Fate0011 ago

I grew up with "2" people who have Colombomo, The ONLY thing it does....is screw with their vision.

This is the kind of shit....that "Makes us look crazy" and they're doing it on purpose to "Discredit" the pizzagate investigation.

Fate0011 ago

So I have a question I've read your entire article. Are you suggesting that (((They))) are doing "Genetic Testing" and "Blood Screening" of the 10's - 100's of thousands of children abducted / yr to look for certain genetic deficiencies? Is that what you are getting at? With the "2" people involved that have Colomboma? Your entire thesis of "Proof" circulates around the disappearance in 07' of Maddy, and Baby Caris right?

jangles ago

http://www.d.umn.edu/biology/documents/Shimmenti2.pdf Loss of pax6 expression results in increast pax2 expression _ Pedophilia only provides a portion of the return on the investment for those who traffic these children's for profits. Specific conditions like colomboma are known to have increased expression of genes and therefore a 'rich plasma' that has key peptides used for "promising anti-ageing factors" . sources ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4646464/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27509407/ )

Further the global biopharmaceuticals market was valued at US$ 162 Bn http://www.persistencemarketresearch.com/mediarelease/biopharmaceutical-market.asp

Fate0011 ago

So they're fucking "Vampires" now, is that what your trying to get at?

Is that where they get the ability to do the Kame-ha-me-ha wave as well?

Bro, people and irrational theories like yours. ARE what discredits this investigation. I think you know that, and I think it's intentional.

Also, corroborating another of my comments where I asked "Your Cuck Self" yesterday, if you thought (((They))) were doing genetic testing of the 10's-100's of thousands of children abducted. Your answer was "No". So what is it? They "Are"....as your new statement above. Or they "Are not" as per your statement yesterday. Wtf is it? Pharmaceuticals have NOTHING TO DO WITH PIZZAGATE! Another thing you just corroborated yet again, that you are trying to "Lump" every corrupt thing you find with "Pizzagate"

Look, I get it....your either a "Medifag" and your looking for a way to show "What you consider intelligence" to have input and try to help from your perspective. Or your a flat out payed shill.

Take that shit to another thread though....your clotting up PG with retarded nonsense. v/ConsipracyTheory v/Paranormal is --------------------> That'a way

Your retarded, and I pray to god that I never have you as a physician.

jangles ago

Expansion of kidney progenitor cells toward regenerative medicine Source archive Date: June 6, 2016

The method for inducing progenitor cells to make nephrons from human iPS cells was reported previously by Kumamoto University Professor Ryuichi Nishinakamura's research group in 2013, but a large number of precursor cells are required for regenerative medicine. Many researchers have tried to culture kidney progenitor cells, but these cells could only be kept for two to three days at most.

jangles ago

ARMI will favor 'their' 'teams' with proposals for the 'open calls' - the $ and friends are absurd. Regardless the intent is great, the source of their "raw materials" is in question.

BlueBloodNate ago

Organ Printing but what's the ink?

BlueBloodNate ago

Maybe we need to create alternatives to put a stop to this and also, with the new generation, things are changing. Despite the agenda of dumbing down as it were, I would say there has never been a more educated and brilliant youth.

carlofusilier ago

You're so right about the kids. The 8th graders today are so much more aware of what going on than I ever was at their age. I teach that grade right now, and politics are always an topic that comes up. I did not reach their level of interest in global affairs until way late high school. People whine and bitch about how dumb millennials are, but I have yet to see young kids more ready to ask the right questions and seek out the answers themselves. We are in good hands, as long as we fix the country for them. Ousting the shit show that was the Clinton-Bush elitist dynasty was a good first step I hope.

BlueBloodNate ago

Brilliant research.

BlueBloodNate ago

Through the Olfactory bulb. With is built with PAX6.

SickofRedditsShit ago

These theory is its for tracking purposes or because they can eat an organ that had DMT in it and people with that condition have larger ones.

BlueBloodNate ago

No. Maddie is a clone.

SickofRedditsShit ago

What makes you say that?

BlueBloodNate ago

Podesta, Skippy and Gene Modification https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/44836

SickofRedditsShit ago

A weird thing to send to Podesta..

BlueBloodNate ago

Iris coloboma and madeleine mccann investigators should watch Force Majeure episode of Millenium tv series from 1997 (pizzagate) submitted 1 month ago by basil999 I don't know enough details about the case to speculate but this episode seems to fit some of the details and it predates it. May 5 is mentioned in the episode as being important, Mccann was born May 12 dissapeared May 3, iris coloboma is involved, cloning of superior beings, both Madeleine's parents are physicians, lots of stuff that may be somehow related.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Jebby has same eye thing! Jake TapthePooper, has been defending Comet this whole time! His wife even said their favorite place to take their kids was Comet Ping Pong! Freaking Evil Rat Bastards!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

TY, I was hoping someone would explain that mutation, and why they need it. I think Soros is Madeline's father! Come on, same eye thing and Podestas took her for him!

carmencita ago

What causes the swelling and clouding of the eye with coloboma? Do you think it is caused by kidney disease?

BlueBloodNate ago

PAX6 gene dosage effect in a family with congenital cataracts, aniridia, anophthalmia and central nervous system defects. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7951315

carmencita ago

I am not a scientifically inclined person. This stuff is making my head explode. Ooph.

BlueBloodNate ago

We are all scientifically inclined, science means knowledge. Whatever conditioning to the contrary must be dropped!

You are a scientist, hence your presence here.

BlueBloodNate ago

Correction - not lyme.

BlueBloodNate ago

Lyme disease.

carmencita ago

Wow. That is a shocker. Thank you.

BlueBloodNate ago

My brain went there but I don't think I am correct.

derram ago

https://archive.is/VfgFN :

Tax Returns Show Jeb Bush Did Well After Being Governor | Time.com

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Jem777 ago