mudbear ago

Pig could just be pig, a filthy animal, it doesnt need a special connotation to be debasing

3141592653 ago

That is sick. Albert Einstein was Jewish, for starters

ArthurEdens ago

Not into humans today

jstayz44 ago

Right? I thought I was going to flip a lid at one point. I had to decompress and seriously considered posting something about this team doing one good thing each day, a pay it forward type of thing. If we wait for humanity to restore us, we may end up let down, but if we do some restoration ourselves...well, it might heal our wounded hearts...who knows.

ArthurEdens ago

That's pretty good advice

jstayz44 ago

Wow, interesting. I feel like there are boarded up windows, like a closed warehouse or something. I like your thoughts about outdoor venues. Where the fuck are these people doing this stuff?

Are_we_sure ago

The person who said pig was the whistleblower, not the pedophile.

You have this completely backwards. You just refuted your own arugment.

Even you had that part straight, you were no near proving that known code in the "pedo" world.

jstayz44 ago

You must be German, Deuschenvaggen.

pby1000 ago

Pig is used in the Talmud.

Silverlining ago

New code word "pig" found on Wikileaks Podesta Emails (pizzagate) submitted 04/08/2017 by @Truther

Silverlining ago

Searched "pizza PAC" got

I thought there was a pizza PAC [political action committee] supporting Hillary during the campaign. Haven't found anything. Just throwing this in.

Silverlining ago

PIZZAGATE- Hasidic Jewish Podesta connection. Whistle blower "hero" within community ( submitted 20 hours ago by [deleted] [04/07/2017] by @StonedImmaculate

The Child-Rape Assembly Line

dodododo00098 ago

Wait wait wait wait wait. Pig? Roman Polaski, didn't the people who murdered his wife write "PIG" on the wall or something of the sort? Considering what he did with a minor, this might be more proof of what PIG means...?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Susan Atkins wrote "pig" on the door of the Ceilo home after the murders. She used Sharron Tates blood and a rag used to bind one of her friends to write it. I believe it was also written on the walls.

I do not think pig has the same meaning in this case. Mason referred to "the establishment" as pigs and he was sending them to slaughter. I think "sheep" has taken the place of "pig" amd "pig" is now a cop.

Could be something but the terms don't match current slang.

Interestingly, Manson was in and out of reform schools/homes and detention centers for the majority of his childhood. We know he was molested at the Indiana boy's school and luckily escapes boy's town on his third day. If he had heard that Polanski was harming children in the same manner he was harmed, that could has made Polanski a target.

GeorgeT ago

What is funny is that Roman Polanski directed a film 'Bitter Moon' starring Peter Coyote, Hugh Grant and Emanuelle Seigner - It is about how passionate love fades between lovers who push boundaries to the fullest. As Peter Coyote (him narrating the past) and his much younger lover engage in various depravities, one particular stands out - Peter is naked wearing a pig's mask, squealing as his lover hunts him down - twisted and sick. Pig must have a meaning to the initiates. I am still guessing what it is.

DopeandDiamonds ago

That is fucking sick.

jstayz44 ago

Great point. This Manson/pig/Polanski thing is so fucked up that there's probably something to it. Ugh!

we_kill_creativity ago

I don't have a source handy, but a few years ago I do recall reading an interview w/ Manson where he was asked why they were so heinous in their acts to these innocent people, and he basically said, "What makes you think they were so innocent? What if they deserved it?". I'm not saying they did or didn't, but it was an interesting response considering what we know about the Hollywood elite and what they do. Look up Manson's childhood sometime. You'll sort of feel bad for him honestly.

dodododo00098 ago

"DEATH TO ALL PIGS" just sounds so connected now that we know everything that we do. Crazy shit. I've never heard that interview so I'll have to check it out. I know I've heard that Manson apparently targeted some pedos (no source but I believe I heard it on this subreddit about 2-3 months back, so not sure if it's true), and considering what Polanski did with a minor, he would've been the perfect target had he been there that night.

