november too - it was looked into fully, and most stuff Im reading here is like 5 month reposts, even the ATS threads were found.

we actually found the guy who made its profile, he had a few sites like this, and it seemed like some trippy art project using leaked info and making some online labyrth with it... anyway, you should look into the older stuff

NotAnIdiot ago

MyUSA2017 ago

Holy crap. This is not for the faint of heart. I've seen images of man on man sex (military) referencing George W Bush 43 getting "tapped" and then very strange videos that are absolutely disgusting (porn and graphic violence). Highlight the pages to see the hidden text. Click on images, clip art, etc. to take you to more and more and more. Wow. I feel like Dorothy, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." :(

AngB23 ago

This OP on Blizzhackers also said the letters on the piece of paper are in this order : HQLHO was is kind of odd since website is LHOHQ. Also important to note, his OP said they live in Milwaukee, WI. Another guy who I think it was on YT was begging people to look into Racine, WI where he felt was the epic-center of it all. What they hell is in Racine?

fartnigger ago

The LHOHQ website itself links back to the blizzhackers forum post... wtf...

There are hundreds of pages, all different:

The LHOHQ site (and OP's link) was mentioned 5 months ago on 8ch:

thisisnotagame ago

And what the hell is this??? I followed some of your leads which took me to this:

It's a very long script with information about all sorts of military and government names involvements in operations this some sort of leak, or way they communicate?

DMTco2Melatonin ago

(Hard Sinister state and operating in activities that is that which they think so. some indivisible horizontals to a media group for this profile are now kept at Georgetown University)

DMTco2Melatonin ago

Wisconsin is known as "America's Dairyland"

shootermcgvn ago

This was at the bottom.


XXX Pamela Anderson XXX LHOHQ NvsVbVL1 HaLf CHAN obama reptilian infiltration from the vatican psyop chan justin timberlake oldfag

Psychanaut ago

It's a visual encrypted vault. That's why it's always "eerily similar" but not the same. a good research track would be to use wayback to record the info over time and try to decrypt

Pokes ago

What the fuck is that? It has mention of kim kardashian in it?

theHubrisOfMan ago

LHO is a cargo code for Live Human Organs. Is this about human/organ trafficking??

DerivaUK ago

I found that one too but above it I found another similar to that but it was dated today, April 4 and is titled Government Final Shutdown April 2017

carmencita ago

I was reading some of it and it makes no sense because I believe they inserted all kinds of crazy phrases that do not belong. I think that is meant to throw people off, on purpose of course. There is something about 2012 and also about Donald Trump Presidential and also Alex Jones. Crazy.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Holy shit, did you find that on the LHOHQ web portal that OP linked to or is was that link from either the AWS or BlizzHackers forum post concerning the original OP and his piece of paper?

thisisnotagame ago

Found it by clicking through the original...check out this weird ass video i am watching now called The Pond:

"What would you give for some apples, the fruit that made Adam so wise?"....

rooting4redpillers ago

A few other weird ass videos on YouTube, on a L.H.O.H.Q. channel:

Cthulhu for President in 2012



equineluvr ago

That channel uses a pic of OPRAH.

Description: "Situationist communism: Clinical soldiers and Tim Robbins's astrological imperative operative to every talented or envious freedom-loving mammal's YouTuber avatar guru."

DerivaUK ago

Equally weird indeed

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Ok when you say original, do you mean the LHOHQ sites that anons found in 2007 or the LHOHQ site OP found in this thread in 2017? These are different websites yet have the same developer, so I need people to look at the ones dating back to 2007 as well, sorry if it's confusing see my top comment in this thread for clarification.

thisisnotagame ago

hi, it does look like it is from 2017, do you have the 2007 version?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Ok this is the 2007 LHOHQ site:

Fuck I know this is getting confusing, i'm probably going to make a new post summarizing what OP found here and the futher findings i've gathered that date back to 2007.

thisisnotagame ago

Please do because I am feeling mind-fucked to death... lots of MKULTRA stuff in here...or is this supposed to be a leak?

equineluvr ago

My head hurts from watching and listening to that F-ed up, insane crap.

thisisnotagame ago

Pretty sure it came from the 2007, can you check the archive? This is what I am searching through: there seems to be a lot of slashing in a lot of the images, so I am screenshooting and then reading the text behind is truly creepy, and 1 image, can have all sorts of layered links that go deeper...never seen this kind of thing...

thisisnotagame ago

flashing i meant not "slashing"

Mbailey63 ago

Whoa! That is fking coded up big time.

