VieBleu ago

Anything is possible with this thing. I'm inclined to think it was thrown up the same day the pizzagate subreddit was shut down Nov 22 to provide a red herring for people to latch onto, and then be made fun of.

I feel it is an edited version of a bot created book - edited to throw in a few juicy morsels to mislead, misdirect researchers. I found the link to it in comments at the end of some thread. Could easily have been planted there hoping pizzagaters would think it significant and waste their time. Such underestimation of us.

BadGuacamoleTV ago


private-i ago

  • 18th century Bavarian pizza? Bavaria's first pizzeria was 1952.
  • Geographic coordinates embedded are those of Comet Pizza.
  • Other encoding with numbers and Chinese writings.
  • "Tony passed his love of handkerchief pizza on to his friend John and John's friend David, who are the writers of this book" - yet it states the authors are "John P and James A".
  • "Difa la pizza pizza" ?
  • Who is "Prospect Heights Franny" ?
  • Who is "Atilla Keke?" (see links I found to someone with this name)
  • Writing is very disjointed and appears to be encoded - very similar to other Podesta emails.
  • SEE:

Commonwombat ago

I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone lately! With this and the CPP gunman I truly think the Elite are just throwing things out there to confuse us all. We have stumbled upon something so big that we have them rattled.

VieBleu ago

check this out - I just posted it on a shock resignation PM Key in shock resignation

rantingsofastarseed ago

this does not come up anywhere. did other people find it?

VieBleu ago

I put a google search link and instructions in the post - how can you not click on that and go to it? yes everyone found it.

rantingsofastarseed ago

so when I click on your link, what comes up is a professical guide to pizza making, then a book on the pizza business, then a book called planking for pizza. I googled the keywords myself, nothing comes up, I went ot the amazon site itself and search, and absolutely nothing comes up in return...........

VieBleu ago

well you must be in an alternate universe. When I click on the link it takes me to a google search results page and it is the first result. Good luck!

rantingsofastarseed ago

but, its not even on amazon https://www. amazon .com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=node%3D154606011&field-keywords=Guide+to+Hankerchief+Pizza

looking4truth ago

I wonder who John P and James A are :)

UncookedSpirit ago

There are tons of those... wouldn't surprise me. They are getting better every moment.

VieBleu ago

wow, that would add another creep factor. I'd say it wouldn't be able to say that a "John P" and "James A" were authors though, and hit the target well enough to throw in a "Tony".

Subseadan ago

I can't find it on Google or kindle store

VieBleu ago

Here just hit the first link on this page and hit "look inside" Title Here

Sotrich ago

what the fuck...downloaded the sample...fuck. Can´t believe someone could be that stupid. this sample you find a passage: 38.9559 E Wood 77.0700 Y Brynner

That are decimal coordinates...that lead directly to comet ping pong.

given the fact, that this book is from November 22, it´s clearly not by alefantis.

mrnobu ago

Lol they're so fucked

UncookedSpirit ago

Well it's clearly some fake thing cooked up long after this all broke.

VieBleu ago

I really like your handle. Stay raw! lol

UncookedSpirit ago

I think "spirit cooking" is a euphemism for "burning soul" as in giving one's soul over to the powers of hell.

VieBleu ago

oh well I thought it was cute.