DefenderOfTruth ago

I read most of this book online about a month ago. It opened my eyes and was well written by an a guy who had deep connections. It matches up with other accounts, so I think it's a good resource. I posted on Voat a link back when I read it to highlight the "training locations" and transportation methods. At the time, that's what we at voat were focused on.

I never thought I'd have sympathy for someone like Miley Cyrus, but after knowing what her and likely most other actors as young kids go through, I barely even like watching movies anymore. Especially violent movies. They hold too much truth under the guise of entertainment.

Votescam ago

How about a few words outlining the 500 pages -- or a mini summation?

And/or -- how those who claim to have escaped the abuse did it?

Piscina ago

I will read this. When people talk about the 'Illuminati' are they talking about the Rothschilds? If so, how can these families abuse their own children, when abuse is a recipe for a dysfunctional, unhappy person who's not able to contribute to society or look after themselves? If they were abusing their own children, wouldn't the children be a total mess?

throwaway89209834 ago

When people talk about the 'Illuminati' are they talking about the Rothschilds?

They preface it with definitions and they say:

The Illuminati are 13 elite bloodlines which have maneuvered themselves into control over this planet. They lead double lives, one for society and a hidden one which is based on a gnostic luciferian philosophy which consists of lots of blood rituals

The 13 most prominent families basically, some may be disputable but this is the general list

If so, how can these families abuse their own children, when abuse is a recipe for a dysfunctional, unhappy person who's not able to contribute to society or look after themselves?

They claim that it is very systematic and, for bloodline victims, it must start from birth and be very specific methods styled to personality of the child even down to taking specific inherited genetic traits into consideration. Without a systematic and methodical approach to the abuse, the abuse would lead to what you call a total mess or what they would call unusable. They are basically engineering new compartmentalized personalities that are controllable an programmable through discreet cues and subconscious references to their abuse. And by abuse they are talking about things like killing another child in front of the other and telling them that it is their fault, rape, drugs, electro shock, heat/cold shock, depriving them of REM sleep, overwhelming or depriving their senses, making them eat shit or human meat. It is all very hard to summarize.

They claim that this scientific method of mind control originally comes from research of Josef Mengele's work in Nazi Germany, who was involved in the occult and mystery religions, and that he was allowed to continue it under Operation Paperclip which his work eventually lead to the CIA's MKULTRA program, which lead to the development of the methods of MONARCH programming.

fartyshorts ago

Nice summary! There's interviews with the woman who painted a lot of stuff for, I think it was, Heavy Breathing. She was ritually abused, and has like different 13 personalities that all paint in different styles. One of them frequently paints those horrible paintings of children being raped and tortured with floating copies of the children above them - that symbolizes the out-of-body experiences the victims will have during the most horrific abuse, which is when the mind really crumbles...

Supposedly you could play certain types of music during these rituals to be able to be able to trigger a personality switch later, for example.

klondike1412 ago

Illuminati was actually created by "1666 Sabbatai Zevi" who influenced Adam Weishaupt and the first Rothschild, who returned to Europe and implemented his plans. He advocated for Kabbalah Talmudic worship where "every Jew got closer to god by violating everything considered sacred or moral" and basically breaking every rule. For some reason, about half of the worlds Jewish population followed him. He advocated for taking back Israel which the Jewish people were cursed to never return to on penalty of extermination by their God, but of course he had to test that rule too.

Basically he set the seeds for the Zionist movement by sparking the Sabbatean-Frankist cult (this is the real boogeyman "Illuminati" top-tier cult) which included Weishaupt (original Illuminati) and the original Rothschild, and they worked to infiltrate the Freemasons (using Albert Pike). This all culminated in the WW1-WW2-WW3 plan for a Greater Israel.

21yearsofdigging ago

'Svali Speaks ' is good too

ArlenWilliams ago

Thank you. They forgot to list extra-long paragraphs in their list of mind-numbing tortures.

educate_yourself ago

Pawns in the game by william guy carr outlines the illuminati history and intentions pretty well. im finding it very useful in understanding current events. pizzagate, for example... could potentially be part of the catalyst that leads to an actual draining of the swamp but every time that has happened in the past 400 years it has been the illuminati bankers behind the plot or revolution and they come bearing gifts and ransack the country through debt and whatnot. funding cromwell and so on... idk good share though thanks

strix-varia ago

Here is a link to his other books:

Bloodlines of the Illuminati The one mentioned above and Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

DarkMath ago

Can you paste in the relevant references? I don't have time to look through 500 pages.

throwaway89209834 ago

Perhaps later I can go back and find the pages, I just feel that the worldcorp videos are either showing or trying to fake someone applying some of these method to a child. Seeing the child being terrified by something in a confined space, maybe with hot/cold water going, and flashing lights,yelling, it just seems to fit the bill for trying to overload a childs senses, instill fear and create a disassociative state in them. This appears to be a core requirement in the mind control programming. Also they show a child covered in what looks like feces/blood and the use of feces/blood is also a part of the abuse program.

Everyone is all focused on if that is JP or not and all I can think is "Am I watching someones real ritual mind control abuse?"

strix-varia ago

There are so many references. What in particular did you want to read about? Here is a small example from The Illuminati Formula Book mentioned above:

"For the Illuminati, the child's programming is planned by the Circle (another name for their organization) before it is born. From the Illuminati's perspective their plans involve generational spirits and positions within the hierarchy. The child is conceived according to their rituals, and the steps that that child will go through follows a well-thought out detailed regimen for programming it.

In contrast, the children from foster homes, or pedophiles do not receive the same regimen. Hierarchy slaves will in turn be used to program and train other hierarchy children, while CIA slaves and Mafia slaves and KKK slaves etc. will be discarded.

This is why a Presidential Model is "thrown from the Freedom Train [the name of the Monarch Program in the Underworld]". Women and men in the Illuminati will continue to help with the programming their entire lives.

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind-control."