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walmartshopper ago

Mind control and Esalen founders

Esalan founded by Dick Price and Michael Murphy.

Dick Price bio:

After leaving Harvard in 1955, Price enlisted in the Air Force and was given an assignment in the East Bay (San Francisco Bay Area). He rented a room in San Francisco at Alan Watts’ and Frederic Spiegelberg’s newly founded American Academy of Asian Studies (the precursor to the California Institute of Integral Studies). During this time North Beach Beat scene was an emerging social trend. Dick knew most of the primary figures including (Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, etc.) and Gary Snyder. Dick married his first wife, Bonnie, in a Zen ceremony.

In 1956, Price experienced an episode of manic psychosis in San Francisco which he later described as simply "a state", what he believed was a mental break that was transitory and which he needed to go through and experience rather than repress or manage. He was hospitalized, returned to Chicago, and discharged from the Air Force.

On December 7, 1956, Price was involuntarily committed by his parents to the Institute of Living, an exclusive mental treatment facility in Connecticut. While hospitalized, he was misdiagnosed as a schizophrenic, then subjected to physical confinement and major tranquilizers, along with numerous electroconvulsive and insulin shock treatments. While committed, his mother had his marriage annulled He was released almost a year later on Thanksgiving Day 1957. Price never forgave his parents for their actions during this episode.

n May 1960, Price returned to San Francisco and took up residence at the East-West House with Gia-Fu Feng. That year he met fellow Stanford University graduate Michael Murphy at Haridas Chaudhuri’s Cultural Integration Fellowship where Murphy was in residence. Dick moved into the Cultural Integration Fellowship as well. They conceived of the idea of a place where individuals could become open to ways of thinking while avoiding the dogma often associated with groups organized around a single idea promoted by a charismatic leader. In 1961, Murphy and Price visited the oceanside property in Big Sur, California, that was owned by Murphy's family. The property included a natural hot springs.

In 1962, using the Murphy property and capital that Dick had accumulated, along with assistance from Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, Laura Huxley, Gerald Heard, Gregory Bateson and Frederic Spiegelberg (with whom both had studied at Stanford), Price and Murphy founded the Esalen Institute. Among other objectives, Price saw Esalen as an alternative to then current mental health practice, especially the practices of mental hospitals. Esalen was to be a place where inner process could move forward safely and without interruption.

History of Eslaen and California Institute of Integral Studies

California Institute of Integral Studies

CIIS Laurance S. Rockefeller Library

Philosophy, Cosmology, Consciousness program at CIIS born from donation from Laurance S. Rockefeller

Richard Tarnas, head faculty at PCC program at CIIS, long-time resident employee at Esalen. The program takes their yearly sabbatical there each year.

In 1968 Tarnas entered Harvard, graduating with an A.B. cum laude in 1972. He received his Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute in 1976 with a thesis on psychedelic therapy. In 1974 Tarnas went to Esalen in California to study psychotherapy with Stanislav Grof. From 1974 to 1984 he lived and worked at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, teaching and studying with Grof, Joseph Campbell, Gregory Bateson, Huston Smith, Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, and James Hillman. He also served as Esalen's director of programs and education. Jeffrey Kripal characterizes Tarnas as both the literal and figurative gate-keeper of Esalen.

CIIS deeps ties to One World Religion occultist Sri Aurobindo and Auroville

The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) was founded in 1968 in San Francisco, California.

CIIS was characterized as a major center of the Human Potential movement. According to Gleig and Floress (2013), "one can trace a direct line from Integral Yoga through [the Cultural Integration Fellowship] to two of the major centers of the Human Potential movement and the transpersonal psychology field it birthed: Esalen and the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)."

CIIS's distinctive signature is the development of an integral education that combines academic scholarship with spiritual transformation and through its student body, faculty publications, and popular public program it has significantly shaped contemporary East-West spiritualities. As with the other main creative lineage centers - Esalen and CIF - CIIS is committed to a pluralistic spiritual vision and its Aurobindo roots are somewhat hidden.

Aurovile and pedophilia

"They are allowed to get away with whatever they like, including paying our children to have sex with them, and we are powerless to complain."

There is much more here. Keep digging.