Touchdown50 ago

Thank you. Yes that worldcorp video just brought back memories.

crazimal ago

A drop of truth and ten gallons of shit is what we have here.

Kate Middleton, like 99% of "coloboma" victims referenced in voat, 4chan, blogosphere and the outer kook-osphere (where OP's from), has an iris freckle or "nevus" NOT coloboma.

What's more plenty of OPs creatively selected links show piss poor images of whatever they purport to represent and OP should humbly delete this crap.

There might be a drop of truth in that bucket of shit but it's not worth drinking the whole bucket.

Drive on.

Touchdown50 ago

Nah that iam your father video is real. A kid isnt gonna fake that. I should know. This has happened to me by my mother with a cold shower. I was about 6. Your terrified by the cold water on you and you cant get out of the shower stall because your mother is holding the glass door shut. I forgive her. I must of really annoyed her.

ThePuppetShow ago

Have you heard of the Greenbaum lecture?

MasterLucifer ago

No, I haven't.

ThePuppetShow ago

Now you have.

throwaway89209834 ago

If you are going to copy and paste my comments, please provide a link to the original post next time. -

MasterLucifer ago

I expected you here though.

throwaway89209834 ago

It is really sleazy especially since you found my comments from this post - - and added them to the content from your deleted post - - and then you change the topic title to try and push your original idea just trying to embed it in worldcorpo video information.

I don't trust any information from you because of the way you go about doing these things.

MasterLucifer ago

Oh please, get over yourself.

itsafuckshitstack ago

the only thing ill add is that this goes at least as far back as the egyptian book of the dead. these fuckers have been at this awhile.

zzvoat ago

Yes, yes and yes. . Yes, the history is correct. Yes, the WC vids may be faked. And, yes, it's fine with me if they are all fakes. They are getting a lot of play and shares which increases the traction for PG, which is ALL true. Win win.