equineluvr ago

You haven't fleshed out the details of the theory expressed in your title.

equineluvr ago

" would speculate The Cohen name is largely associated with B blood."

OF COURSE you would! That's because you know who the COHENS/KHANS are.

Enough of your "superiority" crap! I have encountered this before and can spot it a mile away.

How about this: Instead of "speculating" with a bunch of FLAWED dots, dig up some EVIDENCE to support your "speculation" that the Kohanim are largely associated with type B blood.

Even then, I would be MORE impressed if you listed your Haplogroup and genetic markers.

equineluvr ago

"It is speculated that Neanderthal man had "cat eyes", source: https://s23.postimg.org/jyvxr0xiz/Screen_Shot_2017_02_27_at_20_38_41.pngPNG

No, reread the passage. Neanderthal was not the one with the cat eyes..

minusco2 ago

Kublai Khan, the Mongol-ruler who founded the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368 AD) of China not only maintained correspondence with the Byzantine Greeks but hosted some of them at his court in Khanbaliq

Don-Keyhote ago

What's the basis for separating Hebrew and Arabic speakers

MasterLucifer ago

Hebrew is an Oriental language.

Don-Keyhote ago

Is that a fact.

MasterLucifer ago

What do you think?

Don-Keyhote ago

I think theyre both semitic from M.East which is a subfamily of the afro-Asiatic family. Language relationships are quite easy to prove by various comparative techniques. Is your idea that they came later and adopted the structure and vocabulary, reorganizing every word to fit the triliteral root system that characterizes semitic languages? Have you noticed "oriental" (not a term) languages have tones and do not resemble Hebrew in any way? Does the theory crumble without shoehorning Jews into it as others

MasterLucifer ago

Hmmmmm 日ユ同祖論 日猶同祖論

Don-Keyhote ago

Coloboma angle is great but you don't want one sloppy nonfact to undermine it

equineluvr ago

S/He won't let facts get in the way of "speculation!"

Anyway you slice it, it all winds up in the same place: Type B blood is "superior" because that's the blood type the poster has.

MasterLucifer ago

Ami-Shillony also describes a letter subsequently published by the same magazine, written by Elizabeth A. Gordon, a former lady-in-waiting to Queen Victoria who was also a prominent Christian Zionist. Gordon attempts to link Japan to British Israelism, particularly the view that the British royal family were of Israelite descent. Gordon was well known in Japan, where she was researching Shingon Buddhism, which, she claimed, had Christian origins. In her 1921 letter she adopted a "fantastic chain of reasoning" to prove that "the meeting between the Japanese and British crown princes signified the long-awaited reunion of Judah and Israel." Gordon had some influence at the time in Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese-Jewish_common_ancestry_theory

MasterLucifer ago

I was just saying things off the top of my head with the Oriental remark but I think the connection is legitimate and furthermore, I am interested to have the input of a linguist.

Don-Keyhote ago

Aramaic, the language of jesus, arabic, hebrew, back to the cradle of civilizAtion, all same folks. That's why their religions are all plagiarisms of each other

MasterLucifer ago

Leonard Cohen and MKULTRA — Military Mind Control at McGill

sponiatowski ago

Is it the reptilian eye they are interested in? That's not a good thing.

MasterLucifer ago

Where in my post is there any mention of reptilian?

sponiatowski ago

No where. However the "coloboma" can manifest as reptilian looking. There are photos and a couple look "reptilian". If you study the "reptilian shape-shifting" theorists on You Tube, you'll find child ritual sacrifice and pedophilia.

MasterLucifer ago

You are creating a diversion and I would appreciate it if you would consider stopping.

sponiatowski ago

A diversion from what? You're point is their interest in the coloboma. I connected the dots.

equineluvr ago

There you go again with that FLAWED graphic!!

We now know that gorillas are MEATEATERS


and Neanderthal was NOT an offshoot of Homo erectus! (Just to name a couple of mistakes.)

Don-Keyhote ago

How is it diverting to mention a much older theory than yours and utilizes similar research

MasterLucifer ago

Because of who is saying it, of course.