SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jesus, this is in English and I still have no fucking clue what the fuck I just read!

awarenessadventurer ago

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations." John F. Kennedy

awarenessadventurer ago

"The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon."

Smyrtz ago

If ever you were to read a long and complicated post, this is the one.

It's the big picture. Even if you skip over the stuff you don't understand, you'll get it.

awarenessadventurer ago

According to many sources he does. I believe it is true. Some dispute this. Do your own research and let me know your conclusions.

awarenessadventurer ago

Give these videos a watch and let us know how it goes.....

awarenessadventurer ago

Eternal life is very important to these animals. David Rockefeller died at 101 after SEVEN...yes 7...heart transplants Andy many other organ replacements. Not even HE could cheat death...and most are Satanists. Satan is he ultimate liar. The rational mind will never understand. It is evil incarnate and it doesn't make sense. Yet they push on....

jangles ago

There appears to be data in the audio

awarenessadventurer ago

yes there is. Use caution. It fucked up my head and gave me a migraine. I cant look at anymore of it. I AM NOT A LAB RAT.

Smyrtz ago

This is fucking brilliant work. This is what they are hiding. Every other fucked up thing is in support of this. Pizzagate is both real and a fucking psyop. This shit started in the 50s and never stopped.

This needs a sticky. Or to be hidden. Not fucking sure right now.

awarenessadventurer ago

me fucking either. Now with what I just found out about the owner of VOAT Peter Thiel and DynaCorp. I think I need to delete and run. "Information about this is getting heavily censored. Voat may not be safe after recent breakthroughs from researchers connecting the dots between Ycombinator, Peter Theil, Dyncorp, Palantir, and Voat. Dyncorp is heavily involved in child trafficking and pedophilia. Peter Theil ( probably a pedo too ) owns part of ycombinator, facebook, palantir (nsa contractor), dyncorp, and voat ( since ycombinator owns part of voat and funds startups ). Voat users think they took users off of reddit since it was too close to the /r/donald and they were scared. Now since all the dots are being connected they have infiltrated the mods and are censoring very heavily." Dyncorp tried hacking the pizzagate wiki and was caught."

This is one big fucked up experiment and VOAT (and we) are participating.

Smyrtz ago

Don't delete.

Mods: this needs a sticky!!!!!

awarenessadventurer ago

I am not deleting. I archived. Because I am an idiot and believe the truth is more important than my own LIFE. LOL.

I am just backing off after today... much has become clear. Including the purpose of VOAT.

Smyrtz ago

Thank you for your work! Fucking amazing.

Gothamgirl ago thats the 4th site and I think that contains information on Madeline. I have yet to get on it. If I find anything I will let you know.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank so much for sharing this!

awarenessadventurer ago

Here is a good example of a thred started on VOAT that went nowhere at the time. But it is becoming more relevant in light of new information. Neural Networks, Types, and Functional Programming ( submitted 1.5 years ago by 3even

I SMELL AI in use and development. (Artificial Intelligence) VOAT is a library. Where is VOAT search? asleep at the wheel (or crashed and dead)

excerpt: "An Ad-Hoc Field Deep learning, despite its remarkable successes, is a young field. While models called artificial neural networks have been studied for decades, much of that work seems only tenuously connected to modern results.

It’s often the case that young fields start in a very ad-hoc manner. Later, the mature field is understood very differently than it was understood by its early practitioners. For example, in taxonomy, people have grouped plants and animals for thousands of years, but the way we understood what we were doing changed a lot in light of evolution and molecular biology. In chemistry, we have explored chemical reactions for a long time, but what we understood ourselves to do changed a lot with the discovery of irreducible elements, and again later with models of the atom. Those are grandiose examples, but the history of science and mathematics has seen this pattern again and again, on many different scales.

It seems quite likely that deep learning is in this ad-hoc state.

At the moment, deep learning is held together by an extremely successful tool. This tool doesn’t seem fundamental; it’s something we’ve stumbled on, with seemingly arbitrary details that change regularly. As a field, we don’t yet have some unifying insight or shared understanding. In fact, the field has several competing narratives!

I think it is very likely that, reflecting back in 30 years, we will see deep learning very differently.