FriesischShipping ago

Manson feels like a hoax used to destroy the anti-war peace and love movement. This dude looks better everytime I see him on tv like he's out getting Botox jobs and hair transplants.

jstayz44 ago

Great point, holy shit.

jstayz44 ago

I just realized that today has been a I'm-now-throwing-up-in-my-mouth day. I either have to focus on something nice or just vomit.

Littleredcorvette ago

I found this disturbing photo of a child in a pig pen. Another poster found disturbing content on another thread. Asked us to search "room to play". And this image came up in duck duck go.

NSFW! EDIT: link fixed.

This image has a naked (but covered) child 👧🏽in a pigpen with a pig 🐷 in the background!!! She is muddy and appears to be putting cigarette butts in a circle for playtime.

A cropped shot of this photo is very visually disturbing in the parallels.

This needs to go meme crazy. It will disturb people. Children should not be in pig pens. Period.


Silverlining ago

You have one too many PNGs on your NSFW link

MolochHunter ago

pig may also be a reference to 'long pig' - the term a tribe of african cannibals used to describe whiteman (for dinner)

equineluvr ago

And most will not discuss the VERBOTEN topic.

Political correctness is the ASSASSIN of TRUTH.

MolochHunter ago

only one of two things will survive; political correctness OR western civilization

DonKeyhote ago

As hitch said, perhaps before learning of his jewess mother who killed herself Romeo and Juliet style with some dude, " imagine what would happen to that man if he weren't wearing a funny hat"

equineluvr ago

Thank you, OP! This topic NEEDS TO BE DISCUSSED.

The Jews have called the "goyim" pigs for eons.


equineluvr ago

Speaking of Jews, rabbis, and pedo --

Babies' Herpes Connected to Jewish Circumcision Practice

Two more infants have contracted the herpes virus after undergoing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish type of circumcision, which has been linked to the spread of the potentially deadly virus to newborn boys, according to the New York City Health Department.

In the ritual, known as metzitzah b'peh, after removing the foreskin of the penis the person performing the procedure places his mouth briefly over the wound, sucking a small amount of blood out, which is discarded. Antibacterial ointment is applied and the wound is bandaged. The health department says the procedure is dangerous because the contact with the mouth could transmit diseases such as herpes.

That report is from 2013. YEARS LATER, the practice continues. Article from 2015:

NEW YORK (AP) — With a swift swipe of his scalpel, Rabbi A. Romi Cohn circumcises the baby boy, then leans down and sucks the blood from the wound as prayers in Hebrew fill the Brooklyn synagogue.

The Orthodox Jewish tradition known as oral suction circumcision reaches back to biblical times but it has created a modern-day dilemma for New York City health officials, who have linked it to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000. Two died and two others suffered brain damage.

IShallNotFear ago

This deserves its own post. I am shocked that this happens.

redditsuckz ago

"Pizzagate is connected to the Hasidic Jewish community via and the Podesta emails. A whistle blower came forward in 2013 about the child rape/pedophile epidemic"

More info on;

Who the F is "Itchie Gross"



PizzaPac registered to (((JZ Drizen))) AKA (((Joel Zev Drizin)))

What the hell is in those pizza packets?

Nice Spiral;

PizzaPacket comercial - throws up 666 hand sign;

“PizzaPAC” – JZ Drizin and Pizza Packet

The Drizns honored in Park Slope

Pizzapac retweets to Pie Hole Pizza also based in Chicago - nice spiral logo

Drag Queen Delivery for Pie Hole Pizza...

Pizza Pac also retweets to Damores Pizza LA - More spirals in pic

More fucked "pizza culture" art for Damores Pizza Instagram;

Silverlining ago

Not getting anything for Did you mean ?

redditsuckz ago

Yeah it looks like is the active website.

jstayz44 ago

Apparently they don't care how they get a piece of young boys...unsurprisingly a ritual with blood letting. I'm so sick over these people.