CaroleLandis ago

Replying to affirm this. There's one easy way to prove that many of our politicians are related to each other without a conspiracy behind it: If you can trace someone's roots to the Middle Ages, the more likely you are to go even further back, find royalty, and connect your subject to all sorts of people present, past, and future. Even I've got my share of medieval royals in my personal family tree and yet I live in a crappy trailer park, lol. I do think that what OP dug up on Marina's family history is very, very intriguing though, without even going to the Middle Ages.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Well, people need to wake up and see the bigger picture. Most haven't. Good people know that evil exists, but many aren't willing to go so far as to see that it's been a systematic dismantling of the mind by the very institutions and organizations that we've always trusted. It's a big pill to swallow. But there had to be a massive awakening to what's been going on, and how it's exponentially influenced public perception since the invention of the TV. Why are "conspiracy theorists" considered crazy? Because it's how our entire media has portrayed it in news, movies, TV shows. None of it's by chance, and all of it is tied to evil.

There is history to support this, as well as the Bible for anyone willing to study it. People who don't believe in God also don't believe in demonic influences either. One can't exist without the other. The atrocities you hear about in the Old Testament are because the people of that time worshiped evil. They were involved in the occult, they sacrificed's a parallel to today.

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“There is a sore evil which I have seen under the sun, namely, riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt.” ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

tentonaraft ago

While European history is interesting, I must ask: How does this relate to a scandal about a child sex ring possibly being run out of a pizza place that has been extrapolated through info from leaked emails?

0101buckyballs0101 ago

The same way as Mexican cartels relate to drugs, money, politics, kingpins, restraunts, celebs. You can look at an individual, group, company, or country and see the entry points to the same unerlying criminal enterprise.

They are different branches of the same tree, the political cover up from Podesta emails, the cult aspect from Abramovic, the money aspect from CF, the grey propogamda from the press, the history of child abuse across that whole social strata with named individuals.

If this was a drugs case you would not need direct "hard" links into each branch of the tree. "assosiation" was enough to bring down the mafia, get one branch and enough evidence to pressure individuals to talk and you can get them all.

The only difference here is LE has not turned any individual into a super-grass yet.

laura0714 ago

This is an interesting article. interviewer discusses meeting up with her on island "The day we arrived, a shocking thing happened: the island’s first murder. For some reason the local chief invited us to the funeral. Marina and I were the only ones from our group who attended the ceremony, and it was then that I realized we also shared a fascination with death and strange customs, the stranger the better." maybe not all that alarming at the time but creepy now.

isthisreality ago

lmmfao. seriously, jesus christ. holy fuck. CAN YOU BELIEVE ALL OF THIS??

Piscina ago

Her ex-husband sued Marina: " the law courts, where Ulay claims that Abramović has been writing him out of his own history. In his lawsuit he alleges that she has withheld money from him for 16 years, and failed to give him proper credit for their joint legacy. Those numbers in A Skeleton in the Closet? They refer to the collaborative works which, he says, Abramović has censored."

Piscina ago

Marina has an ex-husband who refuses to speak about her. She also has a brother, Velimir Abramovic, who calls her a 'priest': “Probably that is the change that every priest has to go through. You cannot function as a priest if you are an involved person.”

chlrndrmz ago

The devil has the ability to give money and power to all those who worship him. He took Jesus to the top of a mountain and showed him all the riches of the world and told him they could be his only if he were to bow down and worship him. He also told Eve she would be like god. Same thing that luciferians are promised.

thelastaelor ago

Your argument has one fatal mistake: everyone in turn-of-the-century Russia was fucking nuts!

Seriously though, I was just reading up about the Russian Symbolist Movement, and holy crap what a colorful cast they were.

irishredfox ago

Is this parody that got upvoated somehow?

JudaismForGentiles ago

Trainers hate him

LloydK ago

In reading about myths about the Nazis recently I read someone say that Rasputin was also falsely maligned. But I didn't read any evidence for that yet, though it's probably worth considering.

Fifthestateknows ago

Upon waking into this nightmare, I wonder if wasnt better to be the mushroom than to eat one.

TheNobodyMan ago

This is but a tangential part of the investigation that is pizzagate, but a tangential part is still a part.