Deep Learning 30 Years in the Future If we think we’ll probably see deep learning very differently in 30 years, that suggests an interesting question: how are we going to see it? Of course, no one can actually know how we’ll come to understand the field. But it is interesting to speculate. At present, three narratives are competing to be the way we understand deep learning. There’s the neuroscience narrative, drawing analogies to biology. There’s the representations narrative, centered on transformations of data and the manifold hypothesis. Finally, there’s a probabilistic narrative, which interprets neural networks as finding latent variables. These narratives aren’t mutually exclusive, but they do present very different ways of thinking about deep learning. This essay extends the representations narrative to a new answer: deep learning studies a connection between optimization and functional programming. In this view, the representations narrative in deep learning corresponds to type theory in functional programming. It sees deep learning as the junction of two fields we already know to be incredibly rich. What we find, seems so beautiful to me, feels so natural, that the mathematician in me could believe it to be something fundamental about reality. This is an extremely speculative idea. I am not arguing that it is true. I wish to argue only that it is plausible, that one could imagine deep learning evolving in this direction. To be clear: I am primarily making an aesthetic argument, rather than an argument of fact. I wish to show that this is a natural and elegant idea, encompassing what we presently call deep learning. Optimization & Function Composition The distinctive property of deep learning is that it studies deep neural networks – neural networks with many layers. Over the course of multiple layers, these models progressively bend data, warping it into a form where it is easy to solve the given task."

continues in article.

zitterbewegung • 2 years ago This is really interesting. I think that if also if you apply machine learning to attempt to generate programs you may be able to do some tedious refactoring / programming also. I haven't seen machine learning explicitly constructed as a type though. Both Coq and ACL2 have had an external machine learning program where it takes programs as input and suggests new programs. Coq has had a machine learning model integrated into it. See . Also ACL2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Neil Shepperd • 2 years ago This is intriguing, as it is almost precisely the approach I am taking in my Haskell neural networks library: The language I use is that of category theory, though. Neural networks form the category of differentiable functions between various spaces.

There seem to be a few options in how to represent these things though. First, one can represent the parameters explicitly or implicitly, and I'm so far not sure which is preferable. And I have a few different RNN combinators describing different styles of accumulating map (scan), where again I'm not sure if a particular one is really "best". The idea does seem to be sound though, and a reasonable way of talking about neural net constructions.

awarenessadventurer ago

Psychological and Physiological Acoustics: Physiology; Binaural Processing „Poster Session… William P. Shofner, Chair Contributed Papers 3:20 2pAB7. The auditory system as a window onto the processes of prenatal development. Dennis McFadden ~Dept. of Psych. and Inst. for Neurosci., Mezes Hall 330, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX 78712! Otoacoustic emissions ~OAEs!, auditory evoked potentials ~AEPs!, and hearing sensitivity all exhibit sex differences of several types in humans, and these sex differences are highly similar in newborns and adults. The strong implication is that these differences originate during prenatal development and persist through life. The most parsimonious explanation is that these sex differences are produced by androgenic processes operating on the ear and brain of the developing fetus. Certain special populations of humans have been shown to have OAEs and/or AEPs that differ from the sex-typical values, and again the most parsimonious explanation is that the degree of androgen exposure is the basis for these differences. Certain nonauditory measures from these special populations are in accord with this interpretation. The data from special populations will be summarized and a number of alternative explanations considered. Implications for research on the development of hearing will be discussed. @Work supported by NIDCD.# 2pPP11. Noninvasive recording of fetal auditory evoked responses using a new 151 channel sensor array „SARA…. Hari Eswaran, James Wilson ~Dept. of Appl. Sci., Univ. of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204!, Hubert Preissl, Pamela Murphy, and Curtis Lowery ~Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sci., Little Rock, AR 72205! The goal was to successfully record fetal auditory evoked responses ~AERs! using the newly developed noninvasive fetal magnetoencephalographic ~MEG! system called SARA. 131 AER measurements were performed on 31 fetuses starting at 27 weeks. The SARA system, equipped with an array of 151 SQUID ~superconducting quantum interference device! sensors spread over an area of 1300 cm2, is curved to fit the shape of the pregnant abdomen. The auditory stimulus was—1 kHz tone; duration—100 ms; rate—0.5 tones/s.; intensity ~external!—100-dB SPL in air. The data were collected at a sampling rate of 312.5 Hz. The AERs were averaged over a period of 700-ms window after removing interfering maternal and fetal heart signals. Control recordings were performed on the same fetus with the same parameters but without any sound stimulation. The peak of the evoked responses was around 250 ms with amplitudes of about 20 fT. No evident evoked response was seen in the control recordings on the same fetus. In summary, it is feasible to noninvasively acquire MEG auditory evoked responses from the fetus using SARA. AER can be a useful tool for the neurological assessment of fetal well-being throughout gestation. @Work funded by NIH.#