Gothamgirl ago

The easiest thing to do is highlight the background.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

What do you mean by that? Would it have taken a lot of man hours and technical knowledge to have coded either of the LHOHQ sites (the one OP linked to and the ones I found in my comments)?

Mbailey63 ago

I did not drill down on the site when I made that comment. I later commented that this was a UFO disclosure site.

Infopractical ago

In the Blizzhackers forum, there is a participant with a heart inside a heart logo in their signature banner and a quote from "Jason Fall - the State of the Comet"

I'm trying to google this, but with no results so far. Anyone know the reference?

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Interesting, perhaps its just a coincidence considering he is probably commenting on the OP's piece of paper and the LHOHQ that they found it in the thread.

VIrginiaPerson ago

Save it all. Everyone who can should read it and summarize for others to get the info to as many people as possible. If this is a big hit posts might start disappearing.

wgvdl ago

Seen this?

These are CIA projects.

VIrginiaPerson ago

I stupidly clicked on that and wish I had not. It's what I imagine Podesta's old Geocities page used to look like.

DerivaUK ago

And these. Click the 'menu' type box on the left reveals the title as 'Terrorists in Suits Since 1954' And this: 'How to steal an election' - an essay by George W Bush (although doubtful given the mathematical content imo)

And further to 'Masonic Symbolism of Washington DC'

And continuing in the Masonic theme can anyone help re this?

equineluvr ago

The last one is the Tree of Life (Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism).

wgvdl ago

The info seems to be acurate. Who the hell has piled such a gigantic amount of secret service infos?

DerivaUK ago

I've just added more....I have many saved. I'm wondering whether this is simply gobbledegook planted to distract?

wgvdl ago

Could be, for it's is too much information to process let alone to digest. But it all seems legit. Could be an autist's legacy as well. Btw, call to the dearest autists around: is there any pattern behind?

Smyrtz ago

The link to the voat thread includes a link to what is described as "strange sounds". It sounds to me like there may be data in the sounds a la spectrogram.

I'm not home, but will be checking when I get there.

Edit to update: just ran the first file, quality system B, there is lettering for sure, but I have to play with the settings to focus. This was not a surprise to me as the recording sounds like a military transmission. This type of encoding has been widely used for many, many years.

It'll be a couple of hours before I can work on it without any distractions. This is a very analog job and you have to find the right settings.

For those who have no idea what i'm doing, this is the same technology that a few metal bands have used to put images in their music. There is a ton of free software/apps you can get.

Here is a handy article.

chiefcrazyhorse ago

Please do! I look forward to your findings, also please note that the LHOHQ sites that were discovered in 2007 in the AWS and BlizzHacker forums are ENTIRELY different websites from the one OP linked here in 2017 (but similar, leading one to believe they have the same developer). There seems to be a trail of these weird LHOHQ spread across various blogs and such.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for the reply, didnt know it was discovered before. Thought i had a loose end, but then this site came up. Men its like hitting the jackpot ;)

chiefcrazyhorse ago

No problem, let's try to get this comment to the top of the page so more people can dig into this connection. I think it's a huge red flag that this site existed in 2007 and what's equally significant is why the hell was this LHOHQ symbol and letters on a random piece of paper in Milwaukee in 2007? And how can we link the current smattering of 1000 or so emails you've found to the site's existence in 2007? My theory is that this LHOHQ web portal could tbe a type of dead man's switch or a fail safe leak, if the site in 2007 actually had the same emails and contact info you discovered in 2017. Do you see what i'm getting at? lol

DMTco2Melatonin ago

Is this the Weiner life insurance thing?