Investigate1999 ago

Hey, how real can it be? Your education system is controlled by the same people that you are investigating, and they say to not believe in the Bible, right? SJWs figuratively spit on you and the Bible, too.

shwanky ago

I'm trying to follow this and maybe I'm stupid but could you maybe make this a little more cohesive. I'm also currently going through the names you've given but the way you are describing things make it hard to follow.

Baluga ago

Rasputin was an affiliate of the old Russian kingdom. Everybody except Anastasia was killed (she was hidden away). He was also killed, except he didn't die. He survived multiple attempts at execution, and it was attributed to his magic.

chlrndrmz ago

No so fast. The Rosicrucians are affiliated with the O.T.O, -Crowle's version of Satanism. See entry #10 from the O.T.O's website.

anonymous18453 ago

Nice Find! This shows even more evidence against MSM.

My concern is the people whom I speak to seem to have such a low attention span/window to listen. I am by no means meaning to be pejorative. The colleagues/people whom I spoke to seem to accept what the mainstream media announces "It is a hoax, how could you believe that, that is ridiculous. etc"

Does anyone know/have any ideas on a "hook" so to speak for an introduction Marina's spirit cooking? The images I have seen are rather powerful, major celebrities involved, sadistic practices like mutilating a corpse, etc are very disturbing.

The masses would look more into this If we could find a way to spark their curiosity.

Apologies if this is long winded, hope what I typed made some sense/brought more insight into strengthening our mission.

Whaaaaat ago

Somebody should find Soros's birth date, lol.

hardrock ago

Bad seed? If this genealogy is correct then Marina Abramovic would be aware of it, and proud. Not to mention well versed in how to maximize the personal wealth and power to be gained through pandering, perversion and blackmail.

Freemasonsrus ago

That may have been the YouTube video I linked? But ya, that bag w the symbols on it was really bizarre. Even in "an innocent light" I can't figure out why those would have been printed on a blowup, give-away truck. There's just not a logical explanation. The flower was also the same as the one above The Little Red Fox and it apparently is the same flower above the mantel in the White House. (I believe they said the mantel in the Oval, but not sure)

amCassandraAMA ago

maybe soros is 230, I mean he looks like a vampire

Chistock ago

Interesting. Here's some odd stuff I found on pastebin too

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

They don't drink the blood, silly. It's a blood transfusion. It was pioneered by Alexander Bogdanov. Peter Thiel is into it too.

Truthseeker77 ago


VieBleu ago

If correct, which can be easily verified, I bow down to your insight and imagination to check out this path. just really interesting background info which is going to open a whole new line of investigation. Thank you. No offense intended but now this needs to see where debunking it goes.

arigold ago

ADHD like a MF!

Ronnilynn31 ago

Well if you're open to stretching your mind, then I'll give you a rundown that I firmly believe in and have for years after studying. You've heard of the Illuminati I'm sure. The ancient secret societies are all tied to this and have been the cause of some really significant events in history. They are led by evil and it goes way way back. That's what a lot of the Old Testament is about really. The Israelites kept screwing up and worshiping false gods - satanic gods. Much of the war and destruction in the OT is God wiping out lines of these people.

Lots of references in the Bible but here's a few.

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” ‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭16:14‬ ‭KJV

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Investigate1999 ago

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭3:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Wow...I never thought about them in terms of politics and Zionists and what have you.

Ronnilynn31 ago

LMAO my favorite show...and I was halheartedly thinking the same thing the other day.

As a matter of fact, a lot of the last few seasons storylines borrow from the ancient satanic history, along with the re-written perversions of the Bible.

Blackkcalb ago

Excellent work.

Shitseverewhere ago

I lived near the guidestones and the word on the street was that Ted Turner built them. Rosicrucian, don't know.

standalone ago

For a website that pretends to make fact checking their main business, they are surprisingly scatter minded when it comes to actually applying logical reasoning. Just look at that nonsense:

CLAIM: Parents should be aware that a code for pedophiles inexplicably showed up on a children's toy at motorsport event Monster Jam.

Note how the question is not at all about whether the toy presents a risk to children, but whether the symbol found on the toys is a pedophile symbol and whether parents should be aware of it.