Radiofrequency Toolkit for Environmental Health Practitioners (full of research on fetus testing) showed that a fetus averaged SAR and fetal brain averaged SAR exposed to mobile radio terminal ...... administered. Specialized exposure vessels such as anechoic and reverberation again in newborns and babies aged 3 to 6 months or with an omnidirectional microphone

DonKeyhote ago

Is this what that schizophrenic Strafor son with coloboma was researching? David McCullar

42times5 ago


This is staggering information. A whole new layer. It is beginning to feel like I am actually in a computer matrix.

awarenessadventurer ago

omnidirectional reverberation is represented as an octagon/dodecahedron.. Omnidirectional or Dodecahedral sound source Abstract

A complex system of multiple signaling molecules often produce differential gene expression patterns in animal embryos. In the ascidian embryo, four signaling ligands, Ephrin-A.d (Efna.d), Fgf9/16/20, Admp, and Gdf1/3-r, coordinately induce Otx expression in the neural lineage at the 32-cell stage. However, it has not been determined whether differential inputs of all of these signaling pathways are really necessary. It is possible that differential activation of one of these signaling pathways is sufficient and the remaining signaling pathways are activated in all cells at similar levels. To address this question, we developed a parameter-free method for determining a Boolean function for Otx expression in the present study. We treated activities of signaling pathways as Boolean values, and we also took all possible patterns of signaling gradients into consideration. We successfully determined a Boolean function that explains Otx expression in the animal hemisphere of wild-type and morphant embryos at the 32-cell stage. This Boolean function was not inconsistent with three sensing patterns, which represented whether or not individual cells received sufficient amounts of the signaling molecules. These sensing patterns all indicated that differential expression of Otx in the neural lineage is primarily determined by Efna.d, but not by differential inputs of Fgf9/16/20, Admp, and Gdf1/3-r signaling. To confirm this hypothesis experimentally, we simultaneously knocked-down Admp, Gdf1/3-r, and Fgf9/16/20, and treated this triple morphant with recombinant bFGF and BMP4 proteins, which mimic Fgf9/16/20 and Admp/Gdf1/3-r activity, respectively. Although no differential inputs of Admp, Gdf1/3-r and Fgf9/16/20 signaling were expected under this experimental condition, Otx was expressed specifically in the neural lineage. Thus, direct cell–cell interactions through Efna.d play a critical role in patterning the ectoderm of the early ascidian embryo.

there is so much more on this but i will leave it here for contemplation.

42times5 ago

I must say that I don't completely understand all of the above but, I NEVER felt comfortable with ultrasound scanning, especially not the private 4d scans.

I have studied frequencies though, and the work of Royal Raymond Rife (and Walter Russell) and I think the above all makes sense in light of this.

On another note, I recently met someone through a dating site (freelance writer/Egyptian-American/into tech/highly manipulative etc) who was always sending me weird, random images/video and using his Apple watch to 'trigger' me...urgh. Hard to explain but it was all creepy and I went no contact as soon as my mind caught up to my gut.

Wish I could add more. This is great work.

awarenessadventurer ago

I have read Walter Russell and used RIFE technologies extensively (though I am no expert) but the work of Rife and Russell have given me SOME insight into the importance of frequency technologies. Its critical foundation stuff to understand. LIght is sound is frequency and all the electric universe concepts are helpful with developing an informed world view of the lies of science (and everything else for that matter)

My gut says this is mystery school stuff (hidden knowledge) previously. The brain is complex, some are privy to the knowledge of how to control it. I believe this is stolen knowledge from the LIbrary of Alexandria and hidden in the sewers of the Vatican, Secret societies etc. (but that may be a stretch for some) after all, all roads lead to Rome. LOL. (or eqypt, or wherever) Stretch away I say.... thoughts are still not illegal. (or are they?)