Micheal84 ago

I know its realy crazy, more should dig into this.!

privatepizza ago

Is it a leak then, do you think?

carmencita ago

Do you think this could be the leak from that lost laptop? I'm not too tech savvy, just a thought. It says it goes back to 2007 but no one really caught on like now. Could be they wanted it to come out, finally.

privatepizza ago

Sounds like (from a comment below), that the site was there since 07 but this is new info added idk ...

carmencita ago

I am not playing with a full deck today, I am usually of the thinking that anything is possible with these people. It could have been from way back in 07 to start with, but info added later as well? This is certainly a suspicious can of worms maybe found down in the rabbit hole.

privatepizza ago

Indeed. See comments from Gothamgirl in the thread, she says she's found info on Podesta being in Portugal and about Madeline being MK ULTRA'D. Idk but if that's the case this is UUUUGE for us...

carmencita ago

It's about time. Yes, I believe it was a leak. What if this is the stuff on Wiener's Laptop?

privatepizza ago

Hell we'd all die and go to heaven ; D

carmencita ago

I went & opened the jamesa gmail site and there was a bunch of jibberish flashing in the back ground with names and stuff. I saw the name Bill Richardson and I wondered if I could click on it. I clicked on it and a bunch of porn came up. It was only up for about 3 seconds since it was disgusting and I wanted to get off asap. Am I in big trouble? I wonder if it is where they are hiding the blackmail they use on the elites?

privatepizza ago

Wouldn't worry about it... unless it was CP?

carmencita ago

I saw one little girl but she had an undershirt on. I got rid of it so fast. There were men and women on the page but again I did not even see anything too bad, I think the point was it was just the tops of their bodies, and then you had to click on the picture for more. There was a whole page of people that popped up. I only had it up for about 3 seconds. EDIT: It scared the heck out of me.

privatepizza ago

Ooooh... feel for you! That's scary. I'm sure it'll be fine, I don't think they could post CP on the clearnet like this.

carmencita ago

Yes, I have a nothing or all vision......a big joke on us, a belated April Fools Joke, Or Something Really Big!

privatepizza ago

Keep with that big thinking !

carmencita ago

I wonder if I found something important, or if that is a way they can get porn onto our computers. Could that be their plan?

privatepizza ago

Could be either tbh, idk... but I do doubt that CP would be in plain sight like this (on the clearnet, and not the darknet).

Post a link if you have it

privatepizza ago

Wow, could be ?!

chiefcrazyhorse ago

I don't know, but I think it's very significant that this site existed way back in 2007 and was equally as weird judging from the anons reactions to it on the AboveTopSecret forum post. Upvote my post, so more people can see what I found and can investigate it further.

privatepizza ago

Gonna check out that ATS link, thanks for posting and for the info. I did upvoat ya, hopefully more people will come on n dig....

Markb63 ago

I bet it a huge stegnodraph.

sugarskull ago

My computer said it was unsafe and wouldn't go did however take me to the dancing lady email addy page.

Silverlining ago

So did mine. I looked at the archive.

Takeitslow ago

I think this is a form of programming. MK ultra started with LSD and psychedelic experiments. People who do L or shrooms say pictures move or that sacred geometry can contain coded messages. This shit is not sacred geometry. My intuition tells me that during the drugging and trauma programming weird images like these are used to force disassociation into some altered state.

I haven't read Fritz Springmeyers work yet, but he has deprogrammed a people with DiD. Think of Jungian theory about how symbols images and archetypes speak to the subconscious, think Clockwork Orange. Imagine drugging someone with a psychedelic inflicting pain to the point of disassociation the showing images like these and accompanied with verbal commands.

We must think outside the box with these assholes. MK and the abuse industry complex is run by MDs, PhDs, behavioral psychologist, visual artists who are masters of using symbols. A couple dickheads who own pizza shops are not smart enough to do all this. They are instructed and taught how to program. This is why the victim stories from hampstead to Australia and even the US are so similar.

Even the recent post about pedo symbols at disneys small world exhibition is a blatant show about the hypnotic spiral. CIA hypnotist George Estabrooks said given enough time, he could take the most patriotic American and turn him into a traitor against his country. To add, Jesse Venturas "conspiracy theory" showndid an episode on mind control. One person said they were given a drug that prevents the person from blacking out during torture. What happens then is that the mind splits off and compartmentalizes so an alter can be created. This image is a programming trigger.

