afterbernerthrowaway ago

Can someone please outline the links that lead us from one of the pizzagate regular characters to this site? Last I read, lhohq was likely a hoax site meant as disinformation, but I truly don't know and would love to have more evidence of its connection (or not) to pizzagate one way or the other.

Dataanti ago

If it is a hoax, it's an old one, there is some really late entries and the sites have been around for a while. And how it's linked would be great, I don't actually know either, all I know it's that it has been brought up a couple times

nnfx ago

"Bentley Ptythylhlyl" Name found from your 3rd crawl.

"worked as associate for ACDCA"

Just throwing this in here.

Good work btw.

Trumpsnow81 ago

good finds. wish the mods were active here so we could get info like this added to a sticky. but we gotta take what we can get. its disgusting to think how many pizza parlors are implicated in this shit. i honestly have only been eating frozens since this first leaked. dont trust dominos either.