42times5 ago

I agree. I'm always aiming to keep my own vibrations high enough so as not to be manipulated!

awarenessadventurer ago

we do our best. I do too... BUT i have already felt a change in thoughts and brain function from viewing this stuff. i turn the sound off and only see lingers. time for a break (for sanity) its dangerous stuff to research. seriously....

42times5 ago

It is. I never click any links. Just the crazy shit that was fired at me on a few unfortunate dates recently was enough for me. :-/

42times5 ago

I've not clicked on a single link. I would cease to be able to function. I have to take frequent breaks...altough, there is a story I'd like to share that is breaking in the UK regarding a young mum who has run away with her children. Her friends are saying the story shared by her children about their abuse is on a massive scale. Sounds like a 2nd Hampstead case. I just can't face doing the research as the details are sketchy and there is a gag order in place..crazy times.

awarenessadventurer ago

be careful and think about what will actually do some good in this web of evil. There are millions of stories of kids, the research is gruelling and pyschologically damaging. We already know its happening. And with all we have uncovered NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Not a single significant arrest or investigation. We know all we need to know about the specific incidents with kids. Now we need to find answers to the larger questions. I think they are related to Cloning, Organ trafficking, Mind Control and Artificial Intelligence technologies. All for NWO purposes.

A new world army of vampires & zombies (current programming themes being built over a long period of time) a sick new society in development. Long term agenda.

I am focusing on ACTIONS (supporting kids and parents of missing children) and on related research to the larger web.Which is now proving even more insidious on my spirit. Protect yourself. We actually have no frigging idea what we are doing or what we have stumbled proceed with spiritual caution.

We may in fact live in the Matrix.

42times5 ago

Now we need to find answers to the larger questions. I think they are related to Cloning, Organ trafficking, Mind Control and Artificial Intelligence technologies. All for NWO purposes.

A new world army of vampires & zombies (current programming themes being built over a long period of time) a sick new society in development. Long term agenda. I am focusing on ACTIONS (supporting kids and parents of missing children) and on related research to the larger web.

Me too. Take it easy. Keep those vibrations high. I'm sure we'll meet again <3

carmencita ago

So are you saying that maybe they can program/brain wash before birth by ultrasound? Ultra-Sound = MK-Ultra-Sound? Also when I opened the link for the Friendship Club and scrolled down to the individual children, there was one sweet little boy with a $ sign on his forehead. What? So scary and weird at the same time.

awarenessadventurer ago

I believe they are doing pre-birth programming AND testing on autistic and disabled children and clearly the masses in other projects. It is all encompassing technique it appears. It also has references to 'eugenics' types uses like broadcasting from radio towers to affect the fetuses of unborn children in a given area. Can even be targeted to an individual. Many uses it appears. Part of the Matrix? Definately the visual audio stuff is used for MK "handling" it is hard to go deep enough to study. It gives me a migraine.

AngB23 ago

Isn't Bill Gates real big on Eugentics?

FckPizza3 ago

Wait a minute... like in any hospital that offers ultrasound or in a controlled MK-ultra type hospital??? I was first reading your post as them doing it on already sex trafficked women who get pregnant while working in the ring... but now are you saying this is everywhere??? Like in every hospital with ultrasound??? I'm seriously scared and confused!?!?

awarenessadventurer ago

yes I found much research on those 'new' sonograms that do human imaging (when you get a little poloroid lifelike picture of your baby) well that new fangled machine does many things including kill, damage, defect unborn children after only 5 MINUTES of exposure (including heating of the womb) I am 100% positive that your average pediatrician/nurse dont know SHIT about it in most cases.

There are frequency controls on those fucking machines. They are likely (knowingly or unknowingly) fucking with every unborn child at this point. It can also be done at a distance (!!!! think about that !!!) Radio control towers, internet/cable frequencies and television can also 'broadcast'. How fucked is that?