Jem777 ago

You are a great voice of reason and provide a depth of understanding that is welcomed. Upvoat

Takeitslow ago


SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

"MK and the abuse industry complex is run by MDs, PhDs, behavioral psychologist, visual artists who are masters of using symbols." You get it. Thank you.

These guys were/are very high tech in a slow routine process. Different handlers daily who all knew the same routines. It was done in the name of science and training new programmers. I hate all white doctor and nurses uniforms.

Pizza parlors were designed from the beginning to separate the moms from their kids. From the many strong comments here, I concluded I' don't have the nerve at least today to look at it, take it slow is good advice.

equineluvr ago

"Pizza parlors were designed from the beginning to separate the moms from their kids." ??

There was no separation from my parents in any of the pizza parlors I was in as a kid.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

It's subtle, the game room is too noisy for parents on purpose. The pinball type games are mental mind messing. The grooming of children is well planned. Where you ever taken there in a group by just one parent?

Takeitslow ago

Yes This goes back to Sparta. They used child abuse and pederasty to make fierce soldiers. Took the boys away from parents, raised them in barracks, had an older male mentor introduce them to the supposed joys of man love. Any child that was informed was abandoned to die. It was all about the war machine, sound familiar?

The more things change the more they stay the same.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Agreed. But after the Nazi's added cold cruel science we (our CIA) got even better at it. Present day American Vets are having a very difficult readjustment to civilian life. Having seen combat duty or not doesn't change the suicide rate. Their Trauma seems equal. It's about 18 vets a day we lose. Roughly half our homeless. What's say we get responsible.

druhill007 ago

Who the fuck downvotes me this lol. This is fantastic post m8!!!

Jungs analysis of collective unconscious is pivotal to understanding power of symbols

Takeitslow ago

The problem why we're not t making way in conspiracy culture is that people ignore the psychological and spiritual aspect of everything these sickos do. 9/11 and other mass false flags are trauma based mind conditioning. If we don't understand that everything these people do have multiple purposes then we don't understand anything. These people aren't torturing and sacrificing to ancient gods for nothing. Western society is ruled by a thousands of year old death cult who are masters of mind control and behavioral conditioning. It doesn't matter if you believe in this or not THEY DO. These trillionares are all using these symbols, gods and techniques to control almost 7 billion people. Deny all we want, call it crazy all we want. It's happening, and they DO BELIEVE WE ARE HERE TO SERVE THEM.

The reason mental health recovery for survivors is so bad is because THEY don't want healed victims speaking out. It's a very nuanced issue.

shortymcbossypants ago

This is true Takeitslow. I am a former psychologist and have my Master's Degree in Psychology and after a certain point when you are trying to help condition people into abuse awareness, you are taught from the get go in college that to speak out about your abuse is just creating unnecessary drama. One of the reasons why I got out of Psychology all together because I got in trouble for actually calling social services on a family because their 7 year old was speaking out about sexual abuse in that household and her brother who was 13 had died under strange circumstances which is why the little girl was in therapy in the first place because she had seen her brother die. The little girl was actually adopted by a good loving family but man some of the things that poor child told me was just appalling.

Takeitslow ago

In the health field also. I've seen women in facilities 300 miles apart where the same exact thing happened to them. The chart could be carbon copied and only the name changed. This is when it clicked in me, this is systemic and organized. Poor ladies ended up on tons of psych meds. Problem is approaching 30 the programming breaks and memories come back. Approaching 40 the mental issues come and possible suicide attempts. Also had a friend whose story is so bad she is a case study. And yes the "don't talk about it" bullshit is pervasive.

I've looked into other methods like MAPS. Native Americans call it soul retrieval. I've seen survivors and ex military with horrific ptsd go 180degrees. They go to South America and do a combo of iboga, San Pedro or ayuahscha but it MUST be done in the traditional setting with experienced native shamans. They've been dealing with this shit for thousands of years. Check out Amber Lyon on YouTube or

It pisses me off because we're failing these people and our own so called AMA has misled us as to what can actually help. These people can be healed but they've been told this is the way you'll live your life take this seroquel.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

A note to Survivors: The Psychiatric Profession was purposefully misled many years ago by the founder of MKUltra who also was the founder of the American Psychiatric Society. It's taking them years to unwind from their med school misinformation.

