JIrvin ago

FYI, I've done a MASSIVE amount of research into the Esalen Institute, et al, and their ties to the CIA and the MKULTRA program. I've done probably over 100 shows on this topic and I maintain a very large database mapping this institute's connections to the intelligent community.

I note that someone else here has mentioned my work already, but it's at www.gnosticmedia.com

You can also access my research database directly, here. https://webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/6FBA86B0-0C57-9FCA-5CF9-D742DA541AAA#-4535

The Esalen Institute was funded / launched by CIA / MI6 agent Aldous Huxley with his gay lover Gerald Heard. Aldous put Michael Murphy and Dick Price in charge, and one of the CIA/MKULTRA founders, Gregory Bateson, oversaw the organization as well. Most of the top people there are connected directly to the Harvard Social Relations Dept. - which was headed by CIA agent Henry A. Murray who worked on MKULTRA. Others in Murray's department included Dick Price, Tim Leary, Ted Kaczynski, BF Skinner, and others who participated heavily in the CIA's MKULTRA program.

Essentially what I discovered is that the entire counterculture / 60s psychedelic revolution is actually the real MKULTRA program, and not this "Manchurian candidate" that was a red herring to mislead people.

I've also done extensive research on all of the leading books on MKULTRA, such as Acid Dreams, Operation Mind Control, Storming Heaven, etc, and shown that they are all bullshit books written by the intel community to mislead investigation into MKULTRA and the counterculture which I exposed in my article Spies In Academic Clothing, here: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/SpiesinAcademicClothing_MKULTRA

Those claiming here that Tavistock was connected to Nazi experiments, this is largely bullshit as Tavistock, the Frankfurt School and the AJC, and Macy Foundation, all a part of MKULTRA, were Jewish organizations.

"I know you have done work with an anon on this. I know the historical connections of Nazi experiments of mind control, development of Tavistock with Freud personal testimony involving escalen"

The Nazi thing is mostly a red herring, and misdirection in what was clearly a Jewish / Zionist operation. People seriously need to stop already with the anti-Germanic nonsense that squashes any real investigation. We have enough "Nazi" BS with the fraudulent Fiona Barnett and her Nazi Witchhunt in Australia.

sponiatowski ago

There is an unbelievable amount of information here. Please remind us of your post's presence for reference as the CIA WikiLeaks continues.

sharpedge42 ago

Dr. Harris Isbell performed drug experiments on prison inmates for the CIA. He seemed to care little about the recipient's reaction to the drugs that he administered.

The following quotes are from the PDF of the book "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks found here: http://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/search-manchurian-candidate.pdf

Page 42: Harris Isbell of the NIMH-sponsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky

Page 44: Dr. Harris Isbell, whose work the CIA funded through Navy cover with the approval of the Director of the National Institutes of Health

Page 45: [Isbell] kept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days. Such an experiment is as chilling as it is astonishing

Page 45: To Dr. Isbell, it was just another experiment. "I have had seven patients who have now been taking the drug for more than 42 days," he wrote in the middle of the test

Page 45: Filled with intense curiosity, Isbell tried out a wide variety of unproven drugs on his subjects. Just as soon as a new batch of scopolamine, rivea seeds, or bufotenine arrived from the CIA or NIMH, he would start testing.

Page 87: In Kentucky, Dr. Harris Isbell ordered psilocybin injected into nine black inmates at the narcotics prison.

9217 ago

Thank you!! There is so much evidence/information already out there, it's overwhelming.

sharpedge42 ago

Dr. D. Ewen Cameron was a vile man. He apparently didn't need the CIA's encouragement to perform his experiments, but he did accept their money when offered. There's much more on him here, http://druglibrary.org/schaffer/lsd/marks8.htm

This is chapter 8 from the book "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks. It's a history of the CIA MK-ULTRA program. The whole book can be found online here and elsewhere. http://druglibrary.org/schaffer/lsd/marks.htm

sharpedge42 ago

Not surprisingly, the Rockefeller Foundation also funded Dr. Cameron's activities. Here I quote a PDF version of the aforementioned book. http://www.wanttoknow.info/mk/search-manchurian-candidate.pdf

Page 97: [Dr. Cameron] had headed Allan Memorial since 1943, when the Rockefeller Foundation had donated funds to set up a psychiatric facility at McGill University. With continuing help from the Rockefellers, McGill had built a hospital known far beyond Canada's borders as innovative and exciting.

strix-varia ago

I was looking up Esalen, as I was involved with a meditation teacher who taught Gestalt Therapy there in the 70's and 80's and came across the name of a town in Colorado called Crestone / Baca Grande. Crestone and is home to (2011) 25 spiritual centers. Here's a link to one of the articles:


Now the reason I am linking this is because it is touted in the article as:

"The Vatican City of the New World Order" and then this:

"Various reports indicate that visitors to Crestone have included such extremely high-powered personages as Laurence Rockerfeller, David Rockerfeller, Robert McNamara (then President of the World Bank), Edmond de Roothschild, British Prime Minister James Callahan, journalist Bill Moyers, and Henry Kissingher, sometimes described as CEO of the New World Order. A local rumor even has it that when Henry Kissingher visited, he proclaimed: “We will rule the world from here.”"