So right off the bat, we know the claim is not true, so either the logo isn't a pedophile symbol, or parents need not be aware of that.

WHAT'S TRUE: Police in Pasco County were surprised to discover a symbol similar to secretive coding used by pedophiles on a Monster Jam souvenir toy.

Already quite fail. Whether the police discovered it and whether they were surprised is completely off-topic. The only fact is that, yes it's the same symbol. So now we need to determine if parents should be aware that this logo is a pedophile logo and that it was found on a toy their kids were playing with.

WHAT'S FALSE: The presence of imagery similar to the symbol poses a risk to children.

Wait, what? That wasn't at all the question!?

Basically these doomies just invalidated the claim based on some completely unrelated statement. These are the same retards who made a so-call (equally retarded) "fact checking" on #pizzagate and, unsurprisingly, the result was as nonsensical as the example above. You wonder what's the reason for this website to exist other than waste bandwidth. Before snope, idiots would just google their question in plain text (because they are too dumb to figure the right keywords), click the first answer they found and take it to face value regardless of what the source was and if it made sense (everything makes sense when you are an idiot). Now, with snopes, they not only get the answer but also the reasoning! Except that the answer is false 50% of the time, and the reasoning is just garbage... But that's ok for idiots because anyway, when you are an idiot it doesn't take much to convince you (which is also why they put these giant "pass" and "fail" tick marks so that idiots don't even have to bother reading).

Sadly many idiots and shills keep referring to this retarded "fact checking" as a proof that #pizzagate is fake. We have never been so close to Idiocracy becoming reality.

Lobotomy ago

OP, I appreciate the info, but seriously, fuck the fuck off with the clickbait titles. It's like you're trying to sell me an herbal remedy invented by a schoolteacher as featured on Good Morning America, ABC, CBS, CNN and The Today Show.

darthveddit ago

As in money, lots of money. The British royal family is known for performing the practice.

apparatchik1488 ago


Chance903 ago

LOOK this is all very fucking interesting but it does not push the investigation to the Pedaphile ring forward ...FUCKING SICK of DISTRATIONS.

AndoMc87 ago

All this stuff is interconnected mate, its an international cabal we're dealing with, and child trafficking is just one tentacle, others include arms trafficking and drug running.

Gorillion ago

I feel like I'm on drugs.

lutalica ago

same. I can help with translations...

blackguard19 ago

But this is only circumstantial evidence you guys, all you have is 3,000 pieces of circumstantial evidence /sss

standalone ago

Wait, there is something that doesn't add up

So Danica Rosić, Marina Abramovic's mother was his daughter...

That's the definition of a grand-father... Yet your wikipedia quote says

He was the great-uncle of performance artist Marina Abramović.

What does that mean?

lutalica ago

I've found article where her brother Velimir Abramovič talks about her. He basically says that she loves to make things up, that she is a great actor and that she is just playing the role of an artist.

Ona vam je kao Pikaso, malo govori istinu, a malo izmišlja. Posebno kad govori o detinjstvu, koje iz njenih opisa izgleda kao teške, olovne godine.“

She is like Picaso. She tells little bit of truth and little bit of lies. Especially when she talks about her childhood....


Ona može da tvrdi da je teško bilo živeti s majkom, ali i sa Marinom je život bio jednako težak. Oko nje je vazduh razređen. Ona nema empatije, jer ima strašno veliko osećanje sopstvene misije, pa tako onda i ne vidi ljude oko sebe.“

She can say that it was hard to live with our mother, but living with Marina was the same. (...) She has no empathy because she has a great feeling of her own mission so she can't see people around her.

He also says that she likes to call their parents national heroes and that it is not true. He says that she took all the photographs from her childhood on which she can be seen and she destroyed them because she is very ashamed of her young years. He also says that when their parents died, she had an idea that she and him hold their hands on the funeral although they are not in contact.


Now this is a much darker article. ( It says that she tried to kill her, then newborn, brother Velimir when she was 6. She dropped him in the bath full of water in hope that he would die because she felt neglected after he was born.