Cathy O'briens book PTSD is our best new technique in healing from this purposeful derangement. Write your own story down just for yourself. Pen and a good notebook is best. It can be shorthand lists or long every detail you can remember stories. A story has a beginning a middle and an end. Your here alive now, that's a victory. You may never share it, or you may wish to eventually. The healing is in the writing.

Takeitslow ago

Check this user on Reddit. He seems to have found his way along with MAPS protocol. I feel archiving his posts because he's done the work and testing our so called mental health field won't do.

equineluvr ago

LSD and ahuyasca!? No thank you.

Jem777 ago

Survivors were actually led astray by Sigmeund Freud himself. That is the real story. Carl Jung opposed some of his thought but the real relationship is unknown. The intelligence agencies work hand in glove with these human experiments or torture programs. The government and academia not only pays for it all they cover it up and lie about it to our face and to children.

These "brilliant" psychologists as they called themselves experimented on human beings prior to WW11 then during Hitler's reign. State sponsored. It was hidden then under "security" status then infiltrated everywhere. Where is the statue of S. Freud? Start looking there!

Takeitslow ago


3141592653 ago

Look into the Hampstead child abuse case out of England

druhill007 ago

Well just the fact that we can have this exchange means that's changing. I've seen quite a few other people here acknowledge the spiritual/metaphysical aspect of this battle as well. We're on the right track :)

Takeitslow ago

As I've said in other posts. Many native shamans speak of interdimensional beings that harness the energy from human suffering especially prepubescent kids. Carlos Castenedas books where he interviews a Mexican shaman were my intro to this.

druhill007 ago

Oh wow. I've done a decent amount of religious mythology research but didn't know that. Will definitely check it out

pizzagatecharlotte ago

If you keep clicking it comes up with this - STEVE FEINBERG - Dyncorp? What relevance does this have?

EDIT There are lots of profiles on their including Donald J Trump!

Jem777 ago

Feinberg owns Cerberus capital which owns Dyncorp-CIA black ops. G. Webb was literally posting everyday trying to stop Feinberg & Dyncorp from getting new contracts with Trump. Involved in child trafficking, organ harvesting.

equineluvr ago

If G. Webb were legit, and he was concerned about it, why didn't he just call one of his alphabet friends up?

Yeah, if I were really concerned about saving children lives I would be making GooTube videos. /sarc

Markb63 ago

Someone maybe trying to tell us something. In their own sic way.

20Justice4All17 ago

Yeah...maybe IC is helping VOAT right now

anonOpenPress ago

What really... I checked into the page code and there are more than 1000 emails. For firefox, html of the archived link (safe to click): view-source: I saved the code in case the archive gets compromised.

anonOpenPress ago

Edit: if you find this list as useful, please upvoat the comment above.

These are some pages I found via following the code under the same domain

Safety warning: Page code includes some javascript from a suspicious source

/ / top-fwz1 . mail . ru / js / code . js (a banned domain)

I recommend to turn off javascript and to not download any files from this site. I prefer browsing via archived links

Content mentioning pizzagate or child abuse

Pages containing autocompleted emails

All kinds of stuff


External links to

Micheal84 ago

Very good work! Thanks!!

Gothamgirl ago

What an amazing job you did. My hats off to you!

LightSource ago

All of Podestas interests.

anonOpenPress ago

Safety warning: Page code includes some javascript from a suspicious source

/ / top-fwz1 . mail . ru / js / code . js (a banned domain)

Micheal84 ago

U think this site is dangerous??

anonOpenPress ago

I would keep javascript off in the browser while browsing this site. I don't know what that script is for.

Micheal84 ago

I only opened it on mobile, but then Google play pops up, and wants to open something, which i didnt. Thanks for the warning!

MyUSA2017 ago

The second url you posted shows the drawing. Double click and it changes to text. Double click again, more text. Keep doing that. You end up here with an animated girl with the same email/phone numbers background. Scroll down and it says CLICK HERE DON'T CLICK HERE. I am afraid to click. Anyone dare?

