MeatballPizza ago

Can you post links about the software he developed? Thanks. All I see is the photo.

MeatballPizza ago

What about this 'long pig party'? Never seen it referenced before.

More on the dead FBI guy:

He held several patents on first alert technologies.

HearMommabearRoar ago

Someone posted a picture (from this same gallery) of a sculpture of a human pig hybrid with piglets (plus one regular baby dressed as a pig). It seems to be a party to showcase the artwork at tony podestas house where James Alefantis is seen attending. There is also a picture of Marina Abromovic on the tv behind James. This is where we see a bunch of strange artwork involving the Jeffery Dahmer sculpture and others.

The long pig part came from the OP googling the literal description of the sculpture - "long pig" to try to find out the sculptures orgins (I'm guessing). Which turned up google instructions on how to cook human flesh.

MeatballPizza ago

I noticed Clement Freud was a celebrity chef. He invited the McCann parents to his house a few days after she disappeared FOR DINNER.


MeatballPizza ago

There was a former FBI agent who helped develop Amber Alert who died when his Tesla exploded a month or two ago. Could be related to this.

HearMommabearRoar ago

So this is weird but I looked him up and his name was Kevin McCarthy and he was a former FBI agent but Founded a software development company called Case Pacer up until he died.

When I went to his webpage and it looked really familiar -almost identicle to LJ Alfenatis' (James Alefantis' relative) company page for Perspecsys which essentially does the same kind of software development as case pacer (I think, anyways. There is a lot of technical jargon) but I can't find the Perspecsys page now. Apparently they got bought out by Blue Coat so you can only see it on the way back.

It might be a total dead end so I won't waste anyone else's time. Just another connection, somewhat?

nnfx ago

wait.... a white dragon? really??

You talking about that painting on the wall? because... t-that is blue not white.

HearMommabearRoar ago

I don't know if this is anything but I got a sick feeling in my stomach when I read that the company he is VP of public affairs for is responsible for widespread amber alerts. Although this seems counter productive to child knapping I could think of a few reasons having the foreknowledge of a missing child could benefit these people.

Also the text4baby app allows pregnant women to log their appointment places and times and upload pictures of their babies growth up to one year. Which is also pretty terrifying in the wrong hands.

I don't know if this is anything or not. I promise I'm not trying to waste anyone's time. I just noticed his badge in the picture and decided to look into it. although I have no where to go from here.