It also says that she used to get sick all the time when she was little and that her mother used to beat her up all the time. Also, when she was little her tooth fell out and blood wouldn't stop pouring. She end up in the hospital for few months because they couldn't determine what was wrong with her, apparently it wasn't hemophilia. Conclusion is that bleeding was because of her poor emotional state. (?)

It also says that in puberty she had really bad headaches that she inherited from her mother. She would stay in bad for 24 hour in pain and she would throw up and nobody cared.

Ronnilynn31 ago

How far back does it go? To the beginning....

“They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭16:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for the blood is the life; and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭12:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭15:28-29‬ ‭KJV

concernedcitizen36 ago

THIS COULD BE IMPORTANT!!! So I don't know if this helps. But I thought this as highly interesting. I REMEMBERED A DOCUMENTARY I WATCHED "inside the satanic church" Years ago. I thought it very VERY VERY strange that a high level Satanist referred to VLAD THE IMPALER as the "Satanic saint of Justice" also refereed to Rasputin as a Satanic saint... Begins @ about 30 minutes.

Interview with Anton Levin's 2 children. Levin founder of Satanic Church. 2 spoiled brat selfish ass kids talking about their religion of ego worship and self importance. 37 min- "We dont believe in right or wrong" aka moral relativism 1:11min- "We are an elitist organization" THIS PART IS VERY VERY TELLING!!!!!!!!! PLEASE WATCH 1:14min- "If someone steals cut their hand off! Just like they do in Saudi Arabia!"

THIS IS WHY WE GET THE OVERLAP of Clinton's Bush's and the Saudi's. They have the same Totalitarian philosophy on in life, government and criminal justice. OTHER RESEARCHERS on Voat are now finding ties between the Saudi's and comet ping pong/the whole block of biz's surrounding comet, Besta, Bucks etc. Search it there is a thread or 2 on it........ And we know the Saudi's are big into Child trafficking.

laura0714 ago

odd that she mentions Rasputin in her Memoir. Also, she lived with her grandmoter for awhile. Abramović was an ardent reader in her teens: “Extreme narratives fascinated me. I loved reading about Rasputin, whom no bullet could kill.” Her mother, who was quite extreme too – stern, strict and unhappy with domestic life – often beat her precocious little daughter black and blue, then sent her to live with her grandmother for a while.

shin-kicked ago

The rabbit hole never ends brah

chlrndrmz ago

It ends with the watchers coming back to earth bro.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Dr, Leuren Moret asked me to add this:

There is a mispelling "Hugh Cabet" - I believe it is Hugh Capet, one of the early founding families ruling France, and directly descended from Charlemaigne. (This is all related to my family, and the history of the French throne, so I am especially interested in knowing if Hugh Capet is related in any way to Byzantine leaders). One family descended from Charlemaigne has ruled France since Charlemagne (7-800's AD). As the bloodlines died out, cadet branch (cousins) bloodlines would step in to rule France. I believe the Bourbons were the last dynasty, with the Bonaparte dynasty taking the lead as Emperor's of France in the early 1800's, but later being replaced by Bourbons. But even Napoleon was descended from Charlemagne, the Emperor title indicated he was descended from Roman and/or Byzantine Emperors. Also Charlemaigne and Napoleon were all over Byzantine regions of the Balkans and Greece, so it is likely that Hugh Capet was involved too.

flyingcuttlefish ago

and she added on

As you can see from this great resource loaded with portraits of kings and queens for more than 800 years, you will notice that women with red hair predominated over men with red hair. It demonstrates that the bloodlines go through the female, female redheads predominated over male redheads, and proves that European nobility is primarily from jealously guarded ancient Iranian bloodlines maintained by very strict breeding programs AND they were controlled by the Popes who were from those same families, and who had to give permission for the marriages. See how the strict total control is maintained of these ancient Iranian bloodlines. Now look at the history of the English kings and you will see the same Roman/Iranian bloodlines and breeding programs.

cantsleepawink ago

That would help enormously. Thank you.

Millennial_Falcon ago

WTF is this?