DerivaUK ago

I dared too - and it contains very personal profile information of some very powerful people including Donald Trump, Reince Prebus, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Stephen Bannon. Information includes all addresses (past and current), telephone numbers and how they are linked. Site run by 'Interelius'. It's like a power play LinkedIn!! I Saved the link and it has a strange title 'Less Occult Than The Pentagon With More Sides'

pizzagatecharlotte ago

sunshine702 ago

That's an Report on all of Trumps' cabinet and staff: Munchin, Prebus, Flynn, Pence - everybody's telephone, address and job.

equineluvr ago

Yep. They're part of the cabal too.

azamber ago

You notice if you scroll down a bit, Trump's info is in there too? He has an email address: rideastud. lmao But, what is the significance of these names? Most of his cabinet is in here, too, from what I can see.

equineluvr ago

Isn't it obvious?

He is dirty just like the rest of 'em. Why do you think he has so many former Goldman Sachs banksters in his cabinet?

MyUSA2017 ago


Mannix ago

Can someone describe what is there? I'm not about to click on those links. Thanks.

caliginosity ago

The bot posted the archives. It's basically a pixelated colored artwork of a naked dude holding a baby with flashing colors around the page and literally a list of thousands of email addresses.

carmencita ago

When you look on the right of the page there is flashing bright red lettering. If you look at the lettering you will see some names and other stuff. I saw Bill Richardson and clicked. Looks like it could be porn of mixed adults and kids...idk cause I got out so fast..maybe 3 secs. Be very careful.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

The hair style on the woman reminds me of killary. I also saw Anthony Weiners name too.

Psychanaut ago

WHAT THE ACTUAL F? Now it's a lady and a baby and when you click on it, it goes to real doll porn...

privatepizza ago

It's not changing for me...

Silverlining ago

How about a nicely worded email to everyone on the list, just saying that if they are involved with pizzagate - SRA - baby torture, rape, murder, eating the flesh and drinking the blood of infants or toddlers, then they are on notice. If they are not, then please help out at Obviously from a throwaway account and via VPN and so it does not end up on their spam folder.

44NJ9 ago

I say get to all the appropriate alternative media sites before threatening them. Best to get the info out to the masses before it's scrubbed.

listentoreason2017 ago

"HI. If you're eating babies, as we suspect you are, we are legion. If not, kindly join us at your local message board."

Good luck with that pitch.

Micheal84 ago

Lol, that will work i think. :D

Silverlining ago

I'll try any pitch at this point. The likely result is that "they" will just bury themselves deeper underground and be more careful not to get caught in the headlights again. But, something MUST be done.

JunOS ago

The background is the emails and shit

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I don't know, but I remember seeing this months ago...

nnfx ago

Yes. "Laughing Horse's Orifice Headquarters" sites.

That laughing horse stuff was posted here some time ago. Weird shit. When you click on the little pink square next to the baby and the woman you land here next link takes you here or here

few more links:

madhatter67 ago

I remember when LHOHQ came up earlier, someone mentioned the photography blogger Ken Rockwell had something to do with it.... stuck in my head as I've used his blog for years to get technical infornation, and he always struck me as quite a strange fish....not sure if this is true or not though

privatepizza ago

Was it the same one? I remember seeing a few like this... but not this one?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I think so.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Would this have been on it when you saw it?!?!?!

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I only remember seeing the flashing page that had Justin Beiber's name in it. You can find it in the wayback machine from September 2016:

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Yeah - I remember that too - I wonder if this is a massive psy-op and these things are getting planted for us all to make a big fuss about

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I don't know, but it's been out there since before the Podesta emails. This can be found in the Wayback Machine going back to 2013.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks!! But still some realy weird stuff.

privatepizza ago


privatepizza ago

Looks like a mega-dox of important people.

Ain't gonna paste it here but I found the addresses, email addresses, cells and home numbers for HRC and Huma Abedin on that page. Wtf.....

sunshine702 ago

Lots of political people, journalists, and a few others: Doug Band, Rodger Stone (a very old or private email!) Rob Reiner, Sid Blumenthal, Greta Van Susteren, Arianna Huffington, Robert McNamara, Robert Reich.


privatepizza ago

Tamara Luzzatto ? Seriously?!