"they see the Baca, which they call ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,’ as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Apparently, the Kissinghers, the Rockerfellers, the McNamaras, the Roothschilds, and other Establishment New World Order elites all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca- where politics and the occult- the New World Order and the New Age- all merge…..Baca Grande also appears to be a magnet for military attention…. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFO’s and spiritual manifestations."

isthisreality ago

Wha-ho-ho, my friend.

This TSTK shit is deep deep shit. It hits so close to home.

What kind of info do you want/need? If it is directly TSTK related I prob have it. If it is indirect, I may or may not. Entertain me. Whatchu wanna know? :) For some reason, this is the one out of 10000 avenues that drew my interest 150%.

If I can help at all, let me know.

This info won't cause arrests or imprisonments. But if you can understand the big BIG picture, then you are way less likely to unknowingly participate in it. Once you get the big picture, everything changes. You'll never see anything the same again. This is the most liberated I have ever felt, but at the same time, the most restricted.

9217 ago

Anything you want to share, I will look into - my interest in this one is 150% as well. So literally anything would be great. Even if nothing happens as a result of this - and as depressing as this sounds - I want to know that we investigated this as much as possible, and for any - future researchers of future scandals if justice does not happen this time - that we provide something useful to them, on the important topics. Ugh anyway.

9217 ago


This is really informative and pretty good as far as I can tell @isthisreality

rodeo13 ago

This is amazing info. Great work! I know what I'll be reading this weekend.

doubletake ago

!!!!!!!!!!!!! XLNT Background. Mind-Control Fuquemasters guiding the flower generation. This program never ended; probably outsourced to all good civilized govts out there. XLNT companion to Dave McGowan's ... "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream"

9217 ago

Another resource -

"Lauretta Bender papers at Brooklyn College Archives and Special Collections -"

http://library.brooklyn.cuny.edu/pages/archives/findaid/90-012/SerBender.html http://archive.is/DBUda

"Bender was interested in for many years: comics, and their effect on children. "

I want to access these actual materials. I think they'd have a huge amount of dirt.

Including "SUB-SERIES 3: TELEVISION AND MOVIES, 1940-1955. " (remind you all of anything?)


"Much of this is early material, predating her acquaintance with Schilder which commenced, according to her autobiography, in 1930. There are three handwritten notebooks in German, the first of which is dated 1926, and papers contained in these notebooks have been removed, unfolded, and placed in folders. Typed and handwritten correspondence and memos in both German and English, dating from 1928 through 1940" --- I want to be able to see what these say

Funny they mention 2 "controversies" neither of which seem to be chiefly in reference to drugging children with LSD and Electroshocking them.

SUB-SERIES 1: THE FATHER DIVINE CONTROVERSY, 1935-1944 SUB-SERIES 2: THE BENDER-GESTALT CONTROVERSY, 1945-196 The controversies series consists of documents concerning two professional issues in which Bender became embroiled. Sub-Series 1 relates to an article Bender published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases. Although the article is not named in any of the related correspondence which dates from 1935, the only article published by Bender in that journal near that time is "Psychiatric Mechanisms in Child Murderers," published in volume 80 of the journal in 1934, so that correspondence in the following year would seem to be on target. The correspondence is from researchers interested in Bender's findings, and from followers of Father Divine, interested in defending him and his followers from Bender's allegations. There are also clippings from issues of Divine's magazine, The New Day, ranging from 1940-1944.

Sub-Series 2, the Bender-Gestalt Dispute, records Bender's successful fight against infringement of her copyright for the Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (popularly known as the Bender-Gestalt Test) which she developed and reported in 1938. The bulk of the records fall in 1960-1962, when Bender engaged attorneys Hutt and Gerald J. Briskin, entitled, The Clinical Use of the Revised Bender Gestalt Test. In letters on the subject dated November 9, 1960, Bender gives some of the most salient history on the matter, alluding to difficulties with Hutt that went back to 1945. Copies of that early correspondence are included in the file. The case was resolved on June 30, 1962, with the signing of a stipulation that the book would carry statements essentially dictated by Bender's attorneys.

rodeo13 ago

Regarding comics: Marvel comics are all about MKULTRA/Mind Control. The movies all show different aspects of Gov't r&d to create super soldiers, etc. Makes me wonder if Stan Lee is trying to warn us or if he's a propaganda machine.

21yearsofdigging ago

Excellent information and yes, these projects and sub projects are very important to Pizzagate research as C.I.A. and others are directly involved. Don't be fooled by phony reports that MKULTRA was shut down, it just went more underground. My theory and it is shared by some others, is that if the general public had any idea the numbers of children subjected to this type of trauma based torture that causes disassociation and thus alters, that there would be a huge revolt against these institutions. MKULTRA is but the tip of the iceberg. These recent protests against Trump and the people involved makes me wonder, This just reeks of mind control and it makes my wonder how many of these 'protesters' are i n fact victims of some sort of Monarch programming or mind control.

walmartshopper ago

Mind control and Esalen founders

Esalan founded by Dick Price and Michael Murphy.