Link that doesn't include the text you claim it includes (supposedly linking Varnava and Rasputin):

Clickbaity OP title, crazy sensational shit in post. LegionWill is this your alt account now that you're exposed as a shill?

darthveddit ago

She's hot for being 70. Oddly enough, most stem cell research is coming from this part of the world. The vampire section of Europe is what I call it. Which is the Yugoslavian area.

TheNobodyMan ago

She's hot for being 70.

She might be if not for that nose, which, if viewed in profile while she;s wearing green facepaint....

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

On the freemasons website they write about there history beginning from rosecrucians

reasonedandinformed ago

I saw these comments and laughed. Does she look 70 years old to anyone??

azamber ago

I tried to upvote you, but ran out of them. =/ This woman doesn't even look 50, nevermind 70. :o

TheNobodyMan ago

So did I, my IOUs are through the roof....

I showed someone her pictured and asked how old they thought she was, guessed in her 50's.

Blood transfusions only work if the blood comes from a live donor; blood taken from a body even one minute dead would be useless.

Just saying....

weewaawooba ago

Well, she looks more like 70 than like 40. Her face looks a bit botoxy.

TheNobodyMan ago

Bullshit, by 70 you or me, our faces would be canyons of wrinkles, our hair gray, our bodies weak and broken. This bitch is still jet-setting and performing her """""art""""" at 70. Look at the hands; no matter how much plastic surgery or such, you can't change how old your old your extremities look.

Title Here Now, you tell me, do these look like the hands of an elderly woman?

Recent scientific studies have shown that blood samples from teenagers slow the aging process in lab mice; now replace "teenagers" with "babies killed in ritual sacrifices" and "lab mice" with evil Satanist filth," and do the math.

Whatever sick shit this literal witch does and calles her "art" prolonges how long she'll live. Though, bottom line, who can blame her? If I'd committed the transgressions against God and nature she has, I'd be pushing off my Day of Judgement as far as I could, too.

Chance903 ago

No she does not but some people are just well preserved , we call it good genes.

hookednosedjoooo ago

so rasputin was basically like an eastern crowley?

YouaremeandIamyou ago

there is a video online of her in 1974 revealing strange behaviour...

Freemasonsrus ago

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008. It is now considered disputed territory. FBI anon had suggested tie ins to Kosovo. Someone here has linked Kosovo's possible involvement w CF to their history of human trafficking for all sorts of things, including organs. Just throwing that out there since it seems there aren't coincidences. I'll have to go back and research donations made to CF in 2007-08 and see if there are dots to connect between that and the timing of Kosovo declaring independence from Serbia.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think it's also a heroin hub and completely overrun by organized crime. It was also Bill Clinton's war, iirc.

DooDooDoodle ago

The Pizza Connection was a mob run scheme to use independent pizza joints to launder heroin money.

The trial centered on a Mafia-run enterprise that distributed vast quantities of heroin and cocaine in the United States, and then laundered the cash before sending it back to the suppliers in Sicily. The U.S. defendants utilized a number of independently owned pizza parlors as fronts for narcotics sales and collections – hence the name “Pizza Connection”. Evidence at the trial proved that the enterprise shipped no less than $1.6 billion of heroin to the U.S. between 1975 and April 1984. Arrests of scores of conspirators were coordinated in the U.S., Italy, Switzerland and Spain on April 9, 1984, following the capture of Gaetano Badalamenti and several family members the previous day in Madrid, Spain. Badalamenti was the former boss of the Sicilian Mafia, and a key supplier of heroin and cocaine to the U.S. Mafia distributors.

Freemasonsrus ago

That rings a bell. I'm gonna have to dig. Off topic but in the same investigative thought process of cross checks...My other suggestion for leads would be cross checking their schedule (CF, BC, HRC) and young women going missing in same area. That was another suggestion from FBI anon. Specifically to look for attractive young women who disappeared never to be seen again.

coincidencesmyass ago

If I'm understanding this genealogy correctly, then Varnava is Marina's maternal grandfather. And Varnava is a historically documented atheist Mason, pedophile, and murderer of young boys who worked closely with Rasputin. And Rasputin was a mystic known for debauchery & lust and was instrumental in the downfall of Nicholas II and the Russian monarchy. Okay, that's what I get from this.

