DarkMath ago

"were some sketchy stuff that happened"....Like what?

Fateswebb ago

These is a sister location in the game in game 2 that is pizza parts and services the Google group is most likely just a gamer community. I do find it interesting however that while there is a pizza parts in service in the game there is also a now closed real world Dx pizza resturant. Other than that I'm not seeing anything other than the weirdness of the game which I have played and it is real boring and kinda disturbing.

elgindelta ago

Everything im seeing is spot on. I did not mean to offend in my previuos comment...actually I did, when I thought I was assailing a troll. There is legit attention to detail here. Whoever knows this goat, tell em great job.

RebelSkum ago

Still digging for what I can, but I did find an interesting fun fact on "Pizza Parts and Service". Apparently "Taylor Gourmet" (same owners and still around) has been used for catering by the Democratic Party as well: https://www.opensecrets.org/parties/expenddetail.php?cmte=DPC&txt=Taylor+Gourmet&cycle=2016

neo50 ago

Yup, in Michigan too.

looking4truth ago

Please post the archives in your thread

veritas_vincit ago

I'm very unimpressed.

Ihatepizza2 ago

i dont know if that is unimpresed with me. he asked me to share the dregs of his searches that is what was shared today. he felt it was relevant

Ihatepizza2 ago

In one Nic Cage video there is a picture of Cage with grafitti all over his face. In that video pizzacat specifically mentions the name of the 'gang' that cage runs with

Ihatepizza2 ago

DIMOS "Make Love and Pizza at 3am" http://imgur.com/a/Jg2tOImgur Album "Your journey begins here" with arrows pointing to a door CLEARLY MARKED AS STAFF ONLY http://imgur.com/a/CkEj1

"Bear" pictures above not visible as part of the store theme???? Store is directly across the road from "Wicker Park"

Ihatepizza2 ago

He said to research other places in DC called "the rock" - said that if what he has provided IS relevant then you will find other relevant info there too.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Autist is happy he did what he needed to - shared the information he thought was relevant. He didn't want to incriminate anyone without the proper due diligence (he thinks he doesn't have the tools or information to make those decisions) "Information provided on a DYOR basis. PLF is the least of my concerns here, but i felt it was a lead"

FalsePseudonym ago

'Parts and Services' is simply the name of a room in the Five Nights game(s). Just googling "parts and services" alone brings up images of the in game area. I seriously doubt there is a relevant connection between pizzagate and FNaF. As someone who not only plays the games, but also tried to keep up with their open-sourced investigation into what the game was even about, I think that the creator just noticed - like many - how creepy chuck-e-cheeses is. There really isn't any direct reference to pedophilia in the game. A portion of the robots in one game were equipped with facial recognition connected to a criminal database due to reports of missing children associated with the pizza chain. The main premise of the game is that you're an underpaid worker trying to survive shifts among haunted robots, often in a pizza place. The variably veiled plot line deals with a serial child killer associated with the pizza place and the souls of his victims - it can only be assumed that he raped the children. This isn't a lead.

I don't doubt at all that the google group was creepy as fuck. Half the FNaF fans are fucking furries.

Kawksnahch ago

More on the PLF. Found the guy who posted it. He doesn't have any other pedostuff in his profile but if you follow the "Drum and Bass Against Racism", you get linked to other, Burner, Leftist DJs, who probably just saw "heart", "drum and bass", and "against racism".

I'ma put out feelers but the PLF thing... mmmm.... I'm not sure they're really involved or know it's a pedosymbol (cuz... hippies). Oh they'd better not be.

Further: PLF isn't what you need to be looking into (better not be), as they're just fire spinners, dj's, and party people.

What you want to look into is this: http://archive.is/xqUt2

rp5x5 ago

I dont know. Halloween Hipster weirdos.

LargePepperoni ago

I googled "eagle rock Satanism" (CA i think) schoolboy letter like the pastebin said... Found this...



C.A.R.I.S. (Christian Apologetics: Research & Information Service)

Remember? #carisjames

LostandFound ago

O look the carisfoundation.com has an outlet in Haiti http://www.carisfoundation.org/

Kawksnahch ago

PLF, the Party Liberation Front is a massive theme camp that groups with other camps at Burns (Burning Man style regional events)

There's fire spinning, a ridiculous musical venue that pops up, amazing DJs, Art, Artists... they throw a hell of a party.

