Death2Masons ago

Death2Masons ago

Wow, what are the chances?

Pigs are a garbage disposal.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Please out in the title that it is a freaking download. TY

oneofmanyusa ago

My apologies to anyone i offended. This was my first time posting anything anywhere ever,and i made some mistakes. I just could not ignore this as it disturbed me also. Who else but this group should i have alerted.

Jem777 ago

Is in't Christchurch the location of the Hampstead Cover up in the U.K. Where the children were satanically ritually abused by their father Ricky Dearman. The place Aaron Dover was exposing because it was linked into a massive fraud and trauma mind control using Satanic Ritual Abuse. Aaron Dover unfortunately "died" today. His mother J. Dover worked for the Tavistock Institute.

sensitive ago

Done. Thanks.

equineluvr ago


equineluvr ago

Good catch, OP! That was from 2008.

Here is a more recent article (March 2, 2017) RE another Oxford-Sutton Trust partnership, this time launching a "summer school for white working-class boys."

Side note: How interesting that in this age of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS they are specifically targeting white boys. Isn't that "racist?'

Christ Church College, Oxford University / iStock

Bright pupils from deprived neighbourhoods and poor-performing state schools are encouraged to apply for the scheme

Oxford University has launched a summer school for white British boys, in a bid to increase its intake of working class students.

It is the first time the university has ever specifically targeted this demographic, which is one of the most underrepresented groups in UK higher education.

Under a new partnership with social mobility charity the Sutton Trust, male students from rural and coastal communities will be recruited for summer schools hosted at the top ranking institution.

Littleredcorvette ago


This image has a naked (but covered) child in a pigpen with a pig 🐷 in the background!!! She is muddy and appears to be putting cigarette butts in a circle.

This needs to go meme crazy. It will disturb people.

Edit: found thru duck duck go.


clowntrash ago

Search the photographers name in google and you'll find disturbing nude photos of children. Some of them are on does this slip through?

equineluvr ago

The little girl is playing in the mud -- just like a pig. :(

Jews have called the ":goyim" PIGS for eons.

DonKeyhote ago

Is that fact too obvious to source or what

oneofmanyusa ago The info is out there, their reliaing on our public education not to get it. The words have many definations use some them, expand your search terms. google Room to Play!