Good job OP, it would seem she is from a bloodline of pedophiles who associate closely with elite leaders.

shwanky ago

Varnava just means a Serbian Patriarch or priest. Varnava is not a sir name,_Serbian_Patriarch

demoTheGorgon ago

Remember the "all pizza leads to Rome" comments? Rasputin was part of a sect who were viewed suspiciously as Jesuit underminers in Russia.

0101buckyballs0101 ago

wrt "all pizza leads to rome". please check this thread out. That kindle book specifically calls out the litteral origins of pizza into Bovaria and Podesta.

cantsleepawink ago

Funny you should say that. I was just looking at this Transformer event today (from Washington to Rome)..Transformer being an event that Alefantis is involved with and seems the American embassy is involved as well:;

demoTheGorgon ago

I'll look into it, I don't open PDFs here though

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. That pdf is just a letter from the Italian venue describing the event and mentioning its collaboration with the American embassy.

Freemasonsrus ago

Welcome to the matrix. I feel the same way.

coincidencesmyass ago

Me too, I thought OP was going to prove that she's a 200 year old vampire. If someone finds an old, old photo of her in civil war era clothes I won't be surprised at all.

weewaawooba ago

That is a wonderful statement, because it shows how paranoid and reality detached people become in their search for "truth".

riggington ago

TBH it's not in any way less reality detached than believing in god.

ThePuppetShow ago

They probably came with you, shill.

If you aren't happy here cuck, get the fuck out.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The painter that Tony Podesta collects, Biljana Djurdevic, is Serbian, also. She's the one who does the children lined up with their hands behind their backs in front of a tiled background. Not necessarily relevant, but if we're talking about Dracula and Rasputin might as well add that in. There was also that genocide that occurred there in the 90s.

DooDooDoodle ago

If you notice in that picture their hands are covering their bottoms protectively and their bottoms are red as if they have been spanked/beaten. Such a creepy picture.

Investigate1999 ago

I noticed that. I was wondering about some of those pictures. To me, they didn't look like just artistic portrayals of ideas. They looked artistic portrayals of actual events.

flyingcuttlefish ago

more along these family history lines . . .

redditsuckz ago

The Hermetic Order of the Dawn, Rosicrucians, Crowley's Thelema and Ordo Templi Orientis, High level Masons and Shriners ALL Satainic and all connected with ties back to ancient Egypt and kabbalistic traditions.

Child Survivors of Pizzagate draw Triangles on robed cultists - Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn Cult

Crowleys Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) also has triangle on their robes;

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

webofslime ago

Secret societies within secret societies.

Competing cultures of infiltration.

WhatevsFloatsUrGoat ago

This December 30 will be the 100 year anniversary of Rasputin's death. It would be telling if she observes it somehow. Keep your eyes open.

lutalica ago


Abramović was an ardent reader in her teens: “Extreme narratives fascinated me. I loved reading about Rasputin, whom no bullet could kill.”

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago


Mageza ago

Excellent research! I had no idea. Probably the major reason why Marina is such a world-renowned "performance artist" is because she already belongs to these elite bloodlines...the art world is totally corrupt. No one would take her blood/semen smearing seriously if she was a nobody to begin with.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Porkins Policy Radio episode 70 Did the CIA Create Modern Art?

and Dr. Leure Moret said -

The CIA definitely created modern art - its garbage. One of the CIA agents very involved in that lives in Walnut Creek here near Berkeley. His last name is Flynn. He had a huge art enterprise for years. A friend of mine who knew him well told me all about the art scam. I know that the Hollywood agent for Michael Douglas was trying to get him a second Oscar for his film WALL STREET 2 a few years ago. She was Mossad and part of the Hollywood ballpoint mafia (agents who run the place and track all the money, many are Mossad). Just before the Oscars, she was driving off the freeway into Beverly Hills and suddenly in a quiet neighborhood with sec. cameras everywhere on every house, a big black limousine pulled up beside her and shot her about 17 times through the window and killed her and drove off. No one ever got caught for that. The Wall St. mafia did not want WALL STREET 2 to get another oscar. In the news for weeks after she was killed, the news came out with new info every day. Apparently she was involved with a Mossad modern art scam in the hundreds of millions of $ and was an agent of Israel.

blind_sypher ago

Ay, once you hit the bottom of this rabbit hole you realize that the entire governments just a facade, money is inherently fake, and basically everything you've ever believed in is a lie.

coincidencesmyass ago

Exactly. I always wondered how she became so popular as an "artist." Now we know - she was born into this.

blind_sypher ago

I had a sense that she was the new rasputin, call it intuition or whatever, but I already had this feeling. Not at all surprised it was confirmed.