John Podesta's info is there, yes? Because I just had a thought that this could be a dump from his lost phone, remember the one he left in a taxi?

sunshine702 ago

Yep. And what was her husband's name? There is a different Luzzatto further down with just first initial and it wasn't T. Do you remember?

privatepizza ago

Hey Sunshine, I asked around about the other Luzzatto for you. Here's some info - any matches?

Tamara Luzzato is mother of Ben Luzzato. He is married to Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite from the old Hercules tv series.) She is the mother to the 3 children listed on the Podesta email and Tamara Luzzato is their grandmother.

I think she married David Leiter in 2001, but thought I read that he has since passed away. Tried to verify it, but have not as of yet. I could be wrong, maybe he is still living. But that is his name. There was a big write up on their wedding in the NYT.

equineluvr ago

Ben, I think.

sunshine702 ago

Well here is Tamara's [email protected]

11-11 ago

email addresses.... did you save this? you should post it if you haven't. just my opinion

privatepizza ago

Yes someone pasted it all. Here it is -

Someone else made a searchable system, the link will be in this thread somewhere, sorry I don't have it saved

sentryseven ago

I know! I saw that too. Somebody grab this.

G-ma ago

The Trump info says he is the president of Saudi Arabian Airlines. ??? I didn't find it in his '15 business disclosures, but he does have a few Saudi hotels.

Infopractical ago

Here's what I think this information is: a data dump from somebody's cell phone. The "auto-added" entries made that lightbulb go off in my head. At first I was wondering if somebody could have collected and dumped this information, and I was wondering if this was kept in a spreadsheet (which would explain the shitty parsing), but it makes more sense that this is somebody's communication history maybe even including connections from emails received (auto added).

Could this be dated in some clever way, or is that too time intensive?

privatepizza ago

Sounds possible from the format. Idk about dating, you mean dating the web pages? The contact info dump?

Infopractical ago

I mean determining what year the dump is from. For instance, I just made a comment below about the fact that Farhad Manjoo's email address is from 2008 or earlier because it's from his days at He has since climbed the media ranks (WSJ and NYT).

privatepizza ago

Hmmm, see what you mean. Idk... maybe someone supra-clever like @AnonOpenPress could help there...

privatepizza ago

Super-Star Anon - ty ty ty!!

Silverlining ago

pp Hope you've got a copy.

privatepizza ago

I'm on it Silver ; )

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

And this was out BEFORE Podesta's emails leaked so it's not info taken from them.

privatepizza ago

Yes. Someone below said it was out before, but not with the dox info. Idk...


This was on 7 months ago

SayWhatNOWAY ago

When was this site setup? It maybe a hoax?

privatepizza ago

Idk... but a hoax for what? John Podesta's email is correct, as is HRC and Huma's. So it seems to be ligit info. Idk...

palmitespo910 ago

If you view the page source it is just code on a white background. This is incredible.

privatepizza ago

Gonna do it. Ty!

BestRolledAgent ago

also email address and multiple phone numbers for david brock, jake tapper, crazy more. How can this be anything? Usable for research?

ibepokey ago

even Soros is in there

AzarelDJ ago

and the rothschilds.

ibepokey ago

and comet ping pong's gmail addy.

privatepizza ago

No way....

Micheal84 ago

And i only googled "jamesacorp" Men this shit is weird.

privatepizza ago

I know. My eyes just fried, I guess yours too. And yes, I suppose for research purposes, or exposing a network?

Gothamgirl ago

Highlight the whole page.

Psychanaut ago

OMFG What the hell is this?

privatepizza ago

It's good to archive before you post, esp this kinda shit...

Micheal84 ago

Ur right, didnt archive but i believe pizzavbot did ;)

privatepizza ago

Easy ; )

privatepizza ago

Bot's archiving post links too now I see. Wow, what a bot <3 <3 <3

Smyrtz ago


privatepizza ago

Wtf ?

sunshine702 ago

Thank you Pizzabot. Helpful expecially

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):