not_shadowbanned_yet ago

I'd eat a person if they were already dead from an accident or something, I like to think I wouldn't kill them for their meat.

Dantalian ago

I'll take the long pig, but only if I can get a little rooster sauce and a 2 liter of Voltage Mountain Dew with it. Otherwise I'll starve.

8_billion_eaters ago


8_billion_eaters ago

oddly enough, the wings used to be thrown to the hogs or in the garbage not too long ago. Chicken wings were the least desirable part of the bird. (If you want to gross someone them chicken arms)

8_billion_eaters ago

You would rather eat human than chicken? ...fuck... you don't know how to cook chicken.

8_billion_eaters ago

....oh really? would you eat my nipples, Greg?

Del_Taco ago

Slide that thigh on the fire, mate.

Rellik88 ago

I would rather live. I will eat the hell out of a human. No fucks given.

enotsr22 ago

Woodhouse! Where have you been?

Velcroman ago

Give me people as soon as I get hungry. Fuck starvation.

HST ago

Eat long pig. I have to be really sure I need to eat them though.

Ar_Nimruzir ago

To clarify, long pork or long pig is human.

I would rather starve to death than eat human meat, but I have never been starving and in such a situation my will to live may outweigh my moral inclinations, so I can't really say.

8_billion_eaters ago

Your moral self is facing a fierce opponent in an empty belly.

...but that's why we've built such a great civilization as this. Like Baltimore and Chicago. We built a great civilization so that we'd never have to face those savage times.