Dick Price bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Price

After leaving Harvard in 1955, Price enlisted in the Air Force and was given an assignment in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area). He rented a room in San Francisco at Alan Watts’ and Frederic Spiegelberg’s newly founded American Academy of Asian Studies (the precursor to the California Institute of Integral Studies). During this time North Beach Beat scene was an emerging social trend. Dick knew most of the primary figures including (Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, etc.) and Gary Snyder. Dick married his first wife, Bonnie, in a Zen ceremony.

In 1956, Price experienced an episode of manic psychosis in San Francisco which he later described as simply "a state", what he believed was a mental break that was transitory and which he needed to go through and experience rather than repress or manage. He was hospitalized, returned to Chicago, and discharged from the Air Force.

On December 7, 1956, Price was involuntarily committed by his parents to the Institute of Living, an exclusive mental treatment facility in Connecticut. While hospitalized, he was misdiagnosed as a schizophrenic, then subjected to physical confinement and major tranquilizers, along with numerous electroconvulsive and insulin shock treatments. While committed, his mother had his marriage annulled He was released almost a year later on Thanksgiving Day 1957. Price never forgave his parents for their actions during this episode.

n May 1960, Price returned to San Francisco and took up residence at the East-West House with Gia-Fu Feng. That year he met fellow Stanford University graduate Michael Murphy at Haridas Chaudhuri’s Cultural Integration Fellowship where Murphy was in residence. Dick moved into the Cultural Integration Fellowship as well. They conceived of the idea of a place where individuals could become open to ways of thinking while avoiding the dogma often associated with groups organized around a single idea promoted by a charismatic leader. In 1961, Murphy and Price visited the oceanside property in Big Sur, California, that was owned by Murphy's family. The property included a natural hot springs.

In 1962, using the Murphy property and capital that Dick had accumulated, along with assistance from Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Laura Huxley, Gerald Heard, Gregory Bateson and Frederic Spiegelberg (with whom both had studied at Stanford), Price and Murphy founded the Esalen Institute. Among other objectives, Price saw Esalen as an alternative to then current mental health practice, especially the practices of mental hospitals. Esalen was to be a place where inner process could move forward safely and without interruption.

History of Eslaen and California Institute of Integral Studies


California Institute of Integral Studies

CIIS Laurance S. Rockefeller Library

Philosophy, Cosmology, Consciousness program at CIIS born from donation from Laurance S. Rockefeller

Richard Tarnas, head faculty at PCC program at CIIS, long-time resident employee at Esalen. The program takes their yearly sabbatical there each year.

In 1968 Tarnas entered Harvard, graduating with an A.B. cum laude in 1972. He received his Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute in 1976 with a thesis on psychedelic therapy. In 1974 Tarnas went to Esalen in California to study psychotherapy with Stanislav Grof. From 1974 to 1984 he lived and worked at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, teaching and studying with Grof, Joseph Campbell, Gregory Bateson, Huston Smith, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, and James Hillman. He also served as Esalen's director of programs and education. Jeffrey Kripal characterizes Tarnas as both the literal and figurative gate-keeper of Esalen.


CIIS deeps ties to One World Religion occultist Sri Aurobindo and Auroville


The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) was founded in 1968 in San Francisco, California.

CIIS was characterized as a major center of the Human Potential movement. According to Gleig and Floress (2013), "one can trace a direct line from Integral Yoga through [the Cultural Integration Fellowship] to two of the major centers of the Human Potential movement and the transpersonal psychology field it birthed: Esalen and the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)."

CIIS's distinctive signature is the development of an integral education that combines academic scholarship with spiritual transformation and through its student body, faculty publications, and popular public program it has significantly shaped contemporary East-West spiritualities. As with the other main creative lineage centers - Esalen and CIF - CIIS is committed to a pluralistic spiritual vision and its Aurobindo roots are somewhat hidden.

Aurovile and pedophilia


"They are allowed to get away with whatever they like, including paying our children to have sex with them, and we are powerless to complain."

There is much more here. Keep digging.

peacebringer ago

ugg, sickening

Jem777 ago

Can provide personal testimony as to what is happening at Escalen. It relates directly to Tavistock.,Do not erase this post it is crucial for investigation.

9217 ago

I cannot even imagine.

There was personal testimony as well, via RA anon (in this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464850)) that was linked to Harbin, which is in the same ring of groups as Esalen. I feel like it's not just that these places are ground zero for these projects - there is so much evidence of it laying around, it's ridiculous.

Jem777 ago

I know you have done work with an anon on this. I know the historical connections of Nazi experiments of mind control, development of Tavistock with Freud personal testimony involving escalen

9217 ago

If there is any information you'd like to add - please share! The more we all talk about this information and dig through it the better... because even though a few of us do see that picture and Esalen's involvement in this pizzagate/Mk/CIA/ NGO picture, a large proportion of even the pizzagate community might not quite understand it yet. So please share anything you think might be relevant! Unless it would be unsafe in which case please don't endanger yourself.