This technology can be used to hurt or enhance child development. (depending upon who is using it and for what purpose... think CLONING a super soldiers with certain qualitiies like enhanced vision, hearing, etc) IT IS A SCIENCE. They womb is the perfect "room" for frequency works and it also goes hand in hand with introducing certain chemical components in the womb. (Or in vitro cloning experiments)

It effects DNA.

To be honest there is just SO FUCKING MUCH data on this in difficult to read research papers. Now that I have identified something larger I have to move on.... This is insidious and global. I have to leave it to those who can grasp the details of this science , I only study patterns and have very good reading comprehension. I also am able to 'speed read' to a certain extent. This is why I am good at studying patterns. This is also why my brain and emotional body are VERY sensitive.

So this stuff is damaging for an empath or any person with intentions in the right place.

When I worked for a member of the CFR, they did EXTENSIVE psychological testing on me. I had no idea. Turns out I was a perfect candidate. This is what they are looking for to work with them. I figured it out and ran after 4 years....but this thing is HUGE. Its a Web. It is 'learning" Artificial Intelligence through our actions.

VOAT (and the whole of the internet for that matter) is a big lab and we are the rats. They are studying how long it takes us to find the ''cheese' what are the qualities of the 'cheese finders'. This teaches the AI how to be smarter. The VOAT lab is special, with special participants that 'test well'.

I am dead serious.

FckPizza3 ago

:( fuck!!!!! Please don't quit... You are a valuable asset to this investigation....

awarenessadventurer ago

I do not really think I am an asset at this point. But I thank you for the words of kindness... few and far between on this forum.

I will check back for messages but I am going to find another venue for safety and effectiveness. I AM NOT ENCOURAGING ANYONE ELSE TO QUIT. This has been a rough ride. My suspicions are my own.... I need to feel safe, useful and less like a lab rat. Consider this... WHAT IF I AM WRONG?

Each of us has to do our own work and find our own path (and conclusions) This place has hurt me, hurt my life and I have not seen it bearing enough fruit for me to be satisfied with the work put in. This is just me.

I applaud all of you.... you are tougher than I am. There are many other things happening outside of VOAT directly related to harrassment (phone, computer, etc) and I am becoming paranoid. This is no way to live and I AM NOT SEEING PROGRESS. Sadly....

SO continue on! All of you...

But pay attention. And be nice to the MODS that are working hard. We all know that there is always someone above them who are the real controllers. I put in my 2 cents, now its up to the rest of you.

LOVE!!! each other.

Smyrtz ago

Wait. Are vaccinations the result of MK Ultra experiments???? They were looking to find a chemical way to induce Autism in the 50's. I need to take a walk.

awarenessadventurer ago

all of it. and more...

my work is done here. It is a one way street to ruination to continue.

Smyrtz ago

I stand in awe of what you have uncovered. I wish there was a way to stay in touch.

FckPizza3 ago

But there is.. email info and so much more... is not any of this safe????? Wtd????

FckPizza3 ago

Wtf (? Typo...

FckPizza3 ago

My son will be 11 soon and have immunizations.... do I immunize him or not?!? Wtf... you can't leave yet.....

carmencita ago

My immediate thought was how are we going to fight this? My only suggestion is to inform the masses. But it must be done one step at a time.That is how we learned about all of it. Red Pilling Part 1, Part 2, etc. This I would recommend as one of the last ones along with the Satanic Rituals. God this stuff is hard to take. We still have not discovered if this is a leak or what.

awarenessadventurer ago

far to many inter-related sites for this to be a 'leak' it is more of a MAP.

carmencita ago

What is MAP, it is an acronym, right?

awarenessadventurer ago

an ironic use of MAP, which is also known as a MINOR ATTRACTED PERSON (pizza related map from podesta emails)

this is a MAP for all of it. because it is one big cesspool of MAPS.

carmencita ago

I thought that Pizzagate was going to be hard enough to explain. This is beyond comprehension as to how we will be able to educate the masses. Scary.

awarenessadventurer ago

**and they fucking know it. ** no one is worried on that side. They have money, power, mind control, and they can now PLAY GOD. What was once a lie is now truth, and what is truth is a LIE.

