Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Wait are you being hyperbolic or did they seriously attack you on twitter? Holy shit

jangles ago



Direct reference here to cannibalism archive

jangles ago

It was done by this artist, monobani , archive

another cartoon with sick cannibalism reference

jangles ago

ArthurEdens ago

it was word from someone who worked there back in the day that he was a partner, not everything's on wikipedia dude

pby1000 ago

Thank you! It looks like a great place to sacrifice and eat a few babies. Lots of room so the screams do not bother the neighbors.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree!

Nana66 ago

I posted a vidme video in a comment to someone on this post that is quite gross and definitely not actually bacon. I found it on a friend of the pedophile Robert something from Maine who we have had dealings with here.

pby1000 ago

OK! Understood. I recall there is a Podesta email in which they mention a farm in Lovettsville, VA.


I have been trying to figure out exactly where that is at in Lovettsville. It seems like such a sleepy little all-American town. Nobody would every suspect it of being a Satanist hotbed. LOL.

Someone must have figured it out by now... Let me look again.

Northern_Soul ago

Theirs so many achieves to rummage thru, It's eating away at my CPU and my browser keeps crashing. I'm going to do a reboot now, then focus just on the instagram accounts like you advised.

Thanks for being kind, you've been a great help.

pby1000 ago

What do you mean by FARM? I understand that the CIA training area at Camp Peary is referred to as The Farm.

Azzipdoe ago

Dumb. People larping. For what it's worth tho, there's a DNA Lounge (dispensary) in Seattle I used to visit often, has a bar/pizza place right next to it.

Seattle is a pedos dreamland. Place is a dump.

diamonddust ago

Yeah larping is pretty much what I thought. The bacon, occult and cannibal references seem achingly hipster. What worries is me, is why those things became "cool", are they merely playing at what they don't understand but has filtered down to them from the real deal?

samhara ago

Yes, it looks like they are just joking around. I know people like this.. They think it's cool to try to shock people. They think it's cool. And assume it's outrageous.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

True. I used to make pedo and dead baby jokes all the time till I found out about elite pedophilia (reading through the Dutroux case was an eye opener to eclipse all eye openers). Can't hear a joke like that without severely cringing anymore.

pby1000 ago

I am amazed when these stories pop up from several years ago, and I wonder why I was not aware. It seems like a lot of people were,not aware until recently.

ArthurEdens ago

I'm gonna say half the people are in the know and the other think it's really just an art party with pizza with a silly pentagram poster. That's the cover though right? The naive normies leave at midnight and then the pidza in the basement is ready for the ritual

nameof ago

DNA lounge??? DNA pizza? im horrified at home. S F.

nameof ago

Yep pretty much!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Someone needs to report these sick fucks to AG Sessions!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

When was this fb page setup? Again if b4 pizzagate then possibly legit, but if after I always question now cuz of shills.

Northern_Soul ago

The Pizza Party was scheduled in 2015, and other pages go way back

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Such Sick Evil MFers! Expose them ALL!

Freemasonsrus ago

Seems they are pushing the occult envelope looking to obtain power from their rituals.

redditsuckz ago

Howie D Rivet- https://www.facebook.com/howie.rivet

Its just "art"...nothing to see here...


He used to work at DNA Lounge


DNA Lounge Connected to DNA Pizza;



Pentagram + spiral on pizza - Spiral would stand for human DNA...same with the pentagram...



Human pizza captive;



Gonna have to assume ALL the food and drinks there is tainted with some human ingredient...


its not really cannibalism if they aren't fully human...

ArthurEdens ago

Bill Maher used to own DNA lounge

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

You may think that all that pseudo satanic rubbish is the talking point, I disagree as it is supposed to be 'shocking'. The most telling comment when it comes to the paedo meaning behind pizza on there is when the guy posts a broccoli pizza [probably hasn't got a clue] and asks 'what do I win?' and the answer is: Morality.

To me that says it all, as in [translated]: "How moral of you to post an actual pizza, bless".

