Gothamgirl ago

I think thats how they do it in my neighborhood to.

Gothamgirl ago

I am very familiar with Nostradamus & Rasputin Thanks for sharing.

Gothamgirl ago

Today I am seeing the 777's

Today's date 6-14-2017 6+1=7 4+2+1=7 7 "777" = the peoples struggle- illuminati numbers Today a Senator was shot.

Gothamgirl ago

I will keep praying.

Gothamgirl ago

I really want to learn more to help in the future because fuck those guys 😉

Gothamgirl ago

God bless :-)

Gothamgirl ago

Trump needs to give them a horse powered kick off the planet. It took me a minute but I noticed.

Gothamgirl ago

It sure would, I am going to take a look today.

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure if I can figure out that stuff, but I will try. Wonder if it has anything to do with the meaning of acsauhaya.

Gothamgirl ago

I figured out the truth, this is some really bad stuff and I think you're dead on with your last comment.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok I downloaded this and deepsound 2.0 about a week ago, I took the music files you gave me and I see a locked Pandora 1 gif. Am I on the right track?

Gothamgirl ago

I really don't know what to do these clues I think I have an idea. So far the best I could come up with is this The #15679021645 on some satanic card A phone to call Michael @ # 760-733-9969 and what you just posted. Guess I will try to figure it out tomorrow.

Gothamgirl ago

Update: the sim cards are not used for programming pedo's. They're for surveillance. They're using low frequencies & microchips for that.

Gothamgirl ago

World corpo shows crucification here

And songs about basements here

Micheal84 ago

I did notice that the 92193 from 921938213 is actually the zip-code of San Diego CA.

Maybe the 8213 is the house number, or street, or whatever.

Gothamgirl ago

There is a skippy street next to a school close by, wonder if its connected same zip. After the zip code the numbers left are 8913 or could be a combination like 3198.

Micheal84 ago

Weird, i cant open it

jangles ago

it is just the geo location for the zip if it is.

Micheal84 ago

Im really not sure if it is, could be something completely different. But thanks anyway!

Gothamgirl ago

Wow great catch!

Micheal84 ago

Well could be nothing ;)

Gothamgirl ago

The guy in the mk ultra video here Is David Black on the list here and also mentioned here along with "BASEMENT"

twistedmac11 ago

Great post @gothamgirl! I'm going to keep an eye on this post to see if you get any more weird responses :)

twistedmac11 ago

You made an account just to say that? Sounds like OP is onto something.

privatepizza ago

Hey my friend, commend you on your deep investigation into this site. You're the person who has gone the deepest into this as far a I know, and I admire you! Thanks for this post and info, and I hope others come in and dig with you further. Rock on GG, you rock ; )

Micheal84 ago

Agreed GG is really diggin, keep up the good work!

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you my voat friend you rock to. It's all about the kids.

privatepizza ago

Thank you! And yea, we make a good army, all of us, for the kids : D

Gothamgirl ago

Some of my info came from this wacky post here at the end of my research. He is repetitive so you get it get it.. He might be suggesting other games here. He has a youtube account here.

anonOpenPress ago

"they're intentionally programing pedophiles" strong stuff, really hope that could be confirmed somehow.

Supergreat catch on that "kiled" - must find more about that possible podesta connection.

Gothamgirl ago

There is alot more about it in these websites listed. Here is on page Select background text its there. Project clean swipe is the name.

Gothamgirl ago

Anthony Weiner was on that log and was treated at MIT. Everything on there is fact but as a precaution I marked this as possible dis info. Please take a deeper look I provided the links above. I have been digging into the site for 2 months.

153sdsd ago

I think Anon meant to check for Steganography on the pictures and emails with cards on it, and mentioning playing cards and naming them, I may be wrong

Gothamgirl ago

Could be but he doesn't state that. He said look for cards in emails. Sim cards show up over 1900 times.

Northern_Soul ago

You think Comet was big ........You've seen nothing yet. Cannibalism, pedophilia culture, DNA Pizza, Celebrity connections. Live investigation commencing now

Please help, this is huge.!!!

Gothamgirl ago

Wow that is unbelievable. These people have no shame. They don't even hide it. But thanks for bringing up Alefantis he has connections I found earlier with a gaming company to here

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