And I doubt they have a clue what that symbol means. They're party heads. Leftists... uuuuuber hippies and technojunkies.

But oh my GOD if I find out they're diddling kids or are aware they're associated... mmmm.... I'll be very not pleased.

Kawksnahch ago

Aight, so... PLF just likes to party. They spin fire, spin tunes, and have a great time.

What you want to look into is where that image came from. Which is here: http://archive.is/xqUt2

Kawksnahch ago

Party Liberation Front is a theme camp at Burns.

God fucking damn it.

Infopractical ago

I'm looking through the Pizzacat videos on YouTube now. First observation and question: there are numerous references to "red door" in comments. What does that mean? Anyone know? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiASF6-j3Vg

Also, mention of Illuminati in comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsEPEFtOnAc Jet Crew also mentioned. Not sure what that means, but multiple references.

Ah, wait, Jet's is a pizza joint in St. Joseph, MI. http://www.snagajob.com/job-seeker/jobs/job-details.aspx?postingid=23793455

MrWaldeck ago

Barack Obama dancing on a pizza pie moving GIF just funny?

dannonyme ago

pretty funny actually :)

lawfag123 ago


Meh.... very strange how this person has the energy to continuously post and center his/her life around pizzacat. nothing struck me as strange except in the FAQ:

What is this store's return and exchange policy?

sorry all sales are final contact us for special inquiries

contact us for special inquiries

Just strange..

lawfag123 ago

yeah, that's messed up too

Lunari ago

I can confirm that this is basically a summary of what "OP" (by OP i mean ihatepizza2 - not veritas_vincit) wrote about. This is just a much more organized and easier to read summary of what ihatepizza2 originally wrote.

He sent me he exact same dump via encrypted message. I did read through the entire encrypted message and I was definitely quite.... confused to say the least.

I personally feel that there isn't anything that stands out to me as being significant or relevant information - but, you never know what could end up being a key piece of information I guess.

EDIT: Also might add - I haven't really had the time to go and really look into most of the things from his message, so my opinion is solely based off of my initial interpretation reading through his message. So I'm not necessarily saying to throw it off as irrelevant - because there could be something important within all of it somewhere - I'm simply just saying my first impression was just that there wasn't anything that stood out as relevent.

lawfag123 ago

I'll admit, the nick cage funny or die video is strange in light of this context. "pizza affiliated" on his chin, and a pizza slice on his forehead.


isthisreality ago

i got this dump too. and like you i originally thought it was trolling- but like you said- OP seems quite rattled and convinced there is something here. I dont have time to look into it tonight but I will def look more into it tomorrow. Edit: Kinda creeps me out about the Freddy Fazbears Pizza thing- my little one used to love that game :/

veritas_vincit ago

OP seems quite rattled and convinced there is something here

He does indeed. But more to the point, I'm fairly convinced there's something here as well, and it's good to see that others agree.

I've long suspected that FNAF could have something to do with Pizzagate. It just seems too weird for a relative nobody to invent a sleeper-hit game based around the concept of a pedophile-infested pizza empire without any connection whatsoever to the things we are uncovering over here.

AgainstPedos ago


Don't know if this has already been posted. It's the latest dump.

veritas_vincit ago

I'll be honest, I have no clue what this is, or how it's significant.

Is this something I should add to the OP?

zoltan907 ago

All the sites listed in the pinkish box have the same IP address. I don't know how that connects Alefantis to Starchild Day Care Center, or how the IP is connected to

Rigg5 ago

Holy shit. At first I thought he was crazy, but I certainly do not find this video or account a coincidence. Not even posting the link.


veritas_vincit ago

Glad you feel the same way. I spent a long time on this before deciding he wasn't a psycho.