Jakestr ago

It's crazy and as incredible as it sounds you might have just hit the nail on the head. I was wondering about the onslaught of articles in media on cannibalism lately and then there is a new series called I think the Santa Clarita diet. I mean even magazines like net Geo talked about cannibalism all of a sudden and NPR had a show about it. https://www.google.com/amp/relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/2017/04/human-cannibalism-nutrition-archaeology-science https://www.google.com/amp/relay.nationalgeographic.com/proxy/distribution/public/amp/2017/02/cannibalism-common-natural-history-bill-schutt As you see National Geographic had more than one story on it, in 2017. Are they trying to normalize it?

Here is Jezebel play fully bolstering National Geographic http://jezebel.com/cannibalism-is-perfectly-natural-and-quite-useful-argu-1792148769

Most recent article on cannibalism https://www.google.com/amp/www.medicaldaily.com/why-cannibalism-was-normal-among-our-ancient-ancestors-it-likely-wasnt-415319%3Famp%3D1

Here is the series https://youtu.be/xjRnbOgoAUQ

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Not to mention that CNN religious anchor who participated in a cannibalistic practice

Jakestr ago

Eww you are right I just remembered that! WTF was that? I think he ate the human brain right? Who considers that entertainment, sickos that's who

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The sick rat bastards are trying to normalize cannibalism! So freaking Evil!

Nana66 ago

WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!

WTF is going on....this has always made me confused....how do you have a bacon shortage every year...but not any other cut of pork? And what is also extremely suspect is "failing NYTimes" feeling the need to debunk this even with SO many MSM articles about it... Search bacon shortage...


equineluvr ago

".how do you have a bacon shortage every year...but not any other cut of pork?"

Logic FAIL. Do you think that hams, ribs, legs, loins, shoulders, or chops are as popular as bacon?

Nana66 ago

Bacon totally just became popular in the last few years...

YingYangMom ago

Cannibal FB group. No doubt about it. Sick!

MightyJoe ago

It is deeply unwelcome information. It is knowledge that cannot possibly bring happiness or pleasure but to pretend that these things do not happen is to be complicit in the acts of evil. There is no choice. Not really.

I have never really been associated with Satanism, but assume that most Satanists or dark occultists do not engage in these practices. It is clear however that some, indeed apparently many do.

Northern_Soul ago

Argh I'm with you, yeh I completely agree - crowd sourcing is my specialty, presentation is my enemy. If you can make it more news worthy to reach a larger audience, your more then welcome to take over the baton, that is, if you think my findings are solid enough to go with.

redditsuckz ago

Reptilian snakes with the "S" ans "Z's" in the poster.



This is where they want them to go in Boston Florida - 228 Newbury Street Boston, MA 02116


Know No Truth Facebook;



Know No Truth Website;


Know No Truth Twitter


Know No Truth Instagram;


Landon Richmond of Know No Truth Facebook;



"Art" pics;


Know No Truth artists store in the mall - Westfield Sarasota Square, 8201 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238, USA;

Florida is a hotbed for missing children according to NCMEC;


Northern_Soul ago

You absolute legend, I'm so glad you turned up. Do you see what i see??

Vindicator ago

@Northern_Soul, I'm flairing this "potential security risk" so users don't accidentally dox themselves. Thank you for posting much of the material here in the thread.

Northern_Soul ago

I understand. Could you make my day and also flair it "potential lead", get more pairs of eyes on it. I'd sing your praises for ever ;)

Northern_Soul ago

Awesome find... "His art takes a walk on the dark side. Think lost souls, spectacles of body horror, and alternating intervals of fear, loathing, brooding and torment. Dark indeed. It's not darkness for the sake of darkness" ~ self confessed cannibal

Northern_Soul ago

Sorry, I don't think my English is as sharp as yours. Please could you elaborate on the term vetted, so i can picture what you implying....

Northern_Soul ago

Done, thank you for the tip and your help. This gets darker and darker , what have we signed up for!!

Northern_Soul ago

See edited version.. This is fucking big bro, we need people to dig, probe social media accounts, look for political connects, locations, anything we can get our hands on

evademoney2 ago

https://archivist.neocities.org/webb/ George's Team Page. Not Sure If All This Research Is Already Documented Here Or Relevant.