NONE of this can be explained without a trivium education and years to focus on all the inter-related aspects. Its only hazy to us. The pyramid model keeps it all compartmentalized. They own, develop and control the minds of the masses. This is beyond the matrix....

Satanic fucks.

I too am going for a walk... and going to keep on walking.

AngB23 ago

I'm still digesting everything you have shown us. Thank you so much for your hard work. After reading this, I want to choke the living day lights out of many, many Elitists.

And every "Foundation" for a good cause for the kids, example Gates and his vaccine push, can all rot in hell

carmencita ago

We are screwed, for now. Or until we figure this out. Peace.

42times5 ago

I think you're right. It is bringing together many different disciplines and ideas. Chemistry. Neurology. Programming. Data such as Cliff HIgh uses. I watched a talk on AI last week. They are downplaying what it right now. I think of it more in terms of Google data mining and playing there next move according to ours. 5D chess is it now?!

As an aside, my sons g/f has recently announced that s/he is nonbinary. This is really happening.

DonKeyhote ago

Holy shit! Does that make your son half a fag tho

sensitive ago

Hi, mod here. Your post doesn't violate any rule, so it will stay. However, and this may be the reason why you don't get many upvoats, your submission is very, very difficult to understand. Granted, it seems like a very complex topic, but I think it would be best if you rework it, make it better understandable, delete this post and come back with a new one. Would help the investigation, too! (Also, please refrain from all caps ...)

awarenessadventurer ago

will try. this stuff is complicated. i could care less about upvoats. but i will try to represent better.

sensitive ago

Upvoats are pretty important, too, btw, because you want to get this message to many people, right?

awarenessadventurer ago

not necessarily... these are threads to leave here to tie together other factors as they are stumbled upon and linked moving forward. I dont think very many people will give this kind of content much notice as it is deep and difficult to grasp. Not as exciting' as pizza discussions about podesta for most of the people lookingn into this stuff. I do not believe 'many people' are trying to solve this (they are sleuthing for entertainment and shilling to express repressed anger and frustration) and even if they were trying to 'solve', it will make no difference (sorry to say) as we all have seen via spinning wheels here and other forums. it is the deeper mechanisms of this web of evil that are more important to understand in the long run. As the complex picture comes together it is this stuff, the hard to grasp, that will become the more important aspects to understand in order to protect ourselves, and children. What may not to appear to be of value now I guarantee will be of value later as understanding grows. this is a dark deep web and i am certain it relates to much more than ritual abuse, sex abuse and human trafficking. Cloning, Organ Trafficking, Mind Controlled masses and creating an "army" of soulless humans (that were once MK'd /handled children) This is a goal of the NWO I believe. The zombies they speak of. Look at podesta and his 'designer' children out there working in all of these areas of neo-science. I believe these are the experimental children as part of a much larger rollout in the future.

For now, only people with the right kind of technical understanding will get this (I am not one of those people but I do know how to study patterns and step back to find linking aspects) I KNOW this is something. But it will only be important to very few at this stage of the unfoldment... so yeah. Upvoats are not important to me. This place holds almost no value beyond the tidbits that are left behind for those doing REAL research on a higher level (which is why they keep disabling the search function in my view)

This will be shlled upon hard now, as having no value, but I am 100% positive this work is going to hold MAJOR value at a future date and for specific people. It is not for the "many".

Dressage2 ago

This stuff is what a number of us on here have been saying all along. Pizzagate is far more than Alefantis, Comet and the Podestas. People all over the world are their rats in a lab. Haiti's vaccines were being used for better acceptance for organ transplants. There is a huge research lab in MA that Obama signed to give $$ to in Dec 2016. They are testing as we speak. Stem cell, cloning., is part of the plan. We are in the Matrix.

awarenessadventurer ago

I couldn't agree more. But step back look at the bigger spiritual picture and no hope is lost. It I continue on this forum it will be only on that subject matter. Never lose hope. Its bigger than all of this evil bullshit.

