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NotHereForPizza ago

The last time this was posted, people mentioned that it was a honeypot. I'm not sure if it's true or not.

I'm surprised none of you have seen this before.

privatepizza ago

Yea, gotta link for that?

NotHereForPizza ago

I was hoping someone else could find it. I believe what I'm talking about was in r/pizzagate. Maybe someone could look through the archives.

I don't have time to devote to that right now.

I'll give you a quick rundown:

Laughing Horse Orrifice(s) Inc.

At one point there's a link to a login page. Someone eventually cracked said login page, and where there were previously comments that went back to like 2008, there were new posts on the page, some mentioning 4chin, some mentioning pizzagate I think I remember one of them saying something about hiliary and trump as it was right before the election.

Another link you'll find deep in the maze has the tree of life and each of the thirteen circle things has a link attached to it, one i believe leads to the above mentioned.

After a while, I believe someone came in and mentioned something about this being the old work of an autist where he simply dumped a lot of data.

Look, I'm not saying don't look there. I don't want this to not be investigated, in fact - if my opinion matters. But, I will say this, the UI is going to be loaded with unappealing things on purpose. This is a tactic used to distract from any data underlying said material.

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for the reply, any links would be interesting.

privatepizza ago

Really appreciate your thoughts on this, and your time, thank you. Appreciate your perspective. And yep okay.... gotcha...