HereticalPeasant ago


Knowledge Bomb. Planned Parenthood is a major supplier for US based Cults. Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 ID:29oqmZtB Fri 04 Nov 2016 20:58:14 No.96145229 View

Planned Parenthood is a major supplier for US based Cults.

They've also donated money to the Clinton Campaign & the Foundation.

Notice which Celebs support it & which groups are being targeted by it.

Planned Parenthood is a industrial scale operation for not only eugenics/dehumanization of unborn, but also to supply the many death cults with body parts,blood and things of that nature.

Groups such as in Hollywood tend to get the bigger shipments, and depend on location/travel time, they can get the baby's that are still very much alive.

The statement of "next day shipping" takes a whole new meaning.

HERE IS THE ARCHIVE LINK:http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/page/4/

wincraft71 ago

Everyone check the archive link

Personally, I prefer my pizza with the flesh of young tributes.

Jakestr ago

Can we save a list of everybody who was interested, going and invited?

Northern_Soul ago

Thank you so much - added to the main investigation with other evidences recently discovered. Have you found any more substantial leads??

MightyJoe ago

The tunnels are an element that recurs very frequently on this subject and one of the cases McGowan covers in the Pedocracy is related to a California school called the McMartin school I think and the tunnels underneath that school were discovered and documented by a citizen’s investigation after the authorities claimed they didn’t exist. A connection we must search for here.

If the allegations are properly investigated and turn out not to be true I will be pleased but I know that it is impossible. We have seen this happen too many times before the pattern is clear and there are unmistakeable signs. Thanks for your hard work it means a lot.

Northern_Soul ago

These cults of evil, more specifically, these apparently elite satanic networks of procurers, abusers and blackmailers (influence peddlers may be a more accurate term). For some reason these type of groups have the ability to achieve very aggressive and complete cover-ups for their crimes, lets hope we can bring this network to its knees.

One of the things people may find the most unbelievable are the stories of the satanic side to it. I will not comment specifically other than to say they have a high degree of veracity in my opinion and this deserves a serious large scale police investigation right now. A Major Task Force, dozens of Detectives working thousands of hours if necessary. If these stories turn out to be somehow confused or incorrect, let the world know, show the world the exonerating evidence, not some “instant debunk” travesty as we appear to have seen with Comet with the "msm" media.

Northern_Soul ago

There is a huge discussion, posting it now........

pby1000 ago

Here is one version of the Satanic calendar.

On December 24th, it is customary to receive body parts from an infant male as Christmas gifts.


It looks like his wife, Marion, died in 2012, and they have children and grandchildren. I am still not sure what to make of it, but maybe this will help with the FB pizza party investigation.


wincraft71 ago

Can you screenshot the discussion thread for people who don't use or trust FB? It would help to beef up your post and allow us to see the references you're referring to without giving our information to them.

Northern_Soul ago


Image of Brandon Lydon comment showing some of the replies, which i also quoted below...


Tasha Kelly (replies) Babies. The freshest baby meat.

Ani Kerestedjian (replies) Hey Landon ~ where's the mystery pizza from ?

Ani Kerestedjian (replies) Can we donate towards?

Ani Kerestedjian (replies) What I meant was I would like to donate a few dollars towards the purchase and I also could give a good reference for excellent pizza there's one in Watertown and I think the same one is somewhere else but the pizza is delicious and gourmet


Lissa Fraggos suspect response

jangles ago

What does bacon mean?

Silverlining ago

I recognise the garage door and television from another video - related to a murder and cannibalism as I recall. Presumably the loop is a clip from that video.

Northern_Soul ago

Depends how the term is being used i suppose, what have you seen??

redditsuckz ago

According to cannibals pig meat...eg pork bacon tastes identical to human meat...

What does "pig" mean in the pedo-world? Well, here you go, straight from a whistleblower in 2013.


Silverlining ago

Long pig was used by cannibals to describe human flesh - was mentioned in another thread.

