We_Waz_Kangz_N_Sh1t ago

Source the document links please!!!

Voidzyr ago

Are we allowed to post peoples personal info on Voat?

Pisstubes0351 ago

Funny you posted this. I was on 4chan about a day or two ago and the same site you posted "ihohq" was on there as well. Anyways, this all led me to a bunch of weird ass links. Two links had what looked like some advanced physics/mathematics on there. After one anon said it was gibberish I confirmed it by forwarding the links to one of my good friends who double majored in Math/Physics who said it was nonsense. Links are below.



tallorder ago

He was involved in the Abu Ghraib fiasco. I used to have a clip of him talking about some of the various torture methods they used (I believe it was a CSPAN clip). We're talking about sodomizing people, men, women, children, in front of their families using objects with battery acid on it.

Zen0 ago

This was posted a few days ago on the subeddit, this led a couple people to call some of the numbers, namely Bill Murray's (not the actor). He eventually came on and explained that his number was on there because these contacts (in their entirety) were leaked at some point. (can't remember who's contacts they were and I didn't archive the page from eddit)...

But this was discovered to be a lulsec site and distracted the subeddit for about a day.

LostandFound ago

one thing that was never resolved and I think its critically important .... whos contact list is this?

Zen0 ago

If someone archived that post, then we'd have an answer to that question.

Zen0 ago

Also Mr. Murray asked everyone to stop calling him about pizza

Wardidly ago

That second link made me jump out of my chair, what the hell is that?

sixgorillion ago

Some(serious or not) attempt of subconscious programming? I'm fucking paranoid and won't look at it to analyze.

We_Waz_Kangz_N_Sh1t ago

probably not a lulzsec site ....

they have messages left on the site from 2008 kneegrows


ghtdak ago

This was looked at a few weeks ago. Honey pot / time waste. Probably 4chan pranking / lulsec

LostandFound ago

correct verified from the page code its lulsec ... but a whole lotta work gone into that for no reason if theres not one single piece of useable info on it

LostandFound ago

thats a lulsec website - theres probably some good info on it somewhere but expect most to be chaff

heres a data dump lol https://archive.is/rWZGf

isthisreality ago

I was on 4chan when that was being dumped- I went to bed shortly after so I never saw if anyone ever where that info came from- whose contact list is that?

LostandFound ago

Think that's the million dollar question been trying to work it out for the best part of a week now

RedPowerRanger ago

Who does the flag represent?

Dump of members?

LostandFound ago

IDK but contents of my link are verified - test faxes were sent and delivered to the fax lines