Smyrtz ago

I totally agree.

sensitive ago

Thank you.

awarenessadventurer ago

MK ULtra triggers/programming tools? Are these sites for handlers programming slaves? Is this a "Neural Experiment"? "you've been warned, the CIA is coming mk ultra neural experiment topic now"

Gothamgirl 0 points (+0|-0) 1.4 hours ago This one all the way at the bottom right. It says something about Podesta's emails and being in Portugal.

awarenessadventurer ago

NOW BACK TO THE PAGE OPERAGNIP (REDDIT) If you search OperaGnip you come up with:

Yes, A ping pong ball Opera Gnip Gnopera – Ping Pong Ball Opera 06/18/2015 6:30-7:10 Stillwater Library, 224 - 3rd St. No., Stillwater ( Get Directions )

Opera meets cartoon loonyness in this glow-in-the-dark tale of ordinary ping-pong balls that bounce into the extraordinary world of opera. A blacklight puppetry spectacular with a live viola score. Recommended for ages 4 and up. This event is a collaboration with Stillwater Library, Valley Friendship Club & Zpuppets with Mn States Arts Board Funding made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Mn State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. About Z Puppets Rosenschnoz :Described as "1/2 Monty Python + 1/2 Sesame Street, " they delight children, teens and adults with feats of imagination. Their touring shows and workshops mix hand-crafted puppetry and zany comedy with live music to lead people to the power of playfulness. Earning many awards for their performances and arts education, including support from the Jim Henson Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Puppeteers of America, Educational Theater Association Perpich Center for Arts Education and MN State Arts Board.

What is Friendship Club? A place for autistic, disable youth. Lots of pizza references.

GNIPOPERA YOUTUBE HAS SOME WEIRD SHIT. The Z Puppets Rosenschnoz Story It began with a ping pong ball. In 1998, in the wilds of Minneapolis, street performer Chris Griffith and playwright Shari Aronson met, turned on a blacklight and suddenly discovered a great marvel of science: ping pong balls glow in the dark. Armed only with fluorescent paint and playful inspiration, the duo quickly transformed a $3 pack of balls into a performance troupe. Foom! On went a tiny top hat, tutu, leotards and red nose and clown shoes. Woop! Up went a circus-tent puppet booth. Ba-ding! In came the organically-grown sound effects, quirky acapella score and ukelele opening number. A couple of drumrolls, one ta-da and voila… the debut of the world’s first glow-in-the-dark ping pong ball spectacular, The Amazing Gnip Gnop Circus… and Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. “I was astounded by the life, vitality and communication they were able to give to simple ping pong balls,” says master puppeteer, Paul Vincent Davis of Boston’s Puppet Showplace Theater. Parents report that for years after seeing the Gnip Gnop Circus, they speak in “pingpong ball language” and share jokes from the show with their children. Venues book the Gnip Gnops year after year, commenting that it is the most creative show they have ever booked. The Jim Henson Foundation and the Puppeteers of America have commended Z Puppets for their mix of innocence with ingenuity.“They make everyone feel like little kids again— even the kids,” says Paul Zaloom, star of children’s television hit Beakman’s World. On their mission to delight children and adults with feats of imagination, Z Puppets has now brought fifteen original productions and hundreds of workshops to thousands of audience members across the country, including performing arts centers, outdoors festivals, museums, schools, and libraries. From their yoga puppet rock opera starring monkey pirates, to a platypus piano musical, and a French accordion lobster farce, Z Puppets’ unique blend of live music, zealous humor and hand-crafted puppetry makes for an extraordinary experience for families In the Heart of the Beast Jan 27 – Feb 5, 2017 Presented by Z Puppets Rosenschnoz & In the Heart of the Beast Mask and Puppet Theatre A premiere production from Minneapolis performers Z Puppets Rosenschnoz, Cellula is like a bedtime story as told by biologists. Cellula illuminates the true marvels of cell science inside us all with dazzling glow in the dark puppetry and live accapella music. This glowing magnification of mitosis features highly acclaimed improvisational vocalists

And check this video from Rosenschnoz which appears to be featuring children:


CELLULA Published on Jun 22, 2015 Blacklight puppet show of mitosis by Shari Aronson, of Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. Created as part of the PuppetLab New Works series at In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre, with funding from the Jerome Foundation. Copyright 2015.




chiefcrazyhorse ago

gnipopera is a reddiot appparently..

awarenessadventurer ago



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