Dr. Robert Roche at infamous Tony Podestas long pig party. Also had a role in wireless Amber alert platform and text4baby app through CTIA. Weird? (washingtonlife.smugmug.com) Jan (12?) 2017 by @HearMommabearRoar

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1447249 http://archive.is/i0REh

Would you rather starve to death or eat long pig? (meat) submitted 1.4 years ago [so Jan 2016] by @8_billion_eaters

https://voat.co/v/meat/653278 http://archive.is/64Cbz

Not the links I had in mind.

Silverlining ago


Dr. Robert Roche at infamous Tony Podestas long pig party. Also had a role in wireless Amber alert platform and text4baby app through CTIA. Weird? (washingtonlife.smugmug.com) Jan (12?) 2017 by @HearMommabearRoar

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1447249 http://archive.is/i0REh

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you for passing this to me. The archived post of @HearMommabearRoar where he/she also comments that there may be a link to Lee Alefantis' Agile Craft totally makes sense to me from an IT systems point of view. Looking into this now.

educate_yourself ago

i was wondering the same thing. obviously the chicken is children and pizza is whatever that corresponding word is but bacon seems popular maybe veggies are actual veggies ? idfk lol

jangles ago

Chicken is definitely 'boy love' idk about bacon or jalapeños

educate_yourself ago

me neither. is there any possibility those are innocent or definitely not? i would assume not

PizzagateBot ago

An added benefit of archiving FB posts - the archive bot has an account. http://archive.is/vMQnz

PizzagateBot ago

They basically eat the children after they've physiclly/sexually abused them.

They must love gamey tasting meat. If you hunt, you know how important a clean kill is otherwise the adrenaline flows through their body before death and you will have some gnarly tasting meat.

pby1000 ago

I think it is the adrenaline in the blood that they want to consume. It is like an aphrodisiac.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, it is said to be the highest addictive consumption there is, even more so than heroin. Adrenaline-filled human blood that is.

PizzagateBot ago

Perhaps, but what is different about naturally occurring adrenaline that they can't get from synthesized adrenaline that is an exact chemical copy of which they can have a cheap endless supply of?

FreeRebel ago

What is different is magical thinking.

Sleuth222 ago

It has to have that fresh kid corpse smell.

pby1000 ago

That I do not know... I am just telling you what I have read.

Maybe they want the thrill of the kill, or maybe they want to have sex with their "prey" before they kill it. There is also the pineal gland. I believe they also consume that for some reason, and it is better in children before it calcifies at around the age of 12.

I am just throwing this out there, because I really do not know what goes on in the minds of these people.

Look on page 38 of this document. You can use control F and search for "adrenaline". Adrenaline is mentioned several times in the document. Enjoy!!!


Please share your thoughts...

PizzagateBot ago

Hunter S Thompson mentioned eating the pineal gland for the fabled 'adrenochrome' in Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas and that book was published in 1971. The movie came out in 1998 and The Biggest Secrets book published in 1999.

Pineal gland is also where it is hypothesized that DMT is produced at death and during near death experiences. Some believe it is the seat of the soul, the third eye, and what allows your soul to enter and exit your body. In reptiles, it is much closer to the skull, vs ours embedded deeper in the brain, and even has a lens and retina. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parietal_eye

The lizard-like reptile tuatara has a "well-developed parietal eye, with small lens and retina".[2][3] Parietal eyes are also found in most lizards (but not teiids, dibamids, geckos, helodermatids and lanthanotids)[4]), frogs and lampreys, as well as some species of fish, such as tuna and pelagic sharks, where it is visible as a light-sensitive spot on top of their head.

pby1000 ago

I recall reading about Thompson. I guess he was at Bohemian Grove, too.

I mentioned Icke because I happen to be reading some of the books he wrote.

YingYangMom ago

Pineal gland is also where it is hypothesized that DMT is produced at death and during near death experiences. Some believe it is the seat of the soul, the third eye, and what allows your soul to enter and exit your body. In reptiles, it is much closer to the skull, vs ours embedded deeper in the brain, and even has a lens and retina.

This. This.

jangles ago

I am starting to believe that Hunter was murdered. Gonzo Journalism, so powerful .