The OP called him an Autist, and I think that may have been meant literally. Whoever found these connections has a paranoid mind, and made some good observations in addition to some dubious ones

DarkMath ago

Maybe "the rock" is a reference to Peter (Petras meaning rock) from the Gospel of Peter in the New Testament? Maybe these Satanist want to build their own "church" up on a new"rock". Jesus famously told Peter as he held Peter's shoulders: "Upon this rock I shall build a church". Replace Jesus with Satan and replace Peter's "shoulders" with whatever Rock hotel/cult and you get the idea........That's it though, I know it's totally random but that all I could think of.

YingYangMom ago

@DarkMath , @veritas_vincit

Pope Francis wants to build a Third Temple in Jerusalem. It's already in process. Will be his throne. We all know he's a Jesuit Satanist.

(P. Francis declares Lucifer as God): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcpVrtv2t-M

(Says Jesus' death on the cross was a failure) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMBv2on5RHU

(Enthronement of Satan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya-DhFdR6Jk

(The Vatican wants the Temple Mount taken from the Jews): http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/17147

(Third temple displayed by Google Maps near Dome of the Rock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGOP4AU_zOQ

(Rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem is under way): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJQ-XtB1PJg

veritas_vincit ago

That's a huge stretch, and also a dead end. First, the Satanists have already built a church. Second, we really can't prove anyone connected to this is a Satanist. Even Abramovic isn't known to be a Satanist. She's Satanic, but there's a big difference between being Satanic and being a Satanist.

Still, interesting point.

ThePuppetShow ago

No offense, but the person told you this..

its not paranoia for himself - its paranoia that the info will get scrubbed if not in the right hands first off.

And you posted it all without archiving it?

veritas_vincit ago

And you posted it all without archiving it

Not sure where you get off with that assumption.

ThePuppetShow ago

I believe I'm mixing your post with the original op after reading your post again, my appologies. The youtube videos are probably going to blasted by retards, so they will go poof if they're incriminating. Just concerned and tired.

veritas_vincit ago

No prob. I have also made sure this exists in safe places where I can get to it in case it ever 'disappears' like OP was afraid it would.

redditsuckz ago

The Party Liberation Front probably hired for fire dancing at Satanic rituals...

Fire Dancers - Party Liberation Front • 5-6-11


Need more on this potential lead also;

Christopher Boutlier AKA cboutlier is More Connected in DC than Alefantis - Worked with Biden and ROYALTY


Kawksnahch ago

More to the point, it's not PLF. They're just fire spinners.

This is what you're looking for: http://archive.is/xqUt2

Kawksnahch ago

They're burners and put on massive spectacles and shows. More like... DJs with fire troupes, but definitely a performance side to their schtick.

street1510 ago

Oh my gosh it's the goddam warehouse again:






You can't even make this shit up: https://archive.is/fBivz

Worst game of eye spy ever: https://archive.is/QpaYc

I'm done for tonight: https://archive.is/eG7iv


pedo symbol on the yellow door - wonder what the cabin is used for

Rigg5 ago

The head. It had to be the head. jfc

elgindelta ago

Op remember there are counter goats that are employed via myriad outlets of a concerted effort to attempt to use their "gift" known as persuasive directional communication. Think memetic leads. Facebook calls them orcas. His job is to rile your attention. Pay no mind, as that goat is literally being paid. Distraction, goat. Don't fall for that. That's simples style. You better than that m80

Ihatepizza2 ago

If this is intended as a description of my friend it couldn't be more wrong.

elgindelta ago


veritas_vincit ago

Thanks. I took that into consideration, then cautiously looked at the evidence, which is what you should do as well.

elgindelta ago


waybackwhen1987 ago

none of this has been archived?? Im upvoting could be something In here havin a look through

veritas_vincit ago

To be clear, I have not altered anything that was sent to me, and I cannot seek clarification from the author. He is not replying to any messages.

Ihatepizza2 ago

this is not true. cant spend all day on here. we are located in europe too

Kawksnahch ago

Does your guy know them personally? Or anyone in PLF?

Has your contact ever been to a Burn?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

The Nicholas Cage connection is he has done a move about this very set up of compromising politicians. The movie was really good. It was called 8MM. Watch it. Cage has known about this for years. And whoever produced the movie, writer, etc.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah. Very intense movie, watched it a long time ago and could never forget it.