LetsHackReality ago

"Born this way".

isthisreality ago


HarveyKlinger ago



VieBleu ago

oh well..

Millennial_Falcon ago

Also, one of OP's main sources is a crazy website that makes all kinds of strange claims. Careful. Could be disinfo.

VieBleu ago

ok. I got excited, thanks for the voice of MOderation. you are right. I want to try to verify.

loneIy_jew ago

I'm having trouble comprehending this. Her mother is also his father's daughter?

Edit: No wait, that is wrong. Still confused though. So how is Varnava her great-uncle as well as her mother's father?

shwanky ago

Also people are confusing Varnava as a sir name its not. Varnava is a priest or patriarch in Serbia. I agree it is really confusing and I am trying to go over it. I think we are seeing to many compulsive up votes. And or a pointless distraction that may or may not be on purpose? After looking into what he posted it seems like he really hasn't thought about how to post the info in a cohesive way and sadly people are up voting without looking at it.

justforthissubverse ago

But you won't believe #3!

DeptOfAnonyAffairs ago

you just made my night; thank you, i needed that laugh so badly....

toobaditworks ago

I'm clicking but there's no link!

justforthissubverse ago

Keep clicking!

toobaditworks ago

Thanks, I will!

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


The_Periodic_Fable ago

TL/DR: Dracula

redditsuckz ago

The Bush Family is supposedly related to Vlad The Impaler (The Real Life Dracula). Also related to him is Obama and Dick Cheney.(distant cousins). Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump are also distant cousins.

There are reasons why the Royal Families interbreed with each other...

Something is in the blood...;)


Bush's Famous Family Tree

It was revealed recently that Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama are distant cousins.

This week, thanks to a New York Post story about genealogy, we're getting a glimpse at the rather surprising family tree of President Bush himself, reports CBS News Early Show national correspondent Tracy Smith.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton are related, genealogy experts say

Regardless of whether blood is thicker than water, America may soon get a chance to see whether it’s thicker than politics.

The Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins, according to genealogy experts.

***EDIT 2;

Prince Charles: "I am descendant of Dracula" [Read Description]

Prince Charles: "I Am A Descendant Of Dracula"

Pizzagate: Bush Says His Mom Keeps a Baby Corpse in Her House

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago)


bleachmymind ago

lmfao y'all have really lost your damn minds now

darthveddit ago

Fortunes are in the blood. Fortunes. It's called keeping it in the family. The elite have been so greedy through history that they decided it would be best to fuck your sister, so that no commoner could marry into the fortunes. They soon discovered that incestial reletionships created deformities, so they decided that cousins will suffice. These 13 bloodlines are just one big satanic family; literally.

chlrndrmz ago

Interesting how Satanists attemp twist God's plans for humanity. Their sole intent is to look after their own benefits and desires at any cost necessary. The more innocent their victims, the more power they receive. On the other hand, Abraham is known for his great faith (trust) in God. It is written that he was blessed greatly because he was the first brother who kept the law of Yibbun (Levirate Marriage) and took care of his brother's legacy ahead of his owns. This story was repeated with Boaz and Ruth, and now with Jesus and the church (His bride not the churchanity propaganda that comes from 90% of churches).

When a male died, his brother was to marry the widow in order for the progeny of his deceased brother to continue. In Abraham's case he had to marry Sarah knowing she was barren. He had to wait 100 years for Sarah's first child to be born. And when Issac was finally born, God asks Abraham to sacrifice him as burnt offering at mount Moriah. (What a vengeful God right! Not so fast, that is what Satanists would want you to believe). But it was God who provided the true sacrifice in the form of a Ram caught in the bushes. Later it was to be Jesus who would be sacrificed for atonement of all our sins. Luciferinas/Satanists know there is power in blood. That's why they abuse, slaughter and drink the blood of innocent children (unblemished offering). ...And that's why they are afraid of those covered by the blood of Jesus which he shed for all humanity at mount Moriah 😁 And of the power given to those who are born again of His Spirit.

Know that Satanists believe that what they do will usher in a new eon of enlightment. They must get us to fight one another to the point where destruction becomes so horrible that all humanity will beg for peace. And peace will come in the form of 'enlightenment' through other 'more highly evolved beings'. That's their endgame. For all humanity to willingly accept those higher evolved beings into every aspect of their lives. Demons are only the child's play form of satanic beings. The ascended masters are the ones the elect of God will have to wage war against.

Crowley and the podesta's form of Satanism is not the worse there is. The Satanic rituals being conducted at CERN are. Their attempt is to rip open the fabric which separates the spiritual and physical worlds at a much larger scale. They want their Apollyon to be ushered in from the bottomless pit and enslave all humanity to the point where everyone will lose their humanity.

joey4track ago

Can you point me to any good info or videos about this satanic CERN business for someone who doesn't know anything about it?

EDIT: nvm, I remember this

chlrndrmz ago

I look at science and spirituality through the same lense based on what I've come across in my research. keep in mind that Francis Bacon, the father of the empirical method was mentored by one of the most famous occultist of his era, sir John dee- the original 007 for Queen Elizabeth I


Psst Dupont

redditsuckz ago

Prince Charles: "I am descendant of Dracula" [Read Description]

Prince Charles: "I Am A Descendant Of Dracula"

Pizzagate: Bush Says His Mom Keeps a Baby Corpse in Her House

carmencita ago

This. Yes. I have been commenting about this quite a few times and believe this is a large problem with the continuation of problems within the families that keep producing pedophiles. I could be wrong but what is the harm in testing? This is scary stuff for me, for I am of German ancestry from the Black Forest and I am hoping I do not have any of these people in my past. I really believe that if a person is about to get married, if they have the money, they should definitely have a person's background and ancestry checked out. I remember a woman many years ago that I worked with that was getting married and someone on her block where she lived told her that they recognized her future husband's uncle but did not know from where. The woman went on to get married and later found out that the uncle was a pedophile and so was his grandfather. My point is that we must and should be more proactive in our personal lives. We now know that we do not know who we can trust.

Millennial_Falcon ago


redditsuckz ago

Bush's Famous Family Tree

It was revealed recently that Vice President Dick Cheney and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama are distant cousins.

This week, thanks to a New York Post story about genealogy, we're getting a glimpse at the rather surprising family tree of President Bush himself, reports CBS News Early Show national correspondent Tracy Smith.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton are related, genealogy experts say

Regardless of whether blood is thicker than water, America may soon get a chance to see whether it’s thicker than politics.

The Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins, according to genealogy experts.

Millennial_Falcon ago

19th cousins

That is so distant a relationship it is completely meaningless.

redditsuckz ago

They are still related...And friends...And both ran for not meaningless.

Bush Family Tree;

John Kerry and George Bush were both in skull and bones and also cousins and both ran for president against each other.

Bush / Kerry Skull and Bones Avoidance

Skull & Bones Ritual Footage

DoughMallet ago

I wonder how long one would have to spend researching Abramovic before the name "Michael Aquino" started popping up...

Yuke ago

Sorry, I'm missing how Varnava becomes Vamava?

BrickInTheVVall ago

Used image to text converter so it must have converted some n's to m's. If you look at the link to google books it clearly written with an 'n'. +1 for attention to detail. EDIT: Actually it seemed to have made misspelled the name completely in some cases...


Good find but Saint Sava wasnt luciferian nor merovingian

BrickInTheVVall ago

Like I said, I haven't crossed checked that source. If you can help debunk those claims it would help.

in4theLongRun ago

This is incredible jumping on it

ThePuppetShow ago

FYI, the Rosicrucians are the ones supposedly responsible for the Georgia guidestones. Evil indeed.

Great find OP

isthisreality ago

I read somewhere that Aquino turned Rosicrucian? I never looked into